A Middlesex University resource by Andrew Roberts

Science and society booklist

Mental health (lunacy) booklist - Law list
Social Science Subject Index
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This is an index to all booklists on this site
Law and Parliamentary Papers lists are in date order

A - aaina - Abadía - Abel-Smith - Abbott - Abercrombie - Aboulafia - Abraham - Abrams - Academy of Social Sciences - Accounts (Lunacy) - Ackernecht - Acton - Adams - Adler - Adorno - Afiya Trust - Ahlqvist - Aiken - Ajandi - Albini - Alderidge - Aldrich - Alexander - Alexander - Ali - Alison - Alleged Lunatics Friend Society - Allen - Almog - Alpert - Althusser - Alty - Alumni - Amato - Amatrudo - Anderson - Andreski - Andrews - Aneshensel - Annual Register - Anonymous - Anshen - Aquinas - Archbold - Archer - archives - Arendt - Aries - Aristotle - Arlidge - Armes - Armstrong - Arnstein - Aron - Ashley - Ashwin - Archer - Armour - Ashworth - Asylum Journal - Asylum Magazine - Atkinson - Aulén - B - Babones - Bacon - Bachofen - Bahmueller - Bailey - Baker - Baldwin - Baldwinson - Ban - Bancroft - Bangay - Banks - Bankes - Banton - Barchard - Barham - Barker - Barnes - Barnhart - Baron - Barongo - Barrett - Bartlett - Barthes - Barton - Battersby - Battiscombe - Baudrillard - Bauman - BBC - Bean - Beccaria - Beck - Becker - Bedau - Beeforth - Beers - Beilharz - Beirne - Bell - Bell - Belloc - Benschop - Bentham - Beresford - Berger - Berggren - Berman - Bernard - Bernardi - Bernson - Bernstein - Berrington - Berrios - Berti - Bertrand - Best - Betts - Beystehner - Bhugra - Bible - Bilton - Biot - Bird - Black - Blackburn - Blackshaw - Blackstone - Blackwell - Blake - Blakemore - Blanc - Blanch - Bloch - Bloch - Bloomfield - Blumberg - Blumer - Boase - Bocock - Boddy - Bohman - Booth - Bolton - Borer - Borthwick - Bott - Bottomore - Bourdieu - Bourke - Bowker - Bowlby - Boyd - Boyers - Brackx - Bradley - Branfield - Bradshaw - Braithwaite - Briggs - Bristol - Bristol Womens Studies Group - British Psychological Society - British Social Attitudes Survey - British Sociological Association - Broadhurst - Brody - Brook - Brooker - Brosan - Brown - Browne - Bruce - Brydall - Bryman - Budd - Bulmer - Bulwer Lytton - Bunhill and beyond books - Burckhardt - Burgess - Burgoyne - Burke - Burke (Peerage) - Burman - Burrell - Burrows - Burt - Burton - Burton-Cartledge - Busby - Busfield - Butler - Button - Bynum - C - Caffrey - Calhoun - Calvin - Camic - Campaign for Social Science - Campbell - Cassells Household Guide - CAPS Consultation and Advocacy Promotion Service - Carlen - Carlyle - Carpenter - Carr - Carrabine - Carr-Saunders - Cartwright - Cassegard - Cassata - Cassirer - Castellino - Castells - Castles - Catlin - Cavadino - Cavagna - Census - Centre for Disability Research (CeDR) Centre for Law and Religion - Chadkirk - Chamberlayne - Chamberlin - Chambers - Chambers biographical - Chandler - Chaney - Chang - Charmaz - Charon - Chassot - Châtelet - Cheal - Checkland - Chesnais - Chesney-Lind - Childe - Childs - Choo - Choudhary - Churchill - Chryssides - Christie - Church - Clapham - Clark - Clarke - Clarkson - clergy lists - Clunn - Clyne - Cochrane - Cohen - Cole - Coles - Coleman - Coleridge - Collini - Collins - Collinson - Colvin - Comte - Condrau - Conolly - Connell - Cook - Cooke - Coole - Cooley - Coombs - Cooper - Cooter - Corby - Core Arts - Corre - Corston - Coser - Coutts - Coven - Cowper - Cox - Cragun - Craib - Crellin - Crenshaw - Cresswell - Crew - Crick - Crinson - Crimmin - Critcher - Crocket - Cromby - Crompton - Cronk - Crook - Crosby - Crossley - Crown Prosection Service - Cuff - Cullen - Culler - Curry - Cutler - Cultural Sociology - D - Dahl - Dahrendorf - Dain - Dalrymple - Daly - Daly - Danaher - Darrow - Darwin - Davar - Davidoff - Davidow - Davidson - Davies - Davis - Davison - Day - De Beauvoir - De Certeau - de Gouges - Delaney - Deleuze - Dellar - Delormier - Demie - Dench - Dennis - Denzin - Department for Education - Department of Health - Derrida - Descartes - Deutsch - Devereux - Dewey - Dictionaries - Dictionary of National Biography - Digby - Dietz - Dillon - Directories (addresses) - Discover Society - Dobash - Dobbs - Dod's Parliamentary Companion - Donnelly - Dörnyei - Douglas - Dowling - Downing - Doyal - Drever - Dronsfield - Dubeski - Duke - Duncan - Dunn-Toroosian - Durkheim - Durkin - Dutton - E - Easton - Edelson - Edsall - Ebo - Edgar - Eldridge - Einstein - Elliott - Ellis - Elwell - Encyclopedia - Engels - Ennis - Entwistle - Equality and Human Rights Commission - Equality Challenge Unit - Ernst - Esterson - Estop - Ettore - Euclid - Evans - Evelyn - Eysenck - F - Fagin - Fairclough - Falkenberg - Fancher - Farganis - Farquharson - Farr - Farrington - Faucher - Fauconnet - Faulkner - Fazel - Feinstein - Felluga - Fenton - Ferri - Ferrero - Feuerbach - Feyerbend - Fieser - Filmer - Finding - Fink - Finkelstein - Firestone - Firth - Fitzgerald - Fisher - Fitton - Flanagan - Fleischmann - Fletcher - Fleming - Flinn - Floud - Flynn - Fonnesu - Ford - Forster - Forsythe - FQS: Forum: Qualitative Social Research - Foucault - Fowler - Foyster - Frank - Franklin - Fraser - Frazer - Freeman - Freidson - Freire - Freud (Anna) - Freud (Sigmund) - Friedland - Friends Library Papers - Frisch - Frith - Fromm - Fulcher - G - Gaba - Gallagher - Galton - Galtung - Gamage - Gammage - Gard - Garfinkel - Garnham - Garofalo - Gaskell - Gash - Gault - Gaventa - Gdala - Geddes - Geismar - Gekkenkrant - Gelder - Gelsthorp - Gennep - Gentleman's Magazine - Gerbner - Gerrie - Gerth - Gibbens - Gibbs - Gibbon - Giddens - Gilbert - Gillard - Gilliat-Ray - Gillin - Gilmour - Gingrich - Ginsberg - Giallombardo - Gittins - Gladstone - Glaser - Glass - Godlee - Godwin - Goffman - Golden - Goldson - Gollaher - Golombok - Goodman - Goodwin - Gordon - Goring - Gouges - Gove - Gov.UK - Graham - Gramsci - Grattan-Guinness - Gray - Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People - Green - Greene - Griffin - Griffith - Grosz - Grotius - Guins - Gulbenkian Commission - Gur-Ze'ev - H - Habermas - Hackney - Hagell - Haidar - Haines - Hakim - Halbwacks - Hale - Halevy - Halfaker - Hall - Hallendorff - Halliday - Halliwell - Halsey - Hamilton - Hanmer - Hanneman - Hansard - Hanwell - Haralambos - Harding - Hardy - Hare - Hargrave - Harrington - Harris - Harrison - Hart - Hartmann - Hartog - Harvey - Hassan - Hauari - Hauser - Hauskeller - Hawkes - Hawkins - Hayek - Hayward - Health Archives - Health and Safety Executive - Hedgehog Review - Hegel - Heidelberg - Heidegger - Hekman - Held - Helps - Hendershott - Henderson - Hendrick - Hennis - Herbert - Herbst - Heron - Herrnstein - Hertz - Hervey - Hester - Hewer - Hiday - Hidden - Highmore - High Street - Hill - Hilton - Hillerbrand - Himmelfarb - Hindess - Hinshelwood - Hirsch - Hirschi - Hirst - History and Policy - History of Psychiatry - History Workshop Journal - Hitchcock - Hitler - HM Inspectorate of Prisons - Hobbes - Hobhouse - Hobsbawm - Hodder - Hodgkinson - Hoffman - Hoggart - Holland - Hollin - Hollingshead - Hollingsworth - Home Office papers - Honneth - Hooker - Hopkins Burke - Horkheimer - Hornstein - Horst - Horwitz and Scheid - Hostettler - Huber - Hubert - Hudson - Hufton - Hughes - Hunt - Hunter - Hume - I - Ibrahim - Ideas about Politics - Inglis - Ignatieff - Institute of Contemporary Arts International Atomic Energy Agency - - International Telecommunication Union - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Internet Journal of Criminology - Irwin - INVOLVE - Ito - J - Jack - Jackson - Jacobi - James - Jameson - Jansen - Jary - Jenkins - Jenks - Jenkusky - Jennett - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) - Joas - Johnson - Johnston - Jones - Jordan - Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Josephus - Journal - Judd - K - Kalathil - Kallberg - Kassler - Kant - Kariuki - Kaufmann - Keane - Keely - Kellner - Kent - Kershaw - Kessel - Keynes - Khan - KhosraviNik - Kilminster - King - Kiralfy - Kirby - Kirton - Kline - Knies - Knight - Kolakowski - Kornhauser - Kothare - Kraepelin - Kraft - Kral - Kraut - Kretchun - Kroes - Kring - - Kruger - Kuhn - Kumar - L - Labyrinth - Lacan - La Capra - Lafargue - Lafont - Laing - Lambert - Lancet - Laplanche - Larmour - Larousse - Lash - Laslett - Laurance - La Shure - Lawan - Lawletter - Law list (laws) - Law lists (lawyers) - Lea - Leach - Leacock - Leary - Lechte - Lee - Leff - LeFrançois - Leigh - Leland - Le Marchant - Leong - Lennon - Levi Strauss - Levin - Levine - Levitas - Levy - Lewis - Limmud - Liebling - Lindsey - Literary Gazette - Lizardo - Lloyd - Lloyd Thomas - Locke - Logan - Lomax - Lombroso - London Gazette - Long - Longhurst - Longmate - Lopez Ibor - Lord - Lord Chancellor's Office - Lovell - Low - Lowe - Lowes Dickinson - Lucas - Lukes - Lumley - Luria - Lusted - Lyon - Lyotard - M - Maca/Together - Macaulay - Macionis - MacIver - Mack - MacKenzie - Macpherson - MacRea - MacTutor - Magnello - Maguire - Maitland - Malinowski - Malos - Malson - Malthus - Mamay - Mandel - Manji - Mann - Manuel - Maqsood - Marcus - Marcuse - Marion - Maris - Markova - Marks - Marrow - Marsh - Marshall - Martellozzo - Martin - Martineau - Martnez Aleman - Marx - Massey - Mattock - Maudsley - Maus - Mauss - Mauthner - Mattock - Matczak - May - Maycraft Kall - Mazrui - Mbiti - McCarthy - McCarthy - McCrum - McCulloch - McDonald - McDougall - McGettigan - McIntosh - McKenzie - McKown - McLachlan - McLaughlin - McLean - McLellan - McLennan - McLoughlin - McLuhan - Meacher - Mead - Mechanic - medical directory - Medical Gazette - Medical History - Medico- Psychological Association - Medical Register - Medical Times - Medicine in Society - Melling - Mental After Care Association - mental health - Mental Health Task Force - mental health statistics - Mental Patients Union - Merton - Mestrovic - Mew - MI5 - Meyer - Meyers - Middlesex Record Office - Middleton - Miles - Miliband - Mill, J. - Mill, J.S. - Millar - Millard - Miller - Millham - Mills - Minamida - Mind: National Association for Mental Health - Mingins - Ministry of Health Papers - Mitchell - Mitford - Modood - Mold - Molesworth - Mommsen - Monro - Montagna - Moody - Mooney - Moore - Morea - Morel - Morgan - Morris - Morrison - Morse - Morton - Mosca - Mott - Mountz - Muhammad - Mulholland - Muller - Muncie - Munk - Murdock - Murphy - Myers - N - Nakamura - Namier - Napier - Nash - National Institute for Clinical Excellence - National Institute for Health Research - National Institute for Mental Health in England - National Institute for Mental Health (USA) - National Survivor User Network - Nature - Neate - Nelkin - Nelsy - Network - Neumann - Neustatter - Newbigging - Newburn - Newhaven Journeyman - New Left Review - New Scientist - Newsholme - New Society - Newton - NICE - Nicholls - Nicolson - Nietzsche - Nightingale - Nisbet - Noël-Hume - Norton - Northbrook - Nye - O - Oakley - O'Byrne - ODI: Overseas Development Institute - O'Connor - O'Donnell - O'Donoghue - OECD The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Oettingen - O'Farrell - Offe - Ogg - O'Hagan - Olympe de Gouges - ONS: Office for National Statistics - O'Neil - Open University - Opie - Orbach - Orcutt - Oru - Osborne - Outhwaite - Owen - Oxley - Oyekan - Oyovbaire - P - Packard - Pain - Paine - Palese - Pals - Pampel - Parekh - Pareto - Parizot - Park - Parka - Parkes - Parkinson - Parker - Parle - Parr - Parrot - Parry-Jones - Parsons - Parutis - Pateman - Paternoster - Patmore - Pavlov - Pearce - Pearson - Peay - Pecheux - Peel - Pembroke - Penny - PEP: Political and Economic Planning - Perceval - Personality Papers - Peterkin - Peterson - Pettit - Peukert - Pew Research Center Pfohl - Phil - Philpot - Phoenix Rising - Piaget - Piccinelli - Pickering - Piddock - Pierotti - Pike - Pilgrim - PINS - Pitts - Plarr - Plato - Plath - Platt - Plumb - Plummer - Polack - Pope - Popper - Popular Science Monthly - Portas - Porteous - Porter - Portsmouth - Postgate - Postone - powercube.net - Poynter. - PP: Parliamentary Paper - Price - Priestley - Prins - Prinzhorn - Procter - Proctor - P.S.S.L: Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London - Psychology in Society - Puffer - Punch - Pyle - Q - Quaker - Quaker Action on Alcohol and Drugs - Quennell - Quetelet - Quinn - Quran - Qureshi - Qvortrup - R - Radcliffe - Radcliffe-Brown - Radclyffe Hall - Radical Therapist - Radzinowicz - Rafter - Raine - Ramon - Rampton - Rawcliffe - Ray - Read - Reagan - Reaume - Redlich - Reich - Reiss - Rendall - Renedo - Renton - Renvoize - Rex - Reynolds - Ribière - Richards - Richardson - Richie - Rickert - Rider - Rigney - Riots 2011 - Rippon - Risman - Ritzer - Robbins - Roberts - Andrew Roberts - Robertson - Robey - Robinson - Rock - Rocquin - Roddy - Roe - Rogers - Roland - Roll - Rooke-Matthews - Rose - Rosenhan - Rosner - Ross - Rossi - Roth - Rough Times - Rousseau - Rowbotham - Rowntree - Roxan - Royal Academy - Royal College of Physicians - Royal College of Psychiatrists - Royal College of Surgeons - Royal Society - Rowntree - Rude - Ruggiero - Runes - Russell - Russo - Rutherford - Ryan - S - Sadan - Saint-Simon - Salih - Sanders - Sandler - Santoro - Sapouna - Sarbit - Sargant - Sargeant - Sartre - Saussure - Savage - Sayce - Scheff - Scheid and Brown - Schenk - Schermer - Scheuren - Schier - Schiller - Schneider - Schmidt - Schodt - Schrameijer - Schuerkens - Schulman - Schutze - Schroyer - Science - Scott - Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance - Scruton - Scull - Seabrook - Seah - Searle - Sedgwick - Seear - Segal - Seidman - Self - Seyer - Seymour - Shah - Shakes - Shalev - Sharp - Sharrock - Shaw - Shelford - Shelley, - Sheppard - Shoemaker - Shorter - Sica, - Sigel - Silva - Simmel - Simmons - Sinclair - Singer - Singleton - Sivanandan - Skalevag - Skinner - Smart - Smiles - Smith - Socarides - Social Perspectives Network - Social Policy Research Centre - Social Research Update - Sociological Society - Sociology - (Southwood) Smith - Southgate - Sorribes - Spandler - Spark - SparkNotes - Spearman - Spencer - Spender - Spitzer - Spock - Sprigge - Staddon - Stafford - Stanley - Standage - Starkman - State and Mind - Staum - Steene - Steinmetz - Steintrager - Stenton - Stephan - Stephenson - Stevens - Stewart - Stillinger - Stoddard - Stoler - Stolley - Stone - Stones - Stoppard - Storey - Strauss - Street - Strinati - Strong - Struik - Sturrock - Sullivan - Sumerscale - Sumner - Survivors History - Survivor Research - Survivors Speak Out - Sutherland - Suzuki - Swain - Swann - Swanson - Swartz - Sweeney - Sweetman - Swingewood - Szasz - Sztompka - T - Tajfel - Taking Part Survey - Talmon - Talmud - Taylor - Temps Modernes - Tezuka - Theimer - Theobald - Thomas - Thomassen - Thompson - Thomson - Thorlindsson - Thorne - Thornton - Thorpe - Thurnum - Tierney - Tighe - Tilley - Tilly - Times - Time Together - Timimi - Tipton - Titmuss - Toby - Tocqueville - Todd - Together - Tomalin - Tomasello - Tomlinson - Tönnies - Torrey - Touraine - Townsend - Trewin - Trivedi - Trevelyan - Trotsky - Tuck - Tuke - Turk - Turkle - Turner - Twomey - Ty - Tylor - Tyrer - Tyson - U - UK Data Service - United Nations - Untermeyer - Uprichard - Urban - V - Varenne - Vaughan - Veblen - Vertovec - Very Public Sociologist - Vincenzi - Vold - Votruba - Votes and Proceedings - Vultee - W - Wacquant - Wade - Wakefield - Walby - Wallcraft - Wallop - Walk - Walke - Walker - Walsh - Walters - Walthery - Walton - Ward - Warf - Warner - Warter - Wajsblum - Warnock - Watkin - Watkins - Watson - Webb - Weber - Webster - Week van de psychiatrie - Weil - Weiner - Weldon - Wellcome Library - Werrett - Wessendorf - West - White - Whitehead - Whitney - Whose Who - Wieviorka - Wiggans - Wikibooks - Wikinews - Wikipedia - Willcocks - Willetts - Williams - Willis - Willmott - Wilson - Wing - Winston - Winter - Wirth - Wise - Witcombe - Witheridge - Wolfensbergern - Wolff - Wolfreys - Wollstonecraft - Woodbridge - Woolf - Wordsworth - Wormuth - World Health Organisation - Worsley - Wright - Wundt - Wyse - Y - Yee - Yiannoullou - Young (Jock) - Young (Michael) - Yuhas - Yui - Z - Zald - Zaretsky - Zalta - Zedner - Zilboorg - Zimmern

aaina - a mental health advocacy newsletter
published in India

First four as pdfs

issues to 2008 as html

issue one: Volume 1, no.1. March 2001. Media and mental haealth. pdf -

issue two: Volume 1, no.2. July 2001. Ethics and practice. pdf offline

issue three: Volume 1, no.3. November 2001. Surviving institutional care. pdf offline

issue four: Volume 2, no.1. March 2002. Self help in mental health. - pdf offline

issue five: Volume 2, no.2. July 2002. A basic right to rehabilitation. - html online

issue six: Volume 2, no.3. November 2002.

November 2004. html online

Volume 7. No 3. November 2007 html online

March July 2008 html online

Oscar Moro Abadía 2002
Grupo de Prehistoria, Departamento de Ciencias Históricas, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

Abadía, O.M. "Towards a Definition of Time in Archaeology: French Prehistoric Archaeology (1850-1900)" Papers from the Institute of Archaeology. 13, pp.51-63. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/pia.181 . Published 15.11.2002.

Pamela Abbott 1947- and Claire Wallace 1956-
Pamela Abbott Director of the Centre for Equality and Diversity at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Claire Wallace Professor of Sociology at the University of Aberdeen

Abbott, P. and Wallace, C. 1990 An Introduction to Sociology : Feminist Perspectives London: Routledge.

Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace and Melissa Tyler
Melissa Tyler Lecturer in Organisation Studies at Loughborough University.

Abbott, P., Wallace, C and Tyler, M. 2005 (3rd edition) Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspectives London; New York: Routledge. xvii and 425 pages. [Second 1997]

Contents1. Introduction: Feminism and the sociological imagination; 2. Feminist Sociological Theory; 3. Stratification and Inequality; 4. Education; 5. The Life Course; 6. The Family and the Household; 7. Health, Illness and Medicine; 8; Sexuality; 9; Work and Organisation; 10. Crime, Deviance and Criminal Justice; 11. Politics; 12. Media Culture; 13. Feminist Knowledge

Nicholas Abercrombie 1944-, Stephen Hill and Bryan S. Turner

Abercrombie, N. and others 1984 The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 266 pages.

Abercrombie, N. and others 1988 The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology 2nd edition. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 320 pages.

Abercrombie, N. and others 1994 The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology 3rd edition. London: Penguin Books. 510 pages.

Abercrombie, N. and others 2000 The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology 4th edition. London: Penguin Books. 449 pages.

Mitchell Aboulafia

Aboulafia, Mitchell, 2008 "George Herbert Mead", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2009 edition, with minor corrections), Edward N. Zalta (editor), Available at
http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2009/entries/mead/ . First published Sunday 13.4.2008.

Joseph Hayim Abraham
Uncle of Isaac Hai (Jack) Jacob, 5.6.1908-26.12.2000
Worked for the Egyptian Educational Service from 1932 to 1951. From 1960 to 1965 he was Extension Lecturer in Sociology at the University of London. Head of Department of Social Science at the West Ham College of Technology from 1965 to 1968. In 1968 he was appointed to the Chair of Sociology at the University of Ghana.

Abraham, J.H. 1956 Pleasure and Morals 222 leaves. Thesis: (PhD) University of London.

Abraham, J.H. 1966 Teach Yourself Sociology Teach yourself books. London : English Universities Press viii and 216 pages: Diagrams.
Author's Preface
1: Sociology before Comte
2. Modern Sociological Theories
3. Scope and Methods of Sociology
4. Human Nature and Culture
5. Society
6. The Family and the State
7: Forms of Social Control:
Custom and Law
8. Social Decontrol, Change and Mobility
9. Sociology, Science and Philosophy

Abraham, J.H. 15.1.1970 "Technology, politics and value ... An inaugural lecture delivered on 15th January, 1970 at the University of Ghana, Legon". Accra: Ghana Universities Press, 1970. 22 pages.

Abraham, J.H. 1973 The Origin and Growth of Sociology. Penguin

Philip Abrams

Abrams, P. 1968 The Origins of British Sociology: 1834-1914: an essay by Philip Abrams with selected papers The heritage of sociology series. Chicago : University of Chicago Press,
Selected papers include one by Robert Giffen born 1837.

Academy of Social Sciences ASS
The United Kingdom Association of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences formed in 1982 gave rise to the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences incorporated 24.9.1999, which became the Academy of Social Sciences on 5.7.2007.

ASS 15.12.2000 Commission on the Social Sciences Notes from the meeting on 15.12.2000 by Ron Johnston. Secretary to the Commission.

ASS Lewis 2001 Paper by Jane Lewis: "The Fluctuating Fortunes of the Social Sciences since 1945". Purpose: to lead to a more definitive statement of how the UK social sciences have evolved in the last half century. Through that, we should be able to understand better the present situation. Status: a first draft summary designed to elicit comment. offline

ASS 15.12.2001 First archive website of Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences

ASS 30.3.2007 First archive website of Academy of Social Sciences

G. Scott Acton
Rochester Institute of Technology (New York)
Department of Psychology

Acton, G.S. 1998- (Editor) Personality Papers A peer-reviewed collection of students papers available at http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers.html

Acton, J. (Lord) 1895 Inaugural Lecture on the Study of History. Delivered at Cambridge, June 1895, reprinted in Lectures on Modern History, originally published 1906, page number from Fontana reprint 1960.

Freda Adler with Herbert Marcus Adler

Adler, F. and Adler, H.M. 1975 Sisters in Crime: The Rise of the New Female Criminal New York and London: McGraw-Hill
Contents: Prologue - Changing patterns - Female passivity: genetic fact or cultural myth? - The oldest and newest profession - Minor girls and major crimes - Women in Wonderland: the psychotropic connection - The link between opportunity and offense: race - The link between opportunity and offense: class - New crimes and old corrections - Ladies and the law - Epilogue-liberation and beyond. 287 pages

Theodor W. (Wiesengrund) Adorno 1903-1969 weblinks

Adorno, T.W. 1936 "Über Jazz" Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung

Adorno T.W. and Horkheimer, M. 1944 Philosophische Fragmente, von Max Horkheimer und Theodor W. Adorno. New York, Institute of Social Research [1944] ix, 319 pages [See Library of Congress catalogue]. Revised version 1947: Dialektik der Aufklärung: Philosophische Fragmente (Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosphical Fragments) Amsterdam : Querido. Translated into English 1972. Adorno T.W. and Horkheimer, M. 1944/1972 Dialectic of Enlightenment translated by John Cumming. New York: Herder, 1972; London: Allen Lane, 1973.
The Concept of Enlightenment
Excursus One: Odysseus or Myth and Enlightenment
Excursus Two: Juliette or Enlightenment and Morality
The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

Elements of Anti-Semitism: Limits of Enlightenment
Notes and Drafts

Adorno T.W. and Horkheimer, M. 1944/2002 Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments edited by Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, translated by Edmund Jephcott. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2002.

T.W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswick, D.J. Levinson and R.N. Sanford

Adorno T.W. and others 1950 The Authoritarian Personality American Jewish Committee.Social studies series, publication; no.3. New York: Harper. xxxiii, 990 pages

Adorno T.W. 1966 Negative Dialektik

Adorno T.W. 1966/1973 Negative Dialectics translated by E.B. Ashton, London: Routledge, 1973

Adorno T.W. 1966/2001 Negative Dialectics translated by Dennis Redmond 2001 available at http://members.efn.org/~dredmond/ndtrans.html

ndintro - nd1 - nd2 - nd3 - nd4 - nd5 - ndend -

Adorno T.W. 1967 Prisms

Adorno, T.W. 1991 The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture edited and with an introduction by J.M. Bernstein. London: Routledge
On the fetish character in music and the regression of listening
The schema of mass culture
Culture industry reconsidered
Culture and administration
Freudian theory and the pattern of fascist propaganda
How to look at television
Transparencies on film
Free time

Adorno, T. 1996/2000 Probleme der Moralphilosophie. Suhrkamp Verlag, 1996. translated by Rodney Livingstone as Problems of moral philosophy. Edited by Thomas Schröder. Cambridge, UK : Polity, 2000. viii and 224 pages

"nothing is more degenerate than the kind of ethics or morality that survives in the shape of collective ideas even after the World Spirit has ceased to inhabit them-to use the Hegelian expression as a kind of shorthand. Once the state of human consciousness and the state of social forces of production have abandoned these collective ideas, these ideas acquire repressive and violent qualities."

Afiya Trust 1997-
The Afiya Trust is a national charity that works to reduce inequalities in health and social care provision for people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. It was set up in 1997 to pioneer in addressing health inequalities for BME service users and carers and promote the health and wellbeing of BME communities. The Afiya Trust supports and maintains national and local networks concerned with the promotion of BME health and social care issues such as the National BME Mental Health Network, the National Black Carers and Carers Workers Network as well as projects on long term conditions such as cancer.

website - archive "Saved 76 times between October 23, 2005 and December 18, 2014" also http://www.afiya-trust.org - archive Saved 172 times between July 18, 2002 and September 2, 2014

Winter 2002 Afiya Trust Network Bulletin number 1

Summer 2003 Afiya Trust Network Bulletin number 2

Winter 2003 Afiya Trust Network Bulletin number 3

Toni Ahlqvist, Asta Bäck, Minna Halonen and Sirkka Heinonen

Ahlqvist, T.; Bäck, A., Halonen, M., Heinonen, S. 2008. Social media road maps exploring the futures triggered by social media. VTT Tiedotteita - Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus Resarch Notes 2454 Available at http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/tiedotteet/2008/T2454.pdf

See Subject Index Media - Social Media

Aiken, H.D. (Editor) 1956 The Age of Ideology. The Nineteenth Century Philosophers. New American Library

Mike Aiken

Aiken, M. "Reflexive Modernisation and the Social Economy" Studies in Social and Political Thought Centre for Social and Political Thought. Univesrity of Brighton. Issue 2 - March 2000. Available at http://www.sussex.ac.uk/cspt/1-6-1-2-2.html

Jennifer Ajandi

Ajandi, J. 2011 "Single Mothers by Choice": Disrupting dominant discourses of the family through social justice alternatives" International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (2011) 3 & 4: pages 410-431
Available at http://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ijcyfs/article/view/7757/2534

John Aldrich
University of Southampton

Aldrich, John, June 2005 Figures from the History of Probability and Statistics (Latest changes October 2012) Available at http://www.economics.soton.ac.uk/staff/aldrich/Figures.htm

Notes on the work of: Bayes - Edgeworth - Graunt - Markov - Rao - Bernoulli (Jakob) - Fechner - Huygens - von Mises - Savage- Bernoulli (Daniel) - Feller - Jeffreys - de Moivre - 'Student' - Boltzmann - de Finetti - Khinchin - Neyman - Tukey - Chebyshev - Fisher - Kolmogorov - Pascal - Wald - Cramér - Galton - Laplace - Pearson - Wiener - Doob - Gauss - Lévy - Quetelet - Yule

Joseph L. Albini

Albini, J.L. "Donald Cressey's Contributions to the Study of Organized Crime: An Evaluation" Crime & Delinquency July 1988 vol. 34 no. 3 338-354

Abstract: In this article, the author presents an evaluation of the contributions of Donald Cressey to the study of organized crime. Beginning with the early era of research into this area of study-the 1960's-the author discusses the methodological and other problems faced by Cressey and other researchers. Then he describes Cressey's model of organized crime structure and function, with the goal of examining the internal consistency of the model itself and evaluating the major issues and problems inherent in its heuristic utility for researchers and its usefulness for law enforcement.

Cecil Frances Alexander April 1818 - 12.10.1895

Alexander, C.F. 1848 Hymns for Little Children by the author of "The Baron's little daughter," etc.; set to music, with pianoforte accompaniment, by H.J. Gauntlett, M.D. London : W. Walker, St. Paul's Buildings, 28 Paternoster Row, E.C., Preface signed "J.K." [John Keble] dated "March 28, 1848".

Claire E. Alexander 2008 (Re)thinking 'gangs'. Runnymede perspectives. London : Runnymede Trust, 20 pages. Available online at http://www.runnymedetrust.org/uploads/publications/pdfs/Rethin kingGangs-2008.pdf

Jeffrey C. Alexander 1947-

Alexander, J.C. 1987 Twenty Lectures: Sociological Theory since World War II New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. Also published as Sociological Theory since 1945 London: Hutchinson Education, 1987

Shaheen Sardar Ali

Ali, S. S. 2008 Approaches to Teaching and Learning of Islamic Law: Sharing some national and international perspectives. UK Centre for Legal Education. Available from http://www.ukcle.ac.uk/resources/teaching-and-learning- strategies/islamiclaw/

Amy Allen

Allen, Amy, 2005 "Feminist Perspectives on Power", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (editor). Available at

Danielle S. Allen 1971

Allen, D. 2004 Talking to Strangers: Anxieties of citizenship since Brown v. Board of Education Chicago: University of Chicago Press, xxii and 232 pages.
Contents: Loss -- Little Rock, a new beginning -- Old myths and new epiphanies -- Sacrifice, a democratic fact -- Sacrifice and citizenship -- Why we have bad habits -- Imperfect democracy -- Imperfect people -- Imperfect pearls/imperfect ideals -- New democratic vistas -- Beyond invisible citizens -- Brotherhood, love, and political friendship -- Rhetoric, a good thing -- Epilogue: powerful citizens.

Allen, D. 15.4.2013 "The Art of Association: the formation of egalitarian social capital" Annual British Sociological Association/British Library Equality Lecture with Danielle Allen video of speech. A summary of published as "Bridging the divide between communities" in Network, Summer 2913 pp 14-15

Allen, Graham, 1963-

Graham, A. 2003 Roland Barthes Routledge critical thinkers. London ; New York : Routledge, 2003. xvi and 169 pages.
Contents. Why Barthes? - Key ideas - Writing and literature - Critical distance - Semiology - Structuralism - The death of the author - Textuality - Neutral writing: pleasure, violence and the novelistic - Music and photography - Camera Lucida: the impossible text - After Barthes.

Shmuel Almog

Almog, S. 2005 "Theorizing about Antisemitism, the Holocaust and Modernity" available at http://sicsa.huji.ac.il/modernity.html

Harry Alpert

Alpert, H. 1939 Emile Durkheim and his Sociology New York : Columbia University Press.
Alpert argues that one has to address the pressing issues of the day through a reinterpretation of the past rather than looking to the new or the novel. Focusing on the concepts of collective consciousness and representations, he calls for a reexamination of ideas about the Western relationship betweeen the individual and society.

Contents: Part 1 considers Durkheim, the individual.
Part 1 Emile Durkheim - Frenchman, teacher, sociologist: Rabbinical background and early schooling; ecole normale superieure - the revolt against dilettantism; ecole normale superieure - friends, professors, intellectual influences; towards a science of society; apprenticeship and debut; sociologist; citizen; teacher; pro patria mori; exegi monumentum.
Part 2 looks at the nature, method and scope of Durkheim's sociology with particular reference to Alpert's defence of causality.
Part 2 Durkheim's conception of the nature, method and scope of sociology: a natural science - causes, functions, becauses; objectivity - definitions and indexes; synthesis and specificity; co-operation; independence - realtional social realism; unity - sociology the corpus of the social sciences.
Part 3 focuses on the definitions of sociology from Durkheim's standpoint.
Part 3 Society, evolution, personality: society as unity - social solidarity; society as regulation - nomia, law ritual; society as expression - towards a sociologismic psychology.

1993 Reprinted with a new introduction by Stjepan G. Mestroviïc. Series: Modern revivals in sociology. Aldershot : Gregg Revivals, 233 pages

Peter Alter

Alter, P. 3.1980 "The Royal Society and the International Association of Academies 1897-1919" Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London Vol. 34, No. 2 (March 1980), pp. 241-264 London: The Royal Society. Available at http://www.jstor.org/stable/531810

Louis Althusser
weblinks - wikipedia - archive at marxists.org
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - generation online - works

25.2.1956 Nikita Khrushchev's report "On the Personality Cult and its Consequences" to a closed session of the 20th Party Congress

Althusser, L. 1963 "Marxisme et humanisme" Cahiers de l'Institut des Sciences économique Appliquées 20 (1964): pp 109-133; translated as "Marxism and Humanism" by Ben Brewster in For Marx

Althusser, L. 1965/1969 For Marx First published: in 1965 as Pour Marx by François Maspero, S.A., Paris. In English in 1969 by Allen Lane, The Penguin Press; Translated: by Ben Brewster.

Althusser & Balibar 1965/1970 Reading Capital Two essays, one by Althusser, the other by Étienne Balibar, which were presented as papers to a seminar on Marx's "Capital" at the Étiennecole Normale Supétiennerieure in 1965...' - London NLB. Originally published in two vols as Lire Le Capital Paris: Maspero, 1965

Althusser Glossary 1969 Althusser Glossary 1969 Written and translated: 1969 by Ben Brewster, with Althusser's interpolations indicated by [square brackets] and entries marked * taken from the later glossary included with Reading Capital in 1970. Available at http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/althusser/glossary.htm

Joseph A. Amato
Professor Emeritus of History at Southwest State University in Marshall, Minnesota.

Amato, J.A. 2008 "The Young Stephen Tonsor: Teacher, Historicist, and Conservative" Modern Age Volume 50, No. 2 Spring 2008.
Includes a description of
Joseph Ward Swain's approach to history

Anthony Amatrudo

Amatrudo, A. 1996 "The Nazi Censure of Art: Aesthetics and the Process of Annihilation" in Sumner, C. 1996

Amatrudo, A. 2009 Criminology and Political Theory Los Angeles; London: Sage. ix and 165 pages

Amatrudo, A. 2010 "Adolphe de Quetelet" in Hayward, K., Maruna, S. and Mooney, J. 2010

Anthony Amatrudo and Fritz Wefelmeyer

Amatrudo, A. and Wefelmeyer, F. 2011/2012 "National Socialist Law and the Censuring of Modernist Culture, Art and Literature" 25th IVR World Congress: Law, Science and Technology 15.8.2011 to 20.8.2011 Publisher: Goethe-University. Frankfurt am Main. Conference Proceedings published 2012. Available at http://publikationen.stub.uni- frankfurt.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/24902

John Jacob Anderson 30.9.1821-14.3.1906

Anderson, J.J. 1870 A Manual of General History - Being an outline history of the world from the creation to the present time. Published 1870 by Clark & Maynard in New York . 419 pages. Available at https://archive.org/details/manualofgeneralh01ande

Stanislav Andreski
University of Reading

Andreski, S. 1971 Herbert Spencer: Structure, Function and Evolution. Edited with an introductory essay. Nelson

Andreski, S. 1974 The Essential Comte Croom Helm

Carol S. Aneshensel and Jo C. Phelan

Aneshensel, C.S. and Phelan, J.C. 1999 (Editors) Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health Handbooks of sociology and social research. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999. 628 pages
Summary "This handbook describes ways in which society shapes the mental health of its members, and shapes the lives of those who have been identified as mentally ill. The text explores the social conditions that lead to behaviors defined as mental illness, and the ways in which the concept of mental illness is socially constructed around those behaviors. The book also reviews research that examines socially conditioned responses to mental illness on the part of individuals and institutions, and ways in which these responses affect persons with mental illness. It evaluates where the field has been, identifies its current location and plots a course for the future."
One: Introduction: Alternative Understandings of Mental Health.
1. The Sociology of Mental Health: Surveying the Field; C.S. Aneshensel, J.C. Phelan.
2. Mental Illness in a Multicultural Context; P. Agbayani-Siewert, et al.
3. Mental Illness as Psychiatric Disorder; M. Livingstone Bruce.
4. The Sociological Study of Mental Illness: A Critique and Synthesis of Four Perspectives; A.V. Horwitz.
Two: Observing Mental Health in the Community.
5. Issues in Mental Health Assessment; G.E. Switzer, et al.
6. Analysing Associations between Mental Health and Social Circumstances; J. Mirowsky.
Three: The Social Distribution of Mental Illness.
7. Overview of Descriptive Epidemiology of Mental Disorders; R.C. Kessler, S. Zhao.
8. Social Class; Y. Yu, D.R. Williams.
9. Race, Ethinicity and Culture in the Sociology of Mental Health; T.N. Brown, et al.
10. Mental Disorder in Late Life: Exploring the Influence of Stress and Socioeconomic Status; N. Krause.
11. Splitting the Difference: Gender, the Self, and Mental Health; S. Rosenfield.
12. Family Status and Mental Health; D. Umberson, K. Williams.
13. Work and Mental Health; M. Tausig.
Four: Social Antecedents of Mental Illness.
14. Social Stress; B. Wheaton.
15. Social Integration and Support; R.J. Turner, J.B. Turner.
16. Social Stratification and Inequality; J.D. McLeod, J.M. Nonnemaker.
17. Self, Identity, Stress, and Mental Health; P.A. Thoits.
18. The Sense of Personal Control: Social-Cultural Causes and Emotional Consequences; C.E. Ross, J. Sastry.
19. The Stress Process Revisited: Reflections on Concepts and Their Interrelationships; L.I. Pearlin.
20. Social Transmission in Acute Somatoform Epidemics; W.W. Eaton.
Five Social Consequences of Mental Illness.
21. The Social Dynamics of Responding to Mental Health Problems: Past, Present, and Future Challenges to Understanding Individuals' Use of Services; B.A. Pescosolido, et al.
22. Mental Health Services and Systems; M.F. Polgar, J.P. Morrissey.
23. Labeling and Stigma; B.G. Link, J.C. Phelan.
24. Impact of Mental Illness on the Family; W.R. Avison.
Six: Institutional Contexts of Mental Illness.
25. Mental Hospitals and Deinstitutionalization; G.W. Dowdall.
26. Instituting Madness: The Evolution of a Federal Agency; S.A. Kirk.
Seven: Social Continuities.
27. Life Course Perspectives on Mental Health; L.K. George.
28. Mental Illness as a Career: Sociological Perspectives; C.S. Aneshensel.

Ruth Nanda Anshen 14.6.1900 - 2.12.2003

See biography by Susan Wyckoff in the Jewish Women Encyclopedia

Anshen, R.N. 1949 (Editor) The Family: Its Function and Destiny. New York: Harper: Science of Culture Series volume 5. 443 pages.
Contents: 1 The patterns:
"The family in transition" by R. N. Anshen.
"The natural history of the family" by Ralph Linton.
"The family in Islam" by Arthur Jeffery.
"The family in China" by F. L. K. Hsu.
"The family in India" by David Mandelbaum.
"The family in Russia" by Maurice Hindus.
"The family in Latin America" by Arturo Torres-Rioseco.
"The Negro family" by E. F. Frazier.
"The family: genus Americanum" by Ruth Benedict
Contents: 2 The structure:
"The Social structure of the family" by Talcott Parsons.
"The emotional structure of the family, by Therese Benedek.
"Social structure and anomie: Revisions and extensions" by R. K. Merton.
"The facts of life" by F. W. Notestein.
"Education and the family: certain unsolved problems" by K. N. Llewellyn.

Anshen, R.N. 1959 (Editor) The Family: Its Function and Destiny. New York: Harper: Science of Culture Series volume 5. 538 pages. Revised edition 1959
Contents: 1 The patterns:
1. "The family in transition" by R. N. Anshen.
2. "Parent and child in primitive mythology" by Paul Radin
3. "The natural history of the family" by Ralph Linton.
4. "The family: genus Americanum" by
Ruth Benedict
5. "The negro family in America" by E. Franklin Frazier.
6. "The family in Latin America" by Arturo Torres-Rioseco.
7. "The Russian family: Old style and new" by Philip E. Mosely
8. "The family in China: The Classical Form" by Francis L. K. Hsu.
9. "The family in China: The People's Republic" by Morton H. Fried
10. "The family in India" by David Mandelbaum.
11. "The family in negro Africa" by Paul and Lara Bohannan"
12. "The family in Islam" by Arthur Jeffery.
Contents: 2 The structure:
13. "The social structure of the family" by Talcott Parsons.
14. "Social structure and anomie - Revisions and extensions" by Robert K. Merton
15. "Religious values" by Arthur J. Swift
16. "Education and the family" by Karl N.Llewellyn
17. "The emotional structure of the family, by Therese Benedek.
18. "Authoritarianism and the family" by Max Horkheimer
19. "Sex and character" by Erich Fromm
20. "The Oedipus complex and the Oedipus myth" by Erich Fromm
21. "The crisis of the modern couple" by Denis de Rougemont
22. "Housing and the family" by Charles Abrams and John P. Dean
23. "The family: Conveyance of tradition" by Paul Schrecker
24. "The conservation of family values" by Ruth Nanda Anshen

Thomas Aquinas weblinks

Aquinas/Summa Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. Available at http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0023/_P1.HTM

Louise Archer 1973-
King's College, London

Louise Archer, Sumi Hollingworth and Anna Halsall

Archer, L, Hollingworth, S. and Halsall, A. 4.2007 "`University's not for Me - I'm a Nike Personï: Urban,Working-Class Young Peopleïs Negotiations of `Style', Identity and Educational Engagement" Sociology April 2007.

Based on a two year (dates not given) longitudinal study of 53 pupils, aged 14-16, of six London schools "identified by their schools as at risk of dropping or drifting away from education".

Archer, L, Hollingworth, S. and Halsall, A. 2010 Urban Youth and Schooling: The experiences and identities of educationally 'at risk' young people Maidenhead, Berkshire, England ; New York : Open University Press 2010

See Subject Index Education

Hannah Arendt 1906-1975.

Arendt, H. 1951 The Origins of Totalitarianism New York : Harcourt Brace. Contents: Antisemitism as an outrage to common sense - The Jews, the nation-state, and the birth of antisemitism - The Jews and society - The Dreyfus Affair - The political emancipation of the bourgeoisie - Race-thinking before racism - Race and bureaucracy - Continental imperialism: the pan-movements - The decline of the nation- state and the end of the rights of man - A classless society - The totalitarian movement - Totalitarianism in power - Ideology and terror: a novel form of government.

Philippe Ariès 1914-1984

Ariès, P. 1960 L'enfant et la vie familiale sous l'Ancién Regime - Paris: Plon, 1960. Published in English as Centuries of Childhood London: Cape, 1962. Republished (English, paperback) Penguin Education, 1973 and in Peregrine Books, 1979.

Aristotle weblinks

Aristotle's works by Bekker numbers (taken from Wikipedia)

"The following list is complete. The titles are given in accordance with the standard set by the Revised Oxford Translation. Latin titles, still often used by scholars, are also given. Disputed works are marked by *, and ** marks a work generally agreed to be spurious."

Logic (Organon)

1a Categories (or Categoriae)
16a: De Interpretatione ("On Interpretation")
24a: Prior Analytics (or Analytica Priora)
71a Posterior Analytics (or Analytica Posteriora)
100a Topics (or Topica)
164a Sophistical Refutations (or De Sophisticis Elenchis)

Physics (the study of nature)

184a Physics (or Physica)
268a On the Heavens (or De Caelo)
314a On Generation and Corruption (or De Generatione et Corruptione)
338a Meteorology (or Meteorologica)
391a On the Universe** (or De Mundo)
402a On the Soul (or De Anima)

The Parva Naturalia ("Little Physical Treatises"):

436a Sense and Sensibilia (or De Sensu et Sensibilibus)
449b On Memory (or De Memoria et Reminiscentia)
453b On Sleep (or De Somno et Vigilia)
458a On Dreams (or De Insomniis)
462b On Divination in Sleep (or De Divinatione per Somnum)
464b On Length and Shortness of Life (or De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae)
467b On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration (or De Juventute et Senectute, De Vita et Morte, De Respiratione)
481a On Breath** (or De Spiritu)
486a History of Animals (or Historia Animalium)
639a Parts of Animals (or De Partibus Animalium)
698a Movement of Animals (or De Motu Animalium)
704a Progression of Animals (or De Incessu Animalium)
715a Generation of Animals (or De Generatione Animalium)

Minor works:

791a On Colors** (or De Coloribus)
800a On Things Heard** (or De audibilibus)
805a Physiognomonics** (or Physiognomonica)
815a On Plants** (or De Plantis)
830a On Marvellous Things Heard** (or De mirabilibus auscultationibus)
847a Mechanics** (or Mechanica)

859a Problems* (or Problemata)
Minor works:
968a On Indivisible Lines** (or De Lineis Insecabilibus)
973a The Situations and Names of Winds** (or Ventorum Situs)
974a On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias**


980a Metaphysics (or Metaphysica)

Ethics and politics

1094a Nicomachean Ethics (or Ethica Nicomachea)
1181a Magna Moralia* ("Great Ethics")
1214a Eudemian Ethics (or Ethica Eudemia)
1249a On Virtues and Vices** (or De Virtutibus et Vitiis Libellus)
1252a Politics (or Politica)
1343a Economics* (or Oeconomica)

Rhetoric and poetics

1354a Rhetoric (or Ars Rhetorica)
1420a Rhetoric to Alexander** (or Rhetorica ad Alexandrum)
1447a Poetics (or Ars Poetica)

Aristotle/Metaphysics Metaphysics Translated by W. D. Ross

Aristotle/Politics Politics Translated by Benjamin Jowett 1885. [Oxford 1905 with an introduction and analysis by H.W.C. Davis]

David Armstrong
Unit of Sociology, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London, SEl,
King's College London, Primary Care and Public Health, Faculty Member

Armstrong D. 1984 "The Patient's View" Social Science and Medicine, 18, 737-44

See Subject Index Consumers' voice

Michael Armstrong and Angela Baron

Armstrong, M. and Baron, A. 1998 Performance Management: The New Realities Institute of Personnel and Development.

Sherry R. Arnstein born 11.1.1929 New York - died 19.1.1997 Washington, D.C.
Phyllis Sherry Rubin, daughter of Bernard Rubin (born Russia) and Lucille Goldstein (born Frnce). Married George Ernest Arnstein 22.6.1951 - Los Angeles, California. Sherry Rubin Arnstein.
Grew up in California and graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles. Initially a caseworker with the Alameda County Juvenile Court. Moved to Washington in 1955, where she received a master's degree in communications from American University. In the early 1960s, she was a special assistant to the assistant secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, where she planned a federal strategy to desegregate the nation's hospitals. She led a racially integrated team to the deep South in 1963 to test compliance techniques, and she later trained team leaders for comparable compliance visits elsewhere in the country.

Arnstein, S.R. 1969 "A Ladder of Citizen Participation," AIP Journal Volume 35, No. 4, July 1969, pp. 216-224. Available at https://www.planning.org/pas/memo/2007/mar/pdf/JAPA35No4.pdf

Raymond Aron 14.3.1905 - 17.10.1983
Professor of Sociology at the Sorbonne 1955-1970.

"Aron was hostile to the tradition of French sociological thought associated with the work of Comte and Durkheim. He fought against the Durkheimian tendency, which he called 'sociologism', to explain everything sociologically. Aron argued that this totalising attitude was mirrored by a form of political totalitarianism. He insisted that sociology explains a discretely limited aspect of social reality and that the spheres of social science and political action should be kept rigorously separate." (Robbins, D. 2010)

Aron, R. 1960 Les grandes doctrines de sociologie historique Paris : Centre de documentation universitaire, 1961-1962. Sociologie; Les Cours de Sorbonne.
Volume One: Montesquieu. Auguste Comte. Karl Marx. Alexis de Tocqueville. Les sociologues de la Révolution de 1848
Volume Two: Émile Durkheim. Vilfredo Pareto. Max Weber.

Translated from the French by Richard Howard and Helen Weaver as Main Currents in Sociological Thought Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965- 1968

Aron, R. 1967 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Penguin edition.
Volume One: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Comte, Marx.
Volume Two: Pareto, Weber, Durkheim.

Clive Ashwin

Ashwin, A. 1982 A Century of Art Education 1882-1982 London: Middlesex Polytechnic. 59 pages, illustrated. Published to accompany an exhibition to mark the centenary of the foundation of Hornsey School of Art, held at the New Gallery, Hornsey Library March 9-April 3 1982.

Will Atkinson

Atkinson, W. 2012 "Reproduction revisited: Comprehending Complex Education Trajectories", The Sociological Review Vol 60, issue 4, pp.735-750

Gustaf Emanuel Hildebrand Aulén 15.5.1879 - 16.12.1977
Bishop of Strängnäs in the Church of Sweden, a theologian

Aulén, G. 1930/1931 Den kristna försoningstanken [The Christian Idea of Reconciliation]. Translated into English by A. G. Herbert as Christus Victor. An historical study of the three main types of the idea of the Atonement

Salvatore Babones
Department of Sociology & Social Policy, The University of Sydney, Australia

Babones, S. 2015 "Interpretive Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences" Sociology May 2015.
Abstract Quantitative social science has long been dominated by self-consciously positivist approaches to the philosophy, rhetoric and methodology of research. This article outlines an alternative approach based on interpretive research methods. Interpretative approaches are usually associated with qualitative social science but are equally applicable to the analysis of quantitative data. In interpretive quantitative research, statistics are used to shed light on the unobservable data generating processes that underlie observed data. Key tenets of interpretive quantitative methodology are the triangulation of research results arrived at by analysing data from multiple perspectives, the integration of measurement and modelling into a more holistic process of discovery and the need to think reflexively about the manner in which data have come into existence. Interpretive quantitative research has the potential to yield results that are more meaningful, more understandable and more applicable (from a policy standpoint) than those achieved through conventional positivist approaches

Francis Bacon 1561-1626

Bacon, F. 1620 Novum Organum: or, True Directions for the Interpretation of Nature Available at http://www.constitution.org/bacon/nov_org.htm

Bacon, F. 1853 The Physical and Metaphysical Works of Lord Bacon, including his Dignity and Advancement of Learning, in nine books; and his Novum Organum; or, Precepts for the Interpretation of Nature By Joseph Devey, M.A. London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. 1853. Available at http://www.archive.org/details/physicalandmetap032707mbp

Johann Jakob Bachofen 1815-1887 weblinks

Walter Ritter von Baeyer (28.5.1904-26.6.1987), Heinz Häfner and Karl Peter Kisker
Baeyer was born in Munich 28.5.1904. From 1955 to 1972 he was in charge of the University of Heidelberg's Psychiatric Hospital. The hospital's web history describes him as giving research at Heidelberg an anthropological orientation. He examined a large number of Jewish patients who had survived the concentration camp and later developed psychiatric symptoms. He died in Heidelberg 26.6.1987.

Baeyer, W.R., Häfner, H. and Kisker, K.P. 1964 Psychiatrie der Verfolgten : psychopathologische und gutachtliche Erfahrungen an Opfern der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung und vergleichbarer Extrembelastungen (Psychiatry of the persecuted: psychopathological and expert experiences of victims of National Socialist persecution and similar extreme situations) Bern: Springer-Verlag, xii and 397 pages

Bahmueller, C.F. 1981 The National Charity Company. Jeremy Bentham's Silent Revolution

Roy Bailey

Bailey, R. and Young, J. 1973 Contemporary Social Problems in Britain. DC Heath, Farnborough.

Maureen Baker

Baker, M. 2007 Choices and Constraints in Family Life Series: Themes in Canadian sociology. Second edition 2010. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press. viii and 244 pages. Contents 1. Conceptualizing Families; 2. Forming Relationships; 3. Cohabitation and Marriage; 4. Child-bearing, Child-rearing, and Childhood; 5. Household Work and Money; 6. Separation, Divorce, and Re-partnering; 7. Midlife, Aging, and Retirement (New in 2010); 8. Constraints on Personal Choices;

Tony Baldwinson

Baldwinson, T. 2012 Unacknowledged Traces: Exploring through photographic records the self-organisation of disabled people in England from the 1920s to the 1970s Manchester: TBR Consulting, 2012. 168 9780957260627 (pbk.)

Based on a thesis submitted to the University of Sunderland, UK, for the degree of Master of Philosophy, March 2012" Held At University of Sunderland. Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Disability Studies 2004 - 2012. Awarded (March 2012): Thesis: "Unacknowledged Traces: a history of photography and disabled people in England, 1920s-1970s"

"This research is dedicated to: Kevin Hyett (1958 - 2004) disabled activist and photographer; and Ken Lumb (1941 - 2009) disabled activist, painter and writer".

Baldwinson, T. 11.2016 "Disabled peoples organisations and archives draft/

Subject index: disability

John Henry Jeffries Bancroft 1936-

Bancroft, J.H. 1983 Human Sexuality and its Problems Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone . [John Bancroft with the assistance of Philip Myerscough. Foreword by Gunter Schmidt]. xii and 447 pages
"An account of the determinants of human sexuality including sexual development, anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and endocrinology of sexual behaviour in addition to sociological and psychological aspects."

Second edition: 1989 Third edition: 2009

Contents of third edition: Introduction -- Models of human sexuality: the role of theory -- Sexual differentiation and the development of gender identity -- Sexual arousal and response - the psychosomatic circle -- Sexual development -- Heterosexuality -- Sexuality and ageing -- Homosexuality and bisexuality -- Sexual variations -- Transgender, gender non-conformity and transvestism -- The nature of problematic sexuality -- Helping people with sexual problems: assessment and treatment options -- Sexual aspects of medical practice -- HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections -- Sexual aspects of fertility, fertility control and infertility -- Sexual offences.

"continues to address the neurophysiological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of human sexuality and how they interact".

Cyndi Banks

Banks, C. 2004 Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and practice Thousand Oaks, California; London: Sage. ii and 305 pages
Chapter 1: The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice
Chapter 2: Ethics and the Police
Chapter 3: Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System
Chapter 4: Lawyers and Ethics
Chapter 5: The Purpose of Criminal Punishment

Chapter 6: Ethics in Corrections
Chapter 7: The Ethics of Criminal Justice Policy Making
Chapter 8: Ethics and the "War on Terrorism"
Chapter 9: Duty and Principle
Chapter 10: Considering the Consequences
Chapter 11: The Importance of Character
Chapter 12: Egoism, Pleasure, and Indifference
Chapter 13: A Sense of Justice
Chapter 14: Caring for Others

Joseph Ambrose Banks 5.1.1920 - 13.11.2005
Joe Bamks

Banks J. A. 1.1967 "The British Sociological Association: the first 15 years" Sociology, Volume 1, issue 1, January 1967, pp 1-9

Michael Banton
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Bristol.

Banton, M. 2007 "Weber on Ethnic Communities: A critique", Nations and Nationalism 13 (1), pp 19-35.

ABSTRACT: An untitled draft found among Weber's posthumous papers was published. In English translation it was given the title 'Ethnic Groups'. In the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe it is titled 'Ethnic Communities'. In this manuscript, Weber treated the feeling of belonging together because of shared ethnic origin as a social construct, underlain by a desire to monopolise power and status. Subsequently, Weber determined to put an end to the use of collectivist concepts, but at the time of writing he treated groups as real entities, instead of using the concept of group as an aid in the explanation of behaviour. The causal connections in ethnic group formation and maintenance have been more closely identified in subsequent sociological analysis

See Subject Index Community and Ethnicity

Adam Barnhart

Barnhart A, D. 1994 Erving Goffman: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life http://www.cfmc.com/adamb/writings/goffman.htm - (archived at http://web.archive.org/web/20041123024352/http://www.cfmc.com/ adamb/writin gs/goffman.htm)

Yolamu Barongo

Barongo, Y. 1983 (Editor) Political Science in Africa. A Critical Review Zed Books

Michéle Barrett 1949-

Barrett, M. 1980 Women's Oppression Today: Problems in Marxist Feminist Analysis London: NLB. 269 pages.

Michéle Barrett and Mary McIntosh

Barrett, M and McIntosh, M 1982 The Anti-social Family London: NLB. 164 pages - Second edtion London: Verso, 1991. 176 pages.
explores "the personal and social needs that the family ideally meets but more often denies".

Barrett, M. 1998 "Stuart Hall" in Stones, R. 1998 pages 266-278

Roland Barthes 1915-1980 weblinks
offline bibliography - online
Roland Barthes was born in 1915 and studied French literature and classics at the University of Paris. After teaching French at universities in Romania and Egypt, he joined the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, where he devoted himself to research in sociology and lexicology. He was a professor at the the College de France until his death in 1980.

Sources about Bathes:
Terence Hawkes
1979 John Sturrock Structuralism and Since
1983/2002 Jonathan Culler
1993 John Storey on popular culture
1994: John Lechte
1995: Andrew Stafford
1995/2004 Dominic Strinati (theories of popular culture)
1997 Stuart Hall (Representation)
2000 Mike O'Donnell
2002/2010 Mireille Ribière
2003 Graham Allen

Barthes, R. 1953/ 1990 Le Degré zéro de l'écriture, translated into English by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith as Writing Degree Zero, (New York: Hill and Wang, 1990.

Barthes, R. 1954 Michelet par lui-même

Barthes, R. 1957/ 1972 Mythologies Seuil: Paris 1957. Selections translated into English by Annette Lavers as Mythologies, Cape: 1972.

In French fifty-four articles written between 1952 and 1956, mainly for the left-wing magazine Les Lettres nouvelles, followed by a retrospective theoretical article "Le mythe aujourd'hui" (Myth today). Part One: Mythologies and Part Two Le mythe aujourd'hui (Myth today). Twenty-eight of the articles are translated in the English edition.
MYTHOLOGIES: The World of Wrestling - The Romans in Films - The Writer on Holiday - The 'Blue Blood' Cruise - Blind and Dumb Criticism - Soap- powders and Detergents - The Poor and the Proletariat - Operation Margarine - Dominici, or the Triumph of Literature - The Iconography of the Abbé Pierre - Novels and Children - Toys - The Face of Garbo - Wine and Milk - Steak and Chips - The Nautilus and the Drunken Boat - The Brain of Einstein - The Jet-man - The Blue Guide - Ornamental Cookery - Neither-Nor Criticism - Striptease - The New Citroën - Photography and Electoral Appeal - The Lost Continent - Plastic - The Great Family of Man - The Lady of the Camellias.
MYTH TODAY: Myth is a type of speech - Myth as a semiological system - The form and the concept - The signification - Reading and deciphering myth - Myth as stolen language - The bourgeoisie as a joint-stock company - Myth is depoliticized speech - Myth on the Left - Myth on the Right - Necessity and limits of mythology

Barthes, R. 1961/1985 "The Photographic Message." 1961. Translated by Richard Howard. The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art, and Representation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985

Barthes, R. 1964/1967 "Éléments de sémiologie" Communications 4, Seuil: Paris 1964. Translated into English by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith as Elements of Semiology. London. Cape. 1967

Barthes, R. 1964 Essais critiques éditions du Seuil, Paris

Barthes, R. 1967/1983 Système de la mode Editions du Seuil: Paris 1967. Translated into English by Matthew Ward and Richard Howard as The Fashion System, New York : Hill and Wang, 1983 {London, Cape 1985).

Barthes, R. 1972 Nouveaux essais critiques éditions du Seuil, Paris

Barthes, R. 1977 Image, music, text Essays by Roland Barthes selected and translated by Stephen Heath. Fontana communications series. London : Fontana, 1977. 220 pages. Eight pages of plates
The photographic message
Rhetoric of the image

The third meaning
Diderot, Brecht, Eisenstein
Introduction to the structural analysis of narratives
The struggle with the angel
The death of the author
Musica practica
From work to text
Change the object itself
Lesson in writing
The grain of the voice
Writers, intellectuals, teachers.

26.3.1980 Death aged 64 (following a road accident)

Barthes, R. 1982 L'Obvie et l'Obtus : Essais critiques III éditions du Seuil, Paris

Barthes, R. 1982/1985 The Responsibility of Forms: Critical essays on music, art, and representation. L'Obvie et l'Obtus : Essais critiques III translated from the French by Richard Howard. New York : Hill and Wang, 1985. viii and 312 pages

Roland Barthes edited by Susan Sontag 1933-2004

Barthes, R. and Sontag, S. 1982 A Barthes Reader edited, and with an introduction by, Susan Sontag. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux ; London : J. Cape, 1982. [London: Vintage classics. Vintage, 1993.] xxxviii and 495 pages. Eight pages of plates.
Writing itself: on Roland Barthes by Susan Sontag
Part One -- On Gide and his journal -- The world of wrestling -- from Writing degree zero -- The world as object -- Baudelaire's theater -- The face of Garbo -- Striptease -- The lady of the camellias -- Myth today -- The last happy writer -- Buffet finishes off New York -- Tacitus and the funerary baroque
Part Two -- from On Racine -- Authors and writers -- The photographic message -- The imagination of the sign -- The plates of the Encyclopedia -- The Eiffel Tower -- Introduction to the structural analysis of narratives - - Flaubert and the sentence -- Lessons in writing
Part Three -- The third meaning -- Fourier -- Writers, intellectuals, teachers -- from The pleasure of the text -- from Roland Barthes -- from A lover's discourse -- Inaugural lecture, College de France -- Deliberation

Barthes, R. 1985/1994 L'Aventure sémiologique Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1985. Translated into English by Richard Howard as The Semiotic Challenge in 1994.
"Most of these essays were written between 1963 and 1973 and constitute either the elements of the semiotic discipline or the analysis of texts-- ranging from the Bible to advertising--in order to determine the site of possible meanings in narratives."

Brian M. Barry 1936-

Barry, B.M. 1998 Social Exclusion, Social Isolation and the Distribution of Income London: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics. Available at http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/case/cp/Paper12.pdf

Monica Barry

Barry, M. 2006 Youth Offending in Transition: The search for social recognition London: Routledge,
Contents: Introduction -- Offending and desistance in theory -- Power and powerlessness in transition -- Starting offending -- Coming to terms with offending -- Desistance : breaking free -- In search of social recognition -- Conclusions.

Christine Battersby 1946-
Previously Director of Centre for Research in Philosophy and Literature at Warwick University. Now Reader Emerita. Author of The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference (Routledge, 2007); The Phenomenal Woman: Feminist Metaphysics and the Patterns of Identity (Polity/Routledge, 1998); and Gender and Genius: Towards a Feminist Aesthetics (The Women's Press, 1989/1994). Numerous articles on feminist philosophy, and on women writers and artists. In 2009 working on topics relating to natality (birth); the sublime and the grotesque; and 'race' in the history of philosophy.
See website - Price and Shildrick

See Dictionary: body - body image

Battersby, C. 1998 The Phenomenal Woman: Feminist metaphysics and the patterns of identity Cambridge: Polity Press and New York: Routledge

Battersby, C. 1998/1999 "Her Body/Her Boundaries" Chapter 6.1 in Price J and Shildrick, M. 1999, which is taken from Battersby, C. 1998 The Phenomenal Woman

Jean Baudrillard 1929-2007

Baudrillard, J. 1981 Simulacres et simulation Paris : Galilée 1981

Baudrillard, J. 1981/1994 Simulacra and simulation by Jean Baudrillard ; translated by Sheila Faria Glaser. Body, in theory. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1994. 164 pages
The precession of simulacra -- History: a retro scenario -- Holocaust - - The China Syndrome -- Apocalypse Now -- The Beaubourg effect: implosion and deterrence -- Hypermarket and hypercommodity -- The implosion of meaning in the media -- Absolute advertising, ground-zero advertising -- Clone story -- Holograms -- Crash -- Simulacra and science fiction -- The animals: territory and metamorphoses -- The remainder -- The spiraling cadaver -- Value's last tango -- On nihilism.

Richard Bauman and Charles L. Briggs

Bauman, R. and Briggs, C. 2003 Voices of Modernity: Language Ideologies and the Politics of Inequality Cambridge University Press

Zygmunt Bauman (1925-) weblinks.

1957 - 1959 - 1960 - 1972 - 1973 - 1976 - 1978 - 1983 - 1987 - 1989 - 1990 - 1993 - 1995 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - Bauman and May - 2001 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 -

Bauman, Z. 1957 Zagadnienia centralizmu demokratycznego w pracach Lenina (Questions of Democratic Centralism in Lenin's Works). Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza.

Bauman, Z. 1959

Bauman, Z. 1960a Klasa-ruch-elita. Studium Socjologiczne Dziejow Angilskiego Ruchu Robotniczego (Class, Movement, Elite: A Sociological Study on the History of the British Labour Movement) Warszawa [Warsaw]: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Translated into English in 1972

Bauman, Z. 1960b

Bauman, Z. 1960c Kariera: cztery szkice socjologiczne (Career: Four Sociological Sketches). Warszawa: Iskry.

Bauman, Z. 1972 Between Class and élite. The Evolution of the British Labour Movement: A Sociological Study, a translation into English of Klasa-ruch-elita... (1960) by Sheila Patterson. Manchester: Manchester University Press. xiii and 334 pages.

Bauman, Z. 1973 Culture as Praxis. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul

Bauman, Z. 1976/SAC Socialism: The Active Utopia. New York: Holmes and Meier

Bauman, Z. 1976/TCS Towards a Critical Sociology. An Essay on Commonsense and Emancipation

Bauman, Z. 1978 Hermeneutics and Social Science: Approaches to understanding London: Hutchinson. 263 pages.
1. The rise of hermeneutics
2. Understanding as the Work of History: Karl Marx
3. Understanding as the Work of History: Max Weber
4. Understanding as the Work of History: Karl Mannheim 5.
Understanding as the Work of Reason: Edmund Husserl
6. Understanding as the Work of Reason: Talcott Parsons
7. Understanding as the Work of Life: Martin Heidegger
8. Understanding as the Work of Life: From Schutz to Ethnomethodology
9. Understanding as Expansion of the Form of Life
10. Consensus and Truth

Bauman , Z. 1983 "Industrialism, Consumerism and Power" in Theory, Culture and Society January 1983 vol.1, part 3, pp 32-43

Bauman, Z. 1987 Legislators and Interpreters : On Modernity, Post-modernity, and Intellectuals Cambridge: Polity

Bauman, Z. 1989 Modernity and The Holocaust Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1989. Later the same year, with a new afterword, Cambridge : Polity, 1989. 238 pages.
Contents: Foreword. 1. Introduction: Sociology after the Holocaust. 2. Modernity, Racism, Extermination - I. 3. Modernity, Racism, Extermination - II. 4. On the Uniqueness and Normality of the Holocaust. 5. Soliciting Cooperation of the Victims. 6. The Ethics of Obedience (reading Milgram). 7. Towards a Sociological Theory of Morality Rationality and Shame.

Attempts a sociological explanation of the Holocaust. Argues that the Holocaust should be understood as deeply involved with the nature of modernity - neither a single event nor a simple outpouring of barbarism.

"The murder of millions of Jews initiated and supervised by a few thousand top Nazi leaders and officials was a gigantic bureaucratic operation that involved the cooperation of millions of 'ordinary' people. They drove the trains which carried the victims to gas chambers and worked in the factories that produced the poisonous gases or crematoria appliances. The final results were so remote from the simple tasks which preoccupied them on a daily basis that the connections could escape their attention or be barred from consciousness" (Bauman and May 2001, p.72)

Bauman, Z. 1990 Thinking Sociologically. An Introduction for Everyone Oxford, England: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell. 240 pages - See 1964 and 2001.

1. Sociology - what for?
2. Freedom and dependence
3. Us and them
4. Together and apart
5. Gift and exchange
6. Power and choice
7. Self-preservation and moral duty
8. Nature and culture
9 State and nation
10. Order and chaos
11. Going about the business of life
12. The ways and means of sociology.

Bauman, Z. 1993 Postmodern Ethics Oxford: Blackwell.

A sequel to Legislators and Interpreters and Modernity and the Holocaust. Argues against "the end of ethics" that the postmodern era opened up the possibility of a radically new understanding of the ethical.

Bauman, Z. 1995 Life in Fragments: Essays in Postmodern Morality Oxford: Blackwell.

A continuation of themes explored in Postmodern Ethics. Bauman argues that the postmodern era may be a new dawn for ethics, emancipated from the false consciousness entailed by modernity.

Bauman, Z, 1998 Work Consumerism and the New Poor Oxford University Press.

Bauman, Z, 1998/2005 Work Consumerism and the New Poor Oxford University Press. Second edition 2005 Open University Press - offline)

Part 1 The meaning of work - producing the work ethic; from work ethic to the aesthetic of consumption.
Part 2 The rise and fall of the welfare state; the work ethic and the new poor.
Part 3 Prospects for the new poor.

Summary: It is one thing to be poor in a society of producers and universal employment; it is a quite different thing to be poor in a society of consumers, in which life projects are built around the consumer choice rather than work, professional skills or jobs. If "being poor" once derived its meaning from the condition of being unemployed, today it draws its meaning primarily from the plight of a flawed consumer.

"... most of the male members of modern society in its industrial phase spent most of their waking hours and most years of their mature life at work (according to Roger Sue's calculations, 70 per cent of waking life was on average taken up by work in 1850) ... the workplace was the primary site of social integration; the setting in which the essential habits of obedience to norms and of disciplined behaviour were expected to be trained and absorbed and in which the 'social character' was to be formed - at least in all its aspects relevant to the perpetuation of an orderly society. Alongside the mass conscript army, another of the great modern inventions, the factory was the main 'panoptical institution' of modern society." (p.18)

"A consumer is a person who consumes, and to consume means using things up: eating them, wearing them, playing with them and otherwise causing them to satisfy one's needs or desires. Since in our part of the world it is money which in most cases 'mediates' between desire and its satisfaction, being a consumer also means - normally means - appropriating most of the things destined to be consumed: buying them, paying for them and so making them one's exclusive property, barring everybody else from using them without the one's permission." (p.23)

"Ours is a 'consumer society' in a similarly profound and fundamental sense in which the society of our predecessors (modern society in its industrial phase described in the previous chapter) used to deserve the name of a 'producer society' in spite of the fact that people have produced since the beginning of the human species and will go on producing until the species' demise.

The reason for calling that older type of modern society a 'producer society' was that it engaged its members primarily as producers; the way in which that society shaped up its members was dictated by the need to play this role and the norm that society held up to its members was the ability and the willingness to play it. In its present late-modern, second-modern or post-modern stage, society engages its members - again primarily - in their capacity as consumers. The way present-day society shapes up its members is dictated first and foremost by the need to play the role of the consumer and the norm our society holds up to its members is that of the ability and willingness to play it.

The difference between then and now is not as radical as abandoning one role and replacing it with another. Neither of the two societies could do without at least some of its members taking charge of producing things to be consumed, and all members of both societies do, of course, consume. The difference is one of emphasis, but that shift of emphasis does make an enormous difference to virtually every aspect of society, culture and individual life. The differences are so deep and ubiquitous that they fully justify speaking of our society as a society of a separate and distinct kind - a consumer society." (p.24)

"It is often said that the consumer market seduces its customers. But in order to do so it needs customers who are ready and keen to be seduced (just as, in order to command his labourers, the factory boss needed a crew with the habits of discipline and command-following firmly entrenched). In a properly working consumer society consumers seek actively to be seduced" (p.26)

In producer society:

"Identity, once selected, had to be built once and for all, for life, and so was in principle at least the employment, the vocation, the life-work. The building of identity was to be steady and consistent, proceeding through a succession of clearly defined stages (no wonder the metaphor of 'building' was picked to convey the nature of 'identity work' to be done), and so was the work-career. The fixed itinerary of work-career and the prerequisites of lifelong identity construction fit each other well." (p.27)

""Identities, just like consumer goods, are to be appropriated and possessed, but only in order to be consumed, and so to disappear again. As in the case of marketed consumer goods, consumption of an identity should not - must not - extinguish the desire for other, new and improved identities, nor preclude the ability to absorb them." (p.29)

"'Aggregate identities', loosely arranged ofthe purchasable, not-too- lasting, easily detachable and utterly replaceable tokens currently available in the shops, seem to be exactly what one needs to meet the challenges of contemporary living." (p. 29).

"... in the society of producers, the work ethic reached well beyond the factory floor and the walls of poorhouses. Its precepts informed the vision of a right and proper society yet to be achieved, and until then served as the horizon by which the present moves were oriented and the present state of affairs critically assessed. The vision of the ultimate condition to be reached was that of full employment...

'Full employment' occupied the somewhat ambiguous position of being simultaneously a right and a duty. ... The idea of full employment as an indispensable feature of 'normal society' implied both a duty universally and willingly accepted and a commonly shared will lifted to the rank of a universal right.

Defining the norm defines also the abnormal. The work ethic encapsulated abnormality in the phenomenon of unemployment - 'abnormal' was not to work. Expectedly, the persistent presence of the poor tended to be explained alternatively by the shortage of work or the shortage of the will to work." (pp 36-37)

"Blaming the misery of the poor on their unwillingness to work, and so charging them with moral depravity and presenting poverty as the penalty for sin, was the last service the work ethic performed in the new society of consumers" (p.37)

Bauman, Z, 1998 Globalization: the human consequences Cambridge: Polity.

Bauman, Z, 1999 In Search of Politics Cambridge: Polity.

Bauman, Z. Autumn 1999 "The Self in a Consumer Society" The Hedgehog Review, pp 35-40, Autumn 1999. Available as a pdf at http://www.iasc-culture.org/THR/archives/Identity/1.1FBauman.pdf - (offline)

"In a properly working consumer society, consumers seek actively to be seduced. They live from attraction to attraction, from temptation to temptation - each attraction and each temptation being somewhat different and perhaps stronger than its predecessor. In many ways they are just like their fathers, the producers, who lived from one turn of the conveyer belt to an identical next." (p.38)

"This cycle of desire is a compulsion, a must, for the fully- fledged, mature consumer; yet that must, that internalized pressure, that impossibility of living one's life in any other way, is seen as the free exercise of one's will. The market might have already selected them as consumers and so taken away their freedom to ignore its blandishments, but in every successive visit to the market-place, consumers have every reason to feel that it is they who are in command." (p.39)

1999: Bauman praised Jock Young's Exclusive Society

Bauman, Z. 2000 Liquid Modernity Cambridge, Polity Press. 228 pages.

Foreword: On Being Light and Liquid.
Chapter one: 1. Emancipation
The mixed blessings of freedom
The fortuities and changing fortunes of critique
The individual in combat with the citizen.
The plight of critical theory in the society of individuals
Critical theory revisited - The critique of life-politics
Chapter two: Individuality
Capitalism - heavy and light.
Have car, can travel.
Stop telling me; show me!
Compulsion turned into addiction.
The consumer's body.
Shopping as a rite of exorcism.
Free to shop - or so it seems.
Divided, we shop
Chapter three: Time/Space
When strangers meet strangers.
Ernie places, phagic places, non-places, empty spaces.
Don't talk to strangers.
Modernity as history of time.
From heavy to light modernity.
The seductive lightness of being.
Instant living
Chapter four:. Work
Progress and trust in history.
The rise and fall of labour
From marriage to cohabitation.
Excursus: a brief history of procrastination.
Human bonds in the fluid world.
The self-perpetuation of non-confidence
Chapter five: Community
Nationalism, mark 2
Unity - through similarity or difference?
Security at a price.
After the nation-state
Filling the void.
Cloakroom communities
Afterthoughts: On Writing; on Writing Sociology.

Argues we have moved from a heavy, solid, hardware-focused modernity to a light, liquid, software-based modernity. This has brought profound change to all aspects of the human condition. On the one hand, the globalised social structure is remote and un-reachable. On the other, the immediate context of life-politics and human togetherness (community?) is unstructured, under-defined and fluid. These changes mean we have to rethink how we tell our individual and collective (history) stories. He examines five basic concepts used to make sense of shared human life - emancipation, individuality, time/space, work and community - and traces their successive incarnations and changes of meaning.
Concludes the analysis made in Globalization: The Human Consequences and In Search of Politics.

"Whoever as a young apprentice took his first job at Ford could be pretty sure to finish his life of work in the same place. The time horizons of heavy capitalism were long-term. For the workers, the horizons were drawn by the prospect of life-long employment inside a company which might or might not be immortal, but whose life-span stretched nonetheless well beyond theirs." (p.146).

Bauman, Z. and May, T. 2001 Thinking Sociologically Second edition of Bauman, Z. 1990. Revised by Tim May. Basil Blackwell.

"This book is about the difference that living in society makes to what we do, how we see ourselves, objects and others, and what happens as a result." (p.97)


Introduction: The Discipline of Sociology
Sections: In search of distinction - Sociology and common sense - The content of Thinking Sociologically

Part 1: Action, Identity and Understanding in Everyday Life.

1. Oneself with Others.
Choice, freedom and living with others
Oneself with another: Sociological perspectives

Socialisation, significance and action
"Socialisation never ends in our lives. For this reason sociologists distinguish between the stages of socialisation (primary, secondary and tertiary)"

2. Viewing and Sustaining Our Lives.
Sustaining our lives: interaction, understanding and social distance

"... our self-identity is bound up with the social identities that we portray to others and those we encounter in our everyday existence" (p.30)

'Us' within the 'other'
"oppositions become tools that we draw upon to chart the world" (p.30)
Viewing and living lives: boundaries and outsiders
Segregation and movement in the city
"The boundaries between 'us' and 'them' provide for the maintenance, via distinction, of identity." (p.183)

3. The Bonds that Unite: Speaking of 'We'.
Communities: Forging consensus and dealing with conflict

Calculation, rationalisation and group life
"Manuel Castells writes, in the conclusion to the second of his three volume study on The Information Age, that we are witnessing the growth of networks, markets and organisations that are increasingly governed by 'rational expectation'. Yet if this is a summary of a dominant trend in contemporary western societies, in our survey of the bonds that unite, what is most striking is the diversity of human groupings."

Part 2: Living our Lives: Challenges, Choices and Constraints.

4. Decisions and Actions: Power, Choice and Moral Duty.
Making decisions

Values, power and action
The motivation to act
Morality and action

5. Making it Happen: Gifts, Exchange and Intimacy in Relationships.
The personal and impersonal: the gift and exchange
In pursuit of ourselves: love, intimacy, caring and commodities
The commodities of identity - Summary.

"Love and exchange are two extremes of a continuous line along which human relations may be plotted"

See Marcel Mauss - Richard Titmus - and Talcott Parsons

6. Care of Our Selves: The Body, Health and Sexuality.
In search of security
Embodied selves: Perfection and satisfaction
The pursuit of health and fitness
The body and desire
The body, sexuality and gender

7. Time, Space and (Dis) Order.

Experiencing time and space Risk society Autonomy, order and chaos
See pre- modern
See Marx and Engels and patronage to cash-nexus

8. Drawing Boundaries: Culture, Nature, State and Territory.

Nature and Culture,
State, Nations and Nationalism
Citizenship and the State

"To paraphrase Max Weber," [see Weber] "the state has a monopoly over the legitimate means of violence" (p.135)
Nations and Nationalism

9. The Business in Everyday Life: Consumption, Technology and Lifestyles.

Part 3: Looking Back and Looking Forward.

10. Thinking Sociologically.

page 170 Three strategies
1: replication of the scientific enterprise. Leading thinker Durkheim.
2: reflection and modification associated with Max Weber
That human actions are meaningful is the foundation of hermeneutics. page 172
3: demonstration by effect: pragmatism. page 173

Questions for Reflection and Further Reading.

Bauman, Z. 2001 The Individualised Society Cambridge: Polity. 259 pages
Contents: Foreword: Lives Told and Stories Lived
Part One: The Way We Are
Chapter 1. The Rise And Fall of Labour
Chapter 2: Local Orders, Global Chaos
Chapter 3: Freedom and Security: The Unfinished Story of a Tempestuous Union
Chapter 4: Modernity and Clarity: The Story of a Failed Conquest
Chapter 5: Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Chapter 6; United in Difference
Part Two: The Way we Think
Chapter 7: Critique - Privatised and Disarmed
Chapter 8: Progress: The Same and Different
Chapter 9: On Mass, Individuals, and Peg-Communities
Chapter 10: Education: Under, for and in Spite of Postmodernity
Chapter 11: Excess: An Obituary
Chapter 12: Faith and Instant Gratification
Part Three: The Way we Act
Chapter 13: Does Love Need a Reason?
Chapter 14: Private Morality, Immoral World
Chapter 15: Democracy on Two Battlefronts
Chapter 16: Violence, Old and New
Chapter 17: On Postmodern Uses of Sex
Chapter 18: Is There Life after Immortality?

Bauman, Z. 2001 "Consuming Life" Journal of Consumer Culture March 2001 1: pp 9-29,

Bauman, Z. 2003 Liquid Love: On the Frailty of Human Bonds Cambridge, Polity Press

Bauman, Z. 2004 Wasted Lives: Modernity and its Outcasts Cambridge, Polity Press.
Contents: In the beginning was design (or the waste of order-building) -- Are there too many of them? (or the waste of economic progress) -- To each waste its dumping site (or the waste of globalization) -- Culture of waste.
"The global spread of modernity has given rise to growing quantities of human beings who are deprived of adequate means of survival, but the planet is fast running out of places to put them. Hence the new anxieties about 'immigrants' and 'asylum seekers' and the growing role played by diffuse 'security fears' on the contemporary political agenda."

Bauman, Z. 2005 Liquid Life Cambridge, Polity Press
Table of Contents
Introduction: On Living in a Liquid-Modern World.
1. The Individual Under Siege.
2. From Martyr to Hero, and from Hero to Celebrity.
3. Culture: Obstreperous and Unmanageable.
4. Seeking Shelter in a Pandora Box or Fear, Security and the City.
5. Consumers in Liquid-Modern Times.
Consuming Life.
Consuming Body.
Consuming Childhood.
6. Learning to Walk in Quicksand.
7. Thinking in Dark Times (Arendt and Adorno Revisited).

Bauman, Z. 2006 Liquid Fear Cambridge, Polity Press

Bauman, Z, 2007 Consuming Life Cambridge: Polity. 160 pages.
Introduction, or the most closely guarded secret of the society of consumers
1.Consumption vs. Consumerism
2.Society of Consumers
3.Consumerist Culture
4.Collateral Casualties of Consumerism

"Consumers 'subjectivity' is made out of shopping choices- choices made by the subject and the subject's prospective purchasers; its description takes the form of the shopping list. What is assumed to be the materialization of the inner truth of the self is in fact an idealization of the material - objectified - traces of consumer choices." (p. 15)

"The society of consumers, in other words, stands for the kind of society that promotes, encourages or enforces the choice of a consumerist lifestyle and life strategy and dislike all alternative cultural options, a society in which adapting to the precepts of consumer culture and following them strictly is, to all practical intents and purposes, the sole unquestionably approved choice; a feasible, and so also a plausible choice - and a condition of membership" (p. 53)

Bauman, Z, 2007 Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty Cambridge, Polity Press. 115 pages
Contents: Introduction: Bravely into the Hotbed of Uncertainties -- Liquid Modern Life and its Fears -- Humanity on the Move -- State, Democracy and the Management of Fears -- Out of Touch Together -- Utopia in the Age of Uncertainty.

Bauman, Z, 2008 Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Institute for Human Sciences Vienna lecture series. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press.

Philip Bean 1936-

Bean, P. 1981 Punishment: A Philosophical and Criminological Inquiry Oxford: Martin Robertson

Bean, P. 1986 Mental Disorder and Legal Control Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 207 pages. [Relates to 1983 Mental Health Act]
Chapters: 1. Mental Health legislation
Part One. The admission of patients to mental hospitals:
2. Social workers and applications
3. Medical recommendations and compulsory admissions
4. Detention of the mentally disordered in the community
Part Two. Control of patients in the hospital and community:
5. Guardianship and control in the community
6. The mentally disordered offender and professional dominance
7. The discharge of patients from institutions
Part Three. Patients' rights:
8. Consent and treatment
9. Mental patients' rights and legal redress
10. The effectiveness of legal rights
Part Four. Conclusion:
11. Assessment and conclusion

B.B.C. British Broadcasting Corporation

B.B.C. Religions index of "featured religions and beliefs" http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/

Cesare Beccaria 1738-1794
Marquis Cesare Beccaria Bonesana

Beccaria, C. 1764 Dei delitti e delle pene Monaco, 1764 [112 pages]
Available at

See also this site

Beccaria, C. 1764/1767 An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, translated from the Italian; with a commentary, attributed to Monsieur de Voltaire, translated from the French. London : J. Almon, 1767. Available at http://studymore.org.uk/xbec.htm

Beccaria, C. 1764/1963 On Crimes and Punishments translated, with an introduction, by Henry Paolucci. The library of liberal arts. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 99 pages.

Beccaria, C. 1764/1986 On Crimes and Punishments, translated from the Italian by D.Young. Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing.

Beccaria, C. 1764/1991 Dei delitti e delle pene First edition. With a Preface by Stefano Rodotà. Overseen by Alberto Burgio. Milan. Feltrinelli

Beccaria, C. 1764/1995 On crimes and punishments and other writings by Cesare Beccaria. Edited by Richard Bellamy and translated [from the Italian] by Richard Davies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

A translation based on the fifth Italian edition. Provides "English- speaking readers with Beccaria's own order of his text for the first time".

Other writings: To Jean Baptiste d'Alembert - To André Morellet - Inaugural Lecture - Reflections on the Barbarousness and the Civilisation of Nations and on the Savage State of Man - Reflections on Manners and Customs - On Luxury.

Lewis White Beck

Beck, L.W. 1963 (Editor) Kant on History Bobbs-Merrill

Ulrich Beck 1944-
University of Munich

Sources about: See Mike Aiken 2000

1986 - 1994 - 2000 - 2002 - 2003 - 2006 -

Beck, U. 1986 Risikogesellschaft: auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Translated into English as Risk society: towards a new modernity by Mark Ritter in 1992, London, Sage.
Introduction (1992) by Scott Lash and Brian Wynne
Part one: Living on the volcano of civilisation - The contours of the risk society:
1. On the Logic of Wealth Distribution and Risk Distribution
2. The Politics of Knowledge in the Risk Society
Part two: The individualisation of social inequality - life-forms and the demise of tradition:
3. Beyond Status and Class?
4. 'I am I': Gendered Space and the Conflict Inside and Outside the Family
5. Individualisation, Institutionalisation and Standardisation: Life Situations and Biographical Patterns
6. De-Standardisation of Labour
Part three: Reflexive modernisation: on the generalisation of science and politics
7. Science Beyond Truth and Enlightenment?
8. Opening up the Political

"The changing nature of society's relation to production and distribution is related to the environmental impact as a totalizing, globalizing economy based on scientific and technical knowledge becomes more central to social organization and social conflict."

Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash

Beck, U., Giddens, A. and Lash, S. 1994 Reflexive modernisation: politics, tradition and aesthetics in the modern social order by Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash. Cambridge : Polity Press. viii and 225 pages
1. "The Re-invention of Politics. Towards a Theory of Reflexive Modernisation" by Ulrich Beck.
2. "Living in a Post-Traditional Society" by Anthony Giddens
3. "Reflexivity, Modernity and Aesthetics" by Scott Lash
4. "Replies and Critiques" by Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash

Beck, U. 2000 The Brave New World of Work. A translation from the German by Patrick Camiller of Schöne neue Arbeitswelt by Ulrich Beck. Cambridge: Polity Press.
1. The Brazilianization of the West: Two Scenarios, One Introduction.
2. The Antithesis to the Work Society.
3. The Transition from the First to the Second Modernity: Five Challenges.
4. The Future of Work and its Scenarios: An Interim Balance-Sheet.
5. The Risk Regime: How the Work Society is Becoming Risk Society.
6. A Thousand Worlds of Insecure Work: Europe's Future Glimpsed in Brazil.
7. The Great Example? Work and Democracy in America.
8. Vision of the Future One: The Europe of Civic Labour.
9. Vision of the Future Two: Postnational Civil Society. Notes.
Summary: This volume examines how work has become unstable in the modern world and aims to present a new vision for the future. The author begins by describing how the traditional work society is giving way to a much less stable world in which skills can be suddenly devalued and jobs obliterated

See Subject Index Work

Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim 1946-

Beck, U. and Beck-Gernsheim, E. 2002 Individualisation: Institutionalized individualism and its social and political consequences London; Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE.
Contents: Losing the traditional: Individualisation and 'precarious freedoms' -- A life of one's own in a runaway world -- Beyond status and class -- The ambivalent social structure -- From 'living for others' to 'a life of one's own' -- On the way to a post-familial family -- Division of labour, self- image and life projects -- Declining birthrates and the wish to have children -- Apparatuses do not care for people -- Health and responsibility in the age of genetic technology -- Death of one's own, life of one's own - - Freedom's children -- Freedom's fathers -- Zombie categories: Interview with Ulrich Beck.

Ulrich Beck, Wolfgang Bonss and Christoph Lau

Beck, U., Bonss, W and Lau, C. 2003 "The Theory of Reflexive Modernization Problematic, Hypotheses and Research Programme" Theory Culture Society Volume 20 (2): pp 1-33

Footnote 1: "This article unfolds the research agenda of the 'Reflexive Modernization' Research Centre in Munich, Germany, which is financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The 15 research projects examine a broad range of questions with regard to three specific fields: (1) the political epistemology of uncertainty - the research projects of this area explore the extent to which technoscientific rationalization and the growth of knowledge result in more cognitive and normative uncertainty rather than in more certainty and control; (2) they examine how the multiplication of options affects individual biographies, social positions and inequalities - in so doing, the research projects contribute to a political sociology of ambiguity that relates the reshaping of individual life-courses to social transformations; (3) they investigate changes in the institutional and organizational realm as a contribution to a political economy of uncertainty. Focusing on enterprises, the nation-state, the globality of financial risks and new conflicts, the research projects address the demands and uncertainties facing central institutions of first modernity. We undertake to begin these tasks in our book Die Modernisierung der Moderne (Beck and Bonss, 2001"

Beck, U. 2006 "Living in the world risk society" A Hobhouse Memorial Public Lecture given on Wednesday 15 February 2006 at the London School of Economics. Economy and Society Volume 35 Number 3. August 2006. pp 329-345
Abstract: In a
world risk society, we must distinguish between ecological and financial dangers, which can be conceptualized as side effects, and the threat from terrorist networks as intentional catastrophes; the principle of deliberately exploiting the vulnerability of modern civil society replaces the principle of chance and accident

Howard Becker 1928- weblinks

Becker, H. 11.1953 "Becoming a Marihuana User" American Journal of Sociology volume 59 (November 1953) pp. 235-242. Available at http://www.medanthro.net/adtsg/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Becker-Becoming- Marihuana-User.pdf

Becker, H. 1963 Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance New York: The Free Press

Becker, H. 1966/1967 "Whose Side Are We On?" Social Problems, 14 (Winter, 1967) pp. 239-47. [A rough copy]

See dictionary objective and subject index standpoint theory

Becker, H. 1999 "The Chicago School, So-Called", Qualitative Sociology, 22 (1), 1999, pp. 3-12.

Becker, H. 11.1999 "The Politics of Presentation: Goffman and Total Institutions - The Problem of Conventional Categories" Available at http://home.earthlink.net/~hsbecker/goffman.html - archive

Hugo Bedau Emeritus Professor of Philosophy - Tufts University

Bedau, H., 10.3.2004 Bentham's theory of punishment, origin and content, Paper given at the Bentham Seminar, University College London, 10 March 2004. Available at http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Bentham- Project/journal/Bedau.htm

Peter Beilharz born 13.11.1953 Australia

Beilharz, P. 2000 Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of modernity London: Sage, xi, and 180 pages.
Contents: Class and Labour
Culture and Sociology
Intellectuals and Utopians
The Holocaust and the Perfect Order
Touring the Fragments
Following the Human Condition
Epilogue Mediations

Piers Beirne 1949-

Beirne, P. 1987 "Adolphe Quetelet and the Origins of Positivist Criminology". American Journal of Sociology 92: pp 1140-1169

Beirne, P. 1993 Inventing Criminology: Essays on the Rise of 'Homo Criminalis' Albany: SUNY Press. Includes essays on Beccaria, Quetelet, Guerry, Tarde, Goring, and Lombroso.

Beirne, P. 1994 (Editor) The Origins and Growth of Criminology: Essays on intellectual history, 1760-1945 edited by Piers Beirne. The International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology. Aldershot: Dartmouth. 389 pages
Penological reform and the myth of Beccaria by Graeme Newman and Pietro Marongiu
Cesare Beccaria: utilitarian or retributivist? by David B. Young
Inventing criminology: the "science of man" in Cesare Beccaria's Dei delitti e delle pene by Piers Beirne
Varieties of enlightenment criminology by Philip Jenkins
Adolphe Quetelet and the origins of positivist criminology by Piers Bierne
Criminology: the birth of a special savoir by Pasquale Pasquino
British criminology before 1935 by David Garland
From Marx to Bonger: socialist writings on women, gender, and crime by James W. Messerschmidt
Lenin, crime, and penal politics, 1917-1924 / Piers Beirne and Alan Hunt.(cont.)
Criminal anthropology in the United States by Nicole Hahn Rafter
Feminism, criminology and the rise of the female sex "delinquent", 1880-1930 by James Messerschmidt
The etiology of female crime: a review of the literature by Dorie Klein
Edwin H. Sutherland's White-collar crime in America: an essay in historical criminology by Gil Geis and Colin Goff
The Sutherland-Glueck debate: on the sociology of criminological knowledge by John H. Laub and Robert J. Sampson
Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay: Chicago criminologists by Jon Snodgrass.

Judith Bell 1930-

Bell, J. 1987? Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First- time Researchers in Education and Social Science Milton Keynes : Open University Press. [Second edition 1993 - Third 1999 - Fourth 2005 - Fifth 2010]

CONTENTS 5th Edition:
Part One: Preparing the ground -- Approaches to research -- Planning the project -- Ethics and integrity in research -- Reading, referencing and the management of information -- Literature searching --
The review of the literature
Part Two: Selecting methods of data collection -- Introduction -- The analysis of documentary evidence / Brendan Duffy -- Designing and administering questionnaires -- Planning and conducting interviews -- Diaries, logs and critical incidents -- Observation
Part Three: Interpreting the evidence and reporting the findings -- Introduction -- Interpreting the evidence and reporting the findings -- Writing the report.

Laurie Bell and Jo Casebourne

Bell, L., and Casebourne, J. 2008 Increasing Employment for Ethnic Minorities: A Summary of Findings. A summary of research findings prepared by the Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion for a National Audit Office study. London: National Audit Office. May 2008. 51 pages. http://www.cesi.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/NAO_increasing_empl oyment_ethnic_minorities_summary_0.pdf

See Subject Index Care

Belloc, H. 1911 The French Revolution

Ruth (Fulton) Benedict 5.6.1887 - 17.9.1948

Benedict, R. 1934 Patterns of Culture New York: Houghton Mifflin

See Subject Index Culture

Benedict, R. and Weltfish, G. 1943 The Races of Mankind, coauthored with Gene Weltfish. Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 85. New York: Public Affairs Committee, Inc., 1943.

Benedict, R. 1946 The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture

See Subject Index Japan

Albert Benschop 1949-
Dutch sociologist with the University of Amsterdam's faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Benschop, A. 1996-2013 "SocioSite - Social Science Information System" SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.net of www.sociosite.org

Benschop, A. 1997 "Peculiarities of Cyberspace - Building Blocks of a Web Sociology" SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.org/index_en.php

Benschop, A. 1997 "Web History - Building blocks of a historical- sociology of the internet" SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.org/history.php

Benschop, A. 1997-2013 "Virtual Communities - Networks of the future". Translation: Connie Menting SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.org/network.php

Benschop, A. 2003-2013 "Pornography in Cyberspace: Internet hornification and cyber sexual obsessions" Translation: Connie Menting SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.org/pornography.php

Benschop, A. 2003-2013 "Child Pornography in Cyberspace: Traces of Crimes" Translation: Connie Menting SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.org/pornography_child.php

Benschop, A. 2003-2013 "Death in Cyberspace: changing rituals concerning dying, death, and funerals" Translation: Connie Menting SocioSite: htt://www.sociosite.org/open_source.php

Benschop, A. 5.2009-2013] "Online Morality, Decency and Justice - Internet as a digital pillory" SocioSite: http://www.sociosite.org/fatsoen_en.php

Subject index: Networks -

Jeremy Bentham 1748 - 1832 weblinks - reviews

Sources about: See Bahmueller (Charity Company) - Bedau (theory of punishment) - John Stuart Mill - Parekh - Steintrager - Swanson (a criminology paper) - Roberts 1997 chapter 5 (Social Science History) - Werrett (Panopticon)

Bentham, J. 1776 A Fragment on Government - Being an examination of what is delivered, on the subject of government in general in the introduction to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries: by Jeremy Bentham with a Preface, in which is given a critique on the work at large. Available at http://socserv2.mcmaster.ca/~econ/ugcm/3ll3/bentham/government .html (McMaster University's Archive for the History of Economic Thought)

Bentham, J. 1789 An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

Available at the Library of Economics and Liberty at http://www.econlib.org/library/Bentham/bnthPML.html - Also at Mcmaster http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/~econ/ugcm/3ll3/bentham/morals.pdf - Also at Texas http://www.laits.utexas.edu/poltheory/bentham/ipml/

Previously available at http://www.la.utexas.edu/research/poltheory/bentham/ipml/index .html (University of Texas at Austin's Classical Utilitarians Website)

Bentham, Jeremy. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1907. 2011; Internet.

Bentham, J. 1791 Panopticon; or, the Inspection-House: containing the idea of a new principle of construction applicable to any sort of establishment, in which persons of any description are to be kept under inspection; and in particular to penitentiary-houses, prisons, houses of industry, work-houses, poor-houses, lazarettos, manufactories, hospitals, mad-houses, and schools: with a plan of management adapted to the principle: in a series of letters, written in the year 1787, from Crecheff in White Russia. To a friend in England by Jeremy Bentham, of Lincoln's Inn, esquire. Published in 1791 by T. Payne: in London, 1791 and Thomas Byrne in Dublin. Available at http://cartome.org/panopticon2.htm

Bentham, J. 1.1793 "Emancipate your colonies! Addressed to the National Convention of France, - 1793, shewing the uselessness and mischievousness of distant dependencies to an European state". Available at https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Emancipate_your_colonies!

Bentham, J. 1793 Manual of Political Economy (written, but not published)

Bentham, J. 1797/Outline Outline of a Work Entitled Pauper Management Improved. Reprinted in French in 1800; in English in 1812.

Bentham, J. 1797/Observations Observations on the Poor Bill (circulated in handwriting)

Jeremy Bentham and Pierre Étienne Louis Dumont 18.7.1759 - 29.9.1829

Bentham, J. and Dumont, P. 1802 Traité de legislation civile et pénale

Bentham, J. and Dumont, P. 1811 Théorie des peines et des recompenses

"the manuscripts from which I have extracted La Théorie des Peines, were written in 1775. Those which have supplied me with La Théorie des Récompenses are a little later" (Dumont Advertisement)

Bentham, J. and Dumont, P. 1811/1830 The Rationale of Punishment Translated by Richard Smith from Théorie des peines et des recompenses (1811) London. Available at http://www.laits.utexas.edu/poltheory/bentham/rp/

Bentham, J. and Dumont, P. 1815 Tactique des assemblées legislatives

Bentham, J. and Dumont, P. 1823 Traité des preuves judiciaires

Bentham, J. and Dumont, P. 1828 De l'organization judiciaire et de la codification

Bentham, J. 1830 History of the War Between Jeremy Bentham and George 3rd, By One of the Belligerents.

Bentham, J. 1830 Constitutional code: For the use of all nations and all governments professing liberal opinions Volume One. London: R. Heward. 598 pages

Bentham, J. 1967 A Fragment on Government and An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Edited with an introduction by Wilfred Harrison. Basil Blackwell.

Peter L. Berger 17.3.1929 - weblinks - Wikipedia

Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann 14.10.1927

Berger, P.L. and Luckmann, T., 1966 The Social Construction of Reality. A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (Penguin 1967) [Fundamental insight: Schutz p.27. Greatly influenced by G.H Mead, and Symbolic Interactionists p.29]

Berger, P.L. 1966 Invitation to Sociology. A Humanistic Perspective.

Berger, P.L. 1969 Marxism and Sociology

Peter Berger and Brigitte Berger

Berger, P.L. and Berger, B. 1972 Sociology: A Biographical Approach. (Revised edition 1976)


social construction - institutionalisation - habitualisation - types - typifications -

Vanja Berggren

Berggren V. 2005 Female Genital Mutilation: Studies on primary and repeat female genital cutting Karolinska University Press. 50 pages

Gavin Berman

Berman, G. 2012 Prison Population Statistics UK House of Commons Library Standard Note SN04334. Published 24.5.2012. Available http://www.parliament.uk/briefing- papers/SN04334.

Jessie Bernard 8.6.1903-6.10.1996

Bernard, J. 1972 The Future of Marriage New York : World Publications, 1972 ; London : Souvenir Press, 1973.

Fabrizio Bernardi - Juan J. González - Miguel Requena
Universidad Nacional de Educacia Distancia,

Bernardi, F., González, J.J. and Requena, M. 2006 "The sociology of social structure", in B. Bryant and D. Peck (editors), 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook, Newbury: Sage, pp. 162-170. Available at http://www.sagepub.com/oswmedia3e/study/chapters/handbooks/handbook1.2.pdf

Mary Hammond Bernson
University of Colorado Center for Asian Studies.

Bernson, M.H. 2008 A Case Study of Late Twentieth-Century Japan through Art: Tezuka Osamu and Astro Boy http://www.colorado.edu/cas/tea/curriculum/imaging-japanese-history/late- 20th-century/

Bernson, M.H. 2008b A Case Study of Late Twentieth-Century Japan through Art: Tezuka Osamu and Astro Boy. Leeson plan

See Subject Index Culture - Manga

Basil Bernstein 1.11.1924 - 24.9.2000)

Bernstein, B. 1965 "A Sociolingusitic Approach to Social Learning". in Penguin Survey of the Social Sciences, edited by J. Gould. London: Penguin.

Ann Berrington

Berrington, Ann 1994 "Marriage and family formation among the white and ethnic minority populations in Britain", Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, pp 515-545

Berrington, A. 1996 "Marriage patterns and inter-ethnic unions" in Coleman, D. and Salt, J. (editors) Ethnicity in the 1991 Census, Volume One: Demographic Characteristics of the Ethnic Minority Populations. London, UK, HMSO, Office for National Statistics, pp 178-212.

Monica Berti

Monica Berti and Virgilio Costa

Berti, M. and Costa, V. 2009 "The Ancient Library at Alexandria: A Model for Classical Scholarship in the Age of Million Book Libraries" in International Symposium on the Scaife Digital library (held at the VisCenter of the University of Kentucky), Lexington, KY: 1-26. Available http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/publications/Berti- Costa_Alexandria_Kentucky.pdf

Marie-Andrée Bertrand Centre international de criminologie comparée, Université de Montréal

Bertrand, M.A. 1998 Prisons pour Femmes available in Collection Les sciences sociales contemporaines at http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1522/24782669

Raymond F. Betts

Betts, R.F. 1979/2000 Europe in Retrospect: A brief history of the past two hundred years Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath, 1979. 249 pages. Available Britannia 2000 at http://www.britannia.com/history/euro/index2.html

PART ONE: The Reordering of Europe: 1789-1871
1: The Old Order - The Structure of the Old Regime. Economic Growth. Mercantilism The Enlightenment
2: The French Revolution - The Ideology of the French Revolution. The Age of Napoleon.
3: International Order and Domestic Strife - The European State System. The Age of Revolution. The National Unification of Italy and Germany
4: The Age of Power - Another Kind of Revolution. Capitalism and Entrepreneurs. Protests Against Industrialism. Urban Growth
PART TWO: Expansion & Explosion: 1871-1918
5: Concentration - The New Productivity. Toward a New Social Order. New Responses. Cultural Implications of Mass Society
6: Expansion - The Causes of Modern European Imperialsim. Europe's Imperial Age
7: Discontent and Tension - Beneath and Beyond Calculation and Reason. The Delicate Balance of Diplomacy. War Clouds
8: The War - The Changing Military Dimensions of War. The Changing Domestic Dimensions of War The Interminable War
PART THREE - Reconstruction & New Order: 1918-1945
9: Disorder: Europe in the 1920s - Modification in Social Structure. A New Mood.
10: An Era of Despair - The Depression. Fascism and Nazism The New Social Order.
11: The Precious Peace - The Spirit of International Conciliation. War, Peace, and Germany Peace and Appeasement
12: Another World War - A "More Total War". The Effects of the War. The War in a Global Setting.
PART FOUR: Europe in the Contemporary World
13: The Decade of European Recovery - Economic Reorganization. New Economic Dimensions The Cold War and Bipolarization. Politics and Classes. The Reshaping of the European Mind
14: The Retreat from Empire - The End of Empire. Decolonization. The Significance of Colonialism. After Imperialism.
15: An Era of Booming Success - The Economics of Plenty. The Politics of Europe. Europe at Home.
16: Contemporary Europe - New European Dimensions and Problems. The New Economics of Oil. Dissent and Disorder. Eurocommunism.

Betts, R.F. 1985 Uncertain Dimensions: Western Overseas Empires in the 20th Century

Kristen M. Beystehner
Northwestern University student

Beystehner, K.M. 1998 "Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality" in Personality Papers, with peer reviews by other students. Available at http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/beystehner.html

Dinesh Bhugra and Matthew A Becker
Dinesh Bhugra: Section of Cultural Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London, UK
Matthew Becker: Department of Psychiatry, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, San Diego, CA, USA

Bhugra, D. Becker, M.A. 2005 "Migration, cultural bereavement and cultural identity". World Psychiatry. February 2005 4:1, pp 18-24. Available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1414713/

See Subject Index Migration

Bible 1611 The Holy Bible authorised to be read in churches by King James 1 of England in 1611

Extracts related to Social Science History
To reference a Bible, using the Harvard system, you could use a bibliography entry such as the above - with date according to version - and an intext reference on the model (Bible 1611, Genesis, 1:1.) where 1:31 is chapter one, verse thirty one. A list of dates for 20th (and other) century versions of the Bible is provided by Bible-Researcher

Bible 1611 with Apocrypha available at https://archive.org/details/TheHolyBiblekjv1611Wapocrypha -

(Jewish) Bible 1936 The Holy Scriptures - Revised in accordance with Jewish tradition and modern Biblical scholarship - By Alexander Harkavy Hebrew Publishing Company. New York.

Tony Bilton

Bilton, T. (and others) 1981 Introductory Sociology by Tony Bilton, Kevin Bonnett, Philip Jones, Michelle Stanworth, Ken Sheard & Andrew Webster. London: Macmillan

Édouard Biot 1803-1850

Biot, E. 1836 "La Population de la Chine et ses Variations depuis l'an 2400 avant J. C. jusqu'au 13e siècle de notre ère" ["The Population of China and its Variations since the year 2400 BC, until the thirteenth century AD] Journal Asiatique, 1836, Series 3, Volume 1, pages 369-394, 448-474; Volume 2, pages 74-78. Available at http://www.chineancienne.fr/19e-s/biot-m%C3%A9moires/biot-population-de-la- chine-et-ses-variations/

Elizabeth Bird 1945-

See Bristol Womens Studies Group

Bird, E. 2003 "Women's Studies and the Women's Movement in Britain: origins and evolution, 1970-2000" Women's History Review, Volume 12, Number 2, 2003 pages 263 - 288 available at http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=0961%2d2025&volume=1 2&issue=2&spage=263

Max Black

Black, M. 1961 (Editor) The Social Theories of Talcott Parsons. A critical examination. Prentice Hall

Ronald Blackburn
Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Forensic Psychological Studies at the University of Liverpool (inaugural lecture January 1995). Previously a clinical psychologist at
Ashworth Hospital, Parkbourn, Maghull, Merseyside

Blackburn, R. 1993 The Psychology of Criminal Conduct: Theory, research, and practice The Wiley series in clinical psychology. Chichester; New York: Wiley. x and 496 pages
Crime, Criminology, and Psychology.
The Measurement and Distribution of Crime.
Classification of Offenders.
Social and Environmental Theories of Crime.
Individually Oriented and Integrated Theories of Crime.
Biological Correlates of Antisocial Behavior.
Familial and Social Correlates of Crime.
Personal Attributes of Offenders.
Aggression and Violent Crime.
Crime and Mental Disorder.
Sexual Deviation and Sexual Offending.
Forensic Psychology and the Offender.
Psychological Interventions with Offenders.
Treatment of Dangerous Offenders.
The Effectiveness and Ethics of Intervention.

Tony Blackshaw 1960-

Blackshaw, T. 2005 Zygmunt Bauman Routledge Key Sociologists. London; New York: Routledge. xiii and 170 pages.
An interim career report
Bauman's sociology : his theory of modernity
The ways and means of the dragoman
Freedom and security in the liquid modern sociality
Consumerism as the liquid modern way of life.


Blackstone, W. 1765/9 (First edition) Commentaries on the Laws of England.

Blackstone, W. 1765/9 (First edition) Commentaries on the Laws of England (Original spelling) available at http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/blackstone/blacksto.htm - Avalon Project

Blackstone, W. 1765/9 (First edition) Commentaries on the Laws of England (Modernised spelling) available at http://www.lonang.com/exlibris/blackstone - Lonang Library

Blackwell Companion to Social Theory
Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families

Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology

Blackwood B, Diane 1997 "Erving Goffman" article from Magill's Guide to 20th Century Authors (1997) Salem Press, Pasadena, California. Available at http://www.blackwood.org/Erving.htm

William Blake 28.11.1757 - 12.8.1827 See Vultee - weblinks - Reviews - xblake.htm

bibliography on American Buddha website, followed by text of many of the poems.

Blake, W. 1783 Poetical Sketches available from http://www.english.uga.edu/nhilton/Blake/blaketxt1/poetical_sk etches.html

Blake, W. 1788a There is no Natural Religion (about 1788) available from The William Blake Archive http://www.blakearchive.org,

Blake, W. 1788b All Religions Are One (about 1788) available from The William Blake Archive http://www.blakearchive.org,

Blake, W. 1789 Songs of Innocence available from the Blake Page at http://www.gailgastfield.com/innocence/soi.html

Blake, W. 1791 The French Revolution: A Poem in Seven Books

Blake, W. 1792 A Song of Liberty

Blake, W. 1793m The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Blake, W. 1793v Visions of the Daughters of Albion

Blake, W. 1794e Songs of Experience available from the Blake Page at http://www.gailgastfield.com/experience/soe.html

Blake, W. 1794ie Songs of Innocence and of Experience, shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul.

The order of poems varies. The usual order in modern versions was established by editions Blake prepared in 1818 and 1827. There is a digital edition at http://virtual.park.uga.edu/~wblake/SIE/begin/begin1.html that [used to allow?] allows you to explore the different orders of the poems.

Blake, W. 1794u The Book of Urizen

Blake, W. 1808 Grave

Blake, W. 1818 Everlasting Gospel

Blake, W. 1820 Jerusalem

Blake, W. 1822 The Ghost of Abel

Blake, W. 1826 Illustrations to the Book of Job

Kenneth (Ken) Blakemore 1948-

Kenneth Blakemore and Margaret Boneham

Blakemore, K. and Boneham, M. 1994 Age, Race and Ethnicity: A comparative approach Rethinking ageing series. Buckingham; Philadelphia : Open University Press. xi and 154 pages
1 Introduction 1
2 Research, understanding and action 9
3 Comparative perspectives 27
4 Double jeopardy? 38
5 The Afro-Caribbeans' experience 56
6 The Asians' experiences 77
7 Health, illness and health services 93
8 Welfare and social services 109
9 Conclusion 137

Blakemore, K. 1998 Social Policy: An introduction Buckingham : Open University Press, x and 227 pages

Ken Blakemore and Louise Warwick-Booth

Blakemore, K. and Warwick-Booth, L. 2013 Social Policy: An Introduction 4th Edition
Table of Contents
1 The subject of social policy
Social policy: an identity problem?, p.1
The story of social policy, p.7
Conclusions: the subject today, p.14
2 Ideas and concepts in social policy
Social policy principles, p.19
Equality, equity and justice, p.24
Need, p.31
Freedom and rights, p.37
Conclusions, p.42
3 The development of social policy in Britain
The importance of history, p.46
Example 1: from workhouse to workfare?, p.47
Example 2: public health reform, p.52
Example 3: education, the role of government and the concept of the 'contract state', p.54
The development of a welfare state p.56
Conclusions: Britain's welfare history in comparative context, p.60
4 The global social policy environment
The current context of policy-making, p.66
Globalization, p.67
Conclusions: global social policy futures, p.79
5 The contested boundaries of social policy: the case of criminal justice
Introduction: what is criminal justice policy?, p.82
Criminal justice, social control and social policy: a 'penal-welfare state'?, p.84
Comparing crime and criminal justice, p.88
Measuring crime, p.93
The criminal justice process, p.95
6 Who gets what? Slicing the welfare cake
What are the benefits of the welfare system?, p.104
Should benefits and services be selective or universal?, p.107
Gainers and losers: individuals and groups, p.109
How large is the welfare cake?, p.114
Social security: who benefits?, p.117
Poverty and social exclusion, p.122
7 Social policy, politics and social control
Social control and the rise of welfare, p.134
Social policy and the political order, p.142
Social control and individual freedom, p.146
Conclusions: can social policies bring benign control?, p.155
8 Who makes policy? The example of education
Power and democracy, p.159
Models of power: understanding how decisions are made, p.162
The background: education and Conservative policies of the 1980s and 1990s, p.166
Centralizing control: the New Labour educational legacy, p.174
Policies for the future?, p.178
Conclusions, p.180
9 Work and welfare
Historical connections between work and welfare, p.186
Does work equal welfare?, p.188
The context: work and unemployment in the UK, p.192
Current employment policy, p.197
Conclusions: in whose interests is employment policy?, p.201
10 Are professionals good for you? The example of health policy and health professionals
Health, illness, modern medicine and health policy, p.207
A crisis of confidence in the medical profession, p.212
Medical and nursing professions in the development of the NHS, p.216
The health professions and health service reform, p.218
Conclusions, p.223
11 Utopias and ideals: housing policy and the environment
Housing policy: definitions and significance, p.229
Housing utopias and ideals, p.231
More history: housing under New Labour-a forgotten dream?, p.240
The Coalition Government approach, p.243
Conclusions: housing and the environment in a postmodern society, p.246
12 Community and social care
The development of community and social care, p.251
The community care reforms: implementation and outcomes, p.257
Conclusions, p.267
13 Devolution and social policy
What is devolution?, p.272
Devolution and education policy, p.276
Devolution: health and social care, p.281
The end of British social policy? The impact of devolution and of the EU, p.285
Globalization and devolution, p.289
Conclusions, p.290
14 Conclusion: the future of social policy
Social policy and rapid social change, p.293
The changing context of social policy: a 'postmodern' era?, p.299

Louis Blanc 1811-1882

Blanc, L. 1861 Histoire de la Révolution française Paris 1861. Available at http://www.archive.org/details/histoiredelarvo19blangoog

Olivier Blanc French historian


Blanc, O. 1981 Olympe de Gouges Paris: Syros. IS- 2901968546. 248 pages. In French
Olivier Blanc's first biography of Olympe de Gauges.

Blanc, O. 1987 Last letters: Prisons and Prisoners of the French Revolution, 1793-1794 London: A. Deutsch. IS-023397959X. Translated from the French. 16 pages introductory, 250 pages. Bibliography, pages 235- 250 - Includes index

Blanc, O. 1989 Olympe de Gouges: une femme de libertés Paris: Syros/Alternatives. IS- 286738415X. 244 pages. In French
Olivier Blanc's second? biography of Olympe de Gauges.

Blanc, O. (Editor) 1993 Ecrits politiques, Olympe de Gouges. 1788-1791. Paris: Côté-Femmes, 2 volumes. Des femmes dans l'histoire series.
The first critical edition of Olympe de Gouges' Political Writings. In French.

Blanc, O. 2003 Marie-Olympe De Gouges. Une Humaniste à la fin du 18e Siècle Paris: R. Vienet. 270 pages: illustrated, portraits; IS-2849830003. A biography in French. Includes bibliographical references (pages 238-252) and index. An English translation by Donald Nicholson-Smith is almost completed, (commissioned by Rene Vienet), but not yet published. See weblinks for more information

Marc Bloch 1886-1944

Bloch, M. 1961 Feudal Society An English translation from the original French

Boris Blumberg, Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler.

Blumberg, B.; Cooper, D.R. and Schindler, P.S. 2005 Business Research Methods London : McGraw-Hill. 596 pages.

Herbert Blumer (7.3.1900 - 13.4.1987) weblinks

Blumer, H. 1928 Method in Social Psychology. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago (1928).

Blumer, H. 1933 Movies and Conduct. New York: Macmillan. Available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Blumer/1933/Blumer_1933_toc.html

Blumer, H. and Philip M. Hauser 1933 Movies, Delinquency, and Crime New York: Macmillan.

Blumer, H. 1936 "Social attitudes and non-symbolic interaction". Journal of Educational Psychology 9 (1936): pages 515- 523. Available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Blumer/Blumer_1936.html
non-symbolic interaction = "spontaneous and direct response to the gestures and actions of the other individual, without the intermediation of any interpretation". Blumer suggests that this level of interaction is the one associated with feelings.

Blumer, H. 1937 "Social Psychology." Chapter 4 in Emerson Peter Schmidt (editor) Man and Society: A Substantive Introduction to the Social Science. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1937): pp 144-198. Available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Blumer/Blumer_1937.html

Blumer, H. 1939 Critiques of Research in the Social Sciences: I. An Appraisal of Thomas and Znaniecki's The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. New York: Social Science Research Council (1939).

Blumer, H. 1939 "Review of Manual of Psychiatry and Mental Hygiene by Aaron J. Rosanoff." American Journal of Sociology 44 (1939): pp 767- 768.

Blumer, H. 1954 "What is Wrong with Social Theory". American Sociological Review 18 (1954): pp 3-10. Available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Blumer/Blumer_1954.html

Blumer, H. 1956 "Sociological Analysis and the Variable". American Sociological Review 21 (1956): pp 683-690. Available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Blumer/Blumer_1956.html

Blumer, H. 1962 "Society as Symbolic Interaction" in Arnold Rose (editor), Human Behavior and Social Processes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, (1962): pp 179-192.

Blumer, H. 1966 "Sociological implications of the thought of George Herbert Mead." American Journal of Sociology 71 (1966): pp 535-548.

Blumer, H. 1969 Symbolic Interactionism: perspective and method. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

1) The Methodological Position of Symbolic Interactionism (p.1)
2) Sociological implications of the thought of George Herbert Mead (p.61)
3) Society as Symbolic Interaction" (p.78)
4) Attitudes and the Social Act (p.90)
5) Psychological Import of the Human Group (p.101)
6) An Appraisal of Thomas and Znaniecki's The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (p.117)
7) Sociological Analysis and the "Variable" (p.127)
8) "What is Wrong with Social Theory?" (p.140)
9) Science without Concepts (p.153)
10) The Problem of the Concept in Social Psychology (p.171)
11) Suggestions for the Study of Mass Media Effects (p.183)
12) Public Opinion and Public Opinion Polling. (p.195)

Robert Bocock 1940 -

Bocock, R. 1976 Freud and Modern Society: An outline and analysis of Freud's sociology London : Chapman and Hall. xv and 200 pages

Clive Roland Boddy 1959-
Middlesex University Business School

Boddy, C.R. 2005 "The Implications of Corporate Psychopaths for Business And Society: An Initial Examination And A Call To Arms" Australasian Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences, 1(2), 30-40. Available at http://www.nowandfutures.com/large/ImplicationsOfCorporatePsychopaths(boddy ).pdf

Boddy, C.R. 2009 Corporate Psychopaths in Australian Workplaces: Their Influence on Organizational Outcomes, Curtin University of Technology

Boddy, C.R. 2011 Corporate Psychopaths: Organizational Destroyers Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, April 2011. 207 pages.
Introduction - Corporate Psychopaths as Organisational Destroyers
The Origins of Corporate Psychopaths
Corporate Psychopaths, Bullying, Conflict and Unfair Supervision in the Workplace
The Influence of Corporate Psychopaths on Corporate Social Responsibility and Organisational Commitment to Employees
Corporate Psychopaths and Organisational Constraints
Corporate Psychopaths and Workload
Corporate Psychopaths and Job Satisfaction
The Organisational Seniority of Corporate Psychopaths
Corporate Psychopaths and Organisational Type
Corporate Psychopaths and Withdrawal from Work
Critical Incidents in the Behaviour of Corporate Psychopaths
Encouragement of Corporate Psychopaths by Organisations
Corporate Psychopaths compared to other Dark Leadership Personalities: Antisocial Personalities, Dissocial Personalities, Psychotics, Sociopaths, Narcissists and Machiavellians
The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis
Ethical Issues Involving Corporate Psychopaths

Boddy, C.R. 3.12.2012 "Bullying and Corporate Psychopaths at Work: Clive Boddy at TEDxHanzeUniversity" published on You Tube

James Bohman

Bohman, James, 2005 "Critical Theory", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (editor), Available at http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2005/entries/critical-theory/. With minor subsequent corrections at http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2010/entries/critical- theory/

Charles Booth 1840-1916

Booth, C. 1889 Life and Labour of the People edited by Charles Booth, in two volumes. Volume one: East London.

Booth, C. 1892-1897 Life and Labour of the People in London. Second edition. 9 volumes and maps

Booth, C. 1902-1903 Life and Labour of the People in London. Third edition. 17 volumes. London: Macmillan. 1902-1903.

Booth, C. 1902 vol.7 "Religious Influences: Summary"

Mary (Irene) Cathcart Borer

Borer, M.C. 1975/1976 Willingly to School - A History of Women's Education Guildford and London: Lutterworth press. (copyright 1975 - first published 1976)

Elizabeth Bott (3.3.1924- ) who became Elizabeth Spillius
Elizabeth Bott Spillius

Bott, E, 1976 "Hospital and society" British Journal of Medical Psychology 49: pp 97-140.

Bott, E, 1990 "Asylum and Society". A new paper based on "Hospital and Society" (1976) in Trist, E. and Murray, H. (Editors) The Social Engagement of Social Science Volume 1 London: Free Association Books, 1990

Thomas Burton Bottomore (1920-1992)

Bottomore, T.B. 1962 Sociology. A Guide to Problems and Literature. Unwin

Bottomore, T.B. 1964 Elites and Society

Bottomore, T. and Rubel, M. 1966 (Editors) Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy.

Bottomore, T.B. 1975 Marxist Sociology

Bottomore, T.B; Miliband, R. and others, 1983 (Editors) A Dictionary of Marxist Thought.

Bottomore, T.B. 1984/So Sociology and Socialism Brighton: Wheatsheaf. 212 pages.

Bottomore, T.B. 1984/Fr The Frankfurt School, Chichester [Sussex] ; London : E. Horwood; New York: Tavistock, Key sociologists series. 93 pages. Routledge edition 1989. Republished as The Frankfurt School and its critics by Routledge in 2002. (Still 93 pages)
Contents: 1. The Formation of the School 2. The High Tide of Critical Theory 3. Decline and Renewal 4.Conclusion: A Critical Assessment of the Critics 5. Biographical Notes on the Some Leading Members of the School

Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) See Will Atkinson - Craig Calhoun - Cultural Sociology - Anthony Elliott - Arthur Frank - Bridget Fowler - Roger Friedland - Richard Jenkins - Douglas Kellner - Martyn J. Lee - Omar Lizardo - Roy Nash - Howard Richards - Marco Santoro - Steven Seidman - George Steinmetz - Rob Stones - Alice Sullivan - David Swartz - Paul Sweetman - Alan Swingewood - Loïc Wacquant - Webb, Schirato and Danaher - Jim Wolfreys - weblinks

1958 - 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1972 - 1973 - 1979 - 1980 - 1983 - 1984 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1998 - 2001 -

Bourdieu, P. 1958 Sociologie de l'Algérie, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. A revised and corrected edition translated into Englsh in 1962 as The Algerians. Boston: Beacon Press.

Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, with the collaboration of Michel Eliard.

Bourdieu P. and Passeron J-C. 1964 Les héritiers. Les étudiants et la culture, Paris: Mouton. 149 pages. Translated into English by Richard Nice as The Inheritors: French Students and their Relations to Culture, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1979,

Pierre Bourdieu, Luc Boltanski, Robert Castel, Jean-Claude Chamboredon and Dominique Schnapper

Bourdieu, P., Boltanski L., Castel, R., Chamboredon J.-C. and Schnapper D. 1965 Un art moyen. Essais sur les usages sociaux de la photographie Translated into English by S. Whiteside as Photography: A Middle-brow Art. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1990

"The book contains several elements by Bourdieu: an analysis of the role of photography in the family life of peasants and small-town and urban dwellers, and an exploration of the 'social definition of photography,' including a brief essay on how different classes and groups express their aesthetic worldview in response to different photographs and photographic styles. Additional chapters by Bourdieu's colleagues explore the sociology of the camera club, photographic practice and the fine arts, and the nature of photography as an occupation." American Journal of Sociology

Pierre Bourdieu with Jean-Claude Passeron and Monique de Saint Martin

Bourdieu, P., Passeron, J.-C. and de Saint Martin, M. 1965 Rapport pédagogique et communication. Translated into English by R. Teese as Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professional Power Polity Press, Cambridge 1992

Bourdieu, P. 11.1966 "Champ intellectuel et project créateur" Les temps modernes November 1966, pp 865-906. Translated as "Intellectual Field and Creative Project", available in Michael F.D. Young (editor) Knowledge and Control (1971) - "initial attempt to outline theoretically the concept of intellectual field". Also uses the term habitus (Randal Johnson p.269)

Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon and Jean-Claude Passeron

Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J-C. and J-C. Passeron 1968 Le métier de sociologue. Préalables épistémologiques, Translated into English by Richard Nice as The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries, edited by B. Krais, Walter de Gruyter, New York, 1991,

Pierre Bourdieu, and Alain Darbel; with Dominique Schnapper

Bourdieu, P., Darbel, A., Schnapper, D. 1969 L'amour de l'art. Les musées d' art et leur public, Paris. Les Editions de Minuit, 248 pages. Translated into English by Caroline Beattie and Nick Merriman, as The Love of Art: European Art Museums and their Public, Polity Press, Cambridge 1997.

Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J. 1970 La Reproduction - Eléments pour une théorie du système d'enseignement (Elements for a theory of the education system). Translated into English as Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture (1977)

Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J. 1970/1977 Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture London: Sage Publications. Foreword by Tom Bottomore. Traslation in English of La Reproduction (1970)

Bourdieu, P. 1972 Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique (1972) Translated into English as Outline of a Theory of Practice (1977) by Richard Nice.

Bourdieu, P. 1972/1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Translation into English of Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique (1972) by Richard Nice.

Bourdieu, R. 1973 "Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction". A paper presented at the annual conference of the British Sociological Association, University of Durham, 7-10 April 1970, in Brown, R. 1973

Bourdieu, P. 1979 La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement (1979). Translated into English by Richard Nice as Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (1984 RKP).

Bourdieu, P. 1979/1984 Distinction. A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Translation into English by Richard Nice of La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement (1979)

Part contents:

PART ONE: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste p.9
1 The Aristocracy of Culture p.11
The Titles of Cultural Nobility p.18
Cultural Pedigree p.63

Appendices (p. 503 following)
1. Some Reflections on the Method
2. Complimentary Sources
3. Statisical Data
4. Associations: A Parlour Game

Bourdieu, P. 1980 Le sens pratique (1980) Translated into English as The Logic of Practice (1990)

Bourdieu, P. 1980/1990 The Logic of Practice Translation into English by Richard Nice of Le sens pratique (1980)
Part I: Critique of Theoretical Reason. Foreword.
1. Objectifying Objectification.
2. The Imaginary Anthropology of Subjectivism.
3. Structures, Habitus, Practices.
4. Belief and the Body.
5. The Logic of Practice.
6. The Work of Time.
7. Symbolic Capital.
8. Modes of Domination.
9. The Objectivity of the Subjective.
Part Two: Practical Logics.
1. Land and Matrimonial Strategies.
2. The social uses of kinship.
3. Irresistible Analogy.
Summarises Bourdieu's anthropology. Drawing on field work, "unfolds a theoretical perspective which aims to do justice to the practical logic of everyday action as well as the objective structures within which such action takes place". Understanding practice requires moving beyond objectivism and subjectivism to grasp, by means of the concept of "habitus", "the interplay of structures and practices in the ongoing conduct of everyday life".

Archive link to Brian Lande's 2005 notes
"appears to be Bourdieu's effort, 20 years after the publication of "Outline" to revisit the same material, address some of the original objections and challenges made to "Outline" and otherwise refine the expression of his ideas" (Review by "Cued" on Amazon)

Bourdieu, P. 1983 "Ökonomisches Kapital, kulturelles Kapital, soziales Kapital" (Translated by Reinhard Kreckel), in: Reinhard Kreckel (Editor): Soziale Ungleichheiten. Sonderheft 2 der Zeitschrift 'Soziale Welt', Göttingen: Vlg. Otto Schwartz, S. 183-198. English: "The (three) Forms of Capital", in: John G. Richardson (Editor): Handbook of Theory and Research in the Sociology of Education, New York/N.Y. & London 1986 Available online in the Internet archive and at marxists.org

Bourdieu, P. 1984 Questions de sociologie Paris: Les Editions de Minuit, 1984. Translated int English by Richard Nice as Sociology in Question (1993)

Bourdieu, P. 1984/1993 Sociology in question. London : Sage, 1993. viii and 184 pages. Translation into English by Rihard Nice of Questions de sociologie
Contents: The Art of Standing Up to Words - A Science that Makes Trouble - The Sociologist in Question - Are Intellectuals Out of Play? - How Can 'Free-Floating Intellectuals' Be Set Free? - For a Sociology of Sociologists - The Paradox of the Sociologist - What Talking Means - Some Properties of Fields - The Linguistic Market Censorship - 'Youth' is Just a Word - Music-Lovers Origin and Evolution of the Species - The Metamorphosis of Tastes - How Can Anyone Be a Sportsman? - Haute Couture and Haute Culture - But Who Created the 'Creators'? - Public Opinion Does Not Exist - Culture and Politics - Strikes and Political Action - The Racism of 'Intelligence'

Bourdieu, P. 1988 Homo Academicus, Cambridge: Polity.

Bourdieu P. 1989 "Social Space and Symbolic Power", Sociological Theory, Vol.7 (1) pp.14-25
Seeks to present the theoretical principles at the base of his book
Distinction (1979/1984), for English speaking (USA) readers.

Bourdieu, P. 1990 In Other Words - Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology Translation by Matthew Adamson of Choses Dites (Paris 1987) with two added essays. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Contents: Preface. Part I: Pathways: 1. 'Fieldwork in Philosophy'. 2. Landmarks. Part II: Confrontations: 3. From Rules to Strategies. 4. Codification. 5. The Interest of the Sociologist. 6. Reading, Readers, the Literate, Literature. 7. A Reply to Some Objections. Part III: New Directions: 8. Social Space and Symbolic Power. 9. The Intellectual Field: A World Apart. 10. The Uses of the 'People'. 11. Programme for a Sociology of Sport. 12. Opinion Polls: A 'Science' Without a Scientist. Conclusion. 13. A Lecture on the Lecture. Bibliography on the Works of Pierre Bourdieu, 1958-1988

Pierre Bourdieu and Loïc J. D. Wacquant

Bourdieu, P and Wacquant, L.J.D 1992 Réponses. Pour une anthropologie réflexive (Paris 1992) translated as An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology (Cambridge, Polity. 1992)
Contents: Preface. Part I: Towards a Social Praxeology: The Structure and Logic of Bourdieu's Sociology. 1. Beyond the Antinomy of Social Physics and Social Phenomenology. 2. Classification Struggles and the Dialectic of Social and Mental Structures. 3. Methodological Relationalism. 4. The Fuzzy Logic of Practical Sense. 5. Against Theoreticism and Methodologism: Total Social Science. 6. Epistemic Reflexivity. 7. Reason, Ethics and Politics. Part II: The Purpose of Reflexive Sociology (The Chicago Workshop). 1. Sociology as Socioanalysis. 2. The Unique and the Invariant. 3. The Logic of Fields. 4. Interest, Habitus, Rationality. 5. Language, Gender, and Symbolic Violence. 6. For a Realpolitik of Reason. 7. The Personal is Social. Part III: The Practice of Reflexive Sociology (The Paris Workshop). 1. Handing Down a Trade. 2. Thinking Relationally. 3. A Radical Doubt. 4. 'Double Bind' and Conversion. 5. Participant Objectivation.

Bourdieu, P. 1993 The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature. New York: Columbia University Press. A collection that "brings together Pierre Bourdieu's major essays on art, literature and culture, published between 1968 and 1987". Edited and introduced by Randal Johnson. The Editor's Introduction "Pierre Bourdieu on Art, Literature and Culture" is substantial, with detailed notes and references.

Bourdieu, P. 7.12.1993 "In Praise of Sociology: Acceptance Speech for the Gold Medal of the CNRS". An English translation of the speech made on 7.12.1993 upon receipt of the Gold Medal of the National Centre for Scientific Research. Sociology February 2013 47: pp 7-14,

Bourdieu, P. 1994 Raisons pratiques. Sur la theorie de l'action Paris: éditions du Seuil. Translated into English as Practical Reason: On the theory of action (1998)

Bourdieu, P. 1994/1998 Practical Reason: On the theory of action Cambridge/UK: Polity Press and Stanford/California: Stanford University Press. Translation into English of Raisons pratiques. Sur la theorie de l'action

Bourdieu, P. 4.1998 Contre-feux 1: Propos pour servir à la résistance contre l'invasion Néo-libérale

Bourdieu, P. 4.1998/1998 Acts of Resistance: Against the new myths of our time, Cambridge: Polity. Translation into English by Richard Nice of Contre-feux 1. Published in USA with title "Acts of Resistance. Against the Tyranny of the Market", New York 1999: The New Press; "Backfire: Against the Tyranny of the Market", New York 2000: The New Press).

Bourdieu, P. 2001 Contre-Feux 2. Pour un mouvement social européen, Paris/France. Raisons dïagir. January 2001.
Pour un mouvement social européen
L'imposition du modèle américain et ses effets
Pour un savoir engagé
La main invisible des puissants
Contre la politique de dépolitisation
Une coordination ouverte,
Un syndicalisme rénové,
Associer les chercheurs et les militants,
L'Europe ambiguë retour sur le choix d'une action au niveau européen
Les grains de sable
La culture est en danger
L'autonomie menacée
Pour un nouvel internationalisme
Unifier pour mieux dominer
Le double sens de la "globalization"
L'état du champ économique mondial,

Pierre Bourdieu videoed by Pierre Carles

Bourdieu, P. and Carles, P. 2001 La sociologie est un sport de combat. Video available for English listeners in seven parts at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8EC430335E655830 with the title Sociology is a Martial Art

Separate listing:
(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csbu08SqAuc -
(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFuAOP1H6Go -
(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6XM9IHRias -
(4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TKvVBvDFe0 -
(5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtJp_ULuKeQ -
(6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V_X52VQcA8 -
(7) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ksp48lX8hw -

For three years (1998-2001) Pierre Carles followed Pierre Bourdieu, a major sociologist, working to have his research understood and people prompted to action. Sociology is a fighting sport, not an intellectual technical tool for the elite to validate their choices. People need sociology to understand the growing inequalities and fire back, find their way out of the all-economic fatalism.

Joanna Bourke

Bourke, J. 2007 Rape: A history from 1860 to the present London: Virago, viii and 565 pages.

Geoffrey C. Bowker

Bowker, G.C. 2005 Memory Practices in the Sciences Inside Technology. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London: MIT Press. xi and 261 pages
Chapter 1: Synchronisation and Synchrony in the Archive; Geology and the 1830s
Chapter 2: The Empty Archive; Cybernetics and the 1960s
Chapter 3: Databasing the World; Biodiversity and the 2000s

offline .doc (A final draft?)

Danah M. Boyd and Nicole B. Ellison

Boyd, D. M., and Ellison, N. B. 2007 (Editors) Special Theme: Social Network Sites Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 13, issue 1

Boyd, D. M., and Ellison, N. B. 2007. "Social Network Sites: Definition, history, and scholarship". Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13 (1), article 11. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/boyd.ellison.html

See Subject Index Social Networks

William Boyd

Boyd, W. 1956 Emile for Today The Emile of Jaques Rousseau selected, translated and interpreted by William Boyd, London: Heinemann. Extracts with an introduction to each part by Boyd: 1) Infancy - 2) Boyhood - 3) The Approach of Adolescence - 4) Adolescence - 5) Marriage - Epilogue by Boyd on natural education and national education.

Boyers, R. and Orrill, R. 1971 Laing and Anti-psychiatry Penguin 1972

Keith (John Charles) Bradley 1950-

Bradley, K. 2009 The Bradley Report: "Lord Bradley's review of people with mental health problems or learning disabilities in the criminal justice system." April 2009. London: COI for the Department of Health, 2009. 171 pages. Archived at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130107105354/http://www.dh.gov. uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_098698. pdf

See Subject Index Mental health and prison

Fran Branfield and Peter Beresford

Branfield, F. and Beresford, P. 2006 Making User Involvement Work: supporting service user networking and knowledge by Fran Branfield and Peter Beresford ; with contributions from Eamon J. Andrews, Patricia Chambers, Patsy Staddon, Grace Wise and Bob Williams-Findlay Andrews. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2006. xvi and 102 pages. Available online at https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/making-user-involvement- work-supporting-service-user-networking-and-knowledge.

Offline findings - report -

Jonathan Bradshaw and Jane Millar

Bradshaw, J and Millar, J. 1991 Lone Parent Families in the UK by Jonathan Bradshaw and Jane Millar. Department of Social Security. Research reports; 6. Available at http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rrep006.pdf

William Braithwaite

Braithwaite, W. 1912 The Beginnings of Quakerism. Macmillan

Braithwaite, W. 1919 The Second Period of Quakerism. Macmillan

Asa Briggs

Briggs, A. 1959 The Age of Improvement 1783-1867 Longman

Daniel Briggs
Reader in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of East London

Briggs, D. 2011 Crack Cocaine Users: High Society and Low Life in South London Routledge

Briggs, D. 2012 (Editor) The English Riots of 2011 A Summer of Discontent Hampshire, England, Waterside Press
Contributions from: Stephanie Alice Baker, Tim Bateman, Steve Briggs, Joel Busher, Celia Diaz-Catalan, Rebecca Clarke, Aisha K. Gill, Steve Hall, Simon Harding, Vicky Heap, Steven Hirschler, Liz Kelly, Axel Klein, Lorenzo Navarrete-Moreno, Geoffrey Pearson, Hannah Smithson, John Strawson, Sheldon Thomas, Simon Winlow and Ricardo Zuniga.

John Briggs 1938-

Briggs, J. 1996 Crime and Punishment in England: An introductory history London: UCL Press, viii and 276 pages.

1 The
medieval origins of the English criminal justice system - Anglo-Saxon society - The Norman conquest of England and the law -
Part one: The early modern period
2. Crime and the courts in early modern England
3. Church courts and manor courts
4. The Machinery of law enforcement
5. Imposing the law
6. Punishment
7. Socio-political crime
Part two: Crime, police and punishment in England after the Industrial Revolution, 1800- 75
8. The ordering of society
9. The changing nature of crime in the nineteenth century
10. The policing of society
11. Patterns of punishment
Part three: The making of the modern criminal, 1875 - 1960
12. Patterns of crime
13. Bad behaviour
14. Professional law
15. Ordering punishment

Bristol Women's Studies Group

Bristol Women's Studies Group 1979 Half The Sky: An Introduction to Women's Studies by the Bristol Women's Studies Group ... ; illustrations by Sarah Braun. London : Virago, 1979. Reprinted 1974

Bristol Women's Studies Group was formed in the late 1970s specifically to produce this collection. The nine members were Elizabeth Bird (University of Bristol) - Miriam David (University of Bristol) - Ellen Malos (University of Bristol) - Marilyn Porter (University of Bristol) - Suzanne Skevington (University of Bath) - Helen Taylor (Bristol Polytechnic) - Linda Ward (University of Bristol) - Helen Weinreich-Haste (University of Bath) - Jackie West (University of Bristol). None was teaching Womens's Studies full time, although Marilyn Porter moved on to do so at Manchester. Women's Studies at Bristol, as elsewhere, was largely extra-mural in adult education classes such as those run by the Workers Educational Association. See teaching - mental health

British Psychological Society

Division of Clinical Psychology
"The Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) promotes the professional interests of clinical psychologists"

DCP May 2013 "Division of Clinical Psychology Position Statement on the Classification of Behaviour and Experience in Relation to Functional Psychiatric Diagnoses - Time for a Paradigm Shift" Released 13.5.2013. Available at http://dcp.bps.org.uk/document-download-area/document- download$.cfm?file_uuid=9EF109E9-0FB3-ED4F-DF84-310F745854CB&ext=pdf

British Social Attitudes Survey 1983-

Entry at UK Data Service

British Social Attitudes 1983 survey Technical report by Sharon Witherspoon available at http://doc.ukdataservice.ac.uk/doc/1935/mrdoc/pdf/1935userguide1.pdf

Public attitudes to poverty and welfare, 1983- 2011 - Analysis using British Social Attitudes data, by Elizabeth Clery, Lucy Lee and Sarah Kunz April 2013. Prepared for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at http://www.natcen.ac.uk/our-research/research/public-attitudes-to-poverty- and-welfare-1983-2011/

Broadhurst, P.L. 1967 "John B. Watson" in Alta. The University of Birmingham Review Summer 1967 pp 136-140.

Brody, M. 1975 Miriam Brody's introduction to the 1975 Penguin edition of Wollstonecraft 1792, (pages 7-72)

Charlie Brooker

Brooker C, Repper, J, Beverley, C, Ferriter, M and Brewer, N. 2003 Mental Health Services and Prisoners: A review, available at http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130107105354/http://www.dh.gov. uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/ DH_4084149

Charlie Brooker and Dina Gojkovic

Brooker, C and Gojkovic, D. 2007 The 1st and 2nd national surveys: an analysis of the longitudinal development of mental health prison in-reach teams, Final Report to the Department of Health

Charlie Brooker, Coral Sirdifield and Dina Gojkovic

Brooker, C., Sirdifield, C. and Gojkovic, D. 2007 Mental Health Services and Prisoners: An updated review University of Lincoln. Available at http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/2523/

Brooker, C. and Ullman, B. 2008 "Out of sight, out of mind: The state of mental healthcare in prison." Policy Exchange. Available at: httP://www.policyexchange.org.uk

Brooker, C. 2012 "Short-changed: Spending on prison mental health care," Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health. Available at: http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/cjmh/docs/Short- changed.pdf

See Subject Index Mental health and prison

George Stephen Brosan 8.8.1921 - 31.10.2001
Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the Institution of Production Engineers.

Brosan, G.S. 1963 "Education and training for productivity" [A conference paper] Production Engineer, Volume 42, Issue 7, July 1963, p. 399 - 405

Brosan, G.S. 1963 "Consumerism is king?" Production Engineer, 1963, Volume 42, Issue 7, July 1963, page 435 (Correspondence)

Brosan, G.S. and Hayden, J.T. 1966 Advanced Electrical Power and Machines London: Pitman. xxi and 915 pages: 4 plates, tables, diagrams.

Brosan, G.S. 1967 "Psychology of industrial training" Production Engineer, Volume 46, Issue 5, May 1967, p. 333 - 339

George Brosan, Charles Carter, Richard Layard, Peter Venables, and Gareth Williams

Brosan, G.S. and others 1971 Patterns and Policies in Higher Education Series: Penguin education specials. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 186 pages

Brosan, G.S. 1973 "The making of the Eurograd", Education and Training Volume 15 Issue 1, July 1973, pp.9 - 11 - "Dr George Brosan, director of NE London Polytechnic, considers the White Paper in the European context".

Brosan, G.S. 1975 "Which road to 1980?" Production Engineer, Volume 54, Issue 7-8, July August 1975, p. 385 - 386

Brosan, G.S. 1977 "The institution of manufacture?". Editorial. Production Engineer (London), 56 (6), June 1977 p. 3

James A.C. Brown (1911-1965) Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Psychiatry, London

Brown, J.A.C.1961/1964 Freud and the Post Freudians

Richard K. Brown 1933-

Brown, R. 1973 (Editor) Knowledge, Education, and Cultural Change : Papers in the sociology of education A selection of the papers presented at the annual conference of the British Sociological Association, University of Durham, 7-10 April 1970 on the theme The sociology of education'. Edited by Richard Brown. Explorations in sociology ; 2 London: Tavistock [distributed in the USA by Harper & Row Publishers, Barnes & Noble Import Division. xii and 410 pages

Alan Bryman 1947
Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University (31 years)
University of Leicester
Major research interests: Combining quantitative and qualitative research
[Mixed methods]. Disneyization and McDonaldization. Effective leadership in higher education.

Bryman, A. 2001 Social Research Methods Oxford: Oxford University Press (Second edition 2004 - Third edition 2008)
748 pages


Social research strategies -- Research designs -- Planning a research project and formulating research questions -- Getting started: reviewing the literature -- Ethics and politics in social research --

The nature of quantitative research -- Sampling -- Structured interviewing -- Self-completion questionnaires -- Asking questions -- Structured observation -- Content analysis -- Secondary analysis and official statistics -- Quantitative data analysis -- Using SPSS for Windows --

The nature of qualitative -- Ethnography and participant observation -- Interviewing in qualitative research -- Focus groups -- Language in qualitative research -- Documents as sources of data -- Qualitative data analysis -- Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis: using NVivo --

Breaking down the quantitative/qualitative divide -- Mixed methods research: combining quantitative and qualitative research --

E-research: using the internet as object and method of data collection

Writing up social research.

Lyman Bryson 1888-1959

Bryson, L. 1948 (Editor) The Communication Of Ideas: A Series of Addresses New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies: distributed by Harper. Based principally on lectures delivered November 1946 to February 1947 at the institute.
"Problems of communication", by Lyman Bryson
"Some cultural approaches to communication problems", by Margaret Mead
"Classic theories of communication", by W.J. Oates.
"The structure and function of communication in society", by H.D. Lasswell. pp 203-243?.
"Speech and personality", by Wendell Johnson.
"The psychologist's contribution to the communication of ideas", by Irving Lorge.
"Mass communication, popular taste and organized social action", by P.F. Lazarsfeld and R.K. Merton.
"Communication and the arts", by Lennox Grey.
"Communication in practical affairs", by Leo Nejelski.
"Science and writing", by J.M. Clarke.
"Radio", by C.A. Siepmann.
"Problems of freedom", by R.D. Leigh.
"A case history in cross-national communications", by Margaret Mead.
"Leadership, science and policy", by J.M. Goldsen.
"Attention structure and social structure", by H.D. Lasswell.
"Popular art", by Lyman Bryson.

Martin Bulmer

Bulmer, M. 1985 (Editor) Essays on the History of British Sociological Research Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Papers delivered at the 150th Anniversary Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at York from 31.8.1981 to 4.9.1981.
1. The development of sociology and of empirical social research in Britain Martin Bulmer;
Part Two. History:
2. Social monitors: population censuses as social surveys by C. Hakim;
3. The emergence of the sociological survey, 1887-1939 by Raymond Kent;
4. Durkheim, Booth and Yule: the non-diffusion of an intellectual innovation by Hannan C. Selvin and Christopher Bernert;
5. The Governmental Social Survey by Frank Whitehead;
6. Methodological research on sample surveys: a review of developments in Britain by Gerald Hoinville;
7. Mass-Observation 1937-1949 by Angus Calder;
8. The
Institute of Community Studies by Peter Willmott;
9. Provincials and professionals: the British post-war sociologists by A. H. Halsey;
10. On the eve: a prospect in retrospect by Edward Shils;
Part Three. Use:
11. The uses of British sociology, 1831-1981 by Philip Abrams;
12. Informants, respondents and citizens by Catherine Marsh;
13. Surveys of poverty to promote democracy by Peter Townsend;
14. Reading the palm of the invisible hand: indicators, progress and prediction by Lorraine F. Baric

Bulmer, M. 1997 W.I. Thomas and Robert E. Park: Conceptualising, Theorising, and Investigating Social Processes in Camic, C. 1997 pp 242-261

Burckhardt, J. 1960 The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy. English translation for the Italian 1929. 1958 edition.

Ernest Watson Burgess

Burgess, E.W. 1925/2 "The growth of the city: an introduction to a research project" Chapter 2 in Park, R.E. etc 1925

Burgess, E.W. 1925/8 "Can neighborhood work have a scientific basis?" Chapter 8 in Park, R.E. etc 1925

Ernest Watson Burgess and Harvey J. Locke

Burgess, E.W. and Locke, H.J. 1945/1950 The Family from Institution to Companionship. American Book Company. (Second edition 1950)
Part 1: The Family in Social Change
1 The Family in Time and Space
2 The Chinese Family
3 The Rural Family
4 The Urban Family
5 The Negro Family
6 The Russian Family
Part 2: The Family and Personality Development
7 Culture and Personality
8 Psychogenic Conditioning
9 Expectations and Roles
10 Fundamental Wishes
Part 3: Family Organisation
11 Family Unity
12 Love and Courtship
13 Mate Selection
14 Marital Success
15 Predicting Marital Adjustment
Part 4: Family Disorganisation and Reorganisation
16 The American Family in Transition
17 Mobility in the Family
18 Family Conflicts and Accommodations
19 Family Crises
20 Family Disruption
21 War and the Family
22 Family Reorganisation

Jeremiah J. Burgess
Major, United States Air Force

Burgess, J.J. 20.5.2013 "The Who, What and How of Social Media Exploitation for a Combatant Commander". Joint Military Operations Department, Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI, USA. Available at http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=A DA583348

Bernard Burgoyne

Burgoyne, B. 2000 "Autism and Topology" in Drawing the Soul: Schemas and Models in Psychoanalysis London: Rebus Press.

Burgoyne, B. 5.5.2000 What is a Psychoanalyst? Talk given originally at the UK Council for Psychotherapy Conference on "The Future of Psychoanalysis", 5.5.2000. Available at http://www.jcfar.org/past_papers/What%20is%20a%20psychoanalyst%20- %20Bernard%20Burgoyne.pdf

Burgoyne, B. 2014 Neighbourhood of Love: Technique and Science in Psychoanalysis. London.
Introduction to Space
Reconstruction of History
Autism and Topology
Socratic Limits
The Secrets of Space
Engagements in Time
Phobia - the Search for Pathways
Questions of Science
What Leaves Structure in the Field of Love?
Dedekind's Path
Lacan's Scientific Methods

Edmund Burke 12.1.1729 - 9.7.1797

Burke, E. 1790 Reflections on the French Revolution and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event. Dent/Everyman 1910

Barbara [L.] Burman 1948-
Barbara Burman Baines [married Jonn R Baines 1974]
Taught (in 1999) at Winchester College of Art, University of Southampton

Burman, B.L. 1973 1900-1925: Some aspects of dress history, with special reference to the work of Picasso and Matisse Dissertation (MA)-- University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 1973. 40 leaves.

Burman Baines, B. 1981 Fashion revivals : from the Elizabethan age to the present day by Barbara Burman Baines. London New York : Batsford ; Distributed by Drama Book Specialists. 191 pages,

Barbara Burman and Melissa Leventon

Burman, B. and Leventon, M. 1987 The Men's Dress Reform Party, 1929-37 in Costume no.21, 1987, pp 75-87

Burman, B. 1999 (Editor) The Culture of Sewing: Gender, consumption, and home dressmaking Oxford; New York: Berg, xvi and 350 pages

Acknowledgements p. xi
Notes on Contributors p. xiii
Introduction by Barbara Burman p.1
Part 1 Home Dresmaking, Class and Identity
1. Patterns of Respectability: Publishing, Home Sewing and the Dynamics of Class and Gender 1870-1914 by Christopher Breward p.21
2. Made at Home by Clever Fingers: Home Dressmaking in Edwardian England by Barbara Burman p.33
3. On the Margins: Theorizing the History and Significance of Making and Designing Clothes at Home by Cheryl Buckley p.55
4. Making Modern Woman, Stitch by Stitch: Dressmaking and Women's Magazines in Britain 1919-39 by Fiona Hackney p.73
5. Home Sewing: Motivational Changes in the Twentieth Century by Sherry Schofield-Tomschin p.97
6. There's No Place Like Home: Home Dressmaking and Creativity in the Jamaican Community of the 1940s to the 1960s by Carol Tulloch p.111
Part 2 Home Dressmaking and Consumption
7. Wearily Moving her Needle: Army Officers' Wives and Sewing in the Nineteenth-Century American West by Julie A. Campbell p.129
8. Commodified Craft, Creative Community: Women's Vernacular Dress in Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia by Kathryn E. Wilson p.141
9. Creating Consumers: Gender, Class and the Family Sewing Machine by Nancy Page Fernandez p.157
10. Patterns of Choice: Women's and Children's Clothing in the Wallis Archive, York Castle Museum by Mary M. Brooks p.169
11. The Sewing Needle as Magic Wand: Selling Sewing Lessons to American Girls after the Second World War by Eileen Margerum p.193
12. Virtual Home Dressmaking: Dressmakers and Seamstresses in Post-War Toronto by Alexandra Palmer p.207
Part 3 Home Dressmaking, Dissemination and Technology
13. The Lady's Economical Assistant of 1808 by Janet Arnold p.223
14. Dreams on Paper: A Story of the Commercial Pattern Industry by Joy Spanabel Emery p.235
15. Homeworking and the Sewing Machine in the British Clothing Industry 1850-1905 by Andrew Godley p.255
16. The Sewing Machine Comes Home by Tim Putnam p.269
17. A Beautiful Ornament in the Parlour or Boudoir: The Domestication of the Sewing Machine by Nicholas Oddy p.285
18. Home Economics and Home Sewing in the United States 1870-1940 p.303 Sally I. Helvenston and Margaret M. Bubolz
19 'Your Clothes are Materials of War': The British Government Promotion of Home Sewing during the Second World War by Helen Reynolds p.327

Barbara Burman and Carole Turbin

Burman, B. and Turbin, C. 2002 (Editors) Material Strategies: Dress and gender in historical perspective Special issue of Gender and History volume 14, no.3 Oxford : Blackwell Publishing November, 2002. vi, p. [371]-630

Burman, B. and Turbin, C. 2003 (Editors) Material Strategies: Dress and gender in historical perspective edited by Barbara Burman and Carole Turbin. Gender and history. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. 2003. viii and 265 pages.

Kathy Burrell and Panikos Panayi

Burrell, B. and Panayi, P. 2006 Histories and Memories: Migrants and their history in Britain edited by Kathy Burrell and Panikos Panayi. International library of historical studies; 37: London, New York: Tauris Academic Studies. xv and 311 pages. Originates from a conference on "Immigration, History and Memory in Britain" at De Montfort University on 6.9.2003-7.9.2003.

Cyril Lodowic Burt 3.3.1883-10.10.1971
School psychologist for the London County Council 1913-1931
Professor and Chair of Psychology at University College, London 1931- 1951 (?) in succession to Charles Spearman

Link to 1921 law

Burt, C.L. 1921 Mental and Scholastic Tests. London: P. S. King

Burt, C.L. 1931 "Memorandum on the mental characteristics of children beween the ages of seven and eleven by Professor Cyril Burt DSC, Psychologist to the London County Council". Appendix three to HMSO 1931 The Primary School London: HM Stationery Office (Known as the Hadow Report). Available at http://www.educationengland.org.uk/documents/hadow1931/3115.html

Burt, C.L. 1952 The Causes and Treatment of Backwardness The 1952 convocation lecture. London: National Children's Home. 144 pages.

Burt, C.L. 1970 Letters to Miss Ford

Phil Burton-Cartledge - Phil - Phil BC

Phil Burton-Cartledge blogs at A Very Public Sociologist. He tweets as at @philbc3.

A Very Public Sociologist started 8.12.2006

Judith Butler 24.2.1956 - weblinks

Sources about Butler
1999 Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader includes readings from Butler and puts her ideas in context
2001 - Dino Franco Felluga [Free access]
2002 Sara Salih
2009 Anthony Elliott 's chapter on feminism has a quite detailed discussion of Judith Butler.
2011 Darren O'Byrne: Chapter five on feminism relates Judith Butler to a wide range of social theorists, but note particularly her relationship to Simone De Beauvoir.
2013 Christine Hauskeller relates to genetics

1986 Beauvoir - 1987 Hegelian - 1990 Gender Trouble and Performative - 1993 Bodies that Matter - 1994 Interview - 1997 Excitable - 1999 Preface - 2004 Undoing Gender and Salih -

Butler, J. 1986 "Sex and Gender in Simone de Beauvoir's Second Sex" in Yale French Studies, No. 72 (1986), pp. 35-49.

Butler, J. 1987 Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France

Butler, J. 1990 Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity Routledge.

In reading DeBeauvoir and Sartre: "I asked, what configuration of power constructs the subject and the Other, that binary relation between "men" and "women," and the internal stability of those terms? What restriction is here at work? Are those terms untroubling only to the extent that they conform to a heterosexual matrix for conceptualising gender and desire?" (1990 Preface)

Wikipedia links: Gender Trouble. Note section "Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions". Wikipedia link: Performativity

Preface (1999) p.vii
Preface (1990) p.xxvii
1.1. "Women" as the Subject of Feminism
1.2. The Compulsory Order of Sex/Gender/Desire
1.3. Gender:The Circular Ruins of Contemporary Debate
1.4. Theorizing the Binary, the Unitary, and Beyond
1.5. Identity, Sex, and the Metaphysics of Substance
1.6. Language, Power, and the Strategies of Displacement
2.1. Structuralism's Critical Exchange
2.2. Lacan, Riviere, and the Strategies of Masquerade
2.3. Freud and the Melancholia of Gender
2.4. Gender Complexity and the Limits of Identification
2.5. Reformulating Prohibition as Power
3.1. The Body Politics of Julia Kristeva
3.2. Foucault, Herculine , and the Politics of Sexual Discontinuity
3.3. Monique Wittig: Bodily Disintegration and Fictive Sex
3.4. Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions

Judith. J. 1990b "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory." in Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre. Edited by Sue-Ellen Case. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.

Butler, J. 1993 Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex" Routledge.

""Is there a way to link the question of the materiality of the body to the performativity of gender? And how does the category of "sex" figure within such a relationship?" (Introdcution p.1)

Butler, J. Summer 1994 "Interview with Josephine Butler" by Peter Osborne and Lynne Segal: Radical Philosophy issue 67, Summer 1994, pages 32-39. Extracts available at http://www.theory.org.uk/but-int1.htm

Butler, J. 1997 Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative

Butler, J. 1999 Preface to second edition of Butler, J. 1990 (Gender Trouble). pp. vii-xxiv?

Butler, J. 2004 Undoing Gender, Routledge.

"While many of Butler's books are intended for a highly academic audience, Undoing Gender reaches out to a much broader readership".

"The essays included here represent some of my most recent work on gender and sexuality focusing on the question of what it might mean to undo restrictively normative conceptions of sexual and gendered life. Equally, however, the essays are about the experience of becoming undone in both good and bad ways."(Introduction, p.1)
Introduction: acting in concert
Beside oneself: on the limits of sexual autonomy
Gender regulations
Doing justice to someone: sex reassignment and allegories of transsexuality
Undiagnosing gender
Is kinship always already heterosexual?
Longing for recognition
Quandaries of the incest taboo
Bodily confessions
The end of sexual difference?
The question of social transformation
Can the "other" of philosophy speak?

Butler and Salih 2004 The Judith Butler Reader edited by Sara Salih, with Judith Butler. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell.
Introduction by Sara Salih
PART ONE Sex, Gender Performativity, and the Matter of Bodies
1. Variations on sex and gender: Beauvoir, Wittig, Foucault (1987 Hegelian)
2. Desire, rhetoric, and recognition in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1987 Hegelian)
3. Bodily inscriptions, performative subversions (1990 Trouble)
4. Imitation and gender insubordination (1990 Imitation)
5. The lesbian phallus and the morphological imaginary (1993 Bodies)
PART TWO: Fantasy, Censorship, and Discursive Power
6. The force of fantasy: Mapplethorpe, feminism, and discursive excess (1990 Fantasy)
7. Endangered/endangering: schematic racism and white paranoia (1993 Racism)
8. Burning acts, injurious speech (1997 Excitable)
PART THREE: Subjection, Kinship, and Critique
9. Melancholy gender/refused identification (1997)
10. Competing universalities (2000)
11. Promiscuous obedience (2000)
12. What is critique? an essay on Foucault's virtue? (2001)
PART FOUR: Making Difficulty Clear
13 Changing the Subject: Judith Butler's Politics of Radical Resignification (2000)
14 Selected Bibliography of Works by Judith Butler

Butler, J. 2005 Giving an Account of Oneself New York: Fordham University Press. x and 149 pages.
Contents: An account of oneself -- Scenes of address -- Foucaultian subjects -- Posthegelian queries -- "Who are you?" -- Against ethical violence -- Limits of judgment -- Psychoanalysis -- Laplanche and Levinas : the I and the you responsibility -- Laplanche and Levinas on the primacy of the other -- Adorno on becoming human -- Foucault's critical account of himself.

Tim Butler

Butler, T. 2002 "Thinking Global but Acting Local: the Middle Classes in the City" Sociological Research Online, vol. 7, no. 3, available at http://www.socresonline.org.uk/7/3/timbutler.html

Butt, J. 1971 (Editor) Robert Owen, prince of cotton spinners: a symposium David & Charles: Newton Abbot.

Katherine S. Button

Button, K. S. 2012 The Role of Biased Information Processing in Social Anxiety 173 pages. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Bristol

Katherine S. Button, John P. A. Ioannidis, Claire Mokrysz, Brian A. Nosek, Jonathan Flint, Emma S. J. Robinson and Marcus R. Munafò

Button, K. S. and others 2013 "Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience" Nature Review of Neuroscience 14, 365- 376. (May 2013)

Abstract: A study with low statistical power has a reduced chance of detecting a true effect, but it is less well appreciated that low power also reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect. Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles.

Button, K. S. 10.4.2013 "Unreliable neuroscience? Why power matters" by Kate Button. Article published on the Guardian website at 12.30 BST on Wednesday 10.4.2013. Last modified Wednesday 3.7.2013. Available http://www.theguardian.com/science/sifting-the- evidence/2013/apr/10/unreliable-neuroscience-power-matters

Subject index: biological bases - statistics

Brendan Caffrey

Caffrey, Brendan 2007 Why Work? Sociological Answers available at http://web.archive.org/web/20080207082314/http://whywork.org.uk/intro.htm 19.4.2007
Chapter 1: The Nature of Work
Chapter 2: Freedom and Constraint
Chapter 3: Boring Work
Chapter 4: Voluntary/Involuntary Unemployment
Chapter 5: Domestic Work
Chapter 6: Emotion Work
Chapter 7: The Work of Managers
Chapter 8: Trade Unions
Chapter 9: Black Workers
Chapter 10: Professional Work
Chapter 11: Conclusion

Craig Calhoun 1952 -

Calhoun, C. 1992 (Editor) Habermas and the public sphere Conference papers edited by Craig Calhoun. Studies in contemporary German social thought. Cambridge, Massachuusetts: MIT Press.
Introduction - Habermas and the public sphere, Craig Calhoun.
Part 1 Philosophical models: practical discourse - on the relation of morality to politics, Thomas McCarthy;
3. Models of public space - Hannah Arendt, the liberal tradition and Jurgen Habermas by Seyla Benhabib
4. The public sphere - models and boundaries by Peter Uwe Hohendahl;
5. Rethinking the public sphere? - a contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy by Nancy Fraser
6. Was there ever a public sphere? if so, when? reflections on the American case by Michael Schudson
7. Political theory and historical analysis by Moishe Postone.
Part 2 Historical publics
8. Defining the public sphere in 18th century France - variations on a theme by Habermas by Keith Michael Baker
9. Religion, science, and printing in the public spheres in 17th- century England by David Zaret
10. Habermas, history and critical theory by Lloyd Kramer
11. Gender and public access - women's politics in 19th-century America by Mary P. Ryan
12 Nations, publics, and political cultures - placing Habermas in the 19th century by Geoff Eley
13. The pragmatic ends of popular politics by Harry C. Boyte.
Part 3 Public communication
14. The media and the public sphere by Nicholas Garnham
15. The mass public and the mass subject by Michael Warner
16. Textuality, mediation and public discourse by Benjamin Lee.
Part 4 Conclusion and response:
17. Further reflections on the public sphere by Jurgen Habermas.
18. Concluding remarks

Calhoun, C. 2006 "Pierre Bourdieu and Social Transformation: Lessons from Algeria", Development and Change Vol 37, issue 6, pp.1404-1413 November 2006

Calvin Jean Clavin - Ioanne Calvino - John Calvin 10.7.1509 - 27.5.1564

Calvin 1536 Christianae religionis institutio : totam ferè pietatis summã & quicquid est in doctrina salutis cognitu necessarium complectens : omnibus pietatis studiosis lectu dignissimum opus, ac recens editum Praefatio ad Christianissimum regem franciae, qua hic ei liber pro confessione fidei offertur First edition: Basel: [T. Platteru and B. Lasium 1536. English translation: "Institution of the Christian religion: embracing almost the whole sum of piety & whatever is necessary to know the doctrine of salvation : a work most worthy to be read by all persons zealous for piety, and recently published : preface to the most Christian King of France, whereas this book is offered to him as a confession of faith".

Translation in French 1541: Institution de la religion chrestienne: en laquelle est comprinse une somme de pieté, et quasi tout ce qui est necessaire a congnoistre en la doctrine de salut, Genève, Michel Du Bois, 1541.

Charles Camic

Camic, C. 1997 (Editor) Reclaiming the Sociological Classics: The State of the Scholarship Massachuusetts and Oxford. Blackwell Publishers.

Pat Carlen

Carlen, P. 1983 Women's Imprisonment: A study in social control London ; Boston : Routledge and Kegan Paul. 248 pages.

Carlen, P. 1.1989 Women's Imprisonment: A strategy for abolition Prison Reform Trust lecture January 1989. University of Keele. Centre for Criminology. Occasional paper 3. 21 pages.

Carlen, P. 1998 Sledgehammer: Women's imprisonment at the millennium Basingstoke: Macmillan. 180 pages.
Contents: Acknowledgements - Author's Preface - 1990s Statistical Profile of Women's Imprisonment - Introduction - From John Howard to Michael Howard - And Back Again - Women, Gender and Imprisonment - The 1990s: Penal Hammer of Bureaucratic Screw? - The Future of Women's Imprisonment.
Based on research completed in 1997. Develops themes of previous work, but introduces concepts such as "gender testing", and "ameliorative justice". Uses words and views of both staff and inmates of the women's prisons.

Pat Carlen and Anne Worrall

Carlen, P. and Worrall, A. 2004 Analysing women's imprisonment Cullompton: Willan, 242 pages.
Contents: Introduction -
Chapter 1. Histories of women's imprisonment - includes The modernisers - The limits to modernism - The postmodernists
Chapter 2. Women in prison: the facts - includes Sentencing women: chivalry or double jeopardy? - Discrimination and Section 95 publications - Counting women in prison - Characteristics of women in prison - International comparisons
Chapter 3. Women in prison: contemporary issues - includes A safe environment - Treating people with respect - A full, constructive and purposeful regime - Resettlement training to prevent re-offending -
Chapter 4. Theories of women's imprisonment - includes - Why do women's prisons take the forms they do? - What are women's prisons for? - Political explanations - Penological explanations - Does prison work? Practical assessments - Does prison work? Penal theorists' assessments - Cultural explanations - Classical approaches - Feminist approaches - Foucauldian feminist approaches -
Chapter 5. Alternatives to custody - includes Why aren't women criminalised as much as men? - Why are some women treated leniently by the criminal courts (or are they)? - Alternatives to prison for women - Three models of correctional change (Cohen 1983) - Three generations of intensive supervision - Women and community punishment - Women and fines - Trends in supervisory community sentences for women - Women and community rehabilitation orders (formerly probation orders) - Women and community punishment orders (formerly community service) - Women and drugs treatment - Women and electronic monitoring - Women and hostels - Women and intensive supervision - Women and restorative justice - What works for women offenders? - Women-wise penology
Chapter 6. Feminist theories of imprisonment and penal politics - includes Administrative, critical, abolitionist and feminist perspectives on punishment - Campaigns for abolition of women's imprisonment - Feminist politics and prisoner-research ethics - Theorizing the relationships between theory, penal politics and campaigning for change
Chapter 7. Investigating women's imprisonment: practical issues - includes Designing the project - Project design checklist - Gaining access - Gaining access checklist - Contacting the interviewees or research participants - Ethical issues - Leaving the research site

Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881

Carlyle, T. 1831/1838 Sartor Resartus. The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh Written in 1831, published in installments in Fraser's Magazine in 1834, published in USA by Emerson in 1836, published as a book in England in 1838. Made available by Project Gutenberg at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1051/1051-h/1051-h.htm

See summary of argument in biography and under clothes

Books and chapters
1.1. Preliminary.
1.2. Editorial difficulties.
1.3. Reminiscences.
1.4. Characteristics.
1.5. The world in clothes.
1.6. Aprons.
1.7. Miscellaneous-historical.
1.8. The world out of clothes.
1.9. Adamitism.
1.10. Pure reason.
1.11. Prospective.
2.1. Genesis.
2.2. Idyllic.
2.3. Pedagogy.
2.4. Getting under way.
2.5. Romance.
2.6. Sorrows of Teufelsdrockh.
2.7. The everlasting no.
2.8. Centre of indifference.
2.9. The everlasting yea.
2.10. Pause.
3.1. Incident in modern history.
3.2. Church-clothes.
3.3. Symbols.
3.4. Helotage.
3.5. The phoenix.
3.6. Old clothes.
3.7. Organic filaments.
3.8. Natural supernaturalism.
3.9. Circumspective.
3.10. The dandiacal body.
3.11. Tailors.
3.12. Farewell.

Carlyle, T. 1837/1839 The French Revolution. Two Volumes Dent 1906

See timeline French Revolution

Carlyle, T. 1840 Chartism

Carlyle, T. 1841 Heroes, Hero-worship and the heroic in history

Carlyle, T. 1843 Past and Present

Carlyle, T. 1850 Latter-day Pamphlets by Thomas Carlyle
Carlyle, T. 1.2.1850: No 1: The Present Time.
Carlyle, T. 1.3.1850: No 2: Model Prisons.
Carlyle, T. 1.4.1850: No 3: Downing Street.
Carlyle, T. 15.4.1850: No 4: The New Downing Street.
Carlyle, T. 1.5.1850: No 5: Stump-orator.

Carlyle, T. 1971 Selected Writings Edited by Alan Shelston. Penguin

Edmund Carpenter and Marshall McLuhan.

Carpenter, E. and McLuhan, M. 1960 (Editors) Explorations in Communication: An Anthology Beacon Press.

Sarah Carr

Carr, S. 2002/2003 "Lesbian and gay perspectives on mental distress" in SPN Paper Three: Start Making Sense. Developing Social Models to understand and work with mental distress.

Carr, S. 3.2003 "Duty of care: employment, mental health and disability" Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2(1) March 2003 pp.6-23.

Carr S 2004 Social Care Institute for Excellence Position paper 3: Has service user participation made a difference to social care services? London: SCIE/Policy Press

Carr, S. 2005 "The sickness label infected everything we said': lesbian and gay perspectives on mental distress" in Tew J (editor) Social Perspectives in Mental Health London: Jessica Kingsley pp.168 -183 [Based on Carr, S. 2002/2003]
"Presents an auto/biographical (Stanley 1990) or 'auto-ethnographic' 'case study' of myself as a gay mental health service user" ... Recognised by Trotter et al 2006 as an example of 'auto-ethnography' (Carr 2011)

Carr, S. 2011 Administration or transformation? An exploration of personalisation reforms, service user participation and diversity strategies in adult social care. [Doctorate by Public Works] Available from Middlesex University's Research Repository at http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/9126/

Carr, S. 2013 "Individual narratives and collective knowledge: capturing lesbian, gay and bisexual service user experiences" Chapter ten in Staddon, P. 2013 Mental Health Service Users in Research: Critical Sociological Perspectives

Carr, S. 13.6.2014 "The Potential of Autoethnography for Generating User/Survivor Knowledge" by Dr Sarah Carr - a presentation from the symposium on social movements and their contributions to sociological knowledge on mental health at the University of Wolverhampton, 13.6.2014. Available at http://www.slideshare.net/britsoc/the-potential- ofautoethnographyforgeneratingusersurvivorknowledgecarrbsasymposiumpaper201 4 . Paper based on chapter eleven (above) in Mental Health Service Users in Research: Critical Sociological Perspectives<

Sarah Carr and Jeanette Copperman

Carr, S and Copperman, J. 19.6.2014 "Scoping interest in creating a publicly facing digital archive of women's activism in mental health in the UK": Report of workshop held in 2014 at the Open University London. The Open University. Available at http://oro.open.ac.uk/43461/1/Final%20Report%20Women%20and%20Mental%20Healt h%20Workshop.pdf

Sarah Carr

Carr, S. 2014 HSMC Policy Paper 18: Social care for marginalised communities: balancing self-organisation, micro-provision and mainstream support (literature review). University of Birmingham. Available at http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/college-social-sciences/social- policy/HSMC/publications/PolicyPapers/policy-paper-18-sarah-carr.pdf

Carr, S. 2015 Talk for panel debate: is service user and survivor research safe in the university? 1.6.2015 St George's University, London.

Eamonn Carrabine

Eamonn Carrabine, Paul Iganski, Maggy Lee, Ken Plummer, Nigel South
University of Essex

Carrabine, E, Iganski, P, Lee, M, Plummer, K and Sooth, N. 2006 Criminology - A Sociological Introduction Routledge, London.

Alexander Morris Carr-Saunders 1886-1966 and David Caradog Jones 1910-1973

Carr-Saunders, A. M. and Caradog Jones, D. 1927 A survey of the social structure of England and Wales as illustrated by statistics London: Oxford University Press. xvii and 246 pages [A second edition was published in 1937]

Alexander Morris Carr-Saunders, David Caradog Jones and Claus Adolf Moser 24.11.1922-

Carr-Saunders, A.M., Caradog Jones, D. and Moser, C.A. 1958 (Editors) A Survey of social conditions in England and Wales : as illustrated by statistics Third edition. Oxford : Clarendon Press. xxi and 302 pages.

John H. Cartwright 1953- and Brian Baker 1969-

Cartwright, J.H. and Baker, B. 2005 Literature and Science: Social impact and interaction Science and society. Santa Barbara, California; Oxford: ABC-CLIO. xxi, 471 pages.
Medieval cosmology and European literature: Dante and Chaucer
Science and literature in the Elizabethan renaissance
Science and literature in seventeenth-century England
Science and literature, 1680-1790
The touch of cold philosophy: the response to science in Romantic literature, 1790-1840
Nineteenth-century American literature and science: problems of analogy
Those dreadful hammers : geology and evolution in nineteenth-century literature
Darwin's gothic: science and literature in the late nineteenth century
Themes in science fiction
Science and literature in the twentieth century: from entropy to chaos
The two cultures debates
Science wars and imperial ambitions
Epilogue: a time for cultural exchange.

Carl Cassegard

Cassegard, C. 2016 "What's alternative about alternative space?" Designing Media Ecology Volume 5 (Summer 2016)

See Subject Index Space

Francesco Cassata
Research Fellow at the University of Turin, Department of Economics

Cassata, F. 2006 Molti, sani e forti

Cassata, F. 2011 Building the new man : eugenics, racial science and genetics in twentieth-century Italy by Francesco Cassata translated by Erin O'Loughlin. CEU Press studies in the history of medicine ; v. 3 Budapest ; New York : Central European University Press, 2011. ix and 428 pages. Open Edition available at http://books.openedition.org/ceup/697?nomobile=1
Between Lombroso and Pareto: the Italian way to Eugenics -- Eugenics and Dysgenics of war -- Regenerating Italy (1919-1924) -- Quality through quantity: Eugenics in fascist Italy -- Eugenics and racism (1938-1943) -- Toward a new Eugenics -- Against Unesco: Italian Eugenics and American scientific racism.
"This is an extended version of the 2006 Italian edition Molti, sani e fonti. L'eugenetica in Italia, by Bollati Boringhieri Editore, Torino".

Ernst Cassirer 28.7.1874 - 13.4.1945

Cassirer, E. 1963 Rousseau, Kant, Goethe [Introduction by Peter Gay] The two essays it contains were translated from the German and published in English in or by 1945.

Cassirer, E. 1954 The Question of Jean Jacques Rousseau

Joshua Castellino

Joshua Castellino and Kathleen A. Cavanaugh

Castellino, J. and Cavanaugh, K.A. Minority Rights in the Middle East Oxford : Oxford University Press. xix and 430 pages.
1. The Contemporary Middle East
2. Minority Identities in the Middle East: Religious Minorities
3. Minority Identities in the Middle East: Ethno-National and Other Minorities
4. Minority Rights in Iraq
5. Minority Rights in Syria
6. Minority Rights in Lebanon

Related event: 18.10.2013: "Coinciding with a major BBC three-part series about the Ottoman Empire, Middlesex University is bringing together the series' makers and a leading human rights expert in Hendon to debate the empire and how it relates to the Middle East in today's context.

The debate about 600 years of the 'last great Islamic empire' will look at what the Ottomans can teach us about minority rights in the Middle East today, what history reveals about tolerance and minority rights across Europe and the Middle East, and whether Turkey holds a key to understanding the West's relationship with Islam?

The talking points thrown up by the BBC series 'The Ottomans: Europe's Muslim Emperors' will be discussed by the programme's Executive Producer Mike Smith; BBC Head of Religion and Ethics, Commissioning Editor and Middlesex University Professor Aaqil Ahmed; and leading human rights expert Dr Kathleen Cavanaugh.

The debate will be followed by the launch of the book 'Minority Rights in the Middle East' by Middlesex University's Professor Joshua Castellino and NUI Galway's Dr Kathleen Cavanaugh.

Challenging some of the existing narratives on minorities in the Middle East, the book provides an overview of the historical social formation of minority groups within the region and examines how the status of these groups, as well as their relationship with a range of legal frameworks, have shifted and changed over time.

The event will include the screening of clips from 'The Ottomans: Europe's Muslim Emperors' series. The three-part BBC Two series presented by Rageh Omaar traces the 600-year-old story of the Ottoman Empire that encompassed European, Arab and North African lands. Filmed on location in Turkey, the Balkans, Greece and the Middle East, it examines the many sides of the dynasty of Sultans including the changing role of religion, its economic ambitions, social organisation and its relationship with non-Muslims.

The event takes place on Friday 18 October from 3.30pm

Manuel Castells 1942 -

Wallis Annenberg Chair Professor of Communication Technology and Society at the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Research Professor of Information Society at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in Barcelona
Professor Emeritus of Sociology and of Planning, at the University of California at Berkeley
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Technology and Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

See Bauman and May chpter 4 - Elliott and Ray 2003 - Anthony Elliott 2009 (Networks, Risks, Liquids) - Hedgehog Review 1999 Review by Krishan Kumar [Available free online] - Held and McGrew 2000 - Steven Seidman 2008 (possibly earlier editions)

Castells, M. 1996 "The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture" volume one The Rise of the Network Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oxford, UK: Blackwell. A second edition in 2000

Castells, M. 1997 "The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture" volume two The Power of Identity. Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oxford, UK: Blackwell. A second edition in 2004

Castells, M. 1998 "The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture" volume three End of Millennium. Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oxford, UK: Blackwell. A second edition in 2000

Castells, M. 2001 The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the internet, Business and Society Oxford University Press

Manuel Castells and Gustavo Cardoso

Castells, M. and Cardoso, G. 2005 (Editors) The Network Society: From Knowledge to Policy. Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2005

Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller.

Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 1993 The Age of Migration: international population movements in the modern world. London: Macmillan. (Second edition 1998 - Third edition 2003)

Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 2008 The Age of Migration: international population movements in the modern world. Basingstoke: Macmillan. (Fourth edition)
Contents: Introduction - Theories of Migration - Globalization, Development and Migration - International Migration before 1945 - Migration to Europe, North America and Oceania since 1945 - Migration in the Asia Pacific Region - Migration in Africa, the Middle East and North America, and Latin America - The State and International Migration: The Quest for Control - Migration and Security - Migrants and Minorities in the Labour Force - New Ethnic Minorities and Society - Migrants and Politics - Conclusion: Migration and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century

George Edward Gordon Catlin 1896-1979
Trans-Atlantic political theorist
Taught at Cornell University, New York from 1923
Chairman and Bronfman Professor in the Department of Economics and Political Science at McGill University between 1956 and 1960
See Francis Wormuth 1961

Catlin, G.E.G. 1920 "Thomas Hobbes, as a Man of Letters", by "Pertinax", Arnold Memorial Prize Essay. 22 pages.

Catlin, G.E.G. 1922 Thomas Hobbes as philosopher, publicist and man of letters: An introduction Oxford. 64 pages

Catlin, G.E.G. 1930 A Study of the Principles of Politics: Being an essay towards political rationalisation. London: G. Allen and Unwin. New York: The Macmillan Company (Printed in Great Britain). 469 pages.
"The present volume brings to its conclusion a work ... of which part has already been published in an earlier volume, entitled the science and method of politics." (Preface)

Catlin, G.E.G. 1938 "Introduction to the translation" of Durkheim, E. 1895/1938. The Rules of Sociological Method pp xi-xxxvi (25 pages). See Catlin
Six numbered sections [no titles] summarised below.
Section 1. [Stresses that this is a "manual in method" (p. xii)]
Section 2. [What Durkheim means by social facts]
Section 3. [Reason for defect of precision in Durkheim's social facts]
Section 4. [The "long and unhappy history" of the "social mind" idea from Plato to Mussolini]
Section 5. [Criticises Durkheim's "science of morality" for confusing facts and values.]
Section 6. [Durkheim's concepts lead to popular dictatorship. His method of studying social facts could destroy tyranny.

Catlin, G.E.G. 1956 "The Function of Political Science" The Western Political Quarterly December 1956 9: pp 815-825.

Michael Cavadino 1953 - Lecturer in Law at the Centre for Criminological and Socio-Legal Studies, Sheffield University
University of Central Lancashire

Cavadino, M. 1975 The Rights of the Mental Deviant: An examination of the law relating to mental 'health' in England and Wales MA Thesis. University of Sheffield.

Cavadino, M. 1984 An Examination and Evaluation of English Mental Health Law. Ph.D. Thesis - University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law,

Cavadino, M. 1989 Mental Health Law in Context: Doctors' Orders? Dartmouth

Michael Cavadino and James Dignan

Cavadino, M. and Dignan, J. 1992 The Penal System: An introduction London: Sage, 298pages
Crisis? What crisis?
Justifying punishment
Explaining punishment
Court decisions: the crux of the crisis
Prisons: expansion and explosion
Early release: the penal system's safety valve
Non-custodial penalties: towards decarceration or the punitive city?
Young offenders: from system disaster to systems management?
Bias in the criminal justice system
Solving the crisis?

Cavadino, M. 1997 "A Vindication of the Rights of Psychiatric Patients" Journal of Law and Society 24 pp 235-51

Claudia Cavagna

Cavagna, C. 1.2008 "An exploration of the theories of crime and punishment in the work of Beccaria, Bentham and Foucault". Middlesex University essay January 2008.

Centre for Disability Research 2008-
Lancaster University

Disability Studies Conference - 2003 archive - 2004 archive - 2006 archive - 2008 archive - 2010 archive - 2012 archive - 2014 archive

2014 Abstracts online - offline - Includes Wicked Fish and Mad Studies Stream

Mad Studies Network 2014 - meaning of mad studies

Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff Law School
Established in the summer of
1998 to promote research and its dissemination in this field


See Subject Index Religion

The Interfaith Legal Advisers Network
Established by Cardiff Law School's Centre of Law and Religion in December 2007

ILAN 12.2007a Roman Catholic Church

ILAN 12.2007b Quakers

ILAN 12.2007c Methodist Church

James William Crone Chadkirk 1950-

Chadkirk, J.W.C. 2014 Patterns of Membership and Participation Among British Quakers, 1823-2012 MA Thesis. School of Theology, Philosophy and Religion Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies The University of Birmingham. September 2014. Available http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/5787/1/Chadkirk15MPhil.pdf

Prue Chamberlayne, Joanna Bornat, and Tom Wengraf

Chamberlayne, P., Bornat, J., Wengraf, T. 2000 (Editors) The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science: Comparative Issues and Examples London: Routledge,

Publisher's information: Biographical research methods have become a useful and popular tool for contemporary social scientists. This book combines an exploration of the historical and philosophical origins of this important field of qualitative research with comparative examples of the different ways that biographical methods have been successfully applied internationally. Through these many illustrative examples of socio- biography in process, the authors show how formal textual analysis, while uncovering hidden emotional defenses, can also shed light on wider historical processes of societal transformation.

Part One: Issues of Methodology and Theory
1, Reflections on the biographical turn in social science by Mike Rustin
2. Biographical analysis: a 'German' school? by Ursula Apitzsch and Lena Inowlocki
3. Case histories of families and social processes: enriching sociology by Daniel Bertaux and Catherine Delcroix
4. The vanishing point of resemblance: comparative welfare as philosophical anthropology by Andrew Cooper
5. Biographical work and biographical structuring in present-day societies by Wolfram Fischer-Rosenthal
6. Clinical Hermeneutics: from the ontology to self as a case example by Anthony Hazzard
7. Uncovering the general from within the particular: From contingencies to typologies in the understanding of cases by Tom Wengraf
Part Two: Examples of Biographical Methods in Use
8. Biography, anxiety and the experience of locality by Wendy Hollway and Tony Jefferson
9. Texts in a changing context: reconstructing lives in east Germany by Molly Andrews
10. Situated selves, the coming-out genre and equivalent citizenship in narratives of HIV by Corinne Squire
11. Extreme right attitutes in the biographies of west German youth Martine Schiebel
12. The metamorphosis of Habitus among east Germans Astrid Segert and Irene Zierke
13. Researching the implications of family change for older people: the contribution of a life-history approach by Joanna Bornat, Brian Dimmock, David Jones and Sheila Pearce
14. Biography and identity: life-story work in transitions of care for people with profound learning difficulties by Dave Middleton and Helen Hewitt
15. Understanding the carer's world: a biographic-interpretive case study by Chris Jones and Susanna Rupp
16. Single mothers and Berlin life-styles: a new mode of social reproduction Claudia Neususs and Eva Madje
17. Part of the system: the experience of home-based caring in west Germany bt Annette King
18. Modernisation as lived experience: contrasting case examples from the Sostris project by Prue Chamberlayne and Antonella Spano

Robert Chambers 10.7.1802 - 17.3.1871

Chambers, R. 1844 (anonymously) Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation London, 1844.

Chambers, R. 1845 (anonymously) Explanations: A Sequel to "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" By the author of that work London, 1845.

Daniel Chandler 1952 -

Chandler, Daniel 1995- Semiotics for Beginners. Aberystwyth University. Available at http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/semiotic.html

Sarah Chaney

Chaney, S. 2013 Self-Mutilation and Psychiatry: Impulse, Identity and the Unconscious in British Explanations of Self-Inflicted Injury, c. 1864 - 1914 Sarah Chaney PhD History of Medicine University College London 2013

Sarah Chaney and Jennifer Walke

Chaney, S. and Walke, J. 2015 "Life and luxury in Monks Orchard: from Bethlem Hotel to community care, 1930-2000". The Lancet Psychiatry Volume 2, No. 3, p209-211, March 2015, available at http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215- 0366%2815%2900068-1/fulltext

Kathy Charmaz 1939-

Charmaz, K. 2006 Constructing Grounded Theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis Introducing Qualitative Methods Series. and London: Sage Publications. xiii and 208 pages.
Chapter 1 - An Invitation to Grounded Theory
Chapter 2 - Gathering Rich Data
Chapter 3 - Coding in Grounded Theory Practice

Chapter 4 - Memo-writing Chapter 5 - Theoretical Sampling, Saturation, and Sorting Chapter 6 - Reconstructing Theory in Grounded Theory Studies
Chapter 7 - Writing the Draft Chapter 8 - Reflecting on the Research Process

Joel M. Charon 1939-

Charon, J.M. 1979 Symbolic Interactionism: An introduction, an interpretation, an integration Prentice-Hall sociology series. Englewood Cliffs; London [etc.]: Prentice-Hall.

Charon, J.M.1979 Symbolic Interactionism: An introduction, an interpretation, an integration (10th edition) Upper Saddle River, N.J. :Prentice Hall; London: Pearson Education. 240 pages. Contents: Chapter 1: The Nature of Perspective - Chapter 2: The Perspective of Social Science - Chapter 3: Symbolic Interactionism as a Perspective - Chapter 4: The Meaning of the Symbol - Chapter 5: The Importance of the Symbols - Chapter 6: The Nature of The Self - Chapter 7: The Human Mind - Chapter 8: Taking the Role of the Other - Chapter 9: Human Action - Chapter 10: Social Interaction - Chapter 11: Society - Chapter 12: Erving Goffman - Chapter 13: Symbolic Interactionism.

François Châtelet 27.4.1925 - 26.12.1985

Châtelet, F. 1.7.1967 "Où en est le structuralisme?" (What is structuralism?) La Quinzaine littéraire (The Literary Fortnight) 1.7.1967. Available at http://laquinzaine.wordpress.com/2008/05/12/ou-en-est- le-structuralisme/

David Cheal 1945-

Cheal, D. 2002 Sociology of Family Life Basingstoke : Palgrave. xi and 192 pages
An "accessible introductory text"
Contents include - Family Complexity - Family Priorities - Entries, Exits and Voices Off-Stage - Intimate Relationships - Childcare and Caregiving - Money and the Family Economy - Family Environments - - Glossary.

Checkland S.G & E.O.A. (Editors) 1974 The Poor Law Report of 1834 Penguin

Jean-Claude Chesnais

Chesnais, J-C 2003 "Violent deaths in the world" Population and Societies Number 395, November 2003. Available at http://www.ined.fr/fichier/t_publication/530/publi_pdf2_pop_and_soc_english _395.pdf

Meda Chesney-Lind

Chesney-Lind, M. 1997 The Female Offender: Girls, Women, and Crime Thousand Oaks and London: Sage Publications. 220 pages
Contents: Introduction - Girls' troubles and female delinquency - Girls, gangs, and violence: rediscovering the liberated female crook - The juvenile justice system and girls - Trends in women's crime - Drugs, violence, and women's crime - Sentencing women to prison : equality without justice - Conclusion.

Vere Gordon Childe 14.4.1892 - 19.10.1957
Director of the Institute of Archaeology, the University of London

Childe, V.G 1942 What Happened in History? Penguin

Childe, V.G. 1950 "The Urban Revolution" The Town Planning Review, Volume 21, No. 1, April 1950, pp. 3-17

Peter Childs

Peter Childs and Mike Storry

Childs, P. and Storry, M. 1999 (Editors) Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture London : Routledge 1999. xxvii and 628 pages.

Kukhee Choo

Choo, K., 2008 "Visual Evolution Across the Pacific: The Influence of Anime and Video Games on US Film Media". Post Script - Essays in Film and the Humanities 28(2), pp. 28-37.

See Subject Index Culture

Alok Choudhary

Choudhary, Alok; William Hendrix, Kathy Lee; Diana Palsetia; Wei-Keng Liao, 2012, "Social media evolution of the Egyptian revolution" Communications of the ACM, Volume 55 Issue 5, May 2012 Pages 74-80 ACM New York, NY, USA. Available at http://cucis.ece.northwestern.edu/publications/pdf/ChoHenLee12.pdf

See Subject Index Media - Social Media

Steven E. Churchill

Churchill, S.E. 2014 Thin on the Ground: Neandertal Biology, Archeology and Ecology John Wiley and Sons, 2.10.2014 - Social Science - 472 pages

Publisher's website has detailed contents list

George D. Chryssides 1945- and Ron Geaves
George D. Chryssides is Honorary Research Fellow in Contemporary Religion at the University of Birmingham, UK.
Ron Geaves is Professor of the Comparative Study of Religion at Liverpool Hope University, UK.

Chryssides, G.D. and Geaves, 2007 The Study of Religion: An introduction to key ideas and methods London: Continuum. x and 429 pages.
Contents: 1. What is Religion?; 2. Levels of Religion; 3. History of Scholarship; 4. 'World Religion'; 5. Phenomenology and its Critics; 6. Authenticity and Diversity; 7. Gender and Religion; 8. Field Work; 9. Quantitative Data in RS; 10. The Question of Truth; 11. Current Trends; 12. Summary and Conclusions.

An updated edition has been published
Chryssides, G.D. and Geaves, 2013 The Study of Religion: An introduction to key ideas and methods London: Continuum. 12.5.2013
Table Of Contents
1. Tools of the Trade
2. Methodology in Religious Studies
3. Insiders and Outsiders
4. Does Size Matter?
5. Key Figures in the Study of Religion
6. Phenomenology and its Critics
7. Colonialism and Post-colonialism in the Study of Religion
8. Authenticity and Diversity
9. Fieldwork in the Study of Religion
10. Religion and Gender
11. The Question of Truth
12. The Internet as a Resource in the Study of Religion

Nils Christie

Christie, N. 2004 A Suitable Amount of Crime London: Routledge.

Yvonne Christie

Christie, Y. 1.2008 "This UK Black Phenomenon" by Yvonne Christie. January 2008. Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20150702124054/http://www.survivor- research.com/index.php/publications/25-this-uk-black-phenomenon

Christopher S. Clapham

Clapham, C.S. 1985 Third World politics: An Introduction. London: Croom Helm. [Reprinted London: Routledge, 1990]
"Draws on examples from Latin America, Africa and Asia to analyse their role in the global political economy."

Clapham, C.S. 1996 Africa and the International System: The Politics of State Survival Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Marion Clark and Tony Glynn

Clark, M. and Glynn, T. 2006 Two Decades of Change - Celebrating User Involvement Report of Conference at the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH), The University of Birmingham - 2.11.2006

Nic Clarke

Clarke, N. 12.2004 Sacred Daemons: Exploring British Columbian Society's Perceptions of "Mentally Deficient" Children, 1870-1930 December 2004. BC Studies; Winter 2004/2005, Issue 144, p.61

Thomas Clarkson 1760-1846

Clarkson, T. 1786 An essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species, particularly the African, translated from a Latin Dissertation, which was honoured with the first prize in the University of Cambridge, for the year 1785 London: T. Cadell and J. Phillips, 1786

Clarkson, T. 1786 A portraiture of Quakerism : as taken from a view of the moral education, discipline, peculiar customs, religious principles, political and civil oeconomy and character of the Society of Friends London : Printed by R. Taylor for Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1806.

Cobban, A. 1961 (2nd edition) A History of Modern France, vol. 1: 1715- 1799. Penguin

Albert K. Cohen 15.1.1918 -

Cohen, A.K. 1955 Delinquent Boys. The Culture of the Gang Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press. 202 pages

David Cohen

Cohen, D. 1979 J. B. Watson: The founder of Behaviourism, The biography by David Cohen, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, Great Britain.

Louis Cohen 1928- and Lawrence Manion

Cohen, L. and Manion, L. 1980 Research Methods in Education London: Croom Helm, 1980.

Stanley Cohen 1942 -

Cohen, S. 1972 Folk Devils and Moral Panics: the creation of the Mods and Rockers London: MacGibbon and Kee
Third edition 2011. Contents:
Moral Panics as Cultural Politics: Introduction to the Third Edition
1. Deviance and Moral Panics
2. The Inventory
3. Reaction: Opinion and Attitude Themes
4. Reaction: The Rescue and Remedy Phases
5. On the Beaches: The Warning and the Impact
6. Contexts and Backgrounds: Youth in the Sixties
Appendix: Sources of Data
Selected Reading List
Notes and References

Cohen, S. and Taylor, L. 1972 Psychological survival: the experience of long-term imprisonment Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1972

Cohen, S. and Young, Jock 1973 (Editors) The Manufacture of News. Social problems, deviance and the mass media London: Constable. Revised edition 1981
Part One: The Process of Selection
Information and the definition of deviance by Leslie Wilkins [1964]
The selection of crime news by the press by Bob Roshier [1973]
Bias through selection and ommission: automobile safety, smoking [1971]
Structuring and selecting news by Johnan Galtung and Mari Ruge [1965]
News as eternal recurrence by Paul Rock [1973]
The complete stylization of news by Michael Frayn [1965]
The production of knowledge by crime reporters by Steve Chibnall
A world at one with itself by Stuart Hall [1970]
Part Two: Modes and Models
Majority and minority Americans: an analysis of magazine fiction by Bernard Berelson and Patricia J. Salter [1946]
Crime news in Colorado newspapers by F. James Davis [1952]
Mental illness: what do media present by Jum C. Nunnally [1961] [See 1955]
Theories of behaviour and the image of the alcoholic in popular magazines, 1900-1966 by Arnold S. Linsky [1970]
Political deviance : the press presentation of a militant mass demonstration by Graham Murdock [1973]
The determinations of news photographs by Stuart Hall Hall, S. [1972]
Unit headline language by Michael Frayn [1965]
LSD and the press by William Braden [1970]
Sniping - a new pattern of violence by Terry Ann Knopf [1969]
Mods and rockers: the inventory as manufactured news by Stanley Cohen [1972]
The British press and Northern Ireland [1971]
Sir, writing by candlelight... by E. P. Thompson [1970]
The mass media and racial conflict by Paul Hartmann and Charles Husband [1971]
The British press and the 'placing' of male homosexuality by Frank Pearce [1973]
Mickey Spillane: a reading by Jerry Palmer [1973]
The myth of drugtakers in the mass media by Jock Young [1971]
The press and pop festivals : steretypes of youthful leisure by Damien Phillips [1973]
Part Three: Effects and Consequences
The amplification of drug use by Jock Young [1971]
Sensitization : the case of the mods and rockers by Stanley Cohen [1972]
Part Four: Do-It-Yourself Media Sociology
article by the editors

Contents of revised edition (1981):
Information and the definition of deviance by Leslie Wilkins
The selection of crime news by the press by Bob Roshier
Structuring and selecting news by Johnan Galtung and Mari Ruge
News as eternal recurrence by Paul Rock
The complete stylization of news by Michael Frayn
The production of knowledge by crime reporters by Steve Chibnall
Crime waves as ideology by Mark Fishman
News as purposive behaviour : on the strategic use of routine events, accidents and scandals by Harvey Molotch and Marilyn Lester
The awful truth about strife in our factories : a case study in the production of news by Paul Edwards
A world at one with itself by Stuart Hall
The symbolic annihilation of women by the mass media by Gaye Tuchman
Mental illness : what do media present by Jum C. Nunnally
Theories of behaviour and the image of the alcoholic in popular magazines, 1900-1966 by Arnold S. Linsky
Political deviance : the press presentation of a militant mass demonstration by Graham Murdock
The determinations of news photographs by Stuart Hall
Unit headline language by Michael Frayn
LSD and the press by William Braden
Mods and rockers : the inventory as manufactured news by Stanley Cohen
Sir, writing by candlelight... by E. P. Thompson
The mass media and racial conflict by Paul Hartmann and Charles Husband
The British press and the 'placing' of male homosexuality by Frank Pearce
Images of women in the media by Helen Butcher et al.
The myth of drugtakers in the mass media by Jock Young
The social production of news : mugging in the media by Stuart Hall and others
Industrial conflict and the mass media by David Morley
Beyond the consensual paradigm : a critique of left functionalism in media theory by Jock Young
The amplification of drug use by Jock Young
Sensitization : the case of the mods and rockers by Stanley Cohen
News and public perceptions of industrial relations by Paul Hartmann
Enter the dragon by David Robins and Philip Cohen.

George Douglas Howard Cole 25.9.1889-1958. Began his career as a philosopher at Durham University. Reader in economics at Oxford University from 1925 and then Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory. With his wife, Margaret Cole, also wrote detective stories. Fabian Society Chair 1939-1946 and 1948-1950; President from 1952.

Cole, G.D.H. 1938 Persons and Periods Penguin. [AandV]
A collection of essays:
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), p.7
Defoe's England, p.21
Town Life in the Eighteenth Century, p.38
London - One-Fifth of England, p.63
Roads, Rivers and Canals, p.78
A Study in Legal Repression (1789-1834), p.99
William Cobbett (1762-1835), p.116
Rural Rides, p.138
Robert Owen and Owenism, p.158

with Raymond Postgate

Cole, G.D.H. and Postgate, R. 1938 The Common People 1746-1936 London, 1938. xi and 671 pages.

Why 1746? See The old order ends

Cole, G.D.H. and Postgate, R. 1949 The Common People 1746-1946 Methuen [AandV]

David Coleman

Coleman, D. and others 1996/1997 Ethnicity in the 1991 census London: H.M.S.O. Four volumes.

Coleman, D. and Salt, J. 1996 Ethnicity in the 1991 census, volume 1: Demographic characteristics of the ethnic minority populations edited by David Coleman and John Salt.

Peach, C. 1996 Ethnicity in the 1991 census, volume 2: The ethnic minority populations of Great Britain edited by Ceri Peach.

Ratcliffe, P. 1996 Ethnicity in the 1991 census, volume 3: Social geography and ethnicity in Britain : geographical spread, spatial concentration and internal migration edited by Peter Ratcliffe.

Karn, V. 1997 Ethnicity in the 1991 census, volume 4: Employment, education and housing among the ethnic minority populations of Britain edited by Valerie Karn.

At head of title of volume 1: Office of Population Censuses and Surveys.
At head of title of volumes 2, 3 & 4: Office for National Statistics.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834

Coleridge, S.T. 1817 Biographia Literaria, or Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. 2 volumes. Rest Fenner: London.

Stefan Collini 1947-

Collini, S. 2012 What are Universities For? London: Penguin, 2012. xiii and 215 pages

1 The global multiversity?
2 Universities in Britain: A very short history
3 The useful and the useless: Newman revisited
4. The character of the humanities
5. The highest aspirations and ideals: Universities as a public good
Prologue: Occasions for advocacy
6. Bibliometry
7 The Business Analogy
8 HiEdBizUK
9 Impact
10 Browne's gamble
Epilogue: A complex inheritance

Randall Collins 1941-

Collins, R. 1985 Three sociological traditions New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press [A history of Sociology to 1984]

Collins, R. 1994 Four sociological traditions Revised and expanded edition of: Three sociological traditions. New York : Oxford University Press

Contents: Prologue: the rise of the social sciences - Social Thought in the Agrarian Empires - Medieval Universities Create the Modern Intellectual - The Renaissance: Intellectual Life Goes Secular - Religious Wars and the Enlightenment - Economics: the First Social Science - The Rise of Public Schools and the University Revolution - The Development of the Disciplines - History Becomes Professionalised - Economists Become Academics - Psychology Becomes Independent - Anthropology Gets Its Niche - And Finally Sociology 1. The Conflict Tradition The Pivotal Position of Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels, the Sociologist in the Shadows - The Theory of Social Classes - The Theory of Ideology - The Theory of Political Conflict - The Theory of Revolutions - The Theory of Sex Stratification - Max Weber and the Multidimensional Theory of Stratification - The Twentieth Century Intermingles Marxian and Weberian Ideas - Organisations as Power Struggles - Classes, Class Cultures, and Inequality: The Conflict Theorists - Class Mobilisation and Political Conflict - The Golden Age of Historical Sociology - Appendix: Simmel, Coser, and Functionalist Conflict Theory 2. The Rational/Utilitarian Tradition - The Original Rise and Fall of Utilitarian Philosophy - Bringing the Individual Back In - Sociology Discovers Sexual and Marriage Markets - Three Applications of Sociological Markets: Educational Inflation, Split Labour Markets, Illegal Goods - The Paradoxes and Limits of Rationality - Proposed Rational Solutions for Creating Social Solidarity - Economics Invades Sociology, and Vice Versa - The New Utilitarian Policy Science 3. The Durkheimian Tradition - Sociology as the Science of Social Order - Durkheim's Law of Social Gravity - Two Wings: The Macro Tradition - Montesquieu, Comte, and Spencer on Social Morphology - Merton, Parsons and Functionalism - The Second Wing: The Lineage of Social Anthropology - Fustel de Coulanges and Ritual Class War - Durkheim's Theory of Morality and Symbolism - The Ritual Basis of Stratification: W. Lloyd Warner - Erving Goffman and the Everyday Cult of the Individual - Interaction Rituals and Class Cultures: Collins, Bernstein, and Douglas - Ritual Exchange Networks: The Micro/Macro Linkage - Marcel Mauss and the Magic of Social Exchange - Lévi-Strauss and Alliance Theory - A Theory of Interaction Ritual Chains - The Future of the Durkheimian Tradition - 4. The Microinteractionist Tradition - A Native American Sociology - Philosophy Becomes a Battleground between Religion and Science - The Pragmatism of Charles Sanders Peirce - Society Is in The Mind: Cooley - George Herbert Mead's Sociology of Thinking - Blumer Creates Symbolic Interactionism - The Sociology of Consciousness: Husserl, Schutz, and Garfinkel - The Sociology of Language and Cognition - Erving Goffman's Counterattack -

Comte weblinks - reviews

Comte, A. 1830-1842 Cours de Philosophie Positive (Course in Positive Philosophy)

The French text of the first and second lesson is available online at http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/Comte_auguste/cours_philo_positive/cou rs_philo_positive.html (Les classiques des sciences sociales) - The complete French text can be read online at Bibliothèque nationale de France - Synoptic Table of the whole of the Cours de Philosophic Positive

Comte, A. 1853 The Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte A condensed version of Cours de Philosophie Positive, freely translated into English by Harriet Martineau. In two volumes. London: Trubner and Co.

Comte, A. 1854 Système de Politique Positive - Traité de sociologie instituant la religion de l'humanité (System of Positive Polity - A Treatise of Sociology, Instituting the Religion of Humanity) Published between 1848 (or 1851) and 1854.

Comte, A. 1875-1877 System of Positive Polity four vlomes, London, Longmans Green 1875-1877. A translation by a team of scholars of Système de Politique Positive

Comte, A. 1896 The Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte A condensed version of Cours de Philosophie Positive, freely translated into English by Harriet Martineau. In three volumes. With an introduction by Frederic Harrison. Bohn's philosophical library. London : George Bell, 1896 (Available in pdf form from http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/~econ/ugcm/3ll3/comte/ (McMaster University)

Offline: volume one - volume two - volume three - Extracts on this site - Extracts Aiken, H.D. 1956 pp 124-137. pp 124-137.

Comte, A. 1970 Introduction to Positive Philosophy by Auguste Comte; edited with introduction and revised translation by Frederick Ferre. Library of Liberal Arts. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970. A translation of the first two chapters of Cours de Philosophie Positive, Paris, 1830-1842

Comte, A. 1974 The Essential Comte "Selected from Cours de Philosophie Positive by Auguste Comte ... Edited and with an introduction by Stanislav Andreski. Translated and annotated by Margaret Clarke". Croom Helm, London. Barnes and Noble Books, New York.

Comte, A. 1976 Auguste Comte - The Foundation of Sociology by Kenneth Thompson. Nelson, London. An "Introductory Essay: Auguste Comte: Founder of Sociology" followed by extracts, mostly from The Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte (1896), but also from System of Positive Polity

Raewyn (previously Robert William) Connell 1944-

Connell, R.W. 1983 Which way is up?: Essays on sex, class and culture. London : Allen & Unwin. ix and 278 pages

Kate Cook, Mark James and Richard Lee

Cook, K. James, M and Lee, R. 2009 Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2009-2010 edition. Series: Palgrave Macmillan core statutes

Cook, T.I. 1947 Two Treatises of Government by John Locke with a supplement: Patriarcha by Sir Robert Filmer Haffner Library of Classics

Diana Coole

Coole, D.H. 1988 Women in Political Theory: From Ancient Misogyny to Contemporary Feminism. Harvester Wheatsheaf.
(subject index)

Second edition 1993
Contents: The origin of western thought and the birth of misogyny; Plato and Aristotle - the status of women in the Just State; women in medieval thought - transitions from antiquity to the Renaissance; Hobbes and Locke - natural right against natural authority; Rousseau and Wollstonecraft - female virtue and civic virtue in the liberal state; J.S. Mill - political economist, utilitarian and feminist; socialism - utopian and feminist; Hegel, Marx and Engels - familial and productive determinants of woman's role; social democrats and Bolsheviks - socialism and the woman question; contemporary feminism - postmodernism and dissonance.

Charles Horton Cooley weblinks

Cooley, C.H. 1909 Social Organisation: A study of the larger mind. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Cooley/Cooley_1909/Cooley_1909_toc.html [The Mead Project]

Also available from the Internet Archive - Offline

David Cooper See Laing

Cooper, D. 1967 Psychiatry and anti-psychiatry. Tavistock (Paladin 1970)

Cooper, D. 1968 (Editor) The Dialectics of Liberation. Penguin

"The Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation was held at the Roundhouse in Chalk Farm from 15 July to 30 July 1967. The present volume is a compilation of some of the principle addresses delivered on this occasion" (Cooper. Introduction)

Contents: "The Obvious" by R.D. Laing - "Conscious Purpose Versus Nature" by Gregory Bateson - "Social and Psychological Preparation for War" by Jules Henry - "Imperialism and Revolution in America" by John Gerassi - "The Future of Capitalism" by Paul Sweezy - "Objective Values" by Paul Goodman - "Criticism and Dogmatism in Literature" by Lucien Goldmann - "Black Power" by Stokely Carmichael - "Liberation from the Affluent Society" by Herbert Marcuse - "Beyond Words" by David Cooper.

Cooper, D. 1972 The Death of the Family. Penguin (1971 Allen Lane?)

Cooper, D. 1974 The Grammar of Living: an Examination of Political Acts. Penguin.

Cooper, D. 1980 The Language of Madness. Penguin.

Trudi Cooper and Rob White

Cooper, T. and White, R. 1994 "Models of youth work intervention", Youth Studies Australia, Volume 13, issue 4, p. 30.

See subject index intervention

Roger Cooter

Cooter, R. 1992 (Editor) In the Name of the Child: Health and welfare, 1880-1940 edited by Roger Cooter. Studies in the social history of medicine. London; New York: Routledge 1992 xii and 292 pages.

Originated in a conference held at the Institute of Historical Research in October 1987, sponsored by the Society for the Social History of Medicine and the British Paediatric Association.

1. Bodies, Figures and Physiology: Margaret McMillan and the Late Nineteenth-Century Remaking of Working -Class Childhood by Carolyn Steedman
2. Child Labour, Medical Capital, and the School Medical Service, C. 1890-1918 by Harry Hendrick
3. 'Wonderlands of Buttercups, Clover and Daisies': Tuberculosis and Open-Air School Movement in Britain, 1907-1939 by Linda Bryder
4. Orphans as Guinea Pigs: American Children and Medical Experimenters, 1890-1930 by Susan E, Lederer
5. From Isolation to Therapy: Children's Hospitals for Diptheria in fin de siecle Paris, London and Berlin, 1890-1920 by Paul Weindling
6. Cleveland in History: The Abused Child and Child Protection, 1880- 1914 by Harry Ferguson
7. From Bodies to Minds in Childcare Literature: Advice to Parents in Inter-war Britain by Cathy Urwin and Elaine Sharland
8. Wishes, Anxieties, Play, and Gestures: Child Guidance in Inter-war England by Deborah Thom
9. Darkly Through a Lens: Changing Perceptions of the African Child in Sickness and Health, 1900-1945 by Jennifer Beinart
10. Welfare, Wages and the Family: Child Endowment in Comparative Perspective, 1900- 1950 by John Macnicol

Brian Corby (Reader in Applied Social Studies, University of Liverpool)

Corby, B. 1993/2000/2006 Child Abuse: Towards a Knowledge Base Milton Keynes, Open University - 1st, second and third editions.

Armand Marie Corre 1841-1908

Corre, A.M. 1889 Le Crime en pays créoles. Esquisse d'ethnographie criminelle. Lyon; Paris. 314 pages

Notes: Part of the "Bibliothèque scientifique de l'avocat et du magistrat" (Scientific library of the lawyer and the magistrate)


Jean Corston 5.5.1942-

Corston, J. 2007 The Corston Report: A report by Baroness Jean Corston of a review of women with particular vulnerabilities in the criminal justice system : the need for a distinct, radically different, visibly-led, strategic, proportionate, holistic, woman-centred, integrated approach. London: Home Office, 2007. ii and 106 pages. Available at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http://www.justice.gov.uk/publi cations/corston-report.htm

Lewis Alfred Coser 1913-

Coser, L.A. 1971/1977 Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context First edition 1971: New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Second edition 1977: Illinois: Waveland Press.

Coser, L.A. 1978 "American Trends." in A History of Sociological Analysis, edited by Tom Bottomore and Robert Nisbet. New York: Basic Books. Available at http://www.sociology.ccsu.edu/adair/american_trends_by_lewis_coser.htm

Rose Laub Coser 4.5.1916-21.8.1994

Coser, R.L. 1964 (Editor) The Family: Its structure and functions New York : St Martin's Press, xxviii and 678 pages

Sarah Coutts

Coutts, S. 2011 "Care or Custody: Where should mentally disordered offenders be placed?" Sheffield Hallam University undergraduate dissertation. April 2011. Internet Journal of Criminology Available at http://www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/Coutts_Care_Or_Custody_April_20 11.pdf

See Subject Index Mental health and prison

Victoria Coven
M.A. Candidate in the Department of Sociology, University of Guelph in 2003

Coven, Victoria 2003 "A History of Statistics in the Social Sciences" Gateway - An Academic Journal on the Web: Spring 2003. 1. Available at http://grad.usask.ca/gateway/art_Coven_spr_03.pdf
A discussion of Adolphe Quetelet and his influence.

Alan Cox 1945-

Cox, A. 1979 Brickmaking: A history and gazetteer. Bedfordshire County Council and Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, Bedford [Was available from the Conservation Officer, County Planning Department, County Hall Bedford MK42 9AP.] 110 pages. Illustrated

Cox, A. 1997 "A vital component: Stock bricks in Georgian England", Construction History, Volume 13, pages 57-66.

Alistair Cox 1945 -

24.11.1971 Incorporation of Community Action Projects Ltd
February 1973 to August 1975 Bowker Street
March 1974 onwards Egerton Road

Alistair and Gabrielle Cox

Cox, A. and Cox, G. 1977 Borderlines: A partial view of detached work with homeless young people Leicester : National Youth Bureau. 82 pages. ISBN 0902095471 Paperback.

1979/1980 Alistair Cox set up 42nd Street
May 1980: Discussion on updating 1977 pamphlet included plans for independent interviews with tenants. These were to be used for quotations but they eventually used the transcripts almost complete.

Cox and others 1982 Beyond the Hostel - Housing for homeless young people: A youth work approach. Text by Community Action Projects ; graphics by Dave Rogers. Manchester: CAP. 128 pages. ISBN: 090709533X

"This book originated as a pamphlet first published in 1977 which compared two housing schemes run by CAP... the contributors to Part One [are] Paul Baker, Alistair and Gabrielle Cox, Mel Godfrey and Pauline White". Part Two is "The Tenants' Perspective". Andy Wiggans did the interviews with tenants.

Alistair Cox and Duncan Scott

Cox, A. and Scott, D. 1984 Gotcha: A case-study of covert police surveillance Manchester: Youth Development Trust. ii and 34 pages. ISBN 0903178095.

Note: Crash houses: Overnight accommodation for homeless young people Manchester : Community Action Projects, 1984.

Ryan T. Cragun
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Tampa

Cragun, R.T. 2008 Introduction to Sociology: as appears on Wikibooks, a project of Wikipedia Seven Treasures Publications. 244 pages

Revised edition 10.4.2010 includes chapters on health care and medicine and race and ethnicity by Deborah Cragun, MS Human Genetics and videos, slides and downloadable tools added by Piotrus Piotr Konieczny, PhD student in sociology, University of Pittsburgh. Available as a pdf at http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Introduction_to_Sociolog y-v2.0.pdf

Ryan T. Cragun - Deborah Cragun - and Piotrus Piotr Konieczny

Cragun, R.T., Cragun, D. and Konieczny, P.P. 2010 Introduction to Sociology Wikibooks http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Sociology

Contents 10.4.2010
Introducing Sociology link to chapter
1 What is Sociology?
2 History
2.1 Auguste Comte and Other Founders
2.2 The Development of the Discipline
2.3 Early Sociological Studies
2.4 Quantitative vs. Qualitative Sociology
3 Sociology and Other Social Sciences
3.1 The Development of Social Science
4 Sociology Today
Sociological Methods
General Sociological Theory
Deviance and Norms
Race and Ethnicity - link to chapter
Family - link to chapter
Health and Medicine
Collective Behaviour
Social Movements
Being a Sociologist
Sociological Videos
Famous Sociologists

Ian [Ernest] Craib 12.12.1945-22.12.2003
Sociologist and psychotherapist - Essex University

Craib, I. 1973 Philosophy and sociology in the work of Jean-Paul Sartre Ph.D Thesis Manchester: University of Manchester.

Craib, I. 1976 Existentialism and Sociology: A study of Jean- Paul Sartre Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. A revision of the author's thesis, Manchester University. viii and 242 pages
Summary: A study of the work of Jean-Paul Sartre and of its relevance for contemporary sociology. Dr Craib sees Sartre as a central figure in modern European thought - providing links between Husserl and Heidegger on the one hand and Marxists and Structuralists on the other. He is concerned to relate Sartre's apparently abstract and often obscure philosophical work to methodological and other research problems in sociology; in particular he uses Sartrean philsophy to criticize the very influential work of Gouldner, Goffman and Garfinkel. In the first part of the book Dr Craib concentrates on Being and Nothingness and considers the way in which Sartre's brand of phenomenology can inform studies of inter- personal relationships. In the second part, he examines La Critique de la raison dialectique, which deals with the wider structure of society, the nature of social classes and the development of history. He goes on to investigate the connections between these two levels of analysis, and the complex inter-relationships between the sociologist, his fellows, his objects of study and his theoretical work.

Craib, I. 1984 Modern Social Theory: from Parsons to Habermas Brighton: Wheatsheaf

Craib, I. 1992 Modern Social Theory: from Parsons to Habermas (Second edition). New York ; London : Harvester Wheatsheaf
1. Introduction: What's Wrong with Theory and Why We Still Need It.
2. Cutting a Path Through the Jungle.
3. Introduction.
4. Parsons: Theory as a Filing System.
5. Structural-Functionalism.
6. Neofunctionalism.
7. Rational Choice Theory: 'The Price of Everything'; Symbolic Interactionism: Society as Conversation.
8. Society as Conspiracy: Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology.
9. Structuration Theory: There's No Such Thing as Society.
10. There Is Such a Thing as Society.
11. Introduction.
12. The World as a Logical Pattern: An Introduction to Structuralism.
13. Structuralist Marxism: The World as a Puppet Theatre.
14. Poststructuralism and Postmodernism: The World Gone Mad.
15. Introduction.
16. The Frankfurt School: There Must be Some Way Out of Here.
17. Jurgen Habermas: Back to the Filing Cabinet.
18. Conclusion: Playing with Ideas.

Craib I. 1997 Classical Social Theory: An introduction to the thought of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Simmel. Oxford University Press.

Eileen Crellin, M.L. Kellmer Pringle and Patrick West

Crellin, E., Kellmer Pringle, M.L. and West, P. 1971 Born Illegitimate: Social and educational implications National Children's Bureau Reports. Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales, 173 pages

Kimberlé Crenshaw

Crenshaw, K. 1989 "Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: a black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics". University of Chicago Legal Forum (PhilPapers) 140: pp 139-167. Available at http://philpapers.org/archive/CREDTI.pdf

David Crew

Crew, D.F. 1994 Nazism and German Society, 1933-1945 edited by David F. Crew. London: Routledge

Bernard Crick 1929-2008
Professor of Politics, Birkbeck

Crick, B. 1959 The American Science of Politics: Its origins and conditions. International library of sociology and social reconstruction. Routledge and Kegan Paul. 252 pages.

Crick, B. 1962 In Defence of Politics Nature of human society series. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 156 psges.

Crick, B. 1980 George Orwell: A life London: Secker and Warburg. xxx and 473 pages.

Iain Crinson
St George's, University of London

Crinson, I. and others 2007 Health Knowledge Public Health Textbook available in the Internet Archive at https://web.archive.org/web/20110520070343/http://www.healthknowledge.org.u k/public-health-textbook

Research Methods
Disease Causation and Diagnostic
Health Information
Medical Sociology, Policy and Economics
Organisation and Management
Further Resources

Medical Sociology incldes material by Iain Crinson on Activities - The Sociological Perspective - Sociological Conceptualisation of Medical Knowledge and Power - Labelling and Stigma - Lay Health Beliefs and Illness Behaviour - Social Support and Social Integration - The Social Experience of Living with Chronic Illness and Disability - The Social Patterns of Health and Illness

Full team: Helen Barratt, Maria Kirwan, Michael Campbell, Rosalind Blackwood, Renu Bindra, Iain Crinson, Miranda Leontowitsch.

Charles Critcher, Peter Bramham and Alan Tomlinson

Critcher, C., Bramham, P. and Tomlinson, A. 1995. Editors. Sociology of Leisure: A Reader London : E & F. N. Spon, ix and 292 pages.
Contemporary trends. Introduction.
Leisure in Britain:
1. Great Britain: socioeconomic polarisation and the implications for leisure - K Roberts.
Leisure and common experiences. Introduction.
Work and leisure.
2. Towards a theory of work and leisure - S Parker..
3. Work and its corollaries - K Roberts.
Leisure and the family.
4. Leisure and the family - J R Kelly..
5. Coming home to roost - J Clarke and C Critcher.
Leisure and the life cycle.
6. Leisure and the family life cycle - R and R Rapoport.
7. What do kids get out of pop music and football? - P Corrigan.
8. Leisure time use by the elderly and leisure provision for the elderly - M Abrams.
Leisure and social relations. Introduction.
Class and leisure.
9. From leisure class to leisure society - J Seabroke.
10. Leisure in Ashton - N Dennis, F Henriques, C Slaughter.
Gender and leisure. Introduction.
11 "Boys muscle in where angels fear to tread - girls sub-cultures and physical activities" by Sheila Scraton.
12 "Women's leisure today" by E Green, S Hebron and D Woodward.
Ethnicity and leisure.
13. Body talk: images of sport in a multi-racial school - B Carrington and E Wood..
14. Gender, race and power: the challenge to youth work practice - P Parmar. Activities.
Types of leisure provision. Introduction. Commercial provision.
15. If you can't stand the heat get off the beach: the UK holiday business - G Thompson.
16. A participant observer study of a 'rough' working-class pub - M Smith.
Voluntary provision.
17. Mutual Aid in leisure - J Bishop and P Hoggett.
18. The Hidden Musicians - R Finnegan.
Public provision.
19. Leisure in the welfare state - J Wilson.
20. Sport and the state - G Whannel. Activities.
Theories and prognostications. Introduction.
Sociological theory.
21. The pluralist scenario - K Roberts.
22. Leisure and inequality - J Clarke and C Critcher..
23. Feminism and leisure studies - R Deem.
Leisure and the future.
24. The leisure forecasting tradition - A J Veal.

Rosemary Crompton 22.4.1942-17.8.2011

See subject indexes Family - Gender - Stratification - Work

Rosemary Crompton and Jon Gubbay

Crompton, R. and Gubbay, J. 1977 Economy and Class Structure. Macmillan. vii and 248 pages.

Rosemary Crompton and Gareth Jones

Crompton, R. and Jones, G. 1984 White-collar Proletariat: Deskilling and gender in clerical work London : Macmillan. ix and 277 pages.

Crompton, R. 1993 Class and Stratification: An introduction to current debates Cambridge : Polity Press. xi and 231 pages. Second edition 1998. Third edition 2008

Crompton, R. 1993/1998 Class and Stratification: An introduction to current debates - Second Edition Cambridge : Polity Press. xv and 255 pages.
One: Explaining Inequality: Introduction. Social Order and Theories of Social Differentiation. Stratification and the Debate on Social Class. The Growing Critique of 'Class Analysis'. Concluding Summary.
Two: The Classic Inheritance and its Development: Introduction. Marx. Weber. Class and Sociology after the Second World War. Culture, Class and History. Once Again, the Indivisibility of Structure and Action. Social Class, Urban Sociology and the Turn to 'Realism'. Conclusions.
Three: Measuring the 'Class Structure': Goldthorpe and Wright: Introduction. Occupations. Conclusions.
Four: Problems of Class Analysis: Introduction. Changes in the Structure of Work and Employment. The Expansion of Women's Employment. Class, Politics, and Action. Gender and Class. Are Social Classes Dying? Converging Approaches. Conclusion.
Five: Farewell to Social Class?: Introduction. Bringing Status Back In. Recent Social Theory. Farewell to Class Societies? Discussion and Conclusions.
Six: Lifestyle, Consumption Categories and Consciousness Communities: Introduction. Consumption-sector Cleavages. Culture, Class and Occupation. From 'Abstract Labour' to 'Customer Care'. Summary and Conclusions.
Seven: Citizenship, Entitlements and the 'Underclass': Introduction. T H Marshall and the Development of the Concept of Citizenship. Women and Citizenship. Race and Citizenship. Social Citizenship and the 'Underclass'. Conclusion.
Eight: Retrospect and Prospect Introduction. Social Mobility. Social Polarization. Conclusions.

Crompton, R. 1993/2008 Class and Stratification: Third Edition Cambridge : Polity Press. xvi and 192 pages.
Contains prefaces of all three editions.
One: Setting the Scene
Individualisation, neoliberalism, and 'extreme capitalism' - Summary of chapters. [New]
Two. Approaches to Class and Stratification Analysis Introduction - Debating inequality - Theories of social differentiation - 'Class', a multi-faceted concept - Social theory and social change - The wider critique of 'class analysis' - Action and structure, economy and culture [A revision of "Explaining Inequality"]
Three: Class Analysis: The Classic Inheritance and its Development in the Twentieth Century Introduction - Marx - Weber - Class and sociology after the Second World War - The development of theoretically informed accounts of the 'class structure' - Class and history - The intertwining of structure and action, economy and culture - Class inequality and the 'cultural turn' - Social class, social geography and the turn to 'realism' - Conclusions [A revision of "The Classic Inheritance and its Development"]
Four. Measuring the 'Class Structure'. Introduction - Occupations - Descriptive occupational and status hierarchies and the analysis of 'social classes' - Theoretical ('relational') class schemes: Wright - Theoretical ('relational') class schemes: Goldthorpe - The ONS-SEC - Conceptual basis of the ONS-SEC - Conclusions [A revision of "Measuring the 'Class Structure'"]
Five. An untimely prediction of death and a timely renewal Introduction - Changes in the structure of work and employment - The expansion of women's employment - Class, politics and action - Farewell to class societies? - Where do we go from here? - 'New and revised' approaches - Conclusion [Combines the arguments of "Problems of Class Analysis" and "Farewell to Social Class?"
Six. Class and culture: the ethnography of class Introduction - Social status, social hierarchies, and social citizenship - Bourdieu - The 'new middle classes'- The contemporary ethnography of the working class - Discussion and conclusions: a new synthesis? [Largely new with elements "Lifestyle, Consumption Categories and Consciousness Communities". The content of "Citizenship, Entitlements and the 'Underclass'" has largely been removed but citizenship is discussed in relation to status in chapter six]
Seven: Families, Social Mobility and Educational Achievement Introduction: Class and the family - Social mobility - Declining social mobility - Secondary and higher education in Britain - Explaining class differences in educational achievement - What is to be done? - Conclusions [Largely new, but incorporating a discussion on social mobility from "Retrospect and Prospect".]
Eight: Widening inequalities and debates on 'class': discussion and conclusions Introduction - From the 'underclass' debate to social exclusion - Widening inequality - Back to definitions: the approach developed in this book - The possibility of countervailing processes. [Largely new, but incorporating updated discussions of underclass from "Citizenship, Entitlements and the 'Underclass'" social polarisation from "Retrospect and Prospect"]

Crompton, R. 1997 Women and Work in Modern Britain Oxford Modern Britain series. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. xi and 155 pages
Contents: Introduction. 1: Explaining `women's work'. 2: The structure of women's employment in Britain today. 3: Cross-national comparisons. 4: Women's employment and the family. 5: Women as employees. 6: Discussion and conclusions.

George Cronk
Coordinator Department of Philosophy and Religion, Bergen Community College, Paramus, New Jersey, USA

Cronk, G. 1987 The Philosophical Anthropology of George Herbert Mead American University Studies - Volume 27. New York: Peter Lang. 153 pages.

Cronk, G. 2001/2005 "George Herbert Mead (1863-1931)" The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, available at http://www.iep.utm.edu/mead/. Originally published: 20.4.2001. Last updated: 27.6.2005

Charles Crook
Doctoral student at Department of Experimental Psychology, Cambridge University.
Post-doctoral post at Brown University
Post-doctoral post at Strathclyde University.
Lectureship in Psychology at Durham University.
Reader in Psychology at Loughborough University.
Reader in ICT and Education, School of Education, Nottingham University
Editor: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Crook, C.K. 1994 Computers and the Collaborative Experience of Learning. Routledge
Part One looks at how the new technology is restructuring young children's experience of education and leisure;
Part Two explores how insights that arise from the discipline of artificial intelligence may help define new computer-based environments for human learning;
Part Three looks at the strengths and weaknesses of current computational models of learning processes.

Charles Crook (Loughborough University) and David S. Webster (Open University)

Crook, C.K. and Webster, D. 1998 "Designing for informal undergraduate computer mediated communication", Active Learning. 7 , December 1977, pp 47-51.

Alex E. Crosby, LaVonne Ortega and Cindi Melanson

Crosby AE, Ortega L, Melanson C. 2011 Self-directed Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements, Version 1.0. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; February 2011 Available at http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/Self-Directed-Violence-a.pdf

See Subject Index Suicide

CPS: Crown Prosection Service - England and Wales

CPS Legal Guidance Crown Prosection Service (England and Wales) Lagal Guidance online http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/

Edward Charles Cuff - W.W. Sharrock and D.W. Francis

Cuff, E.C., Sharrock, W.W. and Francis, D.W. 2006 (5th edition) Perspectives in Sociology London ; New York : Routledge. vi and 422 pages.
Introduction: rethinking sociology
Karl Marx
Max Weber
Emile Durkheim
Consensus and conflict
Symbolic interaction
Western Marxism
Poststructuralism: abandoning reason
Michel Foucault
Poststructuralism and postmodernity
Back to sociological theory?: theoreticism and synthesis From class to culture : a historical sketch
Emancipatory sociology: feminism, queer theory and postcolonial theory

Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox 1968-

Cullen, F.T. and Wilcox, P. 2010 (Editors) Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory London and Los Angeles: Sage. Two volumes xlvi and 1176 pages.

Jonathan Culler 1.10.1944 - Departments of English and Comparative Literature, Cornell University

Culler, J. 1983 Barthes Fontana modern masters. Glasgow: Fontana, 128 pages.

Culler, J. 1983/2002 Barthes: A very short introduction. Very short introductions 56. Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press, 144 pages. [1983 updated]
Contents: Man of parts. -- Literary historian. -- Mythologist. -- Critic. -- Polemicist. -- Semiologist. -- Structuralist. -- Hedonist. -- Writer. -- Man of letters. -- Barthes after Barthes.

Leslie Curry
Yale University

Leslie Curry and Marcella Nunez-Smith
Both of Yale University.

Curry, L. and Nunez-Smith, M. 2015 Mixed Methods in Health Sciences Research: A practical primer SAGE mixed methods research series volume 1. Los Angeles: SAGE. xxxii and 394 pages

Publisher's website (with sample material)

Contents: Definition and overview of mixed methods designs -- Applications and illustrations of mixed methods health sciences research -- Determining the appropriateness and feasibility of using mixed methods -- Writing a scientifically sound and compelling grant proposal for a mixed methods study -- Examples of funded grant applications using mixed methods -- Assessing quality in mixed methods studies -- Sampling and data collection in mixed methods studies -- Data analysis and integration in mixed methods studies -- Managing mixed methods teams -- Implementation issues in mixed methods research -- Publishing mixed methods studies in the health sciences.

Antony Cutler 1947-
Tony Cutler

Tony Cutler and Barbara Waine

Cutler, T. and Waine, B. 1994 Managing the Welfare State : Politics of Public Sector Management Berg Publishers, 1994. [192 pages.
The Politics of Managerialism - Managing by Numbers: The Bogus Prospectus of Performance Indicators - Welfare Markets - Competitive Tendering: The Case of the Vanishing Producers - Determining Public Sector Pay: Prescription and Practice - Conclusion: A Future That Will Fail? Managerialism and Consumerism in the 1990s

Cutler, T. and Waine, B. 1997 "The politics of quasi-markets: How quasi-markets have been analysed and how they might be analysed" Critical Social Policy May 1997 17: 3-26

offline - See 1991

Robert Alan Dahl 17.12.1915 -

Dahl, R.A. 1956 A Preface to Democratic Theory

Dahl, R.A. 7.1957, "The Concept of Power" Behavioral Science, 2:3, July, 1957, p.201-215 Available at

"My intuitive idea of power... is something like this: A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not otherwise do" (pp 202-203)

Ralph Dahrendorf

Dahrendorf, R. 6.1958 "Toward a Theory of Social Conflict" The Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 2, No. 2. (June 1958), pp. 170-183.

Dahrendorf, R. 1959 Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society

William Dalrymple

Dalrymple, W. 2003 The Long Search BBC Radio.

24.11.2003 Programme One archive 1 "The world turned upside down"

31.11.2003 Programme Two archive 2 "God and the air-pump" archive 3 "The woman clothed with the sun"

14.12.2003 Programme Four archive 4 "Black, Two Sugars?" (interview with Mark Horton).

14.12.2003 Programme Five: archive 5 "Apes, angels and apparitions"

28.12.2003 Programme Six: archive 6 "The times they are a-changing".

James Daly

Daly, J. 1979 Sir Robert Filmer and English Political Thought. Toronto University Press.

Geoff Danaher, Tony Schirato and Jen Webb

Danaher, G., Schirato, T. and Webb, J. 2000 Understanding Foucault London: Sage. xv and 172 pages. Identifier: ISBN: 0761968156
Introduction to Michel Foucault's Work
The Order of Things
Discourses and Institutions
Discipline and Instruction
Power Governmentality and Liberalism
History and Geopolitics
Technologies of the Self
The Sexual Subject
Arts of the Self

Clarence Darrow 1857-1938

Darrow, C. 1922 Crime: Its cause and treatment New York : Thomas Y. Crowell. Available http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/12027

Republished 2009 Kaplan classics of law, with a new foreword by Simon Baatz. New York : Edinburgh : Kaplan xvii and 248 pages

chapter 1 -What is crime? Chapter 2.-Purpose of punishment chapter 3.-Responsibility for crime chapter 4.-Environment chapter 5.-Adjusting heredity and environment chapter 6.-Psychology of criminal conduct chapter 7.-The criminal chapter 8.-The female criminal chapter 9.-The juvenile criminal chapter 10.-Homicide chapter 11.-Sex crimes chapter 12.-Robbery and burglary chapter 13.-Man as a predatory animal chapter 14.-Crimes against property chapter 15.-Attitude of the criminal chapter 16.-The law and the criminal chapter 17.-Repealing laws chapter 18.-Is crime increasing? Chapter 19.-Medical experts chapter 20.-Punishment chapter 21.-Effect of punishment on others chapter 22.-Evolution of punishment chapter 23.-Capital punishment chapter 24.-Stigmata of the criminal chapter 25.-The good in criminals chapter 26.-The defective and insane chapter 27.-Social control chapter 28.-Industrialism and crime chapter 29.-War and crime chapter 30.-Civilisation and crime chapter 31.-The convict chapter 32.-Isolation and sterilisation chapter 33.-Crime, disease and accident chapter 34.-Luck and chance chapter 35.-Pardons and paroles chapter 36.-Remedies

Charles Darwin 1809-1882 weblinks

Darwin, C. 1859 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection London, John Murray, available on the web at http://darwin-online.org.uk

Darwin, C. 1859/1872 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Sixth edition 1872. London, John Murray, available on the web at http://darwin-online.org.uk

Also available at Project Gutenberg

Darwin, C. 1871 Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex

Darwin, C. 1872 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
https://web.archive.org/web/20030802122300/http://pages.britishlibrary.net/ charles.darwin3/expression/expression_intro.htm

See Subject Index Emotion

Bhargavi Davar 1962-
Director, Center for Advocacy in Mental Health, Pune

Bhargavi Davar and Parameshwar R. Bhat

Davar, B.V. and Bhat, P.R. 1995 Psychoanalysis as a Human Science: Beyond foundationalism New Delhi; London, 1995. 210 pages
Contents: Critical Normative Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Evidence, Truth and Psychoanalysis The Self, Freedom and Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis: A Science of Cognition Psychoanalysis, Scientific Knowledge and Humanism

Challenge Karl Popper's critique of and Adolf Grunbaum's attack on psychoanalysis. Provides an epistemological rationale for its scientific nature, an ethical rationale for its humanism and a philosophical foundation which it terms "cognitivist".

Davar, B.V. 1999 Mental Health of Indian women: A feminist agenda New Delhi and Thousand Oaks, California: Sage 1999. 281 pages.
Contents: Introduction: women, mental illness and epidemiology -- Gender and aetiology -- The mental health services and women -- The female self, morality and mental illness -- Conclusion: planning for 'distress' and not 'illness'.

Davar, B.V. 2001 (Editor) Mental health from a Gender Perspective Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications 2001. 427 pages.
1: Gender and Mental Health: Inter-disciplinary Perspectives by Bhargavi V. Davar
2: Mental Health of Indian Women: A Field Experience by Ajita Chakraborty
3: Gender Issues in Mental Health: A Clinical Psychology Perspective by Anisha Shah
4: From the Personal to the Collective: Psychological/Feminist Issues of Women's Mental Health by U. Vindhya
5: Further Considerations on Women and Mental Health by Sasheej Hegde--
The Body, Reproduction and Mental Health
6: The Interface between Psychiatry and Women's Reproductive Health by Prabha S. Chandra
7: Gynaecological Morbidity and Common Mental Disorders in Low-income Urban Women in Mumbai by Surinder K. P. Jaswal
8: The Female Body as the Battleground of Meaning by Janet Chawla and Sarah Pinto
9: The Female Body of Possession: A Feminist Perspective on Rural Tamil Women's Experiences by Kalpana Ram
Violence and Mental Health
10: The Unsafe Nest: Analysing and Treating the Roots and Reaches of Marital Violence / Rajalakshmi Sriram and Sudipta Mukherjee
11: Self-disclosure in Child Sexual Abuse: Content Analysis of Written Narratives of Disclosure by L. Kavitha Vijayalakshmi and Shekhar Seshadri
12: Child Sexual Abuse and Social Factors Preventing Disclosure: Adolescent Girls' Narratives by Rinchin and Shubhada Maitra
13: Sexual Violence and Mental Health: Confronting the Paradox of the 'Guilty' Victim by Kavita Panjabi
14: Inscribing Madness: Another Reading of the Yellow Wallpaper and the Bell Jar by Jayasree Kalathil
Women, Society and Mental Illness
15: The Lay and Medical Diagnoses of Psychiatric Disorder and the Normative Construction of Femininity by Renu Addlakha
16: Women and the Law on Unsoundness of Mind by Amita Dhanda
17: The Media and Women's Mental Health by Ammu Joseph.

Summary: The gender perspective is largely lacking in the discourse on mental health in India while the debate on women's issues rarely incorporates this important topic. Bringing together original contributions from a variety of perspectives, including sociology, anthropology, literature and media studies, this volume will greatly assist a holistic understanding of issues relating to the mental health of Indian women.

Bhargavi V. Davar and T.K. Sundari Ravindran
T.K. Sundari Ravindran is Honorary Professor at the Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala

Davar, B.V. and Sundari Ravindran, T.K. 2015 (Editors) Gendering Mental Health: Knowledges, identities, and institutions Papers from the National Review Workshop on Gender and Mental Health (2007 : Velha Goa, India). Published New Delhi, India : Oxford University Press 2015. xii and 236 pages
1. Delivering Justice, Withdrawing Care: The Norms and Etiquettes of 'Having' a Mental Illness by Bhargavi V. Davar
2. (Un)making Madness: Delving into the Depths of Knowledge by Ranjita Biswas
3. Adjudicating Illness and Capacity: Notes from a Custody Trial by Vasudha Nagaraj
4. Ideological Reproduction of Gender and Normality in Psychiatric Drug Advertisements by
Jayasree Kalathil
5. Mining Marginalities and Mainstreaming Differences: The Disability Paradigm in Perspective by Renu Addlakha
6. Growing Up and Sexual Identity Formation: Mental Health Concerns of Lesbian Women by Ketki Ranade and Yogita Hastak
7. A Researcher's Tale by Shazneen Limjerwala
8. Women's Rights, Human Rights, and the State: Reconfiguring Gender and Mental Health Concerns in India by Anubha Sood
9. Identity Constructions for 'Mentally Disturbed' Women: Identities versus Institutions by Bhargavi V. Davar
Summary: Steeped in archaic and narrow colonial attitudes towards people of 'unsound mind', the discourse on mental health in India, as also the public apparatus dealing with it, are rigid, exclusionary, and deeply gender insensitive. Interrogating the ways in which we understand and deal with mental health disabilities, this volume unravels the voices of women trapped in the predominantly skewed discourse of mental ill-health as 'madness', within the sciences, legal systems, policies, and the media. The collection of essays in this volume focus on the state of mental health of Indian women, with respect to social attitudes, cultural barriers, treatment, policies, safeguards, or lack thereof. The contributors ask fundamental questions: Is 'mental illness' a social, medical, legal, penal, historical, personal construct? Is mental disorder a disability? Do people living with a mental ailment have a 'memory' or the 'insight' to tell their own stories? In dealing with these questions, it seeks to provide a perspective on how women suffering from mental illness view themselves and their surroundings in India. Combining primary research and insights from gender studies and mental health specialists, the volume presents a fundamental critique of the institutional responses to women's mental health, and highlights the dire need to overhaul the Indian mental health system.

Leonore Davidoff

Davidoff L, Doolittle M, Fink J and Holden K 1999 The family story : blood, contract and intimacy, 1830-1960 London : Longman, 1999. 297 pages
"Part One: Family Paradoxes"
1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE FAMILY AND THE HISTORIAN: Modernisation and the Family - Separation of home and work? - The emergence of the nuclear family? - The family becomes an emotional haven? - The increasing involvement of the state?
3. CONCEPTUALIZING THE FAMILY: The construction of the individual, self and person - The religious and secular self - Self, property and the law - The feeling and sexual self - The sociological and psychological self - Postmodern and feminist self - The construction of kinship - The construction of home and household - The construction of identity - Identity and family - Identity, naming and imagined families
"Part Two: Families 1830-1914"
4. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE: The Nineteenth Century - Material life - Ideas, beliefs and institutions - Patterns of family life - The upper strata - Working-class families - Middle-class families - Sexuality and the fertility transition - Institutional life
5. FATHERS AND FATHERHOOD: FAMILY AUTHORITY: Rights and duties of fathers - Changing ideas about fatherly care - Public and private identities
6. DOMESTIC SERVICE AND LODGING: Doing Family Work - The service relationship - Masculine and feminine domains - Terms of service - Servants and childhood - Dynamics of power in domestic service - Lodging
"Part Three: Families 1914-1960"
7. CHANGES IN FAMILY LIFE: The Twentieth Century - Changing patterns of family life - Material and economic developments - Inheritance strategies - Social regulation of families - Family time: rituals and leisure activities
8. FAMILY SHADOWS: UNMARRIED WOMEN: The sister's tale: Daisy Brown - The daughter's tale: Bridget Perkins - The midwife's tale: Ellen Stephens - The aunt's tale: Alice Barker
9. FAMILY SILENCES: UNTOLD STORIES: Secrecy, sexuality and society - Self, family and society - A well of silence: Tony's story
Bibliography - Appendix: Legislation Affecting the Family - Index

Mary Celine Davidow 14.12.1917 - 1987

Davidow, M.C. 1960 Charlotte Mew: Biography and Criticism. Dissertation: Brown University 1960.

Davidow, M.C. 1978 "Charlotte Mew and the Shadow of Thomas Hardy" Bulletin of Research in the Humanities 81 (1978): pages 437-447.

Julia Davidson and Elena Martellozzo

Davidson, J. and Martellozzo, E. 2012 "Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the internet safety context. A comparison of the UK and Bahrain", Information, Communication and Society, pp 1-21. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2012.701655

See Subject Index Social Networks

Malcolm Davies 1946- Hazel Croall 1947- and Jane Tyrer 1951-

Davies, M. Croall, H. and Tyrer, J. 1995 Criminal Justice : An Introduction to the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales London: Longman. 472 pages.

Third edition 2005:
Table of Cases
Chronology of Key Dates in the Development of Criminal Justice in England and Wales
Chapter 1 What is Criminal Justice? Chapter
2 What is Crime?
Chapter 3 Victims and the Impact of Crime Chapter
4 Governmental, Political and Administrative Context of Criminal Justice in England and Wales Chapter
5 Crime Prevention and Reduction
Chapter 6 The Police
Chapter 7 Prosecution, Caution and Diversion Chapter 8 Youth Justice PART C CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESS: CRIMINAL COURTS Chapter 9 Criminal Courts, Judiciary and Pre-trial Procedure Chapter 10 The Trial and Establishing Guilt PART D CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESS: PENAL SYSTEM Chapter 11 Sentencing Aims and Process Chapter 12 Punishment Philosophies and Penal Paradigms Chapter 13 Prisons Chapter 14 Probation Service and Community Penalties Chapter 15 Conclusion Glossary Appendix Bibliography Index

Ann Davis 1948-

Davis, A. 10.12.2008 Celebrating 100 Years of Social Work. University of Birmingham. Ann Davis Available at http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/college-social- sciences/social-policy/IASS/100-years-of-social-work.pdf

Davis, D.B. 1975 The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution. 1770- 1823 Cornell University Press.

Helen Davis

Davis, H. 2004 Understanding Stuart Hall London/UK and Thousand Oaks, California. Sage Publications. 222 pages
Encountering the Mother Country
A Deadly Serious Matter
The Media in Question
Wrestling with the Angels
The Politics of Representation
Taking the Risk of Living Dangerously
In the Belly of the Beast
`Fragmented and Concrete', in Conversation with Stuart Hall

Mark Davis 1978-

Davis, M. 2008 Freedom and Consumerism: a critique of Zygmunt Bauman's sociology Aldershot, England; Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate,

Gerald C. Davison and John M. Neale

Davison, G.C. and Neale, J.H. 1974 Abnormal Psychology: An experimental clinical approach New York: Wiley. xvi and 632 pages
Summary: Disorders are discussed around four perspectives - biological, psychoanalytic, learning and cognitive.

Tenth edition (2007) Ann M. Kring and others

Sally Davison and Jonathan Rutherford

Davison, S. and Rutherford, J. 2010 (editors) Welfare Reform: The dread of things to come, Soundings On, London, Lawrence Wishart. Free ebook available at http://www.lwbooks.co.uk/ebooks/WelfareReform.html

Simone De Beauvoir weblinks

De Beauvoir, S. 1947 Pour Une Morale de L'ambiguïté [English translation: "The Ethics of Ambiguity"]

De Beauvoir, S. 1947/ 1948 The Ethics of Ambiguity. English translation by Bernard Frechtman of Pour une morale de l'ambiguité. New York: Philosophical Library. 1948 163 pages.

De Beauvoir, S. 1949 Le deuxième sexe [English translation: "The Second Sex"] Paris: Librairie Gallimard

De Beauvoir, S. 1949/ 1953 The Second Sex. English translation by Howard Madison Parshley. New York : Alfred A. Knopf. London : J. Cape

Volume one:
introduction -
Part One: Destiny
Chapter 1: Biological Data
Chapter 2: The Psychoanalytical Point of View - Freud extract
Chapter 3: The Point of View of Historical Materialism - [Engels extract] -
Volume two:
Childhood - "One is not born a woman: one becomes one."

Michel de Certeau 17.5.1925 - 9.1.1986

De Certaeu, M. 1974 La Culture au Pluriel Union Générale d'Editions

De Certaeu, M. 1975 L'Ecriture de l'Histoire. Editions Gallimard

De Certaeu, M. 1980 L'Invention du Quotidien. Volume 1, Arts de Faire. Union générale d'éditions 10-18.

De Certaeu, M. 1980/1984 The Practice of Everyday Life. A translation into English of L'Invention du Quotidien. Volume 1 by Steven Rendall. University of California Press.

De Certaeu, M. 1982 La Fable Mystique. volume 1, 16e-17e Siècle. Editions Gallimard.

De Certaeu, M. 1982/1995 The Mystic Fable: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated by Michael B. Smith. University of Chicago Press. 1995.

De Certaeu, M. 1987a Histoire et psychanalyse entre science et fiction. Editions Gallimard. 1987. (Revised edition 2002)

De Certaeu, M. 1987b La Faiblesse de Croire. Edited by Luce Giard. Seuil.

James J. Delaney
Niagara University, New York. USA.
"Niagara University educates its students and enriches their lives through programs in the liberal arts and through career preparation, informed by the Catholic and Vincentian traditions".

Delaney, J.J. 2005 "Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)" The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, available at http://www.iep.utm.edu/rousseau/. Originally published: 20.10.2005.

Robert Dellar 16.12.1964-17.12.2016

Dellar, R. 2014 "Splitting in Two: Mad Pride and Punk Rock Oblivion" UnKant Books March 2014

Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Felix Guattari (1930-1992) was a psychoanalyst at the la Borde Clinic

Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. 1973 L'anti-Odipe volume 1 of "Capitalisme et schizophrenie". In French 1973 by Les Editions de Minuit, Paris. Translated into English by Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R. Lane in 1984 as Anti-Oedipus : capitalism and schizophrenia, with a preface by Michel Foucault. London : Athlone Press. xxiv and 400 pages

Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. 1980/1987 Mille plateaux, volume 2 of "Capitalisme et schizophrenie". In French 1980 by Les Editions de Minuit, Paris. Translated into English by Brian Massumi as A Thousand Plateaus 1987 Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Treena Delormier, Katherine L. Frohlich and Louise Potvin

Delormier, T., Frohlich, K. L. and Potvin, L. 2009, "Food and eating as social practice - understanding eating patterns as social phenomena and implications for public health". Sociology of Health and Illness, 31: pp 215-228. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01128.x/pdf

Feyisa Demie - Kirstin Lewis - and Christabel McLean

Demie, F., Lewis, K. avd McLean, C. 2007 Raising the achievement of Somali pupils: challenges and school responses London Borough of Lambeth. Available at

Geoff Dench

Dench, G. 1975 Maltese in London RKP

Dench, G. 1986 Minorities in The Open Society: Prisoners of Ambivalence RKP

Dench, G. 1994 Reviewing Sexual Contracts, Centre for Community Studies, Middlesex University

Dench, G. 1996a Transforming Men. Changing Patterns of Dependency and Dominance in Gender Relations. Transaction

Dench, G. 1996b The Place of Men in Changing Family Cultures Institute of Community Studies. London

Dench, G. 1997 (Editor) Rewriting the Sexual Contract. Collected Views on Changing Relationships and Sexual Divisions of Labour. Institute of Community Studies. London

Dench, G. 2000 (Editor) Grandmothers of the Revolution Hera Trust with Institute of Community Studies. London

Dench, G. and Ogg, J. 2002 Grandparenting in Britain - A Baseline Study Institute of Community Studies. London

Dench, G.; Gavron, K. and Young, M. 2006 The New East End: Kinship, Race and Conflict

Norman Dennis and George Erdos 1946-

Dennis, N. and Erdos, G. 1992 Families without Fatherhood Choice in welfare series ; no.12: London : IEA Health and Welfare Unit. xxiii and 127 pages

Dennis, N. and Erdos, G. 1992/2000 Families without Fatherhood Third edition with a foreword by A.H. Halsey and an afterword by Peter Saunders. Choice in welfare series ; no.12: London : Institute for the Study of Civil Society, 2000. xvi and 133 pages. Available at http://www.civitas.org.uk/pdf/cs03.pdf

Martyn Denscombe

Denscombe, M. 1998 The Good Research Guide for small-scale social research projects. Buckingham: Open University Press
Contents: Part 1 Strategies: surveys; case studies; experiments; action research; ethnography. Part 2 Methods: questionnaires; interviews; observation; documents. Part 3 Analysis: quantitative data; qualitative data; writing up the research. [Second edition 2003 - Third edition 2007]

Norman (Kent) Denzin 1941-

Denzin, N. K. 1970a The Research Act in Sociology: A theorectical introduction to sociological methods Chicago: Aldine. xvii and 368 pages.

Presents five major approaches to experimentation: survey research: participant observation, life histories, and unobtrusive measures from a single theoretical point of view and symbolic interaction

Denzin, N. K. 1970b (Editor) Sociological Methods: A sourcebook Chicago: Aldine.
Chapter sections:
The Interactionist Perspective and the Process of Theory Construction.
Theory to Method- Sampling and Measurement Problems;
Theory to Method- Research Strategies;
Strategies of Triangulation and the Art of Doing Sociology.

Department for Education (DFE) [United Kingdom]

See Children's services Children's social care

DFE SFR 20/2012 Children looked after in England (including adoption and care leavers) year ending 31 March 2012 Department for Education Statistical First Release 25.9.2012. Available https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/2 19210/sfr20-2012v2.pdf

Department of Health (DH) [United Kingdom]

Department of Health 1.1989 Working for Patients, Cm 555, January 1989 (Griffiths Report) [At foot of cover: The Health Service: Caring for the 1990s]. (Cm.555) London: HMSO. 101 pages. ISBN: 0101055528 Presented to Parliament by the Secretaries of State for Health, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland ... January 1989.

Jacques Derrida

Derrida, J. 1966 "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences", available at http://hydra.humanities.uci.edu/derrida/sign-play.html

René Descartes 1596-1650

Descartes, R. 1637/1909-1914 Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences by René Descartes.The Harvard classics, edited by Charles W. Eliot. New York: P.F. Collier and Son, 1909-1914. Volume 34, Part 1, of 51.

Devereux, E.C., 1961 "Parsons Sociological Theory" in: Black, M. 1961 pp 1-64

David Dewey

Dewey, D. 1998/1999 The Problem of Punishment London: Middlesex University, 1998. 98p.; ISBN: k2248000 - Second edition 1999: ISBN1 85924 160 3

John Dewey reviews - weblinks

Dewey, J. 1896/Ref. "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology", Psychological Review 3, (1896) pages 357-370. Web copy available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Dewey/Dewey_1896.html

Dewey, J. 1903 editor. Studies in Logical Theory University of Chicago, 1903.

Dewey, J. 1903/Log. Logical Conditions of a Scientific Treatment of Morality Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1903 Web copy available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Dewey/Dewey_1903.html

Dewey, J. 1907/Sch. The School and Society being three lectures by John Dewey supplemented by a statement of the University Elementary School. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Web copy available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Dewey/Dewey_1907/Dewey_1907 _toc.html

Dewey, J. 1908/Prac. "Does Reality Possess a Practical Character" in Essays, Philosophical and Psychological, in Honor of William James, Professor in Harvard University, by his Colleagues at Columbia University New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908, pages 53- 80. Reprinted in Philosophy and Civilisation (New York: Minton, Balch and Co., 1931), pages 36-55, with the title "The Practical Character of Reality."

Dewey, J. 1909/Dem. How We Think. Web copy available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Dewey/Dewey_1910a/Dewey_191 0_toc.html

Dewey, J. 1916/Dem. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education New York: Macmillan. Web copy available at http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/publications/dewey.html

Dewey, J. 1916/Log. Essays in Experimental Logic University of Chicago Press. Web copy available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Dewey/Dewey_1916/Dewey_1916 _toc.html

Dewey, J. 1920/RP Reconstruction in Philosophy New York: Henry Holt

Dewey, J. 1922/HN Human Nature and Conduct. An Introduction to Social Psychology. London. George Allen & Unwin, 1922. Web copy available at http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/Dewey/Dewey_1922/Dewey1922_ toc.html

Dewey, J. 1927/Pub. The Public and its Problems [Lectures delivered for the Larwill Foundation, Kenyon College, Ohio.] London (printed in USA): George Allen & Unwin

Dewey, J. 1931/Mead "George Herbert Mead", Journal of Philosophy, 28 (1931): pp 309-314 Web copy available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Dewey/Dewey_1931.html

Dewey, J. 1935/LS Liberalism and Social Action. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons.

Dewey, J. 1938/Log Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. New York: Holt, 1938

Preface: "This book is a development of ideas regarding the nature of logical theory that were first presented ... in Studies in Logical Theory; that were somewhat expanded in Essays in Experimental Logic and were briefly summarised with special reference to education in How We Think".
There are substantial extracts in a pdf at:


French 1798 - English 1870 - English 1887 - English 1900 - medical 1902 - political 1939 - English 1951 - American 1960 - Philosophy 1960 - Nurses 1968 - political thought 1982 - marxist thought - Penguin sociology 1984 - Oxford sociology 1994 - Blackwell Sociology 1995 - English 1995/1996 - Collins sociology 2000 - management 2008

Thomas Dietz
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, George Mason University, Virginia

Thomas Dietz and Tom R. Burns
Tom R. Burns: Department of Sociology, Uppsala University

Dietz, T. and Burns, T.R. 1992 "Human agency and the evolutionary dynamics of culture" Acta Sociologica July 1992 35: pp 187-200,

Abstract: "Agency has long been an important topic in sociological theory. Recently, sociologists have devoted attention to new models of cultural evolution drawn from a variety of disciplines. This paper examines the role of agency in evolutionary theory. We begin by distinguishing evolutionary theory from developmental theories that are usually identified with evolution in discussions of social theory. We then offer an approach to agency and to power grounded in social rule systems theory. These discussions provide a context to definition of agency as effective, intentional, unconstrained and reflexive action by individual or collective actors. Using contemporary evolutionary theory, we consider the circumstances under which individual and collective action can meet these requirements and thus be considered agentic."

Michele Dillon 1960-
Professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire

Dillon, M. 1999 Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Dillon, M. 2003 (Editor) Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Dillon, M. 2010 Introduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability in the Twenty-First Century. Malden, Massachusetts; Wiley- Blackwell. [Second edition 2014]
"Uses a wide range of newspaper examples to illustrate the relevance to sociological theory"
Contents List of Timelines, Boxes, and Topics. Acknowledgments. How to Use This Book. Introduction: Welcome to Sociological Theory. Analyzing Social Life. Societal Transformation and the Origins of Sociology. The Establishment of Sociology. The Sociological Craft in the Nineteenth Century. Summary. Glossary. 1. Karl Marx. Expansion of Capitalism. Marx's Theory of History. Human Nature. Capitalism as a Distinctive Social Form. Wage-Labor. The Division of Labor and Alienation. Economic Inequality. Ideology and Power. Summary. Glossary. 2. Emile Durkheim. Durkheim's Methodological Rules. The Nature of Society. Societal Transformation and Social Cohesion. Traditional Society. Modern Society. Social Conditions of Suicide. Religion and the Sacred. Summary. Glossary. 3. Max Weber. Sociology: Understanding Social Action. Culture and Economic Activity. Ideal Types. Social Action. Power, Authority, and Domination. Social Stratification. Modernity and Competing Values. Summary. Glossary. 4. Structural-Functionalism: Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton. Talcott Parsons. The Social System. Socialization and Societal Integration. Social Differentiation, Culture, and the Secularization of Protestantism. Pattern Variables. Modernization Theory. Stratification and Inequality. Robert Merton's Middle-Range Theory. Summary. Glossary. 5. The Frankfurt School: Technology, Culture, and Politics. Dialectic of Enlightenment. Mass Culture and Consumption. Politics: One-Dimensional Rationality. Jurgen Habermas: The State and Society. Summary. Glossary. 6. Conflict, Power, and Dependency in Macro- Societal Processes. Ralf Dahrendorf's Theory of Group Conflict. C. Wright Mills. Dependency Theory: Neo-Marxist Critiques of Economic Development. Summary. Glossary. 7. Exchange, Exchange Network, and Rational Choice Theories. Exchange Theory. Exchange Network Theory. Rational Choice Theory. Analytical Marxism. Summary. Glossary. 8. Symbolic Interactionism. Development of the Self through Social Interaction. The Premises of Symbolic Interactionism. Erving Goffman: Social Exchange as Ritualized Social Interaction. Symbolic Interactionism and Ethnographic Research. Summary. Glossary. 9. Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology. Phenomenology. Ethnomethodology. Summary. Glossary. 10. Feminist Theories. Consciousness of Women's Inequality. Standpoint Theories 1: Dorothy Smith and the Relations of Ruling. Standpoint Theories 2: Patricia Hill Collins - Black Women's Standpoint. Sociology of Emotion. Arlie Hochschild: Emotional Labor. Summary. Glossary. 11. Theorizing Sexuality and the Body. Michel Foucault. Sexuality and Queer Theory. Summary. Glossary. 12. Sociological Theories of Race and Racism. Racial Otherness. Social Change, Race, and Racism. Slavery, Colonialism, and Racial Formation. William Du Bois: Slavery and Racial Inequality in the US. Race and Class. Race, Community, and Democracy. Culture and the New Racism. Summary. Glossary. 13. The Social Reproduction of Inequality: Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Class and Culture. Social Stratification. Family and School in the Production of Cultural Capital. Taste and Everyday Culture. Summary. Glossary. 14. Postmodernity. Critique of the Modern. Postmodern Culture. Summary. Glossary. 15. Globalization. Defining Globalization. Economic Globalization. Immanuel Wallerstein: The Modern World-System. From World- Economic to Global Inequality. Political Globalization: The Nation-State in the New Order. Cultural Globalization. Cities and Migration in a Globalizing Society. Globalization of Risk. Political Mobilization in the Globalizing Society. Summary. Glossary. Glossary. References. Index.

Wilhelm Dilthey 1833-1911 weblinks

Rebecca Emerson Dobash, 1943- and Russell P. Dobash, 1944-

Dobash, R.E. and Dobash, R.P. 1979 Violence against Wives: A case against the partriarchy New York : The Free Press, xii and 339 pages.

Dobash, R.E. and Dobash, R.P. 1992 Women, violence, and social change London ; New York : Routledge, 1992. 366 pages.
Contents: 1. Violence Against Women, 2. The Rise of the Movement: Orientations and Issues, 3. Refuges and Housing, 4. The State, Public Policy and Social Change, 5. Challenging the Justice System, 6. New Laws and New Reactions, 7. The Therapeutic Society Constructs Battered Women and Violent Men, 8. Knowledge and Social Change, 9. Innovation and Social Change, Notes, Selected References, Index

Darrell Dobbs Marquette University

Dobbs, D. 3.1996 "Family Matters: Aristotle's Appreciation of Women and the Plural Structure of Society" American Political Science Review Volume 90, Number 1, March 1996, available as a pdf at http://www.marquette.edu/polisci/DobbsAPSR96Women.pdf

Zoltan Dörnyei

Dörnyei, Z. 2003 Questionnaires in second language research : construction, administration, and processing Mahwah, N.J. ; London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. viii and 156 pages.
Contents: Introduction. Questionnaires in Second Language Research. Constructin the Questionnaire. Administering the Questionnaire. Processing Questionnaire Data. Appendix: Selection of Published L2 Questionnaires.

Jack D. Douglas

Douglas, J. 1967 The Social Meanings of Suicide. Princeton University Press. (Critical summary of Durkheim's Suicide pp 73-76)

Contents include:
Part one: The Durkheimian Approach to Suicide
Part two: The Post-Durkheimian Sociological Theories of Suicide
Part three: Official Statistics on Suicide and their Use in Sociological Works
Part four: Suicidal Actions as Socially Meaningful Actions
Appendix one: Durkheim's theory of the relations between the individual and society and suicide
Appendix two: The formal definitions of suicide

See Subject Index Suicide

James Dixon Douglas 1922-
Librarian, Tyndale House, Cambridge

Douglas, J.D. 1962 (Organising Editor) The New Bible Dictionary. London, The Inter-Varsity Fellowship.

Emma Dowling
Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Middlesex University

Emma Dowling and David Harvie
David Harvie is a member of the Centre for Philosophy and Political Economy, Leicester

Dowling, E. and Harvie, D. 2014 "Harnessing the Social: State, Crisis and (Big) Society". Sociology October 2014 48. 869-886.
Other keywords: financialisation, social impact, social impact bonds, social investment, social reproduction, social value.

John Downing and Charles Husband

Downing, J. and Husband, C. 2005 Representing 'Race': Racisms, Ethnicities and Media: London. Sage Publications Ltd.

Len Doyal and Roger Harris 1944-

Doyal, L. and Harris, R. 1986 Empiricism, Explanation and Rationality: An introduction to the philosophy of the social sciences London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. xiii and 200 pages.

James Drever 1873-1951
First professor of psychology at Edinburgh University 1931-1945

Drever, J. 1952 A Penguin Dictionary of Psychology. Harmondsworth. Penguin Books.

Drever, J. 1952/1964 A Penguin Dictionary of Psychology. Harmondsworth. Penguin Books. Revised by Harvey Wallerstein.

Norman Dubeski - Dundas, Ontario, Canada

Dubeski, N. 2001 "Durkheim's altruism as the source of his social holism: A discussion of the viability of a social basis for moral principles". Electronic Journal of Sociology 2001. Available at http://www.sociology.org/content/vol005.003/dubeski.html

Karen Duke
Principal lecturer in criminology Middlesex University,
Specialises in the development of drugs policy in prisons, the interfaces between drugs and criminal justice policy, and the relationship between research, politics, and policy making.

Duke, K. 2003 Drugs, Prisons, and Policy-making Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan. xii and 206 pages.
Analysing Prison Drugs Policy: Problems, Networks and Contexts
1980-1986: Prelude to Policy Development
1986-1993: The HIV/AIDS Crisis and Fears of Contamination
1993-1997: Coming Clean and Taking Control?
1997: Eradication to Realism?
Conclusions: Shifting Agendas and Policy Networks

Duke, K. 2012 "From Crime to Recovery: The Reframing of British Drugs Policy?" Journal of Drug Issues Sage on behalf of Florida State University College of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Available at http://jod.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/11/29/0022042612466614

Simon Duncan and Rosalind Edwards

Duncan, S. and Edwards, R. 1997 (Editors) Single Mothers in an International Context: Mothers or workers? Series: Gender & society.. Feminist perspectives on the past and present. London: UCL Press. ix and 285 pages

Val Dunn-Toroosian
Senior lecturer and Program leader, College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare, The University of West London.

Dunn-Toroosian, V. 2003 "The Family" Chapter 4. in Squire 2003 The Social Context of Birth. Oxford. Radcliffe Publishing Ltd, pages 59-84.

Emile Durkheim Alpert - Douglas - Dubeski - Fenton - Giddens - Hirst - Jones - La Capra - Lukes - Mestrovic - Nisbet - Pearce - Roberts 1997 chapter 6 - Stone and Faberman - Taylor, Walton and Young - Varenne - reviews - weblinks

Durkheim E. 6.8. 1883 (English 1973) Address to the Lyécens of Sens English translation in Durkheim/Bellah 1973 pages 25-33. French text [WAS] available at http://www.relst.uiuc.edu/durkheim/Texts/1883a.html

Durkheim, E. 1884a Cours de philosophie fait au Lycée de sens. Paris. Written manuscript. BibliothŠque de la Sorbonne, Manuscript 2351. Student lecture notes taken from Durkheim's course on philosophy in 1883-1884. Notes taken by the French philosopher, Andre Lalande. French transcript available at http://durkheim.uchicago.edu/Texts/1884a/00.html

Durkheim, E. 1884a/2004 Durkheim's Philosophy Lectures: Notes from the Lycee de Sens Course, 1883-1884 English translation 2004: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
"Consists of notes taken by André Lalande" (1867-1963) -- Translators' note.
"Moving back and forth between the history of philosophy and the contributions of philosophers in his own day, Durkheim takes up topics as diverse as philosophical psychology, logic, ethics, and metaphysics, and seeks to articulate a unified philosophical position. ... the 'social realism' that is so characteristic of his later work - where he insists, famously, that social facts cannot be reduced to psychological or economic ones, and that such facts constrain human action in important ways - is totally absent in these early lectures.

Durkheim E. 1887 "La Science positive de la morale en Allemagne" Translated in English by Frank Pearce as "The Positive Science of Morality in Germany (1887)", Economy and Society, Vol.15: No.3, pages 346-354 August 1986

Durkheim E. 1890 (English 1973). "The Principles of 1789 and Sociology." Revue international de l'enseignement 19 pp 450-456. Durkheim's review of Ferneuil, T., Les Principes de 1789 et la science sociale. English translation in Durkheim/Bellah 1973 pages 34-42.

Durkheim E. 1892 Quid Secundatus Politicae Scientiae Instituendae Contulerit Durkheim's latin thesis on Montesquieu. English version in Durkheim 1960.

Durkheim, E. 1893 De la division du travail social: étude sur l'organisation des sociétés supérieures. Paris: Alcan Translated into English 1933 and 1984 as The Division of Labour in Society

English translations:
Durkheim, E. 1893/1933 The Division of Labour in Society Translated by George Simpson. New York: Macmillan.

Extracts - Robert Alun Jones says "translation seriously defective"

Durkheim, E. 1893/1984 The Division of Labour in Society Translated by W.D. Halls. New York: The Free Press. With an introduction by L. Coser.

Durkheim, E. 1895 Les Règles de la méthode sociologique Paris: Alcan. Translated into English 1938 and 1982 as The Rules of Sociological Method

"Les Règles de la méthode sociologique" first published as a series of articles in Revue Philosophique 1894

English translations:
Durkheim, E. 1895/1938. The Rules of Sociological Method Translated by S. A. Solovay and J. H. Mueller. Edited with Introduction by G. E. G. Catlin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Republished in 1950 by Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press of Glencoe - Also in 1966.

Extracts - full text alexanderstreet.com [This has been removed] - offline chapter 1
Robert Alun Jones says "translation defective - note omission of paragraph crucial to the argument at foot of page 10"

Durkheim, E. 1895/1982 The Rules of Sociological Method Translated by W. D. Halls.


Introduction (by Steven Lukes)

Preface p. 31
Preface to the Second Edition p.34
Introduction p.48
Chapter 1: What is a Social Fact? p.50
Chapter 2: Rules for the Observation of Social Facts p.60
Chapter 3: Rules for the Distinction of the Normal from the Pathological p.85
Chapter 4: Rules for the Constitution of Social Types p.108
Chapter 5: Rules for the Explanation of Social Facts p.119

Chapter 6: Rules for the Demonstration of Sociological Proof p.147
Conclusion p.159

Marxism and Sociology: The Materialist Conception of History (1897) p.167
Sociology and the Social Sciences (1903) p.175
Debate on the Relationship between Ethnology and Sociology (1907) p.209
Debate on Explanation in History and Sociology (1908) p.211
Debate on Political Economy and Sociology (1908) p.229
The Contribution of Sociology to Psychology and Philosophy (1909) p.236
Social Morphology (1899) p.241
Civilisation in General and Types of Civilisation (1902) p.243
The Method of Sociology (1908) p.245
Soviety (l917) p.248
Letters about:
The Psychological Character of Social Facts and their Reality (1895)
The Nature of Society and Causal Explanation (1898)
The Psychological Conception of Society (1901)
The Role of General Sociology (1905)
Influences upon Durkheim's View of Sociology ( 1907)

Durkheim, E. 1897 Le Suicide: étude de sociologie. Paris: Alcan. Translated into English 1951/1952 and 2006

See Subject Index Suicide

Durkheim, E. 1897/1951/1952 Suicide. A Study in Sociology translated by John A. Spaulding and George Simpson. Edited, with an introduction by George Simpson. Glencoe, Illinois, Free Press and London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1952. 405/404 pages. Available online at http://archive.org/details/suicidestudyinso00durk

Durkheim, E. 1897/2006 On Suicide translated by Robin Buss ; with an introduction by Richard Sennett and notes by Alexander Riley. Penguin classics. London; New York : Penguin Books. xxvii, and 450 pages

Durkheim, E. 1898c (English 1973) "Individualism and the Intellectuals" [L'Individualism et les intellectuels] Revue Bleue 4th series 10: pp 7-13. English translation in Durkheim/Bellah 1973 pages 43-57

Durkheim, E. 1899/1994 "Concerning the Definition of Religious Phenomena" 1994 English translation in W.S.F. Pickering (Editor) Durkheim on Religion New York: American Academy of Religion.

Durkheim 1900b (English 1973) "Sociology in France in the Nineteenth Century" [La Sociologie en France au 19e siècle] Revue Bleue 12: pp 609-613, 647-652. English translation in Durkheim/Bellah 1973 pages 3-22

Durkheim, E. 1901 "Deux Lois de l'évolution pénale." Année sociologique 4: pp 65-95. Translated into English (1969) as "Two Laws of Penal Evolution."

Durkheim, Émile and Marcel Mauss

Durkheim, E, and Mauss, M. 1903 "De quelques formes primitives de classification: contribution …l'étude des représentations collectives." Année sociologique 6: 1-72. Translated into English by Edward Sagarin in 1963 as Primitive Classification. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited with an Introduction by Rodney Needham.

Durkheim 1904e "The Intellectual Elite and Democracy" [L'élite intellectuelle et la démocratie]" Revue Bleue 5th series 1, 23: pp.705-706 English translation in Durkheim/Bellah 1973 pages 58-60

Durkheim, E. 1906 "La Détermination du fait moral." Bulletin de la sociétéfrançaise de philosophie 6. Meetings on 11.2.1906 and 22.3.1906: pp 169-212.

Durkheim, E. 1906/1953 "The Determination of Moral Facts" in Sociology and Philosophy (Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois 1953). pp. 35-62.

Durkheim, E. 1912 Les Formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse: le système totémique en Australie. Paris: Alcan. Translated into English in 1915 as The Elementary Forms of Religious Life

English translation:
Durkheim, E. 1912/ 1915 The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. A study in religious sociology translated by Joseph Ward Swain. New York: Macmillan and London: George Allen and Unwin
George Allen and Unwin reprinted (from the same type) in 1926, 1954, 1957 and 1964. I bought a paperback copy of the 1964 impression in the early 1970s for 35 shillings).

The only introductory material (not a translation of Durkheim) on my 1964 copy is on the back cover:

"For forty years this great work has profoundly influenced the study of religion,

By a study of the most elementary forms of religious life which we know, Professor Durkheim attempts to throw some light upon the nature of religion in general. In the course of this study of the origins we are led to see the profoundly social character of religion; it is characterised by that which is sacred, and this is shown to be that which is preeminently social. The second part of the work is devoted to a study of the primitive cult and to an exposition of its social meaning and importance. Going further, M. Durkheim points out the religious origin of the other great forms of social activity, and in particular of philosophic thought. Even the categories of thought themselves are, as he shows, of religious and consequently of social origin."

There is also a quotation from the Athenaeum that the thought is clear and the style lucid.

Durkheim 1914a (English 1960) "The Dualism of Human Nature and Its Social Conditions" Scientia 15: pp 206-221. English translation by Charles Blend in Wolff 1960 pp 325-339. Also in Durkheim/Bellah 1973 pages 149-163 [Durkheim says that reviewers of The Elementary Forms of Religious Life had not recognised that it relied a method of scientifically studying the duality of human nature.]

Durkheim, E. 1914/1955 Pragmatism and Sociology

Pragmatisme et sociologie was originally a course of lectures given at the Sorbonne in 1913/1914. It was reconstructed from the notes of students and published in French in 1955 with a preface by A. Cuvillier. A full English translation was published by Cambridge Press in 1983. Web copy of last eight chapters available at: http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/fr/durkheim.htm

Durkheim, E. 1915 "Germany Above All"; German Mentality and the War Paris: Colon

Durkheim, E. 1918 Le `Contrat Social' de Rousseau , published. Part of lecture course given 1901-1902. English version in Durkheim 1960

Durkheim, E. 1925a L'éducation morale. Paris: Alcan. Foreword by Paul Fauconnet. English 1961) Moral Education. A study in the Theory and Application of the Sociology of Education with a forward by Paul Fauconett

From the manuscript of lectures given at the Sorbonne in 1902/1903, repeated (unedited) in 1906/1907. Does not include the first two lectures. (Includes 18 of 20) - French text - Extracts - full text offline

Durkheim, E. 1925a/1961/1973 Moral Education. A study in the theory and application of the sociology of education by Emile Durkheim. Translated by Everett K. Wilson and Herman Schnurer. Edited, with an introduction, by Everett K. Wilson: New York : Free Press of Glencoe,

"Copyright 1961. New Editor's Introduction Copyright 1973". Editor's Introduction by Everett K. Wilson, Chapel Hill, North Carolina pages ix- xxviii.

Durkheim, E. 1937 Professional Ethics and Civic Morals. Translation of lectures not published in Durkheim's lifetime.

Durkheim, E. 1938 L' évolution pédagogique en France With an introduction by Maurice Halbwachs. Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine. Paris: F. Alcan. Two volumes: [1] "Des origins à la renaissance". [2] "De la renaissance à nos jours.
"L'ouvrage que nous présentons aux lecteurs est la reproduction d'un cours sur l'histoire de l'enseignment en France, fait par Durkheim en 1904-1905 et repris les années suivantes jusqu'a' la querre."

Durkheim, E. 1938/1969 Second edition of L'évolution pédagogique en France Paris: Presses universitaires de France,

Durkheim, E. 1938/1969/1977 The Evolution of Educational Thought: Lectures on the formation and development of secondary education in France Durkheim, E. 1938/1969 translated int English by Peter Collins. London ; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. xxx and 354 pages.
Contents: The history of secondary education in France - The early church and education -- The Carolingian renaissance -- The origins of the universities -- The birth of the university -- The meaning of the word universitas -- The arts faculty -- The colleges (concluded) -- Teaching at the arts faculty -- The teaching of dialectic in the universities -- Dialectic and debate -- Conclusions regarding the university -- The Renaissance -- Educational theory in the sixteenth century -- The educational thought of the renaissance -- The Jesuits -- The Jesuits' system and that of the university -- Conclusion on classical education -- The educational theory of the realists -- The revolution -- Variations in the curriculum in the nineteenth century.

Durkheim, E. 1950 Leçons de sociologie: physique des moeurs et du droit Foreward by Hüseyin Nail Kubali; introduction by Georges Davy. Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine. First edition. Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1950. xlvii and 259 pages
Preface (in French): This book, published by the Faculty of Law of Istanbul University, brings together some unreleased course notes written by Durkheim.

Durkheim, E. 1950/1957 Professional Ethics and Civic Morals, being Leçons de sociologie: physique des moeurs et du droit translated into English by Cornelia Brookfield. International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction. London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957. xliv and 228 pages

Durkheim E. 1960 Montesquieu and Rousseau. Forerunners of Sociology Containing translations of Durkheim 1892 on Montesquieu and Durkheim 1918 on Rousseau's Social Contract.

Durkheim/Giddens 1972 Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings. Edited, translated, and with an introduction by Anthony Giddens. Cambridge University Press.
Preface; Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. The field of sociology; 2. Methods of explanation and analysis; 3. The science of morality; 4. Moral obligation, duty and freedom; 5. Forms of social solidarity; 6. The division of labour and social differentiation; 7. Analysis of socialist doctrines; 8. Anomie and the moral structure of industry; 9. Political sociology; 10. The social bases of education; 11. Religion and ritual; 12. Secularisation and rationality; 13. Sociology of knowledge; Index.

Durkheim/Bellah 1973 Emile Durkheim: On Morality and Society. Translated by Mark Traugott. Edited with an introduction by Robert Bellah. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. Includes English translations of Durkheim E. 6.8.1883 - Durkheim E. 1890 - Durkheim 1898c - 1900b - Durkheim 1904e - Durkheim 1914a - As well as extracts from Durkheim 1893 - Durkheim 1912 -

Durkheim/Giddens 1985/1986 Durkheim on Politics and the State. Translated by W.D. Halls. Edited with an introduction by Anthony Giddens. Cambridge [Cambridshire]: Polity, 1986 (copyright 1985)
Contents: Preface. Introduction: Anthony Giddens. 1. The Concept of the State. 2. Democracy and Political Representation. 3. The Concept and Nature of Socialism. 4. Socialism and Marxism: Critical Commentaries. 5. Political Obligation, Moral Duty and Punishment. 6. The State, Education and Equality. 7. Patriotism and Militarism

Easton, L. and Guddat, K, 1967 Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society

Bosah Louis Ebo

Ebo, B.L. 1998 (Editor) Cyberghetto or cybertopia?: Race, class, and gender on the Internet / edited by Bosah Ebo. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. x and 240 pages.
Internet or outernet? / Bosah Ebo
Exposing the great equalizer : demythologizing Internet equity / Alecia Wolf
Ensuring social justice for the new underclass : community interventions to meet the needs of the new poor / John G. McNutt
The challenge of cyberspace : Internet access and persons with disabilities / Mark Borchert
Cyber-soldiering : race, class, and new media use in the U.S. Army / Morten G. Ender and David R. Segal
How the Web was won : the commercialization of cyberspace / James L. McQuivey
Challenging the Mandarins : comparing city characteristics and nationwide newspaper coverage of the Internet, 1993-95 / John C. Pollock and Elvin Montero
Domination and democracy in cyberspace : reports from the majority media and ethnic/gender margins / Meta G. Carstarphen and Jacqueline Johnson Lambiase
Equity and access to computer technology for grades K-12 / Paulete Robinson
On the electronic information frontier : training the information-poor in an age of unequal access / Rebecca Carrier
Democratizing Internet access in the lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities / Nadine S. Koch and H. Eric Schockman
Communicative style and gender differences in computer-mediated communications / Kevin Crowston and Ericka Kammerer
Netsex : empowerment through discourse / Charlene Blair
Embracing the machine : quilt and quilting as community-building architecture / Andrew F. Wood and Tyrone L. Adams.
Summary: he chapters in this volume examine the issue of social justice on the Internet by using a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives.

Subject indexe: Networks -

Andrew Edgar
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Cardiff University.

Edgar, A. 2005 The Philosophy of Habermas Continental European philosophy. Chesham: Acumen. 292 pages
1. The Marxist Heritage
2. The Public Sphere
3. The Idea of Critical Theory
4. Legitimation Crisis
5. The Theory of Communicative Action
6. Modernity
7. Law and Democracy

Edgar, A. 2006 Habermas: the key concepts Routledge key guides. London: Routledge. xvii and 183 pages.

Albert Einstein

Einstein, A. 1926 "Spacetime" article in The Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at http://www.britannica.com/topic/Albert-Einstein-on-Space-Time-1987141

John Eldridge
University of Glasgow

Eldridge, J. 31.8.2011 "Half-Remembrance of Things Past: Critics and Cuts of Old" Sociological Research Online 16 (3) 20 Available at http://www.socresonline.org.uk/16/3/20.html

Anthony Elliott
University of South Australia

Elliott, A. 1999 (Editor) The Blackwell Reader in Contemporary Social Theory Malden, Massachusetts, USA; Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers.
Introduction: Anthony Elliott.
Part I: The Theory of the Subject:
1. The Obsolescence of the Freudian Concept of Man: Herbert Marcuse.
2. Language and Speech: Roland Barthes.
3. The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I in Psychoanalytic Experience: Jacques Lacan.
4. Revolution in Poetic Language: Julia Kristeva.
5. The Individual and Representation: Cornelius Castoriadis.
Part II: Social Structure and Institutional Analysis:
6. The Means of Correct Training: Michel Foucault.
7. Structures, Habitus, Practices: Pierre Bourdieu.
8. Elements of the Theory of Structuration: Anthony Giddens.
9. Society Turns Back upon Itself: Alain Touraine.
10. The Concept of Society: Niklas Luhmann.
11. Individualization and "Precarious Freedoms": Perspectives and Controversies of a Subject-Centered Sociology: Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim.
Part III: Contemporary Critical Theory:
12. The Uncoupling of System and Lifeworld: Jurgen Habermas.
13. Patterns of Intersubjective Recognition: Love, Rights, and Solidarity: Axel Honneth.
14. Truth, Semblance, Reconciliation: Adorno's Aesthetic Redemption of Modernity: Albrecht Wellmer.
Part IV: Race, Multiculturalism, Difference:
15. DissemiNation: Homi K. Bhabha.
16. Freud and the Epistemology of Race: Sander L. Gilman.
17. Masters, Mistresses, Slaves, and the Antinomies of Modernity: Paul Gilroy.
18. Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
Part V: Feminism, Gender, and Sexual Difference:
19. The Reproduction of Mothering: Nancy Chodorow.
20. This Sex which Is Not One: Luce Irigaray.
21. Gender Trouble: Judith Butler.
22. Living with Uncertainty: Jeffrey Weeks.
23. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective: Donna J. Haraway.
Part VI: The Modernity/Postmodernity Debate:
24. Postmodernism: David Harvey.
25. The Postmodern Condition: Jean-Francois Lyotard.
26. Simulations: Jean Baudrillard.
27. Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism: Frederic Jameson.
28. Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism: Seyla Benhabib.
29. Postmodernity, or Living with Ambivalence: Zygmunt Bauman

Anthony Elliott and Bryan S Turner

Elliott, A. and Turner, B.S. 2001 (Editors) Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory, Sage Publications Ltd, London
Editors' Introduction
Martin Heidegger by Richard Polt
Georges Bataille by Michael Richardson
Maurice Merleau-Ponty by Nick Crossley
Herbert Marcuse by Douglas Kellner
Theodor Adorno by Andrew Bowie
Walter Benjamin by Graeme Gilloch
Jürgen Habermas by Patrick Baert
Erving Goffman by Ann Branaman
Peter Berger by Bryan S Turner
Michel Foucault by Stephen Katz
Jean-François Lyotard by Victor J Seidler
Jacques Lacan by Anthony Elliott
Jacques Derrida by Christina Howell
Roland Barthes by Chris Rojek
Julia Kristeva by Kelly Oliver
Luce Irigaray by Caroline Bainbridge
Jean Baudrillard by Mike Gane
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guatarri by Paul Patton
Paul Virilio by John Armitage
Henri Lefebvre by Rob Shields
Paul Ricoeur by Kathleen Blamey
Niklas Luhmann by Jakob Arnoldi
Charles Taylor by Marcos Ancelovici and Francis Dupuis Deri
Richard Rorty by Bryan S Turner
Nancy Chodorow by Geoffrey Gershenson and Michelle Williams
Anthony Giddens by Anthony Elliott
Ulrich Beck by Nick Stevenson
Pierre Bourdieu by Bridget Fowler
Zygmunt Bauman by Barry Smart
Donna J Haraway by Patricia Ticineto Clough and Joseph Schneider
Fredric Jameson by Sean Homer
Stuart Hall by Chris Rojek
Juliet Mitchell by Sarah Wright
Edward Said by Bryan S Turner

Anthony Elliott and Larry Ray

Elliott, A. and Ray, L. 2003 (Editors) Key Contemporary Social Theorists Malden, Massachusetts, USA; Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers.
Contents: Theodor Adorno -- Jeffrey C. Alexander -- Louis Althusser -- Hannah Arendt -- Jean Baudrillard -- Zygmunt Bauman (by Ian Varcoe) -- Ulrich Beck -- Daniel Bell -- Jessica Benjamin -- Walter Benjamin -- Homi Bhabha -- Maurice Blanchot -- Pierre Bourdieu (by Don Miller) -- Manuel Castells -- Nancy J. Chodorow -- Gilles Deleuze -- Jacques Derrida -- Norbert Elias -- Michel Foucault (by Gerard Delanty) -- Hans-Georg Gadamer -- Anthony Giddens -- Erving Goffman -- Jürgen Habermas (by William Outhwaite) -- Stuart Hall (by Michael Kenny) -- Max Horkheimer -- Luce Irigaray -- Frederic Jameson -- Julia Kristeva -- Jacques Lacan -- Claude Lévi-Strauss -- Niklas Luhmann -- Jean-François Lyotard --Herbert Marcuse -- Claus Offe -- Richard Rorty -- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick -- Alaine Touraine -- Bryan S. Turner -- Paul Virilio -- Raymond Williams -- Slavoj Zizek.

Elliott, A. 2009 Contemporary Social Theory: An introduction London ; New York : Routledge. xvi and 375 pages.
1: The Textures of Society
What is Society?
Society and Social Theory
Social Theory as Practical Life: Charles Lemert
Key Themes in Contemporary Social Theory
Organisation of the Book
Summary Points
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
2 The Frankfurt School
Horkheimer and Adorno: Dialectic of Enlightenment
Freudian Revolution: The Uses of Psychoanalysis
Fromm: Fear of Freedom
Adorno: The Authoritarian Personality, Anti-Semitism and the Psychodynamics of Modernity
Written In The Stars: Adorno on Astrology
Marcuse: Eros, or One-Dimensional Futures?
Freud's Cultural Message: Sufferings, Submissions and Discontents
Utopia and Social Transformation: Marcuse on Libidinal Rationality
Criticisms of Marcuse
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
3 Structuralism
Saussure and Structural Linguistics
Critical Comments on Saussure
The Raw and The Cooked: Levi-Strauss and Structural Anthropology
Roland Barthes: Structuralist Semiology and Popular Culture
Foucault: Knowledge, Social Order and Power
Society and Disciplined Bodies
The Limits of Structuralism: Foucault's History of Sexuality
Criticisms of Foucault
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
4 Post-Structuralism
Lacan: The Mirror Stage and Imaginary
Lacan's Reformulation of Structuralism: Language, Symbolic Order and the Unconscious
Althusser: Social Order as Interpellation
Cinema Studies: The Screen as Mirror
Zizek: Beyond Interpellation
Appraisal of Lacan
Derrida: Difference and Deconstruction
Rereading Psychoanalysis: Derrida's Critique of Lacan
Appraisal of Derrida
Post-structuralism and Postcolonial Theory: Bhabha's The Location of Culture
Further Reading
Further Questions
5 Theories of Structuration
Anthony Giddens: Structuration and the Practical Routines of Social Life
Giddens on Modernity and the Self
Giddens, Politics and The Third Way
Criticism of Giddens
Pierre Bourdieu: Habitus and Practical Social Life
Questions of Taste: Bourdieu's Distinction
Criticism of Bourdieu
Summary Points
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
6 Contemporary Critical Theory
Habermas: The Democratisation of Society
The Early Habermas: Development and Decline of the Public Sphere
Habermas on Capitalism, Communication and Colonization
Emotional Imperialism: Feminist Criticism of Habermas
Habermas on Globalisation and Post-National Societies
Criticism of Habermas
Honneth: The Struggle for Recognition
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
7 Feminism and Post-Feminist Theory
Theorizing Patriarchy: 1970s Feminisms
Dinnerstein: societal nurturing arrangements
Chodorow: The Reproduction of Mothering
Benjamin: The Analysis of Love
Julia Kristeva: Semiotic Subversions
Kristeva on motherhood and maternal ethics
Appraisal of Kristeva
Judith Butler: Scripts of Gender Performance
Appraisal of Butler
Queer Theory
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
8 Postmodernity
Deleuze and Guatarri: Postmodernity as Schizoid Desire
Lyotard on Libidinal Intensities: The Triumph of Desire?
Baudrillard: Postmodernity as Simulated Media Culture
Jameson: Postmodernity as Global Capitalist Transformations
Bauman: Postmodern Liquids
Postmodern Ethics: The Global Moral Gap
Further Reading
Further Questions
9 Networks, Risks, Liquids
Manuel Castells: The Network Society
Criticism of Castells
Global Networks and Fluids: Urry on Mobilities
Ulrich Beck: Organised Lives in a World of Risk
Beck on Reflexive Modernization
Criticisms of Beck
Living with Liquidisation: Bauman
Bauman on Liquid Lives, Loves and Fears
Criticism of Bauman
Further Reading
Further Questions
Internet Links
10 Globalisation
Uncertain Lives in the Global Electronic Economy
The Globalisation Debate
Global Cosmopolitanism: Beck
Globalisation Since 9/11
Criticism of the Globalisation Debate
Globalisation, Work and The New Economy
Globalisation, Communication and Culture
Globalisation and The New Individualism
Further Reading
Further Questions
Social Theory Today and Towards 2025
From Giorgio Agamben to Manuel De Landa

Elliott. A. 2013 The Contemporary Bauman Routledge. 8.10.2013. 288 pages

Analyses Bauman's shift from a sociology of postmodernity to liquid modernity. Appraises the theory of liquid modernity in terms of its implications for self-identity, interpersonal relationships, culture, communications, and the broad-ranging institutional transformations associated with globalisation. Includes various extracts from Bauman's work and a reply from Zygmunt Bauman to his critics. Bauman concludes by providing a new perspective on his theory of liquid modernity, its differentiation from the modernity/postmodernity debate and its relation to current developments in contemporary social theory.

Editor's Introduction by Anthony Elliott.
Critique: Privatised and Disarmed by Zygmunt Bauman
Part 1: Liquid Modernity.
On Being Light and Liquid by Zygmunt Bauman.
From Heavy to Light Modernity by Zygmunt Bauman
1. The Theory of Liquid Modernity: A Critique of Bauman's Recent Sociology by Anthony Elliott
2. From Postmodernity to Liquid Modernity: What's in a Metaphor? by
Larry Ray
3. Bauman''s Irony by Keith Tester
Part 2: Liquid Love.
Falling in and out of Love by Zygmunt Bauman.
On Living in a Liquid Modern World by Zygmunt Bauman
4. Gender and Sexualities in Liquid Modernity by Ann Branaman
5. Relatively Liquid Interpersonal Relationships in Flexible Work Life by Poul Poder
6. Liquid Love: Psychoanalysing Mania by Janet Sayers
Part 3: Liquid Life.
To Each Waste its Dumping Site by Zygmunt Bauman.
The Reality Principle and the Pleasure Principle Strike a Deal by Zygmunt Bauman
7. Liquid Waste, Being Human, and Bodily Death by Charles Lemert and Makenna Goodman
8. Solid Modernity, Liquid Utopia: Liquid Modernity, Solid Utopia: Ubiquitous Utopianism as a Trademark of the Work of Zygmunt Bauman by Michael Hviid Jacobsen
9. On Bauman's Sociology of Suffering: Questions for Thinking by Iain Wilkinson.
Afterword on Writing: On Writing Sociology by Zygmunt Bauman

Carolyn Ellis

Carolyn Ellis, Tony Adams and Arthur Bochner

Ellis, C., Adams, T. and Bochner, A. 2011 "Autoethnography: An Overview" Forum: Qualitative Social Research Volume 12, No. 1, Article 10 - January 2011. Available at http://www.qualitative- research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1589/3095

Frank W. Elwell (Rogers State University)

Elwell, F.W. 1996, 2002 & 2005 Macrosociology: Four Classical Theorists [Malthus, Marx, Weber, Durkheim] Available as a pdf file at: http://www.faculty.rsu.edu/~felwell/Theorists/Four/Elwell- Macrosociology.pdf


The Encyclopédie (of Diderot and D'Alembert). Selected articles (in French). Edited by J. Lough 1954 (second edition 1969) The Encyclopédie of Diderot and D'Alembert. Cambridge University Press.

1886-1902 La Grande Encyclopédie, inventaire raisonné des sciences, des lettres et des arts, par une société de savants et de gens de lettres Thirty one volumes

Encyclopedia Britannica

Articles by James Mill from the supplement 1816-1823 reprinted in Mill, James 1825/1967

Britannica 9th Encyclopedia Britannica ninth edition 1875- 1889 Edited by Thomas Spencer Baynes and William Robertson Smith. Selected articles available online at http://www.1902encyclopedia.com/

Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development Launched October 2007 by Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development, GRIP-Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Edited by Richard E. Tremblay, Michel Boivin and Ray DeV. Peters. Available at http://www.child-encyclopedia.com

The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences edited by David L. Sills and Robert K. Merton. 1968. Seventeen volumes.

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Second edition William A. Darity, Jr., editor in chief. Detroit: Thomson/Gale, 2008.
volume 1. Abortion to Cognitive dissonance
volume 2. Cohabitation to Ethics in experimentation (offline)
volume 3. Ethnic conflict to Inequality, gender (offline)
volume 4. Inequality, income to Marxism, black (offline)
volume 5. Masculinity to Nyerere, Julius (offline)
volume 6. Oaxaca, Ronald to Quotas, Trade (offline)
volume 7. Rabin, Yitzhak to Sociology, Micro (offline)
volume v. 8. Sociology, Parsonian to Vulnerability (offline)
volume v. 9. Wage and Price Controls to Z-Test (offline)


Wikipedia list of online encyclopedias

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Wikipedia

Friedrich Engels 1820-1895 weblinks
Publications with Engels alone as the author. See
Marx and Engels together and Marx alone. I am going by the given author - This is not always the actual author.

Engels F. 1844 Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy. First published February 1844. English translation in Struik, D. 1970 pp 197-226

Engels F. 1845 (English translation 1892, Panther edition 1969) The Condition of the Working Class in England. Available at http://www.marxists.org.uk/archive/marx/works/1845/condition-w orking- class/index.htm [extracts]

Engels F. 1847 Principles of Communism

Engels F. 1876/1878 Anti-Dühring, quoted Draper, H. 1970 The Death of the State in Marx and Engels in Socialist Register 1970 p.303

Engels F. 1880 Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

Engels F. 1884 The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. available at http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1884/origin-family/index.htm

Engels, F. 8.10.1885 On the History of the Communist League London.

Joanne Entwistle and Agnès Rocamora
London College of Fashion, University of Arts, London

Entwistle J. and Rocamnora A., 2006 "The Field of Fashion Materialized: A Study of London Fashion Week", Sociology, Vol. 40 (4), pp. 735-751, London: Sage

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

EHRC 2010 How fair is Britain? Equality, Human Rights and Good Relations in 2010 - The First Triennial Review Available at http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/key-projects/how- fair-is-britain/full-report-and-evidence-downloads/

Equality Challenge Unit
Works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education in the United Kingdom.


ECU 2007 Dignity at Work. A Good Practice Guide for Higher Education Institutions on Dealing with Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace, published January 2007. Available at http://www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/dignity-at-work-guide-for-he/

(offline). See subject index bullying

Aaron Esterson 1923- See Laing

Esterson, A. 1970 The Leaves of Spring. A Study in the Dialectics of Madness Tavistock Publications. [The 1972 Pelican edition has the cover title The Leaves of Spring. Schizophrenia, Family and Sacrifice]

Elizabeth (Betsy) Ettorre 1948-
Professor of Sociology in the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Liverpool.
"Over the years, she has developed a focus on women and health with specific interests in reproduction, drugs, sexuality, embodiment, depression and most recently,

Ettorre, E. 2007 Revisioning Women and Drugs: Gender Power and the Body Palgrave.

Ettorre, E. 2010 Culture, Bodies and The Sociology of Health Ashgate

Ettorre, E. 2010 "An autoethnography of talking with women drug users: the need for researchers' reflexivity as sensitising the 'I'" Presentation at The 3rd Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference "The disabled self: theoretical and empirical approaches to stigma and recovery" Jubilee Campus, the University of Nottingham, England Wednesday August 25th - Friday August 27th 2010. [No longer available on conference website]


David Evans

Evans, D. 1986 Le Play House and the Regional Survey Movement in British Sociology 1920-1955, unpublished M Phil Thesis, City of Birmingham Polytechnic/CNAA. Previously available at http://www.dfte.co.uk/ios - (archive) - (subject index)

Jeff Evans

See 1977

Worked on the Task Group on Literacy, Numeracy and Academic Skills, 1994

Evans, J.: 2000 Adults' Mathematical Thinking and Emotions: A Study of Numerate Practices RoutledgeFalmer, London.

Evans, J., Morgan, C. and Tsatsaroni, A. 2006, Discursive Positioning and Emotion in School Mathematics Practices, Educational Studies in Mathematics: Affect in Mathematics Education: Exploring Theoretical Frameworks, A PME Special Issue, 63, 2, 209-226. Available https://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/646/1/Evans- _Discursive_positioning_and_emotion_in_school_mathematics_practices..pdf

Evans, J. 2006 "Affect and emotion in mathematical thinking and learning: The Turn to the Social - Sociocultural Approaches"; in J. Maasz and W. Schloeglmann (editors.), New Mathematics Education Research and Practice, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp 233-255.

See Subject Index Emotion

Margaret Evans

Evans, Margaret, CCJ 5606 Biographical overview of the life of Robert Merton, with special reference to his theory of anomie published on the web by Cecil, E. Greek (Florida State University. CCJ 5606 Criminological Theory Lecture Notes) at http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/crimtheory/merton.htm

John Evelyn

Evelyn, J. 1818 The Diary of John Evelyn, edited (1818) by William Bray. Dent 1907

Hans Jürgen Eysenck (1916-1997) Taylor, Walton, and Young, 1973 chapter 2

Eysenck, H. 1953 Uses and Abuses of Psychology Harmondsworth: Penguin

Eysenck, H. 1954 The Psychology of Politics Harmondsworth: Penguin

Eysenck, H. 1964 Crime and Personality

Eysenck, H. 1965 Fact and Fiction in Psychology Harmondsworth: Penguin

Eysenck, H. 1969 "The technology of consent" New Scientist 26.6.1969

Eysenck, H. 1970 Crime and Personality (Revised edition) London: Paladin

Eysenck, H. and Eysenck, S. 1970 "Crime and personality: and empirical study of the three-factor theory". British Journal of Criminology, 10, pages 225-239

Eysenck, H. 1971 Race, Intelligence and Education

Eysenck, H. 1973 The Inequality of Man

Leonard Fagin

Fagin, L. 1981 Unemployment and health in families: case studies based on family interviews, a pilot study DHSS 1981

Fagin, L. 1984 The Forsaken Families: The effects of unemployment on family life Penguin, 1984.

Norman Fairclough 1941-

Fairclough, N. 1992 Discourse and Social Change Cambridge: Polity Press

Betty Falkenberg 14.6.1929 - 11.7.2010
[Betty Falkenberg Viereck]

Falkenberg, B. 2003 Else Lasker-Schüler: A life Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. x and 238 pages.

Roberts, Andrew and Falkenberg, Betty, 2005 - Charlotte Mew Chronology with mental, historical and geographical connections linking with her own words. Middlesex University resource available at http://studymore.org.uk/ymew.htm

Falkenberg, B. November 2005 "Charlotte Mew in America" PN Review 166: November - December 2005 pages 36-39.

[I have a manuscript, provided by Betty, which includes references]

Raymond E. Fancher

Fancher, R.E. 1979 Pioneers of Psychology. Norton
(subject index)

James Farganis

Farganis, J. 1975 "A Preface to Critical Theory" Theory and Society, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Winter, 1975), pp 483-508. Available at http://asrudiancenter.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/jamesfarganisaprefacetocr iticaltheory1.pdf
Essay seeks to explore the meaning of critical theory as an "alternative paradigm" through the works of Herbert Marcuse and Jürgen Habermas

Farganis, J. 2004 Readings in Social Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill

Robin Farquharson 3.10.1930-1.4.1973

Farquharson, R. 1958 An approach to a pure theory of voting procedure by Robin Farquharson. Nuffield College, University of Oxford. . Faculty of Social Studies Thesis. (D.Phil. politics). 125 leaves. Supervisor: D.N. Chester.

Farquharson, R. 1959 "South Africa, 1958" by R. R. Farquharson in David E. Butler and others (1959) Elections Abroad London; New York: Macmillan; St. Martin's Press (280 pages). The other chapters were "France, 1958", by Philip M. Williams and Martin Harrison. - "Poland, 1957" by Zbigniew Pelczynski and "Ireland, 1957" by Basil Chubb.

Farquharson, R. 1968 Drop Out Anthony Blond 1968 104 pages. Penguin 1971 112 pages. Preface dated 30.1.1968

Farquharson, R. 1958/1969 Theory of Voting. New Haven : Yale University Press 1969 xii and 83 pages. ISBN 300011210 Thesis--Oxford University, 1958.

William Farr 1807- 1883 weblinks

Farr, W. 1837 "Vital statistics: or The statistics of health, sickness, diseases, and death." Chapter four (pages 567-601) in McCulloch's A Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire available at http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015049801510;view= 1up;seq=581

Farr, W. about 1839 On the statistics of English lunatic asylums : and the reform of their public management London : Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, [about 1839] 46 pages. [In Cambridge University Libraries. Shelfmark Hunter.c.83.94 COPAC]

Farr, W. 1841 "Report upon the mortality of lunatics" Read before the Statistical Society of London, 1841. See other list

Farr, W. 1860 (Editor) Report of the Proceedings of the fourth session of the International Statistical Congress : held in London July 16th, 1860, and the five following days London : Printed by G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, for H.M. Stationery Office, 1861. xix and 548 pages. First work in volume, concerning the 4th International Statistical Congress, held in London, in 1860. [Edited by William Farr assisted by Richard Valpy and James T. Hammack.

Farr, W. 25.7.1868 Report on the Cholera Epidemic of 1866 in England Supplement to the twenty-ninth annual report of the Registrar General of Births Deaths and Marriages in England. London. Her Majesties Stationery Office. Introductory letter signed W. Farr 25.7.1868

David P. Farrington, Jeremy W. Coid, Louise M. Harnett, Darrick Jolliffe, Nadine Soteriou, Richard E. Turner and Donald J. West

Farrington, D.P. et al 2006 Criminal careers up to age 50 and life success up to age 48: new findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development Home Office research studies 299. London, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.

Léon Leonard Joseph Faucher 8.9.1803 - 14.12.1854

De la réforme des prisons. Paris, Angé 1838. pp. vii. 290

Paul Fauconnet 1874 - 1938

1901 Marcel Mauss and Paul Fauconnet wrote the article on "Sociologie" in la Grande Encyclopédie Paris 1901, reproduced as "La sociologie, objet et méthode" in Année sociologique

1903 Émile Durkheim and Paul Fauconnet, "La sociologie et les sciences sociales." Revue philosophique, 55, 1903, pp. 465- 497.

Fauconnet, P. 1920 La Responsabilité, Etude de Sociologie [Responsibility. A sociological study], Travaux de l'Anneé sociologique. A thesis of the University of Paris. Paris: Félix Alcan. About 400 pages. Second edition (1928) Available at http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/fauconnet_paul/fauconnet_paul.html

Fauconnet, P. 1925 Foreword to Durkheim's L'éducation morale

Alison Faulkner

Faulkner, A. and Field, V. 1993 Six Case Studies: Information about residential care provision for people with mental health problems within six district health authorities. London: Research and Development for Psychiatry

Faulkner, A. 1997 Knowing Our Own Minds - Users Views of Alternative and Complementary Treatments in Mental Health, London, Mental Health Foundation

Faulkner, A. and Layzell, S. 2000 Strategies for Living: A Report of User-led Research into People's Strategies for Living with Mental Distress, Mental Health Foundation.

Faulkner, A. 2004 The ethics of survivor research: Guidelines for the ethical conduct of research carried out by mental health service users and survivors Polity Press in association with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. - Click for access details

Faulkner, A. 2.2009 Interview in A brief history of the Mental Health Foundation - Click for copy of interview

Alison Faulkner and Jayasree Kalathil

Faulkner, A. and Kalathil, J. 9.2012 The Freedom to be, the Chance to Dream: Preserving User-led Peer Support in Mental Health Together. September 2012. Available at http://www.together-uk.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/The-Freedom-to-be- The-Chance-to-dream-Full-Report1.pdf
Through interviews with mental health peer support organisations and a survey, the report explores what constitutes peer support, its values and ethos, the evidence for the need and benefits of user-led peer support and the challenges and possibilities in the current policy and political context in the UK.

Seena Fazel
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Oxford, Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford

Fazel S and Danesh J. 16.2.2002 "Serious mental disorder in 23000 prisoners: a systematic review of 62 surveys". The Lancet 16.2.2002 pp 545-550. Available http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140- 6736%2802%2907740-1/fulltext

See Subject Index Mental health and prison

Jessie Feinstein and Nia Imani Kuumba

Feinstein, J. and Kuumba, N.I. 2006 Working with Gangs and Young People: A toolkit for resolving group conflict Jessica Kingsley,
"While gangs may lead young people into dangerous situations and breed community division, distrust and fear, the friendship, support, security and sense of belonging they offer are often overlooked"..

Dino Franco Felluga
Associate Professor of English
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

Felluga, Dino Franco 2001- Introductory Guide to Critical Theory available at http://www.cla.purdue.edu/english/theory/

Includes modules on:
Judith Butler on Gender and sex and Performativity
Michel Foucault on Gender and sex and on the repressive hypothesis

Steve Fenton 1942- with Robert Reiner and Ian Hamnet

Fenton, S. 1984 Durkheim and Modern Sociology Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1984. vi and 276 pages

Contents: Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. Durkheim's life, public career and sociological thought; 2. The division of labour, class conflict and social solidarity; 3. Political power, democracy and the modern state; 4. Race and society: primitive and modern; 5. The sociology of education: discipline and moral autonomy; 6. Crime, law and deviance: the Durkheim legacy Robert Reiner; 7. Durkheim and the study of religion Ian Hamnett; 8. Assessing Durkheim: classical sociology and modern society; Notes; Bibliography; Selected reading; Index.

"provides an assessment of the interpretations of Durkheim as a 'radical' thinker, in contrast to the view of him as fundamentally conservative."

Guglielmo Ferrero 1871-1942
Gina Lombroso-Ferrero
Frances Lance Ferrero 1865-1956

See Lombroso 1893

Ferrero, G. 1909 Characters and Events of Roman History

See Lombroso 1911

Enrico Ferri 25.2.1856 - 12.4.1929

Ferri, E. 1883 Socialismo e criminalità Appunti. Torino, 1883.224 pages. Series 2. Volume 2. of the "Biblioteca Antropologico-Giuridica.".

Ferri, E. 1884 Sociologia criminale (Criminal Sociology)

Ferri, E. 1885 [March or earlier] La scuola criminale positiva: conferenza del prof. Enrico Ferri nell'Universit… di Napoli (1885).

Ferri, E. 1894 Socialismo e scienza positiva

Ferri, E. 4.1901 The Positive School of Criminology Three Lectures given at the University of Naples, Italy by Enrico Ferri, 22.4.1901 - 23.4.1901 - 24.4.1901.

Ferri, E. 4.1901/1908 The Positive School of Criminology translated into English by Ernest Untermann. Chicago 1908. Available at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10580/10580-h/10580-h.htm

Ferri, E. 1923 I socialisti nazionali e il governo fascista

Ferri, E. 1928 Il Fascismo in Italia e l'opera di Benito Mussolini

Ludwig Feuerbach 1804-1872

Feuerbach, L. 1841 Das Wesen des Christentums [Essence of Christianity].

Feuerbach, L. 1842 Preparatory Theses on the Reform of Philosophy

Feuerbach, L. 1843 Die Philosophie der Zukunft [The Philosophy of the Future]

Feuerbach, L. 1851 Das Wesen der Religion [Essence of Religion]

Feuerbach, L. 1841/1854 Essence of Christianity English translation (from 2nd German edition) by Marian evans (George Eliot) 1854.

Feuerbach, L. 1841/1854/1957 Essence of Christianity, translated by Marian Evans, Harper. Torchbook 1957. Introductory essay by Karl Barth, foreword be H. Richard Niebuhr.

Paul Feyerbend

Feyerbend, P. 1965 "Problems of Empiricism" in Beyond the Edge of Certainty, Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

James Fieser and Bradley Dowden

Fieser, James and Dowden, Bradley (Editors) 2004
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Previously at http://www.utm.edu/research/iep
University of Tennessee
The articles are individually authored, so can be referenced by author. For example "Field, Richard, 2005, "John Dewey (1859-1952)" The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, available at http://www.iep.utm.edu/

Robert Filmer Daly - weblinks

Filmer, R 1652/Hobbes Observations Concerning the Original of Government upon Mr Hobbes' Leviathan

Filmer, R 1652/Aristotle Observations on Aristotles Politiques Touching Forms of Government

Filmer, R. 1680 Patriarcha or The Natural Power of Kings full text available at http://www.constitution.org/eng/patriarcha.htm

It is also reproduced in Cook, T.I. 1947 Locke Two Treatises of Government with Filmer's Patriarcha and Laslett, P. 1949 Filmer's Patriarcha and Other Political Works. There are many quotations from this in Locke's first treatise. Locke 1689 treatise 1 chapter 2 paragraph 8 is Locke's summary of Filmer. Locke refers to Filmer as "A" or "our author". When he puts "O" beside a reference it is to Filmer's Observations on Hobbs, Milton etc (see extracts section), otherwise the reference is to Patriarcha.

Susan Finding Professeur de civilisation britannique à l'Université de Poitiers.

Finding, S. 11.2011 "London 1911 : celebrating the imperial" Observatoire de la société britannique. Available at http://blogs.sciences-po.fr/recherche-villes/files/2013/10/osb-1178-11- london-1911-celebrating-the-imperial.pdf

"Unlike many rival capital cities (Paris, Berlin, Washington D.C.), London combined functions as the seat of government, major seaport, industrial and commercial centre. London authorities sought to control and improve the living and working conditions within their boundaries. Unlike its rivals however, London was seen to be lacking in monuments and urban layout suitable to its calling. The local authorities in London sought to remedy the planning side but celebration in stone and pageantry were ensured by official displays and semi-official entertainment heavily underpinned with imperial designs".

Arthur E. Fink 1903-

Fink, A.E. 1938 Causes of Crime: Biological theories in the United States, 1800-1915 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. Republished Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985, x and 309 pages.

"The cause and causation of crime, covered from the time of Benjamin Rush, one of the most eminent of early American physicians, to Williams Healy; from the last decade of the eighteenth to the second decade of the twentieth century. The material is presented from biological, anthropological, and psychological perspectives"

Victor (Vic) Finkelstein 25.1.1938 - 30.11.2011

Finkelstein, V. 1.1975 "Phase 2: Discovering the Person in 'Disability' and 'Rehabilitation'" The Magic Carpet New Year 1975: Volume 27, No. 1, pages 31-38. Available at http://disability-studies.leeds.ac.uk/files/library/finkelstein- finkelstein4.pdf

Finkelstein, V. 3.1975 "More on phase 2" The Magic Carpet Spring 1975. Volume 27, No. 2, pages 16-17. Available at http://disability-studies.leeds.ac.uk/files/library/finkelstein- finkelstein5.pdf

Finkelstein, V. 1992 "Revolution! - Vic Finkelstein tells a fable of turning tables", New Internationalist, No. 233, July, 1992. Available at http://newint.org/features/1992/07/05/revolution/

Shulamith Firestone 7.1.1945 - 28.8.2012) See weblinks - Mitchell

"Thinking back on those years and Shulie's contribution to the women's liberation movement, I see Shulie as a shooting star. She flashed brightly across the midnight sky. And then she disappeared." Jo Freeman

Firestone, S. 1970 The Dialectic of Sex. The Case for Feminist Revolution. (UK edition 1971 Cape)

Raymond William Firth 1901-2002

Firth, R.W. 1951 Elements of Social Organisation The Josiah Mason lectures delivered at the University of Birmingham in 1947. London: Watts, 1951. [Second edition 1956. Third edition copyright 1961 Watts. - reprinted with a new preface by the author. London: Tavistock Publications, 1971. In Raymond Firth collected works, volume 2, London : Routledge, 2004.]
Contents: 1. The Meaning of Social Anthropology 2. Structure and Organisation in a Small Community 3. Social Change in Peasant Communities 4. The Social Framework of Economic Organisation 5. The Social Framework of Primitive Art 6. Moral Standards and Social Organisation 7. Religion in Social Reality

Ronald Aylmer Fisher 17.2.1890 - 29.7.1962

Fisher, R.A. 1922 "On the Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Statistics"

Fisher, R.A. 1925 Statistical Methods for Research Workers

Fisher, R.A. 1930 The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection

Fisher, R.A. 1935 The Design of Experiments

Pat Fitton

Fitton, P. 1994 Listen To Me - Communicating the Needs of People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities 256 pges. Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Pat Fitton, Carol O'Brien and Jean Willson

Fitton, P., O'Brien, C. and Wilson, J. 1995 Home at Last How Two Young Women with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities Achieved their Own Home Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Subject index: disability

Penelope Fitzgerald 17.12.1916-28.4.2000

Fitzgerald, P. 1988 Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. New York: Addison Wesley.

Pete Fleischmann

Fleischmann, P. " Literature reviews: An example of making traditional research methods user focused", Chapter nine in Sweeney, A. and others, 2009 pages 82-97

Ronald Fletcher Born Hoyland, Yorks, 1921. Lecturer in Sociology Bedford College from 1953. Was Professor of Sociology at the University of York. Left to be a full time writer. Editor of Nelson's Making of Sociology series.

Fletcher, R. 1962 Britain in the Sixties: The Family and Marriage. An analysis and moral assessment. Penguin

Fletcher, R. 1971 The Making of Sociology. A Study of Sociological Theory. Volume 1 Beginnings and Foundations. Volume 2 Developments. [Volume 1, chapter 3 is "J.S.Mill, A Logical Critique of Sociology"

Fletcher, R. 1971/Mill John Stuart Mill: A logical critique of sociology Michael Joseph.

Fletcher, R. 1974 Evolutionary and Developmental Sociology in Rex, J. 1974
(subject index)

Fletcher, R. 1988a The Abolitionists. The Family and Marriage under Attack. RKP

Fletcher, R. 1988f The Shaking of the Foundations: Family and Society RKP

Roderick Floud
Provost of London Guildhall University.

Roderick Floud and Sean Glynn
Sean Glynn: Senior Research Fellow in the department of Politics and Modern History, London Guildhall University.

Floud, R. and Glynn, S. 1998 (Editors) London Higher: The establishment of higher education in London London : Athlone Press 1998 x and 324 pages.

The establishment of higher education in London - a survey, by Sean Glynn
Higher education and the London economy 1830-1914 by Nick Rochards and John Pratt
Higher education in the London community by Anne J. Kershen
Class and gender aspects of higher education in London - the origins of London Polytechnics, by Miriam G. David
The City of London and higher education by Sean Glynn
The London County Council and higher education by Brenda Weeden
The funding of higher education in London by Arthur R. Chandler
The London polytechnics by John Izbicki
Teacher training in London by Richard Aldrich
Technical and scientific education in London by Richard G. Williams
Higher education and the visual arts in London by William Vaughan

John Foot   8.11.1964 -

Foot, J. 2014 La "Repubblica dei Matti". Franco Basaglia e la psichiatria radicale in Italia, 1961-1978 by John Foot. Italy: Feltrinelli. November 2014. 392 pages.

Foot, J. 2014/2016 The Man who Closed the Asylums: Franco Basaglia and the revolution in mental health care A translation from Italian to English of La "Repubblica dei Matti". London: Verso 2015 xi and 404 pages.
Gorizia: a revolution at the edge of Europe
Anti-psychiatry, critical psychiatry, movements and working utopias
Reading Gorizia: sources and narratives
Basaglia and the British: a missing translation?
Building the team : the first équipe in Gorizia, 1961-69
Manicomio = lager : history and politics of an analogy
Gorizia : the therapeutic community
Il picchio : the voice of the patients and the "archive of the revolution"
Anti-psychiatry, Italian style
One of the wonders of the world : the general meeting
The genesis of the negated institution
The negated institution : the "Bible" of 1968
Gorizia and 1968, Gorizia as 1968
The incident
I giardini di abele and morire di classe: Gorizia on television and the role of photography
The end of an era: Basaglia leaves Gorizia
Perugia: the "perfect" example, 1965-78
Parma : the gas-meter reader and the total institution
Out into the territory: Reggio Emilia, 1969-75
Gorizia : the second équipe, 1969-72
Arezzo : the Gorizian diaspora
The end of the asylum: Trieste, 1971-79
The 180 law : history, myth and reality.

Nathalie Fonnesu 1972-

Fonnesu, N. 2017 "David Kessel: The poet who inspires loonies", Written for Asylum magazine, but not published.

Offline drafts: Nat's first - plus history

Julienne Ford 1946-

Ford, J. 1968 Social Class and the Comprehensive School Kent University. Ph.D. Thesis 1968

Ford, J. 10. 1968 "Comprehensive schools as social dividers", New Society October 1968.

This article was in the folder of articles that Margaret Thatcher used when speech writing. See Thatcher Papers

Ford, J. 1969 Social Class and the Comprehensive School International library of sociology and social reconstruction. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. New York: Humanities Press.
1. Justice and the Comprehensive Ideal
2. The Development of Talent
3. Ability and Opportunity
4. Thinking about Work
5. Making Friends at School
6. Consciusness of Class
7. Towards Utopia?
8. Epilogue
Appendix 1: Notes on the operationalisation of the typology of class ideologies.
Appendix 2: Questionnaire

"if we are to dream about Utopias (something which the proponents of 'comprehensive' reform have certainly been doing) then we must be much more imaginative. There is no point in tinkering with the type of selection which occurs in the schools, no point in replacing tripartite schools by schools which are no more than 'multilateral'. If we are to produce any change at all we must completely free the schools of their function as selection agencies for occupation."

Ford, J. 1972 Ford, J. 1972 College handouts preparative for Paradigms and Fairy Tales [At the time of writing Paradigms and Fairy Tales, Julie Ford taught sociology and research methods at Enfield College of Technology as it became part of Middlesex Polytechnic]

Ford, J. 1975 Paradigms and Fairy Tales. An Introduction to the Science of Meanings. Routledge Kegan Paul. London. Two volumes
Contents of Volume 1:
1: I Beg Your Pardon
2: Just Another Fairy Tale
3: A Trip Through the Library
4: Advice from a Caterpillar
5: Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
6: Testing Rituals [See Dervish Dance]
7: The Worlds of Why-Because
8: Battles for the Bridges [See Bridge]
9: The Magic of Meanings
Glossary of Fairy-Tale Words

Contents of Volume 2:
10: The Light is Above
11: A Short Cut from A to B
12: Rabbit on the Shopping List
13: Will You Join the Dance?
14: A Most Unlikely Story [See Gryphon]
15: The Amazing, Incredible Sampling Machine
16: A Box of My Own Invention
17: Uncertain Measures
18: Coder Coda
19: Statistricks!
20: What You Will!
Glossary of Fairy-Tale Words

Julienne Ford, Denis Mongon and Maurice Whelan

Ford, J., Mongon, D. and Whelan, M. Special Education and Social Control: Invisible Disasters London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. ix and 179 pages.

At this time, Julienne Ford was "Professor of Education at the University of Canterbury"

Ford, J. and Foley 1991 Developing Social Science Research. Middlesex University. In the "early 1990s" this was developed into Research on a Human Scale, which, like the original, was published internally as a manual for the BA Social Science. [I have not seen the second version]

Julienne Ford, John? Foley and Hedwig Petri

Ford, J., Foley, J?. and Petri, H. 1995 Research on a Human Scale: A comprehensive manual for researchers in education, health and the social and policy sciences Middlesex University in Enfield. ID Numbers: Open Library OL19390537M: ISBN 101859240704

Ford, J. 2000 "The Grandmother Manqué" in Dench, G. 2000 (Editor) Grandmothers of the Revolution pp 195-199

Ford, J. 2008 Never Point at a Rainbow - An introduction to Radical Logic Newton, Powys, Superscript Books. 339 pages.
1. THREADS: The narrative or one-dimensional story; mythology; a global master narrative; no alternative is not an option!
2. USES OF ONE-DIMENSIONALITY: Ethnic tales and sacred texts; Material threads; Explanation as sequence; Propositional logic; Symbolic logic and mathematics; Repetition, chant and prayer.
3. ABUSES OF ONE-DIMENSIONALITY: Nutritionism; "Feminism"; Carbonism; Utilitarian Operationalism: the example of the QALY; Smithism.
4. TWISTED LOOPS: Infinity and the finite loop; the feedback loop; the bandwagon of popularity; the arms-race for security; credit and the sub- prime loop; a physical metaphor; a metaphorical physics; the postmodern loop; the worm has turned.
5. DIAGRAMS: juxtaposition in two dimensions; Cartesian space; the Cartesian coordinate system; the Rosy Cross; Coincidenta Oppositorum.
6. CONTRAST AND CONTRADICTION: Making sense; contrast; clashing; contradiction; universality; particularity.
7. COMBINATION: awkward questions; sequential logic; combinatorial logic; reasoning; negation; necessary and sufficient conditions; binary choice; the result of a reasoning process; Ras Henry's theorems.
8. CONFLICT: knots; studying the narratives; contraries; transformations.
9.DIALOGUE: Rastafarian groundation; rules of reasoning; Nyabinghi.
10. SPACE: vibrations; empire; star wars; earmarking.
11. BODIES OF KNOWLEDGE: externalisation; internalisation; transformation; science; sociology; ecology.
12. DIALECTICS: the global default culture ( scientism, neo-Darwinism, Hobbesianism, Smithism, behaviourism ); individual identity; moving locations; commonality in diversity; unity in difference; everything is connected to everything else; opposite every great truth is another great truth; everything changes; transcendence.
13. TIME: time in place; fate, destiny and volition; prophecy and prediction; capitalist futures; just a moment!
14. TENSE AND MOOD: Aristotelian logic; the exclusive-or; mathematical scales; statistical prediction; what if ...?
15. SUBJUNCTIVES: market democracy; reactionary intercommunalism; autopoesis; revolutionary intercommunalism; practical consciousness ( food coops, C.A.V.E.S, skills coops, refurnishment, credit unions, L.E.T.S schemes, swap shops, webs of expertise, music and art coops, Indymedia, mediawatches, support groups ); spread the word!
Index and glossary of abbreviations

Margaret Forster

Forster, M. 1984 Significant Sisters - The Grassroots of Active Feminism 1839-1939 London, Secker and Warburg. Contains: Introduction - 1) Law: Caroline Norton 1808-1877 - 2) The Professions: Elizabeth Blackwell 1821-1910 - 3) Employment: Florence Nightingale 1820-1910 - 4) Education: Emily Davies 1830-1921 - 5) Sexual Morality: Josephine Butler 1828-1906 - 6) Politics: Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1815-1902 - 7) Birth Control: Margaret Sanger 1879-1966 - 8) Ideology: Emma Goldman 1869-1940 - Conclusion.

William James Forsythe

Forsythe, W.J. 1991 Penal Discipline, Reformatory projects and the English Prison Commission 1895-1939 Exeter : University of Exeter Press. 255 pages
Contents: Acknowledgements, vii; Abbreviations in References, viii; Introduction, 1; Chapter 1 The Transformation of Reformatory Theory 1820- 1910, 7; Chapter 2 The End of An Era, 19; Chapter 3 Sir Evelyn Ruggles- Brise and the Prison Commission, 31; Chapter 4 Juvenile Adults and the Borstal System 1895-1921, 45; Chapter 5 Penal Servitude 1895-1921, 61; Chapter 6 Preventive Detention-A Tale of Disappointment 1895-1921, 78; Chapter 7 The Local Prisons 1895-1921, 95; Chapter 8 Chaplains, Educators and Visitors in English Prisons 1895-1921, 116; Chapter 9 Staff and Prisoners 1895-1921, 132; Chapter 10 Mental and Social Diagnosis in English Prisons 1910-1939, 153; Chapter 11 Relaxation and Reformation-A Radical Policy 1921-1939, 171. Chapter 12 Conflicts and Problems 1921-1939, 189; Chapter 13 Prisons and Prisoners 1921-1939, 201; Chapter 14 The Aid Societies 1895-1939, 217; Conclusion, 233; Index, 249.

Michel Foucault
See weblinks - reviews -

Books about Foucault:
1983: Barry Smart
1989 Clare O'Farrell
1993 John Storey on popular culture
1997: Larmour, Miller and Platter (Editors) Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity
2000 Danaher, Schirato and Webb
2001 - Dino Franco Felluga [Free access]
Web articles: Rider - Sarbit - Thacker

1954 Maladie - 1961 Folie - 1963 clinique - 1966 Les Mots - 1967 Madness - 1969 L'Archéologie - 1970 The Order - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 Surveiller - 1976 sexualité 1 - 1977 - 1978 - 1980 - 1981 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1988 - 2006 -

Foucault, M. 1954 Maladie mentale et personnalité Paris : P.U.F., 115 pages

Foucault, M. 1961 Folie et Déraison: histoire de la folie à l'âge classique. Paris: Plon, 1961 [Became Histoire de la Folie]

Partial translation in English in 1967 - Full translation 2006

Foucault, M. 1963 Naissance de la clinique PUF

Foucault, M. 1966 Les Mots et les Choses Paris: Gallimard

Foucault, M. 1961/1967 Madness and Civilisation. A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Tavistock. Being an abridged edition of Histoire de la Folie translated into English by Richard Howard. Introduction by David Cooper. London, Tavistock.

There is an edition of the above in the Internet Archive with an introduction by Jose Barchilon, M.D. (offline)

Foucault, M. 1969 L'Archéologie du savoir Paris: Gallimard. Translated into English as The Archaeology of Knowledge in 1972

Foucault, M. 22.2.1969 What is an Author? in P. Rabinow (editor) The Foucault Reader: Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin (Qu'est ce qu'un auteur? 258 lecture and discussion on 22.2.1969, in: Bulletin de la société française de philosophie, 1969, no. 63, pp. 73-104).

Foucault, M. 1970 The Order of Things New York: Pantheon. being Les Mots et les Choses translated into English by A.M. Sheridan-Smith. Also included with the Pantheon edition of Foucault 1972

Foucault, M. 1971 L'Ordre du discours Paris: Gallimard - Translated in English 1981

Foucault, M. 11.1971 Michel Foucault (in debate with Noam Chomsky) on Dutch television. Program called Human Nature: Justice versus Power.

Foucault1971/1972 Course 1971/1972 "Théories et institutions pénales" Summary (Résumés) in: Annuaire du Collège de France, 72, pp 283-286.

Foucault, M. 1972 The Archaeology of Knowledge New York Pantheon, being L'Archéologie du savoir translated into English by A.M. Sheridan-Smith.

The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language by Michel Foucault ; translated from the French by A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York: Pantheon Books, 1972 245 pages - (offline)

Foucault1972/1973 Course 1972/1973 "La société punitive" Summary (Résumés) in: Annuaire du Collège de France, 73, 1973, pp. 255-267.

Foucault, M. 1973 Birth of the Clinic New York: Pantheon. A translation of Naissance de la clinique

Foucault1973/1974a Course 1973/1974 - (Weekly lectures from 7.11. 1973 until 6.2.1974) "Le pouvoir psychiatrique" Summary (Résumés) in: Annuaire du Collège de France, 74, 1974

Foucault1973/1974b Course 1973/1974 - (Weekly lectures from 7.11. 1973 until 6.2.1974) Le pouvoir psychiatrique. Cours au Collège de France. 1973-1974. Paris: Seuil/Gallimard, 2003.

Foucault1973/1974c Course 1973/1974 - (Weekly lectures from 7.11. 1973 until 6.2.1974) Psychiatric Power. Lectures at the College of France 1973-1974 A translation into English by Graham Burchall of Foucault1973/1974b. Palgrave Macmillan, London - New York, 2006. Includes an introduction by Arnold, J. Davidson; detailed notes by someone other than Foucault, who is not identified; and a "Course Context" by Jacques Lagrange.

Foucault1974/1975 Les Anormaux: Cours au Collège de France, 1974-1975, Hautes études, Galimard, Le Seuil, Paris,. Translated into English as Abnormal: Lectures at the Collège de France 1974-1975 by Michel Foucault ; edited by Valerio Marchetti and Antonella Salomoni ; translated by Graham Burchell. London: Verso, 2003. xxvi and 344 pages

Foucault, M. 1975 Surveiller et Punir: Naissance de la prison Paris : Gallimard. Series: Bibliothèque des histoires. 318 pages. 12 leaves of plates.

Foucault, M. 1975/1977 Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, being Surveiller et Punir translated into English by Alan Sheridan. London. Penguin.

1. The body of the condemned
2. The spectacle of the scaffold
1. Generalized punishment
2. The gentle way of punishment
Docile bodies
The art of distributions
The control of activity
The organisation of geneses
The composition of forces
2. The means of correct training
Hierarchical observation
Normalizing judgement
The examination
3. Panopticism
1. Complete and austere institutions
2. Illegalities and delinquency
3. The carceral

Foucault, M. 1976s1 Histoire de la sexualité 1 - La Volonté de savoir, Paris: Gallimard, 1976. 211 pages

Foucault, M. 1976/1978 The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction New York: Pantheon, 1978 [Also Vintage Books, March 1990] being La Volonté de savoir (1976) translated into English by Robert Hurley.
Part One: We 'Other Victorians'
Part Two: The Repressive Hypothesis
Chapter 1 The Incitement to Discourse
Chapter 2 The Perverse Implantation
Part Three: Scientia Sexualis;
Part Four: The Deployment of Sexuality:
Chapter 1 Objective
Chapter 2 Method
Chapter 3 Domain
Chapter 4 Periodisation
Part Five Right of Death and Power over Life.

Foucault, M. 6.1976 "Truth and Power" in The Foucault Reader: pages 51-75 and in Foucault, M. 1980. An excerpted version of a June 1976 interview with Alesandro Fontana and Pasquale Pasquino published first as "Intervista a Michel Foucault" in Microfiseca del Poetere in 1977. An abridged version "Vérité et pouvoir" in: L'Arc 1977, no. 70, pages 16-26. Truth and Power is summarised by Shawn Rider

Foucault, M. 10.7.1977 "Le jeu de Michel Foucault" (interview with Dominiques Colas, Alain Grosrichard, Guy Le Gaufey, Jocelyne Livi, Gerard Miller, Jaques Alaine Miller, Judith Miller, Catherin Millot, Gerard Wajeman), Ornicar? Journal published by members of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Vincennes. No. 10, July 1977, p. 62-93. Available at http://1libertaire.free.fr/MFoucault158.html

[The book La Volonté de savoir is like a Swiss cheese with holes. Foucault doe not yet know how he will fill these, but he is pleased to meet the psychoanalysts because this is the first time that he has met people who want to play the kind of game [jeu] that he proposes in the book]

Foucault, 10.7.M. 1977/1978 "Ein Spiel um die Psychoanalyse. Gespräch mit Angehörigen des Departement de Psychoanalyse der Universität Paris/Vincennes" (Conversations with members of staff of the Departments de Psychoanalyse at the University of Paris). In: Dispositive der Macht. Über Sexualität, Wissen und Wahrheit (Dispositives of Power. About Sex, Knowledge and Truth). Berlin 1978. pp. 118-175.

Foucault, M. 10.7.1977/1980 "The Confession of the Flesh" in Foucault, M. 1980.

Michel Foucault and Herculine Barbin (1838-1868), who became Abel Barbin, otherwise known as Alexina B.

Foucault, M. and Barbine, H. 1978 Herculine Barbin dite Alexina B. introduced by Michel Foucault. Les Vies parallèles. Paris: Gallimard. 1978. 161 pages.

Foucault, M. and Barbine, H. 1978/1980 Herculine Barbin: Being recently discovered memoirs of a nineteenth-century French hermaphrodite, introduced by Michel Foucault. Translated by Richard McDougall from French (1978) to English (1980) Brighton : Harvester, 1980.

Foucault, M. 1980 Power/Knowledge Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977 by Michel Foucault; edited by Colin Gordon; translated by Colin Gordon and others. New York; London: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Contents: 1. On Popular Justice: A Discussion with Maoists (1972) - 2. Prison Talk (1975) - 3. Body/Power (1975) - 4. Questions on Geography (1976) - 5. Two lectures (1977) - 6. Truth and Power (1977) - 7. Power and Strategies (1977) - 8. The Eye of Power (1977) - 9. The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century (1976) - 10. The History of Sexuality (1977) - 11. The Confession of the Flesh (1977) -

Foucault, M. 1981 The Order of Discourse being L'Ordre du discours translated into English.

Foucault, M. 1983 "Disciplinary Society". An audio lecture available in two part on YouTube: Part One - Part Two

Offline Part 1 - Part 2 -

Foucault, M. Spring 1983 "Structuralism and post-structuralism. An interview with Michel Foucault" interview by G. Raulet, in May 1982, in: Telos spring 1983, number 55, pages 195-211. Reprinted in Foucault, M. 1988 pages 17-46

Foucault, M. Autumn 1983 "The Minimalist Self". Discussion with Sephen Riggins, in: Telos Autumn 1983. Reprinted in Foucault, M. 1988 pages 3-16

Foucault, M. 1984r The Foucault Reader edited by P. Rabinow. New York: Pantheon. Also published by Penguin in 1986

Foucault, M. 1984s2 Histoire de la sexualité 2 - L'Usage des plaisirs, Paris: Gallimard, 1984.

Foucault, M. 1984s3 Histoire de la sexualité 3 - Le Souci de soi, Paris: Gallimard, 1984.

Foucault, M. 1985s2 The History of Sexuality, Volume 2: The Use of Pleasure Random House, 1985, being L'Usage des plaisirs translated into English

Foucault, M. 1986s3 The History of Sexuality, Volume 3: The Care of the Self Random House, 1986, being Le Souci de soi translated into English

Foucault, M. 1988 (Edited by Lawrence D. Kritzman) Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977- 1984

Foucault, M. 1961/2006 History of Madness Folie et deïraison by Michel Foucault, edited by Jean Khalfa and translated into English by Jonathan Murphy and Jean Khalfa. London; New York: Routledge. xxxix and 725 pages. 6 pages of plates
"This translation is the first English edition of the complete French text" - "An abridged English edition was published in 1967 as Madness and civilisation" - "First published in French as: Folie et deïraison... 1961"
Foreword by Ian Hacking
Introduction by Jean Khalfa
Preface to the 1961 edition
Preface to the 1972 edition
1. Stultifera navis
2. The great confinement
3. The correctional world
4. Experiences of madness
5. The insane
1. The madman in the garden of species
2. The transcendence of delirium
3. Figures of madness
4. Doctors and patients
1. The great fear
2. The new division
3. The proper use of liberty
4. Birth of the asylum
5. The anthropological circle
1. Madness, the absence of an ouvre.
Appendix 1 of 1972 edition
2. My body, this paper, this fire
Appendix 2 of 1972 edition
3. Reply to Derrida ('Michel Foucault Derrida e no kaino'. Paideia (Tokyo) February 1972)
1. Documents
2. Foucault's original bibliography
3. Bibliography of English works quoted in this translation
4. Critical bibliography on Foucault's History of Madness

Bridget Fowler 1943-

Fowler, B. 1997 Pierre Bourdieu and Cultural Theory: Critical investigations. Theory, culture and society series. London; Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 1997. 200 pages.
1. Situating Bourdieu: Cultural Theory and Sociological Perspectives
2. Bourdieu's Cultural Theory
3. Bourdieu, Postmodernism, Modernity
4. The Historical Genesis of Bourdieu's Cultural Theory
5. Bourdieu and Modern Art: The Case of Impressionism
6. The Popular and the Middlebrow
7. Bourdieu, the Popular and the Periphery

Summary: "the first comprehensive description of Pierre Bourdieu's theory of culture and habitus. Within the wider intellectual context of Bourdieu's work, this book provides a systematic reading of his assessment of the role of 'cultural capital' in the production and consumption of symbolic goods. Bridget Fowler outlines the key critical debates that inform Bourdieu's work. She introduces his recent treatment of the rules of art, explains the importance of his concept of capital - economic and social, symbolic and cultural - and defines such key terms as habitus, practice and strategy, legitimate culture, popular art and distinction. The book focuses particularly on Bourdieu's account of the nature of capitalist modernity, on the emergence of bohemia and, with the growth of the market, the invention of the artist as the main historical response to the changed place of art."

Elizabeth A. Foyster 1968-

Foyster, E.A. 2005 Marital violence: an English family history, 1660-1857 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Arthur Frank
Department of Sociology, University of Calgary,

Frank, A. 2002 Memorial: Pierre Bourdieu Remembered: 1930- 2002 Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health Illness and Medicine Volume: 6. Issue: 3. pp 389-393. July 2002

Focuses on the concept of illusio as "the possibility for a person to be able to take some game seriously;... the quality of seriousness that successful play requires", expounded in Pascalian meditations

Benjamin Franklin

Franklin, B. 1904 The Works of Benjamin Franklin, including the Private as well as the Official and Scientific Correspondence, together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography, compiled and edited by John Bigelow New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons ). The Federal Edition in 12 volumes.

Some volumes available at

Volume One Autobiography, Letters and Miscellaneous Writings 1725-1734
Volume Two Letters and Miscellaneous Writings 1735-1753
Volume Three Letters and Miscellaneous Writings 1753-1763
Volume Four Letters and Miscellaneous Writings 1763-1768
Volume Five Letters and Miscellaneous Writings 1768-1772
Volume Six Letters and Miscellaneous Writings 1772-1775

Fraser, D. 1984 [2nd edition] The Evolution of the British Welfare State.

Nancy Fraser 20.5.1947-

Fraser, N. 1989 Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse, and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory

Fraser, N. 1997 Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the "Postsocialist" Condition

Fraser, N. 2003 The Radical Imagination: Between Redistribution and Recognition

Fraser, N. and Honneth, A. 2003 Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange

Fraser, N. 2008 Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World

James George Frazer 1854-1941 weblinks

Frazer, J. 1887 Totemism Edinburgh. Adam and Charles Black

Frazer, J. 1888a "Taboo" article in Encyclopedia Britannica available online at http://www.1902encyclopedia.com/T/TAB/taboo.html

Frazer, J. 1888b "Totem" article in Encyclopedia Britannica

Frazer, J. 1890 The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion Two volumes. London. Macmillan.

There were four parts (chapters?) to the first edition. The titles of these may have been: 1) "The King of the Wood" - 2) "Killing the God" - 3) "The Scapegoat" - 4) "The Golden Bough"

Frazer, J. 1900 The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion Second edition. Revised and enlarged in three volumes. London and New York: Macmillan. Volume 1: The king of the wood. The perils of the soul -- Volume 2. Killing the god -- Volume 3. Killing the god (continued) The golden bough.

Frazer, J. 1913 Balder the Beautiful: the fire-festivals of Europe and the doctrine of the external soul

Frazer, J. 1915 The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion Third edition. Revised and enlarged in three volumes. London and New York: Macmillan. Part one (volumes 1 and 2): The magic art and the evolution of kings first published 1911. Part two (volume 3): Taboo and the perils of the soul first published 1911. Part three (volume 4): The dying god, first published 1911. Part four (volumes 5 and 6): Adonis, Attis, Osiris : studies in the history of oriental religion (3rd edition revised and enlarged in 1914). Part five (volumes 7 and 8): Spirits of the corn and of the wild first published 1912. Part six (volume 9): The Scapegoat first published 1913. Part seven (volumes 10 and 11): Balder the Beautiful: the fire festivals of Europe and the doctrine of the external soul first published 1913. Part seven (volume 12): Bibliography and general index 1915.

Frazer, J. 1922 The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion Abridged edition 1922.

Extracts - Copy at Bartleby - Gutenberg - Most available copies of the Golden Bough are this abridgment, including : Wordsworth Reference 1993 - Penguin 1996 -

Frazer, J. 1959 The New Golden Bough "A new abridgment of the classic work by Sir James George Frazer. Edited, and with notes and foreword by Dr Theodore H. Gaster" S.G. Phillips, Inc., New York.

Frazer, J. 1998 The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion: A New Abridgement from the Second and Third Editions by Robert Fraser. Oxford World's Classics 1998.

Joe Freeman 26.8.1945 -

Freeman, J. 1975 The Politics of Women's Liberation. Longman, New York.

Freeman, J. 1983 (Editor) Social Movements of the Sixties and Seventies Longman, New York.

Freidson, E. 1970 Profession of Medicine: A Study of the Sociology of Applied Knowledge, New York: Harper Row.

Paulo Freire 1921-1997

Freire, P. 1968/1970 Pedagogy of the Oppressed a translation by Myra Bergman Ramos from Portugese into English of Pedagogía del oprimido (1968). A continuum book. New York: Seabury Press, 1970.

See Subject Index Education

Anna Freud 1895-1982 See weblinks - Brown

Freud, A. 1931 Introduction to psycho-analysis for teachers: four lectures by Anna Freud, translated by Barbara Low. London: Allen & Unwin. "First published in German under the title Einführung in die psychoanalyse für Pädagogen". "Three lectures were given before the teachers at the Children's centers of the city of Vienna."

Freud, A. 1936 Das ich und die abwehrmechanismen Internationaler psychoanalytischer Verlag

Freud, A. 1937 The ego and the mechanisms of defence Translation of Das ich und die abwehrmechanismen (1936) by Cecil Baines The International Psycho-analytical Library; number 30. London: Hogarth Press: Institute of Psycho-analysis

Anna Freud and Dorothy Burlingham

Freud, A. and Burlingham, D. 1943 Infants without Families London: G. Allen and Unwin.

Freud, A. 1986 (Editor) Sigmund Freud: The Essentials of Psychoanalysis. Penguin.   [Referencing advice]

Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 See weblinks - Brown - Mitchell - Morea - reviews

1893 - 1895 - 1900 - 1901 - 1905 - 1909 - 1910 - 1913 - 1914 - 1923 - 1924 - 1926 - 1930 - 1931 - 1933 - 1938 - 2003 -

Freud and Breuer 1893 Freud, Sigmund and Breuer, Joseph. On the Psychical Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena: Preliminary Communication

Über den Psychischen Mechanismus Hysterischer Pänomene: Vorläufige Mitteilung first published in Neurologisches Centralblatt, 12, 4-10 and 43-47 on 1.1.1893 and 15.1.1893. Republished in Studien über Hysterie 1895

Freud and Breuer 1895 Freud, Sigmund and Breuer, Joseph. Studies on Hysteria

Studien über Hysterie 1895, Deuticke, Vienna. Second edition, 1909. Parts of which were translated into English by Dr A. A. Brill (New York) as Selected Papers on Hysteria and other Psychoneuroses by S. Freud. No. 4 of the Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, New York. 1909. [The preface to the first [Brill] edition says: "The chapters contained in this book were taken from three different volumes of the author's works, published at different intervals within the last fifteen years. Although the first four chapters appear in the "Studien über Hysterie" which was published by Breuer and Freud, still only the first chapter, "The Psychic Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena", was written conjointly by both authors. The authorship of the other three chapters belongs exclusively to Freud. The remaining six chapters of the book were taken from Freud's Collection of short papers". Which would mean that Breuer's case study of Anna O. was not included.

Freud, S. 1900/1913 Interpretation of Dreams Translation by A. A. Brill (1913). Available at http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Freud/Dreams/index.htm

Freud, S. 1900/1953 The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud, translated from the German and edited by James Strachey. Translation originally published as Volumes 4 and 5 of 'The standard edition of the complete psychological works.' 1953.

James Strachey: The last chapter gives the first full account of Freud's dynamic view of mental processes, of the unconscious, and of the dominance of the pleasure principle

Freud, S. 1901/1914 Psychopathology of Everyday Life Translation by A. A. Brill (1914). Available at http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Freud/Psycho/

Freud, S. 1905/1910 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality Translation by A. A. Brill (1910). Available at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14969/14969-8.txt

James Strachey: "tracing for the first time the course of development of the sexual instinct in human beings from infancy to maturity"

Freud, S. 1909 "Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year- Old Boy" ["Little Hans"] - See Summary in Totem and Taboo

Freud, S. 9.1909/1910 The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis First published in American Journal of Psychology, 21, pages 181-218. [Being an English translation by H.W. Chase of five lectures given in German September 1909 at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.]

Available at http://studymore.org.uk/xfre1910.htm

Also available at http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Freud/Origin/index.htm

Freud, S. 9.1909/1957 Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis "Delivered on the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Foundation of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, September 1909" Translation by James Strachey.

Freud, S. 1913 Totem and Taboo

Freud, S. 1914/1917 The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement Translation by A. A. Brill (1917). Available at http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Freud/History/index.htm

Freud, S. 1922/1923 Two Encyclopedia Articles 'Psychoanalyse' and 'Libidotheorie' were two articles designed for Max Marcuse's Handwdrterbuch fur Sexualwissenschaft, which was first published in 1923. They were actually written during the summer of 1922 - Two encyclopaedia articles: psycho-analysis and the libido theory. SE, 18: 233-259.

Freud, S. 1923 The Ego and the Id

Freud, S. 1924 The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex

Freud, S. 1926 The Question of Lay Analysis

Freud, S. 1930 Das Unbehagen in der Kultur (The uneasiness in the culture). Vienna. Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1930. Authorised translation into English, in the same year, by Joan Riviere as "Civilisation and its Discontents". The International Psycho-analytical Library; no.17: London: L. & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth press [etc. ], 1930.

Freud, S. 1931 Female Sexuality

Freud, S. 1933 New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis

Freud, S. 1938 Abriss der Psychoanalyse [An Outline of Psychoanalysis]

An Outline of Psychoanalysis was begun in Vienna and what we have may have been completed in 1938. It was published in 1940, after Freud's death.

Freud, S. 1938/1949 An Outline of Psychoanalysis . Authorized translation into English by James Strachey of Abriss der Psychoanalyse by Sigmund Freud. London: The Hogarth Press. New York: W. W. Norton, 1949. 127 pages

Freud, S. 1938/1969 An Outline of Psychoanalysis . Authorized translation into English by James Strachey of Abriss der Psychoanalyse by Sigmund Freud, translated and newly edited by James Strachey. London: The Hogarth Press. New York : W W Norton & Co Inc, 1969.

Freud S. 2003 Outline of Psychoanalysis (1938) with New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1933). Translated by Helena Ragg-Kirkby, with an introduction by Malcolme Bowie. Penguin Modern Classics

Roger Friedland

Friendland, R. 2009 "The Endless Fields of Pierre Bourdieu", Organization Vol 16, issue 6, pp.887-917

Friends House Papers See Quaker

Library of the Religious Society of Friends , Friends House, Euston Road, London

Links to Library of the Religious Society of Friends - Digital catalogue (incomplete)

Archives and manuscripts are generally catalogued as collections, in a hierarchical structure, with a top-level record (called "fonds") describing the whole collection, next level records covering specific groups of material (e.g. correspondence) and further levels providing more detail within those groups. Most of the archives and manuscripts in the catalogue are described at fonds level.

6WM/PD/BF Six Weeks Meeting records management boxes for Bunhill Fields. [Six]

6WM/PD/BF/01 Includes a file with several documents from 1870 (ish) to 1926? Includes [not listed yet]

Reference: MGR
MGR 11a1 London and Middlesex General Meeting. Date 1650-2007. [London and Middlesex Quarterly Meeting until 1967].

This set of documents includes:

One volume of Committee on Title Deeds minutes (1796-1810)
Two volumes of Trust Property books (1802 to about 1940),

Records of: Peel Monthly Meeting (1667-1860) and Peel Meeting (1668-1926). Devonshire House Monthly Meeting (1667-1943) and Bunhill Fields Meeting (1899-2007)

MGR 11a2 Six Weeks Meeting. Date 17th-21st centuries

The fonds consists of 39 volumes of minutes (1671-1988), 7 volumes of Rough minutes (1787-1954), 3 volumes of Books of Trust property (1844- 2008), Abstracts of deeds, Clauses of wills, 1 volume of Rents, annuities received and paid (1673-1694), 3 volumes of Cash books (1710-1899), 1 volume of Accounts (1815-1860), 1 volume of Pollard & Dickson Trust Trustees minutes (1873-1981), 1 box and 3 plans of Joint Committee (of Six Weeks Meeting and Gracechurch Street Monthly Meeting) on Stoke Newington meeting house (1791-1831), 3 rolled plans (1820-1957), 3 volumes of Copy burial notes (1702-1787), 5 volumes of Registers of individual burial grounds (1787-1861).

This set of documents includes:

Minutes on microfilm

Six Weeks Meeting Book of Trust Property 1844-1979
A large well bound book enlarged on one put together from deeds in
1844. There is a written index in the book and a typed index inserted at the front. Index includes

Bunhill Fields burial ground pages 48-61
Bunhill meeting house 61a - 63.

Surveyors' plans are bound into this book, with notes, additional notes added from time to time and references to the relevant minutes. The relevant catalogue entry follows:

Book of Trust Property (see also London and Middlesex Quarterly Meeting trust property books)
   Property Schedule 1 volume 1869-1909 Location SR102/5
   Index to Trust Property Book 1844-1895 see following pages
   1844 - present Library Society of Friends Microfilm 372 Location SR117/1/1

Photocopies from minutes of six weeks meeting, and from its "Property book 1844-1979", in the Farrand Radley archive for 15.5.1876 - 26.6.1876 - 25.7. 1876 - 23.4.1877 - 27.8.1877 - 8.3.1880 - 5.9.1881 - 17.10.1881.

Plans: rolled plans
/BU Bunhill Fields, 1957 (London County Council). Incorrectly labelled. Date is 1951. There are two plans.
/WE Westminster: 1 roll + 1 roll: Hop Gardens "rights of light"
/W Whitechapel Friends Burial Ground about 1820-1853

1702 - burial books

Copy Burial note volumes

Registers of individual burying grounds
PECKHAM 1842-1861

Morten Frisch and Anders Hviid

Department of Epidemiology Research, Danish Epidemiology Science Center, Statens Serum Institut, 5 Artillerivej, DK-2300, Copenhagen S, Denmark.

Frisch, M. and Hviid, A. 2006 "Childhood Family Correlates of Heterosexual and Homosexual Marriages: A National Cohort Study of Two Million Danes," Archives of Sexual Behaviour 35(5): pp 533-547. October 2006

Abstract: Children who experience parental divorce are less likely to marry heterosexually than those growing up in intact families; however, little is known about other childhood factors affecting marital choices. We studied childhood correlates of first marriages (heterosexual since 1970, homosexual since 1989) in a national cohort of 2 million 18-49 year-old Danes. In multivariate analyses, persons born in the capital area were significantly less likely to marry heterosexually, but more likely to marry homosexually, than their rural-born peers. Heterosexual marriage was significantly linked to having young parents, small age differences between parents, stable parental relationships, large sibships, and late birth order. For men, homosexual marriage was associated with having older mothers, divorced parents, absent fathers, and being the youngest child. For women, maternal death during adolescence and being the only or youngest child or the only girl in the family increased the likelihood of homosexual marriage. Our study provides population-based, prospective evidence that childhood family experiences are important determinants of heterosexual and homosexual marriage decisions in adulthood.

Uta Frith and Chris Frith

Frith, U. and Frith, C. 2010 "The social brain: allowing humans to boldly go where no other species has been" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society January 2010 volume 365, no. 1537, pp 165-176. Available at http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/365/1537/165

Erich Fromm See weblinks - reviews - Brown - Morea

Fromm, E. 1942 The Fear of Freedom [USA edition, 1941, had Escape from Freedom as the title]

Fromm, E. 1947 Man For Himself: an enquiry into the psychology of ethics New York. [London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1948]

Fromm, E. 1956 The Art of Loving New York: Harper, World perspectives series volume 9 [London: George Allen & Unwin, 1957, World perspectives series volume 8]

Fromm, E. 1976 To Have or To Be? New York: Harper and Row. [London: Cape, 1978]

FQS: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research

FQS is a peer-reviewed multilingual online journal for qualitative research established in 1999. FQS is an open-access journal, so all articles are available free of charge.

http://www.qualitative- research.net/index.php/fqs

James Fulcher and John Scott

Fulcher and Scott 1999 Sociology Oxford : Oxford University Press

Fulcher and Scott 2007 Sociology Oxford: Oxford University Press. Third edition.
Part One - Thinking Sociologically: Theory and Methods
1. What is sociology? -
2. Theories and theorizing -
3. Methods and research
Part Two - Social Identities -
Socialisation, identity, and interaction -
5. Sex, gender, and sexuality -
6. Racial and ethnic identities -
7. Crime and deviance -
8. Body, health, and medicine. Includes "Understanding bodies" (Sex, bodies and populations - Surveillance of populations) - "Health, reproduction and disability" (Fertility and mortality - Health and disease - Disability and disadvantage) - "Medicine, minds, and bodies" (Medical control of the body - Medicalisation of the mind - Femininity, medicine and beauty)
Part Three - Culture, Knowledge and Belief -
9. Education. Includes socialisation - inequality - Pierre Bourdieu - cultural capital - social capital - Education and capitalism - The development of education in Britain - Inequality in British education -
10. Communication and the media -
11. Religion, belief, and meaning
Part Four - Social Organisation and Control -
12. Family and life course -
13. Cities and community -
14. Organisation, management, and control -
15. The state, social policy and welfare -
16. Globalisation
Part Five - Production, Inequalities, and Social Divisions -
17. Work, employment, and leisure -
18. Inequality, poverty, and wealth -
19. Stratification, class, and status -
20. Power, division, and protest

Odette and Isidore Gaba

Gaba, O. and Gaba, I. 2012 Speech to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Birmingham. (26.4.2012?)

Francis Galton 1822-1911 weblinks

Galton, F. 4.1877 "Typical Laws of Hereditary" Nature Available at http://galton.org/essays/1870-1879/galton-1877-typical-laws-heredity.pdf [Three part article 5th, 12th and 19th April 1877]

Galton, F. 10.1901 "The Possible Improvement of the Human Breed under the existing conditions of Law and Sentiment" Nature Available at http://galton.org/essays/1900-1911/galton-1901-improvement.pdf

Johan Galtung and Mari Ruge

Galtung, J. and Ruge, M. 1965 "The structure of foreign news; The presentation of the Congo, Cuba and Cyprus crises in four foreign newspapers", Journal of International Peace Research, 1 (1965), pp 64-90. [Extract, "Structuring and selecting news", in Cohen and Young 1973, pp 62-22.

Johan Galtung

Galtung, J. 1967 Theory and Methods of Social Research London, Allen and Unwin

Philip Gammage

Gammage, P. 1982 Children and Schooling: Issues in childhood socialisation Unwin education books. London: Allen & Unwin, 1982. 217 pages.

Michael Gard 1965- and Jan Wright 1948-
Michael Gard is Senior Lecturer in Physical Education at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Jan Wright is a Professor of Education and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

Gard, M. and Wright, J. 2005 The Obesity Epidemic: Science, morality, and ideology. London; New York: Routledge. viii and 218 pages.
Contents: 1. Science and Fatness 2. The War on Obesity 3. The Ghost of a Machine 4. 'Modernity's Scourge': A brief history of obesity science 5. Fat or Fiction: Weighing in the 'obesity epidemic' 6. The search for a cause 7. Obesity Science for the People 8. Feminism and the 'obesity epidemic' 9. Interrogating expert knowledge: risk and the ethics of body weight 10. Beyond Body Weight

Harold Garfinkel weblinks

Garfinkel, G. 1956 "Conditions of successful degradation ceremonies", American Journal of Sociology volume 61 (1956) p.458

Garfinkel, G. 1967 Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

Extracts ("Some essential features of common understandings") available on Larry Ridner's website at http://www2.pfeiffer.edu/~lridener/courses/ethnomet.html use case studies to outline major themes of Ethnomethodology - see archive

Nicholas Garnham

Garnham, N. 2007 "Habermas and the public sphere" A review essay. Global Media and Communication 2007; 3; 201

Raffaele Garofalo, born Naples 18.11.1851, died Naples 18.4.1934
Agrégé de l'Université de Naples, vice- président du Tribunal civil Magistrat et criminaliste italien
Professor of the University of Naples, vice-president of the Tribunal, civil magistrate and Italian criminal lawyer

Garofalo, R. 1880 Di un criterio positivo della penalità (Of a positive policy of penalties), Napoli: Leonardo Vallardi

Garofalo, R. 1885 Criminologia: studio sul delitto, sulle sue cause e sui mezzi di repressione (Criminology: Study of crime, on its causes and the means of repression) Torino, Fratelli Bocca.

Garofalo, R. 1885/1887 La Criminologie: Étude sur la nature du crime et la théorie de la pénalité Translation into French. Second edition (1890) available at http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/garofalo_raffaele/criminologie/crimino logie.html

Garofalo, R. 1914 Criminology by Baron Raffaele Garofalo, translated into English from the Italian by Robert Wyness Millar, with an introduction by E. Ray Stevens. The modern criminal science series. Little, Brown and company: Boston. xl and 478 pages.

Peter Gaskell (Surgeon: died Camberwell 1841)

Gaskell, Peter. Baldwin & Cradock, 1833. Gaskell, P. 1833/1836 The Manufacturing Population of England: Its Moral, Social, and Physical Condition and the Changes which have Arisen from the Use of Steam Machinery, with an Examination of Infant Labour. Baldwin and Craddock 1833. Republished as Artisans and Machinery: The Moral and Physical Condition of the Manufacturing Population Considered with Reference to Mechanical Substitutes for Human Labour London: J.W. Parker 1836

Gaskell, P. 1835 Prospects of industry; being a brief exposition of the past and present conditions of the labouring classes.: With remarks on the operation of the Poor-Law Bill, workhouses, &c. ... London : Smith, Elder and Co. 1835 "Revised from the Monthly Magazine of April, May, and June, 1835"

John Gaventa 8.7.1949 -
From 1996 Professor (form 2004) and Research Fellow in the Power, Participation and Social Change team, Institute of Development Studies, the University of Sussex. (On leave 1.8.2011 - 31.7.2014)

Jonathan Gaventa

Gaventa, J (2003) Power after Lukes: a review of the literature. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. "First draft August 2003" http://www.powercube.net/wp- content/uploads/2009/11/power_after_lukes.pdf

The above copy, available on powercubenet does not have the annotated bibliography mentioned in the text

Amy Gdala - flourished in Wales from 1976 to her disappearance in 2005

Gdala, A. 2002a The Odds are Even
Historical fiction about the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Newtown: Superscript. 141 pages ISBN: 095429131X (paperback)

Gdala, A. 2002b Pascal's Wager

Gdala, A. 2003 Tales they Lose by Amy Gdala: with contributions from Steven Box, Cyril Burt and Garcia Lorca. Newtown. Superscript

Gdala, A. 2004 (Editor) Revolutionary Intercommunalism and The right of nations to self-determination by Huey P. Newton and Vladimir Illych Lenin; edited and introduced by Amy Gdala. Newtown: Cyhoeddwyr y Superscript. ISBN 0954291344

Gdala, A. 2005 Heads We Win Newtown: Superscript. 198 pages. ISBN: 0954291352 and 9780954291358 (paper back)

Patrick Geddes

Geddes, P. 1904 City Development: A study of parks, gardens and culture institutes: A report to the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. Edinburgh, Scotland: Geddes and Colleagues.

Geddes, P. 18.7.1904 Civics: as Applied Sociology Read before the at a Meeting in the School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), Clare Market, W.C., at 5 p.m., on Monday, July 18th, 1904; the Rt. Hon. Charles Booth, F.R.S., in the Chair. Available at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/13205/13205-h/13205- h.htm

Geddes, P. 25.1.1905 Civics: as Concrete and Applied Sociology Read before the Sociological Society at a Meeting in the School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), Clare Market, W.C., on Monday, January 23rd, 1905, the Rt. Hon. Charles Booth, F.R.S., in the Chair. Available at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/13205/13205-h/13205- h.htm

Geddes, P. 1915 Cities in evolution: An introduction to the town planning movement and to the study of civics London: Williams and Norgate

Dictionary: Human Ecology

Ludwig L. Geismar and Katherine M. Wood

Geismar L.L. and Wood, K.M. 1986 Family and Delinquency: Resocializing the young offender New York: Human Sciences Press,

Loraine Gelsthorp

"Feminism and criminology" in the Oxford Handbook of Criminology

Arnold van Gennep 1873-1957
Professor at the University of Neuchâtel.

Gennep, A. 1909 Les rites de passage: étude systématique des rites de la porte et du seuil, de l'hospitalité, de l'adoption, de la grossesse et de l'accouchement, de la naissance, de l'enfance, de la puberteï, de l'initiation, de l'ordination, du couronnement des fianc÷ailles et du mariage, des funérailles, des saisons, etc Paris: E. Nourry. ii and 288 pages

Gennep, A. 1909/1960 The Rites of Passage. Translated by Monika B. Vizedomand and Gabrielle L. Caffee, etc. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960. xxvi and 198 pages.
1. The Classification of Rites
2. The Territorial Passage
3. Individuals and Groups
4. Pregnancy and Childbirth
5. Birth and Childhood
6. Initiation Rites
7. Betrothal and Marriage
8. Funerals
9. Other Types of Rites of Passage

George Gerbner and Larry Gross

Gerbner, G. and Gross, L. 1.1974 "Progress Report on Cultural Indicators Research Project", January 1974 NIMH Grant-MH-21196-03. George Gerbner and Larry Gross Co-investigators. Available http://www.asc.upenn.edu/gerbner/archive.aspx?sectionID=155&packageID=764

Jim Gerrie

Gerrie, J. 2003 "Was Foucault a Philosopher of Technology?" in Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology Volum 7, number 2, Winter 2003, available at http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v7n2/pdf/ or article direct at http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v7n2/pdf/gerrie.pdf

Gerth, H.H. and Mills, C.W 1948 (Editors) From Max Weber: Essays in sociology Translated, edited and with an introduction by Hans Heinrich Gerth and Charles Wright Mills. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd, 1947/1948

Rose Giallombardo 12.11.1925-17.7.2010

Giallombardo, R. 1966a Society of Women: A study of a women's prison New York ; London: John Wiley.

Giallombardo, R. 1966b (Editor) Juvenile Delinquency. A book of readings. New York ; London: John Wiley. 565 pages

Giallombardo, R. 1974 The Social World of Imprisoned Girls: A comparative study of institutions for juvenile delinquents New York ; London (etc.): Wiley-Interscience. 317 pages.

Giallombardo, R. 1975 (Editor) Contemporary Social Issues: A Reader Santa Barbara: Hamilton Publishing Co. 612 pages.

Anthony Giddens weblinks

University of Cambridge - London School of Economics

Giddens, A. 9.1968 "`Power' in the Recent Writings of Talcott Parsons" Sociology September 1968. Volume 2. Issue 3. Pages 257- 272. doi:10.1177/003803856800200301

Giddens, A, 1971 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. An Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber

Outhwaite, W. 12.2009 "Canon Formation in Late 20th Century British Sociology" (p. 1030) claims that this book "inaugurated the holy trinity of Marx, Weber and Durkheim" as "'classical sociology' in the UK"

Giddens, A. 1972 Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber.

Giddens, A. 1989 - 1993 - 1997 - 2001 - 2006 - 2009 Sociology Cambridge. Polity

Chapters (2009 edition)
1 - What is Sociology?
2 - Asking and Answering Sociological Questions
3 - Theories and Perspectives in Sociology
4 - Globalization and the Changing World
5 - The Environment
6 - Cities and Urban Life
7 - Social Interaction and Everyday Life
8 - The Life-Course
9 - Families and Intimate Relationships
10 - Health, Illness and Disability
11 - Stratification and Class
12 - Poverty, Social Exclusion and Welfare
13 - Global Inequality
14 - Sexuality and Gender
15 - Race, Ethnicity and Migration
16 - Religion
17 - The Media
18 - Organisations and Networks
19 - Education
20 - Work and Economic Life
21 - Crime and Deviance
22 - Politics, Government and Social Movements
23 - Nations, War and Terrorism

Giddens, A. 1990 The Consequences of Modernity. Stanford University Press
Part One:. Introduction. The Discontinuities of Modernity. Security and Danger, Trust and Risk. Sociology and Modernity. Modernity, Time and Space. Disembedding. Trust. The Reflexivity of Modernity. Modernity and Post-- Modernity?. Summary.
Part Two:. The Institutional Dimensions of Modernity. The Globalizing of Modernity. Two Theoretical Perspectives. Dimensions of Globalization.
Part Three:. Trust and Modernity. Trust in Abstract Systems. Trust and Expertise. Trust and Ontological Security. The Pre--Modern and Modern.
Part Four:. Abstract Systems and the Transformation of Intimacy. Trust and Personal Relations. Trust and Personal Identity. Risk and Danger in the Modern World. Risk and Ontological Security. Adaptive Reactions. A Phenomonology of Modernity. Deskilling and Reskilling in Everyday Life. Objections to Post--Modernity.
Part Four:. Riding the Juggernaut. Utopian Realism. Future Orientations. The Role of Social Movements. Post--Modernity.
Part Six: . Is Modernity and Western Project?. Concluding Observations.

Giddens, A. 1995 Politics, Sociology and Social Theory: encounters with classical and contemporary social thought Cambridge, U.K : Polity Press in association with Blackwell, 1995 304 pages. A collection of previously published articles
Politics and sociology in the thought of Max Weber
Marx, Weber and the development of capitalism
Durkheim's political sociology
Durkheim and the question of individualism
Comte, Popper and positivism
'Power' in the writings of Talcott Parsons
The improbable guru : rereading Marcuse
Garfinkel, ethnomethodology and hermeneutics
Habermas on labour and interaction
Foucault, Nietzsche and Marx

Nigel Gilbert
Professor of Sociology at the University of Surrey.
A pioneer of Agent-Based Models in the social sciences
Social Research Update 1993-

Gilbert, N. 1993/2001/2008 (Editor) Researching Social Life. London: Sage
Contents of third edition:
Conceptualizing Social Life - Geoff Cooper
Research, Theory and Method - Nigel Gilbert
Formulating and Refining a Research Question - Nicola Green
Searching and Reviewing Literature - Mary Ebeling and Julie Lamb
Grounded Theory and Inductive Research - Paul Hodkinson
Participatory Approaches to Social Research - Christina Silver
Mixed Methods - Victoria D Alexander et al
The Ethics of Social Research - Martin Bulmer
Designing Samples - Patrick Sturgis
Questionnaires - Rosemarie Simmons
Measuring Attitudes - Mike Procter
Focus Groups - Ann Cronin
Qualitative Interviewing - Nigel Fielding and Hilary Thomas
Ethnography - Nigel Fielding
Using Documents - Keith McDonald
The Internet and Research Methods - Christine Hine
Coding and Managing Data - Jane Fielding
Analyzing Survey Data - Mike Procter
Secondary Analysis of Survey Data - Nick Allum and Sara Arber
Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) - Ann Lewins
Narrative Analysis - Sarah Earthy and Ann Cronin
Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis - Robin Wooffitt
Analyzing Visual Materials - Victoria D Alexander
Writing about Social Research - Nigel Gilbert
Glossary (pages 504-515)

Derek Gillard

Gillard D 2011 Education in England: A brief history Available at http://www.educationengland.org.uk/history First published January 2000. Revised and updated May 2004, April 2007, January 2011

Sophie Gilliat-Ray 1969-

Gilliat-Ray, S. 2010 Muslims in Britain: An introduction Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, xvii and 316 pages.
Part I. Historical and Religious Roots: [Begins
8th century]
1. The roots of Islam in Britain;
2. The development of Muslim communities;
3. Middle Eastern religious reform movements;
4. South Asian religious reform movements;
Part II. Contemporary Dynamics:
5. Profiling British Muslim communities;
6. Religious nurture and education;
7. Religious leadership;
8. Mosques;
9. Gender, religious identity and youth;
10. Engagement and enterprise

Ian Gilligan
Prince of Wales Hospital and Community Services, Sydney, Australia.

Gilligan, I. 1.2010 "Clothing and modern human behavior in Australia". January 2010. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262726265_Clothing_and_modern_huma n_behavior_in_Australia

Gilligan, I. 3.2010 "The Prehistoric Development of Clothing: Archaeological Implications of a Thermal Model". Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory March 2010. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225416858_The_Prehistoric_Developm ent_of_Clothing_Archaeological_Implications_of_a_Thermal_Model

John Lewis Gillin, 1871-1958

Gillin, J.L. 1927 Criminology and Penology London : Jonathan Cape, [First edition]
Second edition, New York/London, Appleton-Century, 1935
Third edition, New York/London, Appleton-Century, 1945

Ian Gilmour

Gilmour, I. 1977 Inside Right

Gilmour, I. 1983 Britain Can Work Chapters 2: Political Economy, 3: The Socialist Antithesis, 4: The Synthesis and the Tory Tradition.

Paul Gingrich
Department of Sociology and Social Studies
University of Regina

Gingrich, P. 2009 Online notes for "Sociology 250 - Fall 1999" Introduction to Social Theory http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/s250f99.htm

Morris Ginsberg 1889-1970
London School of Economics assistant (Sociology) in 1921. Lecturer 1924. Martin White Professor of Sociology 1929 (succeeding Hobhouse) to 1954 . As Professor Emeritus taught in the School until 1968.

Ginsberg, M. 1921 The Psychology of Society London: Methuen. xvi and 174 pages

Ginsberg, M. 1934 Sociology The Home University Library of Modern Knowledge 174. London: Oxford University Press. 253 pages.

William Ewart Gladstone 29.12.1809 - 19.5.1898

Gladstone, W.E. 1838 The State in its Relations with the Church available in the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/cu31924029446725

Barney Glaser 1930- and Anselm Strauss 1916-1996
Barney G. Glaser founded the Grounded Theory Institute in Mill Valley, California, and has also been a research sociologist at the University of California Medical Center, San Francisco.

Glaser B.G. and Strauss A. 1965 Awareness of Dying

Glaser B.G and Strauss A. 1967 Discovery of Grounded Theory. Strategies for Qualitative Research. Sociology Press,

David Victor Glass 2.1.1911-23.9.1978
Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics, 1948-1978.
Husband of Ruth Glass (Ruth Adele Lazarus, 1912-1990)

Glass, D.V. 1954 (Editor) Social Mobility in Britain International library of sociology and social reconstruction. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul. viii and 412 pages

Miriam Glucksmann

Glucksmann, M. 1974 Structuralist Analysis in Contemporary Social Thought: A comparison of the theories of Claude-Lévi-Strauss and Louis Althusser London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.

Sheldon Glueck 1896-1980 and Eleanor T. Glueck 1898-1972

Glueck, S. and Glueck, E.T. 1930 Five hundred criminal careers New York: A. A. Knopf. 365 pages.

William Godwin weblinks

Godwin, W. 1793 Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Modern Morals and Happiness (Penguin 1976) etext available at http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/godwin/PJfrontpi ece.html

Godwin, W. 1831 Thoughts on Man, his Nature, Productions, and Discoveries. Interspersed with some Particulars Respecting the Author London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange. etext available at http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/godwin/thoughts/ TMNPDfrontpie ce.html

Erving Goffman See weblinks - reviews -
Barnhart - Becker - Blackwood - Sedgwick

Goffman E. 1951 "Symbols of Class Status"

Goffman E. 1952 "On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure" Psychiatry: Journal of Interpersonal Relations 15:4 (1952), pp 451-463. Etext available at http://www.tau.ac.il/~algazi/mat/Goffman--Cooling.htm [Gadi Algazi's website at Tel Aviv University]

Goffman E. 1953 Communication Conduct in an Island Community Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago.

Goffman E. 1953 "The Service Station Dealer: The Man and His Work"

Goffman E. 1956 "Interpersonal Persuasion"

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (monograph), University of Edinburgh Social Sciences Research Centre, 1956, revised and expanded edition, Anchor Books, 1959.

Goffman E. January 1957 "Alienation from Interaction" Human Relations 10 (1), January 1957, pp. 47-59

Goffman E. April 1957 "The characteristics of total institutions", Paper given at the Symposium on Preventive and Social Psychiatry (15.4.1957 - 17.4.1957) (Published Washington D.C.: Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 1958, pp. 43-84). Reprinted (revised) in Goffman E. 1961

Goffman E. August 1957 "On some convergences of sociology and psychiatry", Psychiatry: journal for the study of interpersonal processes volume 20 (3), August 1957, pp 201- 203.

Goffman E. 1959 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Doubleday: Garden City, New York, 1959. (Penguin 1971)

Goffman E. May 1959 "The moral career of the mental patient" Psychiatry: journal for the study of interpersonal processes 1959 May; volume 22 (2): pp 123-142.

Goffman E. 1961A Asylums. Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968. First published New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1961

Contains four essays:

Goffman E. 1961A/1 "On the Characteristics of Total Institutions" in Goffman E. 1961A

(first published 1957
(offline pdf 1961 - extracts

Goffman E. 1961A/2 "The Moral Career of the Mental Patient" in Goffman E. 1961A

Goffman E. 1961A/3 "The Underlife of a Public Institution; a study of ways of making out in a mental hospital" in Goffman E. 1961A

Goffman E. 1961A/4 "The Medical Model and Mental Hospitalisation; some notes on the vicissitudes of the tinkering trades" in Goffman E. 1961A

Goffman E. 1961E Encounters. Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction Bobbs Merrill ["Preface" pp 7-14; "Fun in Games" pp 15-81; "Role Distance" pp 83-152]

"Asiles est un ensemble de quatre essais sociologiques parus en 1961 sous le titre original Asylums: Essays on the Condition of the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. Publié en France par Les éditions de Minuit depuis 1968".

Goffman E. 1963a Stigma. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1968

Goffman E. 1963b Behaviour in Public Places, Notes on the Social Organisation of Gatherings. Glencoe: The Free Press

Goffman E. 1967 Interaction Ritual. Essays on Face-to-Face Behaviour Doubleday [or Pantheon: New York?]

Goffman E. 1969 Strategic Interaction University of Pennsylvania Press.

Goffman E. 1971 Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order Basic Books.

Goffman E. 1974 Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organisation of Experience Harper.

Goffman E. 1979 Gender Advertisements, Harper.

Goffman E. 1981 Forms of Talk University of Pennsylvania Press,

The Goffman Reader, edited and with preface and introduction by Charles Lemert and Ann Branaman, Blackwell (Cambrigde, MA), 1997.

Jennifer Golden

Golden, J. 1995 Hackney at War Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd.

Barry Goldson and John Muncie.

Goldson, B. and Muncie, J. 2006 (Editors) Youth Crime and Justice London : Sage Publications. xiv nd 239 pages

Rob White and Chris Cunneen

White, R. and Cuneen, C. 2006 "Social Class, Youth Crime and Justice" Chapter 2 in Goldson and Muncie 2006

Susan Golombok and Fiona Tasker
City University

Golombok, S. and Tasker, F. 1996 "Do Parents Influence the Sexual Orientation of Their Children? Findings From a Longitudinal Study of Lesbian Families" Developmental Psychology 1996, Vol. 32, No.1, pages 3-11. American Psychological Association. Available at http://www.silveroakcasino.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/3.pdf

Abstract: Findings are presented of a longitudinal study of the sexual orientation of adults who had been raised as children in lesbian families. Twenty-five children of lesbian mothers and a control group of 21 children of heterosexual single mothers were first seen at age 9.5 years on average, and again at age 23.5 years on average. Standardized interviews were used to obtain data on sexual orientation from the young adults in the follow-up study, and on family characteristics and children's gender role behavior from the mothers and their children in the initial study. Although those from lesbian families were more likely to explore same-sex relationships, particularly if their childhood family environment was characterized by an openness and acceptance of lesbian and gay relationships, the large majority of children who grew up in lesbian families identified as heterosexual.

Anthony Harvey Goodman
Tony Goodman
Professor of Criminal and Community Justice Studies at
Middlesex University. Previously worked as a probation officer in a number of settings, including a women's prison and a resettlement unit for the homeless, which supported many high risk offenders. He has conducted research for the probation service as well as in the fields of hate crime, substance misuse and most recently, young people, ethnicity and identity.

Goodman, A,H. 2007 Social Work with Drug and Substance Misusers

Goodman, A,H. 2012 Rehabilitating and Resettling Offenders in the Community Chichester, West Sussex, UK; Malden, Massachusetts, USA. Wiley-Blackwell. x and 235 pages
Introduction: how should we treat offenders and what can we learn from the past? -- The early history of punishing offenders: punishments and help offered to those incarcerated -- The probation service from its inception until 1984: from rescuing the fallen to a centrally managed organization -- The probation service after 1984: from social work to social control and punishment -- Deconstructing national standards for the supervision of offenders in the community -- Views of front-line staff -- After-care and Resettlement in the inner London probation service (1965-1990) -- Through- care and after-care of offenders by the National Offender Management Service -- Issues around rehabilitation.
Summary: Highlights how the work of probation staff has changed over time and the reasons behind these changes. Contemporary issues highlighted including the changes brought in by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition.

Trevor Walworth Goodwin 22.6.1916-7.10.2008

Goodwin, T.W. 1987 History of the Biochemical Society 1911-1986 London: The Biochemical Sociiety 1987. vi and 181 pages. Available at http://www.biochemistry.org/AboutUs/Archive/BiochemicalSocietyHistory.aspx

Michael Gordon 1940-

Gordon, M. 1972 (Editor) The Nuclear Family in Crisis: The search for an alternative New York; London: Harper and Row, 9 and 224 pages
Plato on women and the family
Family surrogates in colonial America: the Moravian experiment, by G. L. Gollin
Experimental family organization: an historico-cultural report on the Oneida community, by W. M. Kephart
Is the family universal? The Israeli case, by M. E. Spiro
Children of the kibbutz, by L. and K. Rabkin
Aging in Israel, a planned society, by Y. Talmon
The changing Soviet family, by U. Bronfenbrenner
Li Kuei-ying, woman pioneer, aged 32, by J. Myrdal
The position of Finnish women: regional and cross-national comparisons, by E. Haavio-Mannila.
Communes, by R. M. Kanter
The new arrangement, by G. Fonzi
Natural child birth and cooperative child rearing in psychedelic communes, by D. E. Smith and J. L. Sternfield
The group marriage, by L. L. and J. M. Constantine

Charles Buckman Goring 1870-1919

Goring, C.B. 1913 The English Convict. A statistical study London: H.M.S.O. 440 pages. Available http://archive.org/details/englishconvictst00goriuoft

Olympe de Gouges

weblinks   Olivier Blanc

weblinks for Olympe de Gouges Ecrits politiques [Political Writings] edited by Olivier Blanc

Gouges, O. 1791 Les Droits de la Femme [The Rights of Woman]
see weblinks for online texts     Extracts
English translation in Levy, D. 1979 pp 87-96. Includes Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

Gouges, O. 1792 L'Esclavage des Noirs [The Slavery of Black People] Indigo & Cote-Femmes. Collection Des Femmes Dans L'histoire. ISBN 2907883100.

Walter R. [Roberts] Gove 8.6.1938? -
Vanderbilt University
BA New York State University, Syracuse 1960. M.A. 1967 and Ph.D. 1968 University of Washington. Joined the faculty of Vanderbilt in 1968.

Gove, W.R. 2004 "The Career of the Mentally Ill: An Integration of Psychiatric, Labeling/Social Construction, and Lay Perspectives" Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2004, Vol 45 (December): pp 357-375

United Kingdom public sector information website. Officially replaced Directgov and the online services of Business Link on 17.10.2012. Due to replace the individual websites of hundreds of government departments and public bodies by 2014.


Allan Graham

Graham, A. 1999 (Editor) The Sociology of the Family: A Reader Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, xi and 376 pages.
Part I: Changing Families: Introduction:
1. Social Reconstruction and the Emergence of Companionate Marriage, 1945 - 1959 by Janet Finch and Penny Summerfield.
2. Liberalizing Heterosexuality? by Gail Hawkes
3. The One and the Many: Modernity and Post-Modernity by David Cheal.
Part 2: Marriage, Intimacy and Power: Introduction:
4. Love and Intimacy: The Gender Division of Emotion and 'Emotion Work': a Neglected Aspect of Sociological Discussion of Heterosexual Relationships by Jean Duncombe and Dennis Marsden.
5. Partners by Choice: Equality, Power and Commitment in Non- Heterosexual Relationships by Jeffrey Weeks, Brian Heaphy and Catherine Donovan.
6. Money, Power and Equality in Marriage by Carolyn Vogler and Jan Pahl.
7. Uncovering Gender Differences in the Use of Marital Violence: The Effect of Methodology by James Nazroo.
Part 3: Domestic Organisation:
8. Cohabitation or Marriage? - Cohabitation: by Susan McRae.
9. Women's Work by Nickie Charles and Marion Kerr.
10. The Household and the Labour Market by Lydia Morris.
Part 4: Divorce and Lone-Parenthood:
11. Diversity and Ambiguity Among Lone-Parent Households in Modern Britain by Graham Crow and Mike Hardey.
12. State, Family and Personal Responsibility: The Changing Balance for Lone Mothers in the United Kingdom by Jane Millar.
13. The Interests of Children at Divorce by Martin Richards.
Part 5: Family, Kinship and Care. Introduction:
14. The Informal Sector of Welfare: A Crisis in Caring by Hilary Graham.
15. Obligations of Kinship in Contemporary Britain: Is There Normative Agreement? by Janet Finch and Jennifer Mason.
16. Gender Differences in Informal Caring by Sara Arber and Jay Ginn.
17. Living with Disability: The Experiences of Parents and Children by Sally Baldwin and Jane Carlisle.

See Subject Index Family and Care

John William Graham 1859-1932
Tutor in Mathematics, 1886-1897, and Principal, 1897-1924, of Dalton Hall, the Quaker hall of residence at Owens College and later the University of Manchester.

Graham, J.W. 1912 Evolution and Empire London. Headley Brothers, Bishopsgate. Available in the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/evolutionempire00grah

Graham, J.W. 1922 Conscription and Conscience: A history, 1916- 1919 London: Allen and Unwin 1922. 388 pages Available in the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/conscriptioncons00grahrich

Antonio Gramsci 22.1.1891 - 27.4.1937

Notebooks written in prison between between 1929 and 1935

Notebook 1: First Notebook 158 Notes
Notebook 2: Miscellaneous 1 150 Notes
Notebook 3: (Miscellaneous) 166 Notes
Notebook 7 (Notes on Philosophy. 2. and Miscellaneous) 108 Notes
Notebook 4 (Notes on Philosophy. 1. Materialism and Idealism) 95 Notes
Notebook 5 (Miscellaneous) 161 Notes
Notebook 6 (Miscellaneous) 211 Notes
Notebook 8 (Notes on Philosophy. 3. and Miscellaneous) 245 Notes
Notebook 9 (Notes on the Italian Risorgimento and Miscellaneous) 142 Notes
Notebook 12 Notes on the History of Intellectuals 3 Notes
Notebook 10 The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce 61 Notes
Notebook 11 (Introduction to the Study of Philosophy) 70 Notes
Notebook 13 The Politics of Machiavelli 40 Notes
Notebook 14 (Miscellaneous) 80 Notes
Notebook 15 (Miscellaneous) 76 Notes
Notebook 16 Cultural Topics. I. 30 Notes
Notebook 17 Miscellaneous 53 Notes
Notebook 21 Problems of Italian National Cutlure. I. Popular Literature 15 Notes
Notebook 22 Americanism and Fordism 16 Notes
Notebook 23 Literary Criticism 59 Notes
Notebook 24 Journalism 9 Notes
Notebook 25 On the Margins of History. History of Subaltern Groups 8 Notes
Notebook 18 NiccolCatholic Action - Catholic integralists - Jesuits - Modernists 4 Notes
Notebook 26 Cultural Topics. 2. 11 Notes
Notebook 27 Observations on 'Folklore.' 2 Notes
Notebook 28 Lorianism 18 Notes
Notebook 29 Notes for an Introduction to the Study of Grammar. 9 Notes

Gramsci, A. 1957 The Modern Prince: And other writings by Antonio Gramsci. London : Lawrence and Wishart, 1957. 192 pages. "Translated into English by Dr. Louis Marks, who has also contributed the biographical introductions."

Gramsci, A. 1957 The Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci translated and annotated by Carl Marzani. New York : Cameron Associates, 1957. 64 pages.

Gramsci, A. 1971 Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci edited and translated from the Italian by Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith. London: Lawrence and Wishart. xcvi and 483 pages. Based on the 6 volumes of Gramsci's Quaderni del carcere. Turin: Einaudi, 1948-1951
Summary: The first selection published from the Antonio Gramsci's "Prison Nobebooks" to be made available in Britain. It contains most of the key writings by Gramsci, including the text of "The Modern Prince".

Ivor Grattan-Guinness 23.6.1941 -

Grattan-Guinness, I. 1980 (Editor) History and Philosophy of Logic. Abacus Press.

Grattan-Guinness, I. 1994 A Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences. Two volumes. Routledge,

Grattan-Guinness, I. 1997 The Fontana History of the Mathematical Sciences. Fontana

David E. Gray 1952-
Professor of Management Learning in the School of Management at the University of Surrey.
Professor of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour at University of Grenwich Business School.

Gray, D.E. 2004 (Second edition 2009) Doing Research in the Real World London: Sage Publications Ltd.
PART ONE: PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects Research Ethics Searching, Reviewing and Using the Literature
PART TWO: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design: Quantitative Methods Research Design: Qualitative Methods Research Design: Mixed Methods Designing Descriptive and Analytical Surveys Designing Case Studies Designing Evaluations Action Research and Change
PART THREE: DATA COLLECTION METHODS Collecting Primary Data: Questionnaires Collecting Primary Data: Interviewing Collecting Primary Data: Observation Collecting Primary Data: Unobtrusive Measures
PART FOUR: ANALYSIS AND REPORT WRITING Analyzing and Presenting Quantitative Data Analyzing and Presenting Qualitative Data Writing up the Research Preparing for Presentations and Vivas

Almost exclusively concerned with primary (not secondary) research.

Murray Gray
Department of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London.

Gray, M. 2004 Geodiversity: Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature. Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) 1985-

GMCDP 2010 A Brief History of Disabled People's Self- Organisation Manchester: Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. Available from http://www.gmcdp.com/our-history

Rebecca Green
Graduate of Loughborough University, Criminology and Social Policy BSc.

Green, R. (2010) "The treatment of mentally disordered offenders within the criminal justice system," Internet Journal of Criminology Available at "http://www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/Green_Treatment_of_Mentally_Di sordered_Offenders_Within_the_Criminal_Justice_System_October_2010.pdf"

See Subject Index Mental health and prison

Green, R. L. (Editor), 1954, Lewis Carroll's Diaries. [MISTAKE]

Denise Greene

Greene, D, 13.6.2006 "Reason and unreason in the work of Michel Foucault, Samuel Tuke and William and Mrs Ellis"

Greene, D, 2006 "Looking at the way the historical construction of the normal person was used to evaluate mental hospitals" Unpublished dissertation. Middlesex University.

Greene, D, 2006 A Critical summary of The City by Robert Park and others

Gabriele Griffin

Griffin, G. 1995 (Editor) Feminist Activism in the 1990s London: Routledge.
Part One - Fighting for Women's Health
Chapter 1 - Doing It Ourselves: Promoting Women's Health as Feminist Action by Nicki Hastie, Sarah Porch and Lou Brown. Pages 13 - 27
Chapter 2 - Madness and Feminism: Bristol Crisis Service for Women by Tamsin Wilton. Pages 28 - 40 --- [See
Chapter 3 - The National Abortion Campaign-Changing the Law and Fighting for a Real Choice by Anja Hohmeyer. Pages 41 - 48
Part Two - Women's Rights
Chapter 4 - Rights of Women-Twenty Years of Feminist Activism by Jill Radford. Pages 51 - 64
Chapter 5 - Trials and Tribulations- Justice for Women: A Campaign for the 1990s by Julie Bindel, Kate Cook and Liz Kelly. Pages 65 - 76
Part Three - Black and Asian Women's Activism
Chapter 6 - The Struggles Continue-An Interview with Hannana Siddiqui of Southall Black Sisters by Gabriele Griffin. Pages 79 - 89
Chapter 7 - Harnessing Shakti: The Work of the Bengali Women's Support Group by Debjani Chatterjee. Pages 90 - 100
Chapter 8 - Asian Women's Activism in Northamptonshire by Anjona Roy. Pages 101 - 110
Chapter 9 - Conceptions of Power of/between Black and White Women Debbie Weekes and Terri MacDermott Pages 113 - 126
Part Four - Young Women
Chapter 10 - Invisible Women: Young Women and Feminism by Debi Morgan. Pages 127 - 136
Part Five - Lesbians Organizing Together
Chapter 11 - Lesbians Organizing Together (LOT) in Dublin by Maria Power. Pages 139 - 157
Chapter 12 - Unity Without Uniformity: Lesbians in Ireland in the 1990s by Rosemary Gibney, Patricia Carey, Izzy Kamikaze and Kate Frances Pages 158 - 168
Part Four - Women Working for Change
Chapter 13 - Making the Invisible Visible: The Rise of a Professional Women's Network in the 1990s by Frances Moss. Pages 171 - 181
Chapter 14 - Women's Studies as Feminist Activism by Alex Warwick and Rosemary Auchmuty. Pages 182 - 191
Chapter 15 - Haystacks in my Mind or How to Stay SAFE (Sane, Angry and Feminist) in the 1990s by Ailbhe Smyth. Pages 192 - 206

Elizabeth Grosz (1952 - ) See weblinks - Price and Shildrick

See Dictionary: body - body image

Grosz E. 1992 "Psychoanalysis and the Body " from E. Wright, editor Feminism and Psychoanalysis A Critical Dictionary Chapter 4.6 in Price J and Shildrick, M. 1999

Grosz, E. 1994 Volatile Bodies: Towards a Corporeal Feminism USA. Indiana University Press

Part 1 - Introduction
1. Refiguring Bodies p.3
Part 2 - The Inside Out
2. Psychoanalysis and Psychical Topographies p.27 [See Freud 1938]
3. Body Images : Neurophysiology and Corporeal Mappings p.62
4. Lived Bodies : Phenomenology and the Flesh p.86
Part 3 - The Outside In
5. Nietzsche and the Choreography of Knowledge p.115
6. The Body as Inscriptive Surface p.138
7. Intensities and Flows p.160
Part 4 - Sexual Difference
8. Sexed Bodies p.187
Notes p.211
Bibliography p.229
Index p.246

Hugo Grotius 1583-1645 weblinks

Grotius, H. 1625 De jure belli ac pacis (On the Law of War and Peace) - Paris, 1625 (Second edition. Amsterdam 1631)
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/8098/ - archive
An English translation provided on the web by Wei Wilson Chen
Link to editions at Liberty Fund

Raiford Guins and Omayra Zaragoza Cruz

Guins, R. and Cruz, O.Z. 2005 (Editors Popular Culture: A reader London : SAGE Publications, x and 549 pages
Entangling the Popular: An Introduction to Popular Culture by Omayra Cruz and Raiford Guins
Part One: Delineating: Culture-Mass-Popular
`Culture' and 'Masses' - Raymond Williams
Mass Civilisation and Minority Culture - F R Leavis
A Theory of Mass Culture - Dwight Macdonald
Femininity as Mas[s]querade - Tania Modleski
A Feminist Approach to Mass Culture. The Popular - Morag Shiach
Notes on Deconstructing `The Popular' - Stuart Hall
`Pueblo Pueblo' - Juan Flores
Part Two: Commodifying: The Commodity, Culture and Social Life
The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof - Karl Marx
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - Walter Benjamin
Culture Industry Reconsidered - Theodor W Adorno
The Commodity as Spectacle - Guy Debord
Reification And Utopia in Mass Culture - Fredric Jameson
Introduction to The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Late Capital - Lisa Lowe and David Lloyd
Part Three: Marketing: Socio-Economic Considerations of Popular Culture
Tommy Hilfiger in the Age of Mass Customization - Paul Smith
America's Paradox - Ellis Cashmore
Traveling Barbie - Inderpal Grewal
Indian Transnationality and New Consumer Culture Corporate Disney in Action - Janet Wasko
How Tiger Lost His Stripes - Henry Yu
Post-Nationalist American Studies as a History of Race, Migration, and the Commodification of Culture
Part Four: Practicing: Popular Tastes and Ways of Consuming
Popular Discrimination - John Fiske
(Male) Desire and (Female) Disgust - Laura Kipnis
Reading Hustler
Symbolic Creativity - Paul Willis
Star Trek - Henry Jenkins
Rerun, Reread, Rewritten
Fan Writing as Textual Poaching
Sleaze Mania, Euro-Trash, and High Art - Joan Hawkins
The Place of European Art Films in American Low Culture
Part Five: Voicing: Identities and Articulation
What is this 'Black' in Black Popular Culture? - Stuart Hall
Bombay, U.K., Yuba City - Gayatri Gopinath
Bhangra Music and the Engendering of Diaspora
The Face of America and the State of Emergency - Lauren Berlant
Pedro Zamora's Real World of Counterpublicity - Jose Esteban Munoz
Performing an Ethics of the Self
Looking for My Penis - Richard Fung
The Eroticized Asian in Gay Video Porn
Part Six: Styling: Subculture and Popular Performance
Subculture - Dick Hebdige
Second-Hand Dresses and the Role of the Ragmarket - Angela McRobbie
The Media Development of `Subcultures' - Sarah Thornton (Or the Sensational Story of 'Acid House')
A Style Nobody Can Deal With - Tricia Rose
Politics, Style and the Postindustrial City in Hip Hop
If I Had a Dick. Queers, Punks, and Alternative Acts - Cynthia Fuchs
Drag Kings - Judith Halberstam
Masculinity and Performance
Part seven: Locating: Space, Place, and Power
Walking in the City - Michel de Certeau
Seance, Tricknowlogy, Skateboarding, and the Space of Youth - Michael Nevin Willard
Straight Out the Barrio - Victor Hugo Viesca
Ozomatli and the Importance of Place in the Formation of Chicano//a Popular Culture in Los Angeles
Wearing Your Art on Your Sleeve - Paul Gilroy
Notes Towards a Diaspora History of Black Ephemera
Diasporic Noise - George Lipsitz
History, Hip Hop, and the Post-Clonial Politics of Sound Head-Hunting on the Internet - Lisa Nakamura
Identity Tourism, Avatars, and Racial Passing in Textual and Graphic Chat Spaces

Ilan Gur-Ze'ev University of Haifa, Israel.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. 1996 (In Hebrew) The Frankfurt School and the History of Pessimism Jerusalem .

Gur-Ze'ev, I. 8.8.1999 (In English) "Max Horkheimer and Philosophy of Education" Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education 8.8.1999 available at http://www.ffst.hr/ENCYCLOPAEDIA/doku.php?id=horkheimer_and_philosophy_of_e ducation

Jürgen Habermas (1929- See James Farganis 1975 - David Held 1980 - Thompson and Held 1982 - Ian Craib 1984 - William Outhwaite 1994 - Rob Stones 1998 - Alan Swingewood 2000 - Daniel Rigney 2001 - Andrew Edgar 2005 - Ruggiero and Montagna 2008 - Anthony Elliott 2009 - 2010 Lasse Thomassen - weblinks

1962 - 1973 - 1981 - 1982 - 1992 - 1995 -

Jürgen Habermas, Ludwig von Friedeburg, Christoph Oehler, and Friedrich Weltz

Habermas, J., Friedeburg, L., Oehler, C. and Weltz, F. 1961 Student und Politik. Eine soziologische Untersuchung zum politischen Bewußtsein Frankfurter Studenten.. [Students and politics. A sociological study of the political consciousness of Frankfurt students.] Berlin: Neuwied.

Habermas, J. 1962/1989. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit. Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft (The structural transformtion of the public sphere: An inquiry into a category of bourgeois society - English translation 1989 by Thomas Burger with the assistance of Frederick Lawrence)
Described as his "most concrete" historical-sociological book. It looks at the origins, nature, and evolution of public opinion in democratic societies.
Chapter 1 Introduction - preliminary demarcation of a type of Bourgeois Public Sphere: the initial question; remarks on the type representative publicness; on the genesis of the Bourgois Public Sphere.
Chapter 2 Social structures of the Public Sphere: the basic blueprint; institutions of the public sphere; the Bourgois family and the institutionalization of a privateness oriented to an audience; the public sphere in the world of letters in relation to the public sphere in the political realm.
Chapter 3 Political functions of the public sphere: the model case of British development; the continental variants; civil society as the sphere of private autonomy: private law and a liberalized market; the contradictory institutionalization of the public sphere in the Bourgeois constitutional state.
Chapter 4 The bourgeois public sphere - idea and ideology: publicity as the bridging principle between politics and morality, Kant; on the dialectic of the public sphere, Hegel and Marx; the ambivalent view of the public sphere in the theory of liberalism, John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville.
Chapter 5 The social-structural transformation of the public sphere: the tendency toward a mutual infiltration of public and private spheres; the polarization of the social sphere and the intimate sphere; from a culture- debating (kulturrasonierend) public to a culture-consuming public; the blurred blueprint - developmental pathways in the disintegration of the bourgeois public sphere.
Chapter 6 the transformation of the public sphere's political function: from the journalism of private men of letters to the public consumer services of the mass media - the public sphere as a platform for advertising; the transmitted function of the principle of publicity; manufactured publicity and nonpublic opinions - the voting behaviour of the population; the political public sphere and the transformation of the liberal constitutional state into a social-welfare state.
Chapter 7 On the concept of public opinion: public opinion as a fiction of constitutional law - and the social-psychological liquidation of the concept; a sociological attempt at clarification.

Habermas, J. 1973/1976. Legitimationsprobleme im Spätkapitalismus Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1973 (Translated as Legitimation Crisis by Thomas McCarthy in 1976.

Habermas, J. 1981. Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns Book 1: Handlungsrationalität und gesellschaftliche Rationalisierung - Book 2: Zur Kritik der funktionalistischen Vernunft, Frankfurt am Main 1981. Translated into English by Thomas McCarthy as The Theory of Communicative Action
Book 1: Reason and the rationalisation of society (1984)
1 Introduction: Approaches to the Problem of Rationality
2 Max Weber's Theory of Rationalization
3 Intermediate Reflections: Social Action, Purposive Activity, and Communication
4 From Lukacs to Adorno: Rationalization as Reification

Book 2: Lifeworld and system: a critique of functionalist reason (1987)
5 The Paradigm Shift in Mead and Durkheim: From Purposive Activity to Communicative Action
5.1 The Foundations of Social Science in the Theory of Communication
5.2 The Authority of the Sacred and the Normative Background of Communicative Action
5.3 The Rational Structure of the Linguistification of the Sacred
6 Intermediate Reflections: System and Lifeworld
6.1 The Concept of the Lifeworld and the Hermeneutic Idealism of Interpretive Sociology
6.2 The Uncoupling of System and Lifeworld
7 Talcott Parsons: Problems in Constructing a Theory of Society
7.1 From a Normativistic Theory of Action to a Systems Theory of Society
7.2 The Development of Systems Theory
7.3 The Theory of Modernity
8 Concluding Reflections: From Parsons via Weber to Marx
8.1 A Backward Glance: Weber's Theory of Modernity
8.2 Marx and the Thesis of Internal Colonization
8.3 The Tasks of a Critical Theory of Society
8.3.A The Range of Themes in Early Critical Theory
8.3.B Points of Connection for the Theory of Communicative Action
8.3.B.a The Forms of Integration in Postliberal Societies
8.3.B.b Family Socialisation and Ego Development
8.3.B.c Mass Media and Mass Culture
8.3.B.d New Potentials for Protest
8.3.C The Theory of rationality and Historic Context: Warding of Foundationist Claims

Habermas, J. 1981/tasks. "The Tasks of a Critical Theory of Society" - last chapter in Habermas, J. 1981. "This chapter addresses the question as to how the issues raised by critical theory in the 1930s can be made relevant today under different circumstances" (Footnote to Habermas, J. 1981/movements

Habermas, J. 1981/autumn "New social movements" Telos 49, Autumn, pages 33-37. "The following is taken from "The Tasks for a Critical Theory of Society", the last chapter of my new book.
Abstract: "In the last ten to twenty years, conflicts have developed in advanced Western societies that, in many respects, deviate from the welfare-state pattern of institutionalised conflict over distribution. These new conflicts no longer arise in areas of material reproduction; they are no longer channelled through parties and organisations; and they can no longer be alleviated by compensations that conform to the system. Rather, the new conflicts arise in areas of cultural reproduction, social integration, and socialisation. They are manifested in sub-institutional, extraparliamentary forms of protest. The underlying deficits reflect a reification of communicative spheres of action; the media of money and power are not sufficient to circumvent this reification." [See Movement]

Habermas, J. 1982 "A reply to my critics" In Thompson, J.B. and Held, D. 1982 pages 219- 283.

Habermas, J. 1992/1996 Faktizität und Geltung: Beiträge zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und des demokratischen Rechtsstaats, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1992, translated as "Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy" by William Rehg. Cambridge Polity 1996.

Habermas, J. 1995 "Reconciliation Through the Public Use of Reason: Remarks on John Rawls's Political Liberalism", Journal of Philosophy, 92(3):117-18.


Hackney Today

online archive

373 22.2.2016 p.25 The peaceful protesters
374 7.3.2016 p.27 Migrants in a time of war. (local time)
375 21.3.2016 p.25 Shunned for objecting to war.

Ann Hagell
with Catherine Shaw

Hagell, A. and Shaw, C. 1996 Opportunity and Disadvantage at Age 16. London: Policy Studies Institute.

Diana Haidar

Haidar, D. 2011 Assyrian Iron Working Technology and Civilization University of Wisconsin - Madison History Senior Theses available at http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1793/53126

See Enki - copper - bronze - Shalmaneser 3

Valerie A. Haines

Haines, V.A. 1997 Spencer and his Critics in Camic, C. 1997 pp 81-111

Catherine Hakim 30.5.1948-

Hakim, C. 1979 Occupational Segregation: A comparative study of the degree and pattern of differentiation between men and women's work in Britain, the United States and other countries Research paper (Great Britain. Department of Employment); no.9. London : Department of Employment, 1979.

Hakim, C. 2010 "Erotic Capital" European Sociological Review Available online (19.3.2010) at http://esr.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/jcq014v1

Maurice Halbwachs 11.3.1877 - 16.3.1945

Halbwacks, M. 1925 Les Cadres sociaux de la mémoire, Alcan, 1925. Became La Mémoire collective, 1950

English chapters offline: 1 - 2 -

Halbwacks, M. 1930 Les Causes de Suicide, Alcan, Paris.

See Subject Index Suicide

Chris Hale, Keith Hayward, Azrini Wahidin, Emma Wincup

Hale, C., Hayward, K., Wahidin, A., Wincup, E. 2005 (Editors) Criminology Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. What is crime? Contrasting definitions and perspectives; by
Wayne Morrison

2. History of crime; by Heather Shore
3. What do crime statistics tell us?; by Tim Hope
4. Theoretical criminology: a starting point; by Keith Hayward and Wayne Morrison
5. Researching crime and criminal justice; by Emm Wincup
6. Psychology and crime; by Keith Hayward
7. Crime and culture; by Jeff Ferrell
8. Crime and media: understanding the connections; by Chris Greer
9. 'Volume crime' and everyday life; by Mike Presdee
10. Drugs, alcohol and crime; by Emma Wincup and Peter Traynor
11. Violent crime; by Larry Ray
12. Sex crime; by Terry Thomas
13. Corporate crime; by Steve Tombs
14. Understanding organised crime; by Paddy Rawlinson
15. Terrorism and the politics of fear; by Frank Furedi
16. Economic marginalisation, social exclusion and crime; by Chris Hale
17. Gender and Crime; by Catrin Smith and Emma Wincup
18. 'Race', ethnicity and crime; by Marian FitzGerald
19. Young people and crime; by Derek Kirton
20. Older offenders, crime, and the criminal justice system; by Azrini Wahadin
21. The politics of law and order; by Chris Hale and Marian Fitzgerald
22. The criminal justice system; by Steve Uglow
23. Surveillance; by Richard Jones
24. Victims; by Brian Williams
25. Policing; by Trevor Jones
26. Community Sentences and Offender Management; by Anne Worrell
27. Prisons by Roger Matthews

Elie Halévy 1870-1937 Professor of Political Science, Paris, from 1898.

Halevy, E. 1949 revised, A History of the English People in the Nineteenth Century. 6 Volumes. 1961 Benn Paperback.

Volume 1 England in 1815 (Halevy, E. 1913)

Volume 2 The Liberal Awakening (1815-1830)

Volume 3 The Triumph of Reform (1830-1841) (Halevy, E. 1927)

Volume 4 Victorian Years (1841-1895)

Volume 5 Imperialism and the Rise of Labour (1895-1905) (Appears to have been called Epilogue Volume 1 originally)

Volume 6 The Rule of Democracy (1905-1914) (Halevy, E. 1934)

Aaron Halfaker - R. Stuart Geiger - Jonathan T. Morgan and John Riedl

Halfaker, A., Geiger, R.S., Morgan, J.T. and Riedl, J. 28.12.2012 "The Rise and Decline of an Open Collaboration System: How Wikipedia's Reaction to Popularity Is Causing Its Decline" American Behavioral Scientist Available at http://abs.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/12/26/0002764212469365

Open collaboration systems, such as Wikipedia, need to maintain a pool of volunteer contributors to remain relevant. Wikipedia was created through a tremendous number of contributions by millions of contributors. However, recent research has shown that the number of active contributors in Wikipedia has been declining steadily for years and suggests that a sharp decline in the retention of newcomers is the cause. This article presents data that show how several changes the Wikipedia community made to manage quality and consistency in the face of a massive growth in participation have ironically crippled the very growth they were designed to manage. Specifically, the restrictiveness of the encyclopedia's primary quality control mechanism and the algorithmic tools used to reject contributions are implicated as key causes of decreased newcomer retention. Furthermore, the community's formal mechanisms for norm articulation are shown to have calcified against changes-especially changes proposed by newer editors.

Catherine Hall 1946-

Hall, C. 1992 White, Male, and Middle-class: Explorations in feminism and history Cambridge: Polity. New York: Routledge, viii and 307 pages
"explores the roots of middle class English identities by examining the concepts of power, gender, class, and race as well as Englands's imperialistic past. It traces the evolution of femist history, exploring its objects of study, theoretical debates, definitions of politics, and ultimately speculating on its future."

David .J. Hall 1947-

Hall, D. J. 1972 An historical study of the discipline of the Society of Friends, 1738 - 1861 Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/10138/

Kirsty Hall

Hall, K. 2007 The Stuff of Dreams: Fantasy, anxiety, and psychoanalysis London: Karnac. ix and 179 pages

Sean Hall

Hall, S. 2007 This means this, this means that: A user's guide to semiotics London: Laurence King Publishing. 176 pages
Introduction; Signs and Signing; Ways of Meaning; Conceptual Structures; Visual Structures; Textual Structures; Matters of Interpretation; Framing Meaning; Stories and Storytelling; Conclusion; Bibliography.

Stuart Hall 1932- weblinks

Souces about:
Norma Schulman
1993 John Storey on popular culture
1998 Stones. This has an article by Michele Barrett on Stuart Hall that focuses on his use of structuralist ideas about meaning. It will help you if you have read Darren O'Byrne's chapter on structuralism (but that is not essential).
2003 Elliott and Ray
2004 Helen Davis
2004 James Procter
2010 Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology has an article on Stuart Hall by Colin Webster

Bibliography substitute at The University of the West Indies

1964 Popular Arts - 1970 New Society - 1971 Deviancy - media - 1972 Picture Post - 1973 Encoding and decoding - 1974 Encoding and decoding TV - 1976 Youth culture - 1978 Racism and reaction - 1979 Moving right show - 1980 Culture, media, language - 1986 Journal of Communication Inquiry - 1988 New ethnicities - 1992 Modernity - 1996 global, local - 1997 Representation - 2007 interview - 2010 First New Left - 2011 Laurie Taylor interview

Hall, S. and Whannel, P. 1964 The Popular Arts by Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel. London: Hutchinson; and Boston: Beacon Press.

Hall, S. 18.6.1970 "A world at one with itself", New Society 18.1.1970 pp 1056-8. Reprinted in Cohen and Young 1973 pp 85-94

Hall, S. 1971e "Deviancy, Politics and the Media", in Deviancy and Social Control, M. McIntosh and P. Rock (editors), London, Tavistock.

Hall, S. 1971f "People and culture: a critique", Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1, Birmingham: CCCS.

Hall, S. 1972a "The Social Eye of Picture Post", Working Papers in Cultural Studies, number 2.

Hall, S. 1972b "The Determination of News Photographs", Working Papers in Cultural Studies, number 3. Reprinted in Cohen and Young 1973 pp 176-190

Hall, S. 1973 "Encoding and Decoding in the Media Discourse", stencilled paper no.7, Birmingham, CCCS, 1973.

Hall, S. 1974 "Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse", Culture and Education, no.25, Council of Europe, Strassburg, 1974.

Hall, S. 1974 "Encoding and Decoding", Broadcasters and the Audience Venice, 1974.

Stuart Hall and Tony Jefferson

Hall, S. and Jefferson, T. 1976 (Editors) Resistance through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-War Britain London: Hutchinson, 287 pages.

Hall, S. 1978 "Racism and Reaction" Five Views of Multi-Racial Britain (Full text of five talks, extracts from which were first broadcast by BBC TV in July 1978) London, British Broadcasting Corporation and Commission for Racial Equality, 1978 77 pages. Stuart Hall's talk pages 18-19.

Stuart Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke and Brian Roberts,
"All the authors have either taught or researched at the
Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the university of Birmingham.

Hall S., Critcher C., Jefferson T., Clarke J. and Roberts B, 1978 Policing the Crisis: "Mugging" the State and Law and Order, London: Macmillan, 1978.

Part One
1. The Social History of a 'Moral Panic'
2. The Origins of Social Control
3. The Social Production of News
Part Two
4. Balancing Accounts: Cashing in on Handsworth
5. Orchastrating Public Opinion
6. Explanations and Ideologies of Crime
Part Three
7. Crime, Law and the State
8. The Law and Order Society: the Exhaustion of 'Consent'
9. The Law and Order Society: Towards the 'Exceptional State'
Part Four
10. The Politics of 'Mugging'

Hall, S. 1.1979 "The Great Moving Right Show" Marxism Today January 1979

Hall, S. 1980 (Editor) Culture, Media, Language: working papers in cultural studies, 1972-1979 London: Unwin Hyman, 1980. Republished 1992 by Routledge in association with the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham. Includes chapter 10, by Stuart Hall, on "Encoding/Decoding"

June 1986 Issue of Journal of Communication Inquiry devoted to Stuart Hall.

Hall, S. 6.1986a " Gramsci's Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity", Journal of Communication Inquiry, vol. 10, no.2, June 1986. pp 5-27 [Paper originally delivered to the Colloquium on "Theoretical Perspectives in the Analysis of Racism and Ethnicity" organized in 1985 by the Division of Human Rights and Peace, U.N.E.S.C.O, Paris. The original title was "Gramsci's Relevance to the Analysis of Racism and Ethnicity"]

Hall, S. 6.1986b "The Problem of Ideology - Marxism without Guarantees" Journal of Communication Inquiry vol. 10, no.2, June 1986. pp 28-44.

Hall, S. and Grossberg, L. 6.1986b "On Postmodernism and Articulation: An Interview with Stuart Hall" [Conducted by Lawrence Grossberg] Journal of Communication Inquiry vol. 10, no.2, June 1986. pp 45-60.

Lawrence Grossberg "History, Politics and Postmodernism: Stuart Hall and Cultural Studies" Journal of Communication Inquiry vol. 10, no.2, June 1986. pp 61-77, offline

Hall, S. 1988 'New Ethnicities' in Black Film, British Cinema, British Film Institute/Institute for Contemporary Arts, Document 7. [Based on ICA Conference, February 1988]

Stuart Hall, David Held and Tony McGrew

Hall, S., Held, D. and McGrew, T. 1992 (Editors) Modernity and its Future. Cambridge : Polity Press in association with the Open University

Hall, S., 1996. "The global, the local, and the return of ethnicity in modernity. In S. Hall, D. Held, D. Hubert, and K. Thompson, editors Modernity: an introduction to modern societies. Cambridge: Blackwell, pages 634 to 628.

Hall, S. etc 1996 Stuart Hall: "Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies", A collection of writings by and about Stuart Hall, edited by D Morley and K-H Chen. Routledge.
Essays by Stuart Hall include
"What Is this Black in Black Popular Culture"
"Metaphors of Transformation"
"New Ethnicities" Chapter 21, pp. 441-49.

Full contents:
Introduction by David Morley and Kuan-Hsing Chen
Part One (Un)Settling accounts: marxism and cultural studies
1 The problem of ideology: marxism without guarantees by Stuart Hall
2 Stuart Hall and the marxist concept of ideology by Jorge Larrain
3 Stuart Hall, cultural studies and marxism by Colin Sparks
4 British cultural studies and the return of the 'critical' in American mass communications research: accommodation or radical change? by Hanno Hardt
5 The theory and method of articulation in cultural studies by Jennifer Daryl Slack
Part Two Postmodernism and cultural studies: first encounters
6 On postmodernism and articulation: an interview with Stuart Hall edited by Lawrence Grossberg
7 History, politics and postmodernism: Stuart Hall and cultural studies by Lawrence Grossberg
8 Postmodernism and 'the other side' by Dick Hebdige
9 Waiting on the end of the world? by Iain Chambers
10 Opening the Hallway: some remarks on the fertility of Stuart Hall's contribution to critical theory by John Fiske
Part Three New Times, transformations and transgressions
11 The meaning of New Times by Stuart Hall
12 Looking back at New Times and its critics by Angela McRobbie
13 Cultural studies and its theoretical legacies by Stuart Hall
14 A thief in the night: stories of feminism in the 1970s at CCCS by Charlotte Brunsdon
15 For Allon White: metaphors of transformation by Stuart Hall
Part Four Critical postmodernism, cultural imperialism and postcolonial theory
16 Post-marxism: between/beyond critical postmodernism and cultural studies by Kuan-Hsing Chen
17 EurAm, modernity, reason and alterity: or, postmodernism, the highest stage of cultural imperialism? by David Morley
18 On the impossibility of a global cultural studies: 'British' cultural studies in an 'international' frame by Jon Stratton and Ien Ang
19 Cultural studies and the politics of internationalization: an interview with Stuart Hall by Kuan-Hsing Chen
Part Four Diasporic questions: 'race', ethnicity and identity
20 Gramsci's relevance for the study of race and ethnicity by Stuart Hall
21 New ethnicities by Stuart Hall
22 De Margin and De Centre by Isaac Julien and Kobena Mercer
23 What is this 'black' in black popular culture? by Stuart Hall
24 Dialogues with Stuart Hall by Isaac Julien and Mark Nash
25 The formation of a diasporic intellectual: an interview with Stuart Hall by Kuan-Hsing Chen
A working bibliography: the writings of Stuart Hall

Stuart Hall and Paul Du Gay

Hall, S. and Du Gay, P. 1996 (Editors) Questions of cultural identity London: Sage,

Hall, S. 1997 (Editor) Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, London; Sage in association with the Open University
The work of representation by Stuart Hall
"Representing the social : France and Frenchness in post-war humanist photography" by
Peter Hamilton
The poetics and the politics of exhibiting other cultures by Henrietta Lidchi
The spectacle of the "other" by Stuart Hall
Exhibiting masculinity by Sean Nixon
Genre and gender : the case of soap opera by Christine Gledhill.

Hall, S. and Phillips, C. 1997 "Stuart Hall" [interviwed by] by Caryl Phillips. BOMB 58 Winter 1997. Available at http://bombsite.com/issues/58/articles/2030

Hall, S. and Adams, T. 23.9.2007 "Cultural hallmark". [Stuart Hall interviewed] by Tim Adams. The Observer, Sunday 23.9.2007. Available at http://www.theguardian.com/society/2007/sep/23/communities.politicsphilosop hyandsociety

Hall, S. 2010 "Life and Times of the First New Left" New Left Review 61, January-February 2010 available at http://www.newleftreview.org/?page=article&view=2826

Hall, S. and Taylor, L. 3.2011 Stuart Hall interviewed by Laurie Taylor on Thinking Allowed BBC Radio 4. 16.3.2011. Available at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b00zfkfn

Carl Hallendorff and Adolf Schück
University of Stockholm.

Hallendorff, C. and Schück, A. 1929 History of Sweden. Stockhom. C.E. Fritze Ltd

Halliday, R.J. 1976 John Stuart Mill

A. H. Halsey 1923-
Albert Henry "Chelly" Halsey

A. H. Halsey, Hugh Lauder, Phillip Brown, and Amy Stuart Wells

Halsey, A.H., Lauder, H., Brown, P. and Wells, A.S. 1997 (Editors) Education: Culture, Economy and Society Oxford : Oxford University Press. 842 pages
Contents 1. Introduction: The Social Transformation of Education and Society;
PART ONE: EDUCATION, CULTURE, AND SOCIETY; 2. The Forms of Capital; 3. Class and Pedagogies: Visible and Invisible; 4. Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital; 5. The Post-Modern Condition; 6. Crossing the Boundaries of Educational Discourse: Modernism, Postmodernism, and Feminism; 7. Having an Postmodernist Turn or Postmodernist Angst: A Disorder Experienced by an Author Who is Not Yet Dead or Even Close to It; 8. Feminisms and Education Gaby Weiner;
PART TWO: EDUCATION, GLOBAL ECONOMY, AND LABOUR MARKET; 9. Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer; 10. Education, Globalization, and Economic Development; 11. The New Knowledge Work; 12. Education, Skill Formation, and Economic Development: The Singaporean Approach; 13. Human Capital Concepts; 14. The Gendering of Skill and Vocationalism in Twentieth-Century Australian Education; 15. Can Education Do It Alone?;
PART THREE: THE STATE AND THE RESTRUCTURING OF TEACHERS' WORK; 16. Education and the Role of the State: Devolution and Control Post-Picot; 17. The Global Economy, the State, and the Politics of Education; 18. Educational Achievement in Centralized and Decentralized Systems; 19. On the Changing Relationships Between the State, Civil Society, and Changing Notions of Teacher Professionalism; 20. Changing Notions of Educational Management and Leadership; 21. Assessment, Accountability, and Standards Using Assessment to Control the Reform of Schooling; 22. Restructuring Schools for Student Success; 23. Restructuring Restructuring: Postmodernity and the Prospects for Educational Change;
PART FOUR: POLITICS, MARKETS, AND SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS; 24. Politics, Markets, and the Organization of Schools; 25. Education, Democracy, and the Economy; 26. The 'Third Wave': Education and the Ideology of Parentocracy; 27. Circuits of Schooling: A Sociological Exploration of Parental Choice of School in Social Class Contexts; 28. African-American Students' View of School Choice; 29. Choice, Competition, and Segregation: An Empirical Analysis of A New Zealand Secondary School Market, 1990-93; 30. [Ap]parent Involvement: Reflections on Parents, Power, and Urban Public Schools; 31. Can Effective Schools Compensate for Society?;
PART FIVE: KNOWLEDGE, CURRICULUM, AND CULTURAL POLITICS; 32. Introduction: Our Virtue; 33. The New Cultural Politics of Difference; 34. On Race and Voice: Challenges for Liberal Education in the 1990s; 35. The Silenced Dialogue: Power and Pedagogy in Educating Other People's Children; 36. What Postmodernists Forget: Cultural Capital and Official Knowledge; 37. The Big Picture: Masculinities in Recent World History; 38. Is the Future Female? Female Success, Male Disadvantage, and Changing Gender Patterns in Education;
PART SIX: MERITOCRACY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION; 39. Trends in Access and Equity in Higher Education: Britain in International Perspective; 40. Education and Occupational Attainments: The Impact of Ethnic Origins; 41. Problems of 'Meritocracy'; 42. Equalization and Improvement: Some Effects of Comprehensive Reorganization in Scotland; 43. Social Class Differences in Family-School Relationships: The Importance of Cultural Capital; 44. The Politics of Culture: Understanding Local Political Resistance to Detracking in Racially Mixed Schools; 45. Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion: Some Observations on Recent Trends in Education, Employment, and the Labour Market; 46. Studying Inner-City Social Dislocations: The Challenge of Public Agenda Research; 47. Racial Stratification and Education in the United States: Why Inequality Persists; 48. The Bell Curve Wars; 49. The Family and Social Justice

Halsey A. H. 2004 A History of Sociology in Britain: Science, Literature, and Society Oxford : Oxford University Press, xii and 279 pages.
Contents: Preface; PART I: CONTEXT; 1. Literature or Science?; 2. The Rise of Scientific Method; PART II: NARRATIVE; 3. Sociology before 1950; 4. The British Post-War Sociologists; 5. Expansion 1950-1967; 6. Revolt 1968-1975; 7. The Years of Uncertainty 1976-; PART III: ANALYSIS; 8. The Professor: A Survey by Birth Cohort; 9. Celebrated Sociologists; 10. The Shape of Sociology; PART IV: CONCLUSION; Epilogue : in Eight Essays Zygmunt Bauman, Colin Crouch, Anthony Giddens, A. H. Halsey, Ann Oakley, Jennifer Platt, W. G. Runciman, John Westergaard; Appendixes

Begins with L.T. Hobhouse's election to the first chair in sociology in London in 1907, but traces earlier origins of the discipline to Scotland and the English provinces. Incudes an account of nineteenth-century battles between literature and science for the possession of the third culture of social studies, setting the context for a narrative history of rapid expansion in the second half of the twentieth century. LSE had a virtual monopoly before World War II. The educational establishment of Oxford and Cambridge opposed its introduction into the undergraduate curriculum. Only the expansion of sociology to the Scottish, Welsh, provincial, and 'new' universities after the Robbins Report of 1963 brought reluctant acceptance of the subject to Oxford and Cambridge. The student troubles of 1968 are then described and the subsequent doubts, confrontations, and cuts of the 1970s and 80s. Then, paradoxically by a Conservative Government, there was a new university expansion incorporating polytechnics and other colleges, with a consequent doubling of both staff and students in the 1990s. Yet the end of the century left sociology riven by intellectual conflict. It had survived the Marxist subversions of the 70s and the feminist invasion. Yet the renewed challenges of various forms of relativism (especially enthno- methodology and post-modernism) still threatened, and at root the war was, as it began, between a scientific quantifying and explanatory subject and a literary, interpretative set of cultural studies.

Peter Hamilton 27.8.1947-
Photography historian and visual sociologist
Open University Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris

Hamilton, P. 1983 Talcott Parsons. Chichester: Ellis Horwood Limited. 152 pages.

Hamilton, P. 1985 Readings from Talcott Parsons Key texts. Chichester : Ellis Horwood. 222 pages..

Hamilton, P. 1992 (Editor) Talcott Parsons: Critical assessments Four volumes. London; New York: Routledge.

Hamilton, P. 1997 "Representing the social : France and Frenchness in post-war humanist photography" in Hall, S. 1997 (Editor) Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices pp 75 -150

Hamilton, P. 2006 (Editor) Visual Research Methods. Sage benchmarks in social research methods. London: SAGE. 4 volumes (379, 412, 424, and 394 pages): illustrated
Volume 1: Classical historical statements; The objectivity of the visual
Volume 2: The objectivity of the visual (continued)
Volume 3: Visual technologies; The visual as method
Volume 4: The visual as method (continued)

Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle

Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle 2005 Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside. Published in digital form at http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/

Jalna Hanmer and Catherine Itzin; with Sheila Quaid and Debra Wigglesworth.

Hanmer, J. and Itzin, C. 2000 (Editors) Home Truths about Domestic Violence: Feminist influences on policy and practice: A Reader edited by Jalna Hanmer and Catherine Itzin ; with Sheila Quaid and Debra Wigglesworth. London: Routledge. xiv and 408 pages.
Women's Experiences of Violence from Known Men in the Home.
1. Domestic Violence and Gender Relations: Contexts and Connections by Jalna Hanmer
2. Findings from the North London Domestic Violence Study by Jayne Mooney
3. Violence Against Black Women in the Home by Amina Mama
4. Marital Rape and Marital Murder by Sue Lees
The Experience of Children of Violence in the Home.
5. Children's and Mothers' Experiences of Support and Protection Following Domestic Violence by Caroline McGee
6. Child Protection and Domestic Violence: Findings from a Rowntree/ NSPCC Study by Marianne Hester
7. Unsung Innovation: The History of Work with Children in the UK Domestic Violence Refuges by Gill Hague, Audery Mullender, Liz Kelly and Ellen Malos with Thangam Debbonaire
Women Who Fight Back: Experiences and Outcomes.
8. Women, Angerand Domestic Violence: The Implications for Legal Defences to Murder by Sue Griffiths
9. The criminal Justice Response to Women Who Kill, Helena Kennedy interview by Catherine Itzin and Sheila Quaid
10. Southall Black Sisters: Domestic Violence Campaigns and Alliances Across the Division of Race, Gender and Class by Pragna Patel
Influencing State Policies on Violence Against Women from Known Men.
11. The Politics and Policies of Responding to Violence Against Women by R. Emerson Dobash and Russell J. Dobash
12. Domestic Violence and Social Policy: Perspectives from Women's Aid by Nicola Harwin and Jackie Barron
13. Domestic Violence and Housing, Rebecca Morley Partnership Approaches by Statutory and Voluntary Agencies.
14. Developing Policies and Protocols by Ellen Pence and Coral McDonnell
15. Enhancing Multi-Agency Work by Davina James Hanman
Decreasing the Violence of Men.
16. Confronting Violent Men by Russell P. Dobash, R. Emerson Dobash, Kate Cavangh and Ruth Lewis
17. The EMERGE Programme by David Adams
18. Policing Repeat Violence by Men: A New Approach
19. Government Policy on Domestic Violence: The Influence of Feminism by Catherine Itzin
20. Families Without Fear: Women's Aid Agenda for Action on Domestic Violence


Haralambos, M. and Heald, R.M. 1980 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives University Tutorial Press, Slough
Contents: Part 1 The sociological perspective: culture and society; theories of society; positivism and phenomenology; sociology and ideology. Part 2 Social stratification: social versus natural inequalities; social stratification - a functionalist perspective; social stratification - a Marxian perspective; social stratification - a Weberian perspective; class in capitalist society; the middle class in capitalist society; class and capitalism - a Marxian perspective; social mobility in capitalist society; stratification in socialist societies; sociology; ideology and social stratification. Part 3 Power and politics: power - a functionalist persepctive; power - a Marxian perspective; managers and corporations; political recruitment; political participation; the democratic ideal; sociology, ideology and politics and power. Part 4 Poverty: the definition and measurement of poverty; the extent of poverty; social poverty - solutions and ideology. Part 5 Education: education - a functionalist perspective; education - a liberal perspective; education - a Marxian perspective; differential educational attainment; education - an interactionist perspective; knowledge, power and education; education, opportunity and inequality; sociology, ideology and education. Part 6 Work and leisure: work and leisure - a Marxian perspective; Emile Durkheim - "the division of labour in society" technology and work experience; sociology, ideology and work and leisure. Part 7 Organizations and bureaucracy: Max Weber - bureaucracy and rationalization; bureaucracy - a Marxian perspective; Robert Michels - bureaucracy and democracy; managerial organizations - an interactionist perspective; the problem of organization, sociology, ideology and organizations. Part 8 The family: is the family universal?; the family - a functionalist perspective; critical views of the family; the family - a Marxian perspective; the family and industrialization; marital breakdown; sociology, ideology and the family. Part 9 Women and society: the role of women - genes and biology; the role of women - culture and society; women and industrial society; women's liberation - proposals and prospects; sociology and ideology and women. Part 10 Deviance: physiological and psychological theories of deviance; deviance - a functionalist perspective; - a cautionary note on delinquency; deviance and offical statistics; deviance and power; deviance and power - a Marxian perspective; sociology, ideology and deviance. Part 11 Religion: the origin and evolution of religion; religion - a functionalist perspective; religion - a Marxian perspective; religion and the sociology of knowledge; religion, stratification and change; sociology, ideology and religion. Part 12 Methodology: positivism and sociology; phenomenology and sociology. Part 13 Sociological theory: functionalism; Marxism; symbolic interactionism; ethnomethodology.

This (and other editions) is a book designed to help students pass school examinations in Sociology. It is dogmatic, and students who use it before university should realise that they need to treat its assertions as arguments.

Haralambos, M. and Heald, R.M. 1985 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives (Second edition)

Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. 1990 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives (Third edition)

"Updated to include material on topics of sociological debate, such as: family diversity and feminist perspectives on the family; the National Curriculum and the new vocationalism; gender and crime, and a new chapter on race and ethnicity."

Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. 1995 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. (4th edition) Collins Educational.
Contents: The sociological perspective; social stratification; poverty; work, unemployment and leisure; organizations and bureacracy; families and households; crime and deviance; religion; power, politics and the state; sex and gender; race, ethnicity and nationality; education; methodology; sociological theory

Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. 2000 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. (5th edition) Collins Educational.
Contents: 1. Sociological Perspectives - 2. Social Stratification - 3. Sex and Gender - 4. Race, Ethnicity and Nationality - 5. Poverty and Social Exclusion - 6. Crime and Deviance - 7. Religion - 8. Families and Households - 9. Power, Politics and the State - 10. Work, Unemployment and Leisure - 11. Organisations and Bureaucracy - 12. Education - 13. Culture and Identity - 14. Methodology - 15. Theory

Simon Harding

Harding, S. 2012 "Street Government: The role of the urban street gang in the London riots" in Briggs, D. 2012

Dennis Hardy 1941-

Hardy D. 1979 Alternative Communities in Nineteenth Century England Longman. London and New York. 268 pages.

Contents: 1) Context: 1.1 Alternative communities as practical utopis; 1.2. New communities on 19th century England; 1.3 Typology; 1.4 Allopia. 2) The communities of utopian socialism: 2.1 Utopian socialism and community; 2.2. Ideas for the new society; 2.3. Communities and the cooperative movement; 2.4 New frontiers; 2.5 Community profiles. 3) the communities of agrarian socialism: 3.1 Land and community; 3.2 The roots of agrarian socialism; 3.3 Nineteenth-century land movements; 3.4 Community profiles. 4) The communities of sectarianism; 4.1 Sectarianism and community; 4.2 The spread of sectarian communities; 4.3 Nineteenth- century sectarianism in England; 4.4 Community profiles. 5) The communities of anarchism: 5.1 Anarchism and community; 5.2 Society without the State; 5.3 Anarchist communism; 5.4 Religious anarchism; 5.5 Community profiles. 6) Appraisal: 6.1 The communities and nineteenth century change; 6.2 Communities and twentieth century decentralisation; 6.3 Alternative society; 6.4 Concluding note.

Dennis Hardy and Colin Ward 1924-

Hardy, D. and Ward, C. 1981 The Plotlands of the Thames Valley Geography and planning papers no.4. Enfield: Middlesex Polytechnic. 41 pages

Hardy, D. and Ward, C. 1983 American Dream: Land, chicken ranches and the new age Geography and planning paper no.8. Enfield: Middlesex Polytechnic. 18 pages.

Hardy D. 1983 Making Sense of the London Docklands: Processes of change Dennis Hardy edited by Eleonore Kofman. Geography and planning paper ; no.9. Enfield: Middlesex Polytechnic. 24 pages.

Dennis Hardy and Colin Ward

Hardy, D. and Ward, C. 1984 Arcadia for all: The legacy of a makeshift landscape by Dennis Hardy and Colin Ward with photography by Dot Davies. Studies in history, planning, and the environment. London ; New York : Mansell. x and 307 pages
"An Alexandrine Press book". An insight into squatter settlements and land tenure in rural areas in England in the 20th century.

Hardy D. 1986 (Editor) On the Margins: Marginal space and marginal economics Enfield: School of Geography and Planning, Middlesex Polytechnic. 24 pages. Papers presented at a seminar held at the London School of Economics, 19.10.1985.

Dennis Hardy and Colin Ward

Hardy, D. and Ward, C. 1986 Goodnight Campers!: The history of the British holiday camp Studies in history, planning and the environment. An Alexandrine Press book. London : Mansell, 1986. 256 pages

Hardy D. 1988 A History of the Town and Country Planning Association, 1899-1946 Ph.D.(London) thesis. London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Geography. 525 leaves.

Dennis Hardy and Lorna Davidson

Hardy, D. and Davidson, L. (Editors) 1989 Utopian Thought and Communal Experience. Middlesex Polytechnic. School of Geography and Planning. Geography and planning paper, 24. Enfield : Middlesex Polytechnic. 97 pages.
Papers read at a conference held in New Lanark and the University of Edinburgh in July 1988 under the auspices of the International Communal Studies Association (Israel) and the National Historic Communal Societies Association (U.S.A.).

Hardy D. 1991a From Garden Cities to New Towns: Campaigning for town and country planning, 1899-1946 London : Chapman and Hall, 1991. 400 pages

Hardy D. 1991b From New Towns to Green Politics: Campaigning for town and country planning, 1946-1990 London ; New York : E and FN Spon, xii and 230 pages

Hardy, D. 1999 Tomorrow and tomorrow : 1899-1999 : the TCPA's first hundred years, and the next London : Town and Country Planning Association. 24 pages

Hardy, D. 2000 Utopian England: Community experiments, 1900- 1945 Studies in history, planning, and the environment. London: E and F.N Spoon. ix and 305 pages
Summary: England in the early part of the twentieth century was rich in utopian ventures - diverse and intriguing in their scope and aims. Two world wars, an economic depression, and the emergence of fascist states in Europe were all a spur to idealists to seek new limits - to escape from the here and now, and to create sanctuaries for new and better lives. Dennis Hardy explores this fascinating history of utopian ideals, the lives of those who pursued them, and the utopian communities they created. Some communities were fired by a long tradition of land movements, others by thoughts of more humane ways of building towns. In turn there were experiments devoted to the arts; to the promotion of religious doctrine; and to a variety of political causes. And some were just 'places of the imagination'. It is a story peopled by literary, intellectual and artistic icons of the first half of the twentieth century. From George Bernard Shaw to George Orwell, from H.G. Wells to D.H. Lawrence, from Eric Gill to Virginia Woolf- some as protagonists, others as antagonists - they weave they way amongst a myriad of visions and a multitude of alternative lifestyles. Utopian England is about just one episode in the perennial search for perfection, but what is revealed has lessons that extend well beyond a particular time and place. So long as there are failings in society, so long as rationality is not enough, there will continue to be a place for thinking the impossible, for going in search of utopia.

Matt Hargrave
Senior Lecturer in Performing Arts, University of Northumbria, UK

Hargrave, M. 2015 Theatres of Learning Disability - Good, Bad, or Plain Ugly Palgrave Macmillan

Subject index: disability

Rom Harré and Paul F. Secord

Harré, R. and Secord, P.F. 1972 The explanation of social behaviour Oxford : Blackwell, 1972.

Harré, R. 1979 Social Being: A Theory for Social Psychology Totowa, New Jersey, Rowan and Littlefield.

Harré, R. 1983 Personal Being: A Theory for Individual Psychology. England: Basil Blackwell

Amelia Isabella Harris
Principal Social Survey Officer, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys

Amelia Harris and others 1972 Handicapped and Impaired in Great Britain ... An enquiry carried out on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Security, the Scottish Home and Health Department, the Welsh Office-in conjunction with other government departments. In three volumes. Great Britain. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Social Survey Division.

Volume one: Amelia I. Harris with Elizabeth Cox and Christopher Richard Westcott Smith Handicapped and impaired in Great Britain. xxviii and 330 pages

Volume two: Judith Rosalind Buckle Work and housing of impaired persons in Great Britain xxviii and 210 pages

Volume three: Amelia I. Harris, Christopher R.W. Smith and Elizabeth Head Income and entitlement to supplementary benefit of impaired people in Great Britain vii and 74 pages.

Amelia Harris 1973 "Handicapped and impaired in Great Britain". in McLachlan, G. 1973 pp 53-
Sub-headings: Definitions, Estimates of impaired and handicapped in Great Britain, Main causes of impairment, Main causes of handicap, Summary of other results, The impaired housewife, Leisure activities, Employment, Housing, Action following the study, References.

Harris, Ben 1979 "Whatever Happened to Little Albert?" [By Ben Harris of Vassar College] American Psychologist February 1979, Volume 34, Number 2, pp. 151- 160. available at: http://htpprints.yorku.ca/archive/00000198/01/BHA RRIS.HTM

Dominic Harris

Harris, D. 2012 The Residents: Stories of Kingsley Hall, East London, 1965-1970 and the experimental community of RD Laing London: Dominic Harris. 88 pages. Available http://www.dominicharris.co.uk/
In 1965, the psychiatrist R. D. Laing opened a residential treatment centre that aimed to revolutionise the treatment of mental illness. Five decades on, those who lived and spent time there look back on an era of drama and discovery.

The book and portraits from The Residents were part of a group show Voice of the Grain at Ambika P3, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1, from 5 to 9 September 2012.

The Observer on Sunday 2.9.2012 carried a review by Sean O'Hagan, "Kingsley Hall: RD Laing's experiment in anti-psychiatry" that includes photographs and excerpts. This article appeared on page 14 of the The New Review section. It was published on the Guardian website on the same day and the website was modified on Wednesday 21.5.2014.

Robert Harris 1947- and Noel Timms

Harris, R. and Timms, N. 1993 Secure accommodation in child care : between hospital and prison or thereabouts? London: Routledge. x and 196 pages.

John S Harrison
Gardener, and cat breeder, poultry and pigeons, Anglesey, North Wales

Harrison, J.S. 1976. Articles on the history and cultivation of primroses, cowslips, oxlips and polyanthus, republished on his website http://harislau.co.uk/

Paul Harrison 1945-

Paul Harrison 18.8.1983 "The underside of Hackney" New Society volume 65 no.1083, 18.8.1983, pp 239-241; and no.1084, 25.8.1983, pp 280-282; and no.1085, 1.9.1983

Paul Harrison 1983 Inside the Inner City: Life under the cutting edge Harmondsworth: Penguin, 443 pages. (A revised edition in 1985)

Tom Harrison 17.1.1947-

Tom Harrison's website - "I am fascinated by complexity theory". For a while I worked in a Therapeutic Community.

Harrison, T. 2000 Bion, Rickman, Foulkes and the Northfield experiments: Advancing on a different front Therapeutic communities seies: 5. London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 319 pp. Foreword by Bob Hinshelwood.
Contents: The psychological offensive; social fields - social psychological theory before 1942; battle fields - military psychiatry; the mind field - clinical military psychiatry; the Northfield Military Hospital; strange meetings at Hollymoor; ABCA to psychodrama - the development of group therapy at Northfield; the sum of our gifts - overview and future.

Offline: Tom 4 - Tom 5 -

Chris Hart 1970-

Hart, C. 1998 Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the social science research imagination. London: Sage. 230 pages
Published in association with the Open University.
Chapters: 1. The Literature Review in Research - 2. Reviewing and the Research Imagination - 3. Classifying and Reading - 4. Research Argumentation Analysis - 5. Organizing and Expressing Ideas - 6. Mapping and Analysing Ideas - 7. Writing the Review

Hart, C. 2001 Doing a Literature Search: A comprehensive guide for the social sciences London: Sage. 194 pages
Contents: Part A: Basic knowledge: organization of the literature, planning techniques and search management -- Part B: Literature types: working through the bibliographical framework -- Part C: Using information communications technology: more advanced knowledge and techniques.

Heidi I. Hartmann 1945-
Founder (1987)
Institute for Women's Policy Research Washington, D.C.

Hartmann, H. 1976 "Capitalism, Patriarchy, and Job Segregation" Signs, Volume 1, No. 3, Women and the Workplace: The Implications of Occupational Segregation (Spring, 1976), pp. 137-169. The University of Chicago Press.

Hartmann, H. 1979 "The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a more Progressive Union" Capital and Class Summer 1979 vol. 3 no. 2 pp 1-33

Paul Hartmann and Charles Husband

Hartmann, P. and Husband, C. 1971 "The mass media and racial conflict", Race Vol.12, No 3 January 1971 pp 268-282. Institute of Race Relations: Oxford University Press. [Extract in Cohen and Young 1973, pp 270-284]

Hendrik Hartog

Hartog, H. 1989 " Mrs Packard on Dependency" Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities Volume 1: Issue 1, Article 6. Available at: http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/yjlh/vol1/iss1/6

David Harvey 1935-

Harvey, D. 1973 Social Justice and the City

Harvey, D. 1982 The Limits to Capital

Harvey, D. 1985 The Urbanisation of Capital

Harvey, D. 1985 Consciousness and The Urban Experience

Harvey, D. 1989 The Condition of Postmodernity. An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change.. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell

John H. Harvey

Harvey, J.H. 1989 "Garden Plants of around 1525: The Fromond List." Garden History, vol. 17, no. 2, 1989, pp. 122-134. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1586878

Herbs for Savour and Beauty: 6 Globe Artichoke - 10 Basil - 24 Castor Oil Plant - 41 Dill - 44 Dropwort - 52 Garlic - 54 Germander, Wall Giliflower - 7I Lungwort - 77 Sweet Marjoram - 79 Melon - 98 Garden Poppy - 120 Soloman's Seal - 125 Stickadove -

Plants for an Herber: 3 Almond - 11 Sweet Bay Tree - 20 Rose Campion - 31 Columbine - 33 Cornflower - 56 Gooseberry - 57 Gourd - 61 Hellebore - 69 Lily - 91 Peach - 94 Peony - 96 Scots Pine - 97 Plum - 109 "Rosers"

"... the pleasure garden as a separate entity in its own right, emerges in the group 'for an Herber'. These, with many of those grown for savour and beauty, comprise the essentials of ornamental plantsmanship. The mixing of trees and shrubs with border flowers is noteworthy. This was still a medieval herbarium, with its central square of grass lawn, now enlarged and improved. The tunnel-arbours around the sides, providing alleys for walking, were to be covered with grape-vines and ornamental gourds. Roses would have been planted along the internal borders, in several sorts, possibly alternating with gooseberry bushes. The evergreens, sweet bay and Scots pine, would provide points of interest throughout the year, while spring and summer would be enriched by almonds, peaches and plums in flower and fruit"

Hannah Hassan

Hassan, H. 2008 Examine and evaluate Comte's ideas about the progression towards scientific positivism, with reference to the evolution of human religious ideas throughout history Middlesex University dissertation June 2008

Hanan Hauari and Katie Hollingworth

Hauari, H. and Hollingworth, K. 2009 Understanding fathering: masculinity, diversity and change Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 18.9.2009 Available at http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/understanding- fathering

See Subject Index Family

Philip M. Hauser

Hauser, P.M. 1932 "How Do Motion Pictures Affect the Conduct of Children?: Methods employed in Movies and Conduct and Movies, Delinquency and Crime " - Journal of Educational Sociology 6 (1932): pp 231-237. Available at http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Payne_sundry/Hauser_1932.html

"These studies assume, then, that personal accounts of experience, if secured under satisfactory conditions and interpreted with caution and judgment, are a quite adequate basis for describing and generalizing upon various phases of human conduct."

Christine Hauskeller
From 2009 to 2012 Co-Director of the ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, EGENIS at Exeter.

Christine Hauskeller, Steve Sturdy and Richard Tutton
Steve Sturdy: Edinburgh website - Richard Tutton: Lancaster website

Hauskeller, C., Sturdy, S and Tutton, R. 2013 "Genetics and the Sociology of Identity" Sociology October 2013 47: 875-886, doi:10.1177/0038038513505011. Available at http://soc.sagepub.com/content/47/5.toc

Click here to read the table of contents (and abstracts) and to obtain a free copy of the introduction.

Podcast discussion http://soc.sagepub.com/content/suppl/2013/12/18/47.5.875.DC1/Christine_Haus keller.wav_edit_FIRST_PASS.wav - offline .wav file - transcript - offline transcript

Terence Hawkes - died January 2014
Emeritus Professor of English at Cardiff University. Books on Shakespeare include That Shakespeherian Rag (1986), Meaning by Shakespeare (1992) and Shakespeare in the Present (2002). General Editor of New Accents. Founding Editor of Textual Practice.
Between 1959 and 2007 he produced a series of books and collections of essays on Shakespeare

Hawkes, T. 1977 Structuralism and Semiotics New accents. London: Methuen, 192 pages. Second edition 2003

Friedrich Hayek 1889-1992 weblinks

Hayek, F. 1950 John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor. Their Correspondence and Subsequent Marriage. RKP

Hayek, F. 1952 The Counter Revolution of Science

Hayek, F. 1983 Knowledge, Evolution and Society. Adam Smith Institute

Hayek, F. 1988 The Fatal Conceit: Errors of Socialism RKP

Keith Hayward, Shadd Maruna and Jayne Mooney

Hayward, K., Maruna, S. and Mooney, J. 2010 (Editors) Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology Routledge key guides. Abingdon: Routledge. xxxi and 312 pages.
Cesare Beccaria (Majid Yar)
Howard Becker (Greg Synder)
Jeremy Bentham (Pat O'Malley)
Willem Bonger (Patrick Hebberecht)
John Braithwaite (Shadd Maruna)
Susan Brownmiller (Jan Jordan)
Pat Carlen (Jackie Tombs)
Bill Chambliss (Michelle Inderbitzen and Heather Boyd)
Meda Chesney-Lind (Joanne Bellknep)
Nils Christie (Katia Franko-Aas)
Ron Clarke (Tim Hope)
Albert Cohen (Jock Young)
Stan Cohen (Mark Findlay)
Richard Cloward (Dave Brotherton)
Donald Cressey (Henk van Bunt)
Elliott Currie (Marty Schwartz and Ashley Demyan)
W. E. B. DuBois (Laura Hanson)
Emile Durkheim (Iain Wilkinson);
David Farrington (Alex Piquero and Lila Kazemian)
Enrico Ferri (Phil Carney)
Michel Foucault (Veronique Voruz)
David Garland (Richard Sparks)
Erving Goffman (James Hardie-Bick and Phil Hadfield)
Eleanor Glueck/the Gluecks (Anne Logan)
Stuart Hall (Colin Webster)
Frances Heidensohn (Jayne Mooney)
Travis Hirschi (Wayne Morrison)
Louk Hulsman (Rene van Swaaningen)
John Irwin (Steve Richards)
Peter Kropotkin (Jeff Ferrell)
Ed Lemert (Shadd Maruna)
Cesare Lombroso (Kate Bradley)
Joan McCord (David Farrington)
Karl Marx (John Lea)
Thomas Mathiesen (Yvonne Jewkes)
David Matza (Anthony Lemelle Jr)
Robert Merton (Jock Young)
Walter Miller (Marilyn McShane and Trey Williams)
Rosa del Olmo (Damian Zaitch)
Robert Park (Frank Bovenkerk)
Adolphe de Quetelet (Anthony Amatrudo)
Robert Sampson (Pat Carr)
The Schwendingers (Gregg Barak)
Thorstein Sellin (Dario Melossi)
Clifford Shaw (Loraine Gelsthorpe)
Carol Smart (Sandra Walklate)
Edwin Sutherland (James Sheptyki)
Gresham Sykes (Ben Crewe)
James Q Wilson (Matt DeLisi)
Jock Young (Keith Hayward)

Health and Safety Executive

HSE 1992 The Tolerability of risks from nuclear power stations HSE Books 1992 ISBN 0118863681 Available at http://www.hse.gov.uk/nuclear/tolerability.pdf

This is a revision of a 1988 publication. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was in April 1986. The Independent included a report of this edition on 6.10.1992.

The Hedgehog Review

"The Hedgehog Review is an intellectual journal concerned with contemporary cultural change published three times per year by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia."

The Hedgehog Review Volume 1, No. 1 Autumn 1999
Available http://www.iasc-culture.org/THR/hedgehog_review_1999- Fall.php
Glamour and the End of Irony by Harvie Ferguson
Romantic Modernism and the Self by John Steadman Rice
The Self: Death by Technology by Kenneth J. Gergen
The Self in Consumer Society by Zygmunt Bauman
The Body as Referent by David Harvey
Healing the Fragmented Self by Joseph E. Davis
The Rise and Decline of Ethnicity by Joane Nagel
The Citizen and Cyberspace by Mike Featherstone
Interview with Sherry Turkle
A Review of Manuel Castells' The Information Age by Krishan Kumar
Identity and Social Change: A Short Review by Joseph E. Davis

Susan Hekman

Hekman, S. Winter 1996 "Radical Plural Democracy : A New Theory For the Left?" published by Negations at http://www.datawranglers.com/negations/issues/96w/96w_hekman.html

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [1770- 1831]

Sources about Hegel:
1844: Karl Marx
1936: Goorge Herbert Mead
1941: Herbert Marcuse
1982: Peter Singer
1988: Diana Coole
2003: Hughes Sharrock and Martin

Hegel, F. 1807 (English 1844) The Phenomenology of Mind

Hegel, F. 1812/1816 Science of Logic (3 volumes: 1812, 1813, 1816) (English 1829)

Hegel, F. (1817-1818?) Who Thinks Abstractly?

Hegel, F. 1817 (1st edition) Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. 2nd edition 1821 has paragraphs of students' lecture notes added.

Hegel, F. 1821 Philosophy of Right

Hegel, F. 1821/1896 1896 English translation by S.W. Dyke - available at

Hegel, F. 1821/1952 1952 English translation with notes by T.M. Knox - Extracts on family, civil society and state

Hegel, F./History The Philosophy of History. Based on lectures given first in 1822-1823. He discuses the French Revolution in part 4, section 2, chapter 3: The Eclairissement and Revolution.

Full text at marxists.org

Martin Heidegger 1889-1976

Heidegger, M. 27.5.1933 Self-Assertion of the German University. Rectoral address

Heidegger, M. 3.1985 "The Self-Assertion of the German University" and "The Rectorate 1933/34: Facts and Thoughts", Translated with an introduction by Karsten Harries. Review of Metaphysics, 38:3 (March 1985) pp 467-502 Available at http://archive.org/details/MartinHeidegger- TheSelfAssertionOfTheGermanUniversity1933

Frances M. Heidensohn

Heidensohn, F.M. 1985 Women and Crime London : Macmillan Education.

"Gender and crime" in the Oxford Handbook of Criminology

David Held.

Held, D. 1980 Introduction to Critical Theory, Horkheimer to Habermas London : Hutchinson: Hutchinson university library. 511 pages [Deals particularly with the Frankfurt School]

David Held and Anthony McGrew.

Held, D. and McGrew, A. 2000 (Editors) The Global Transformations Reader: An introduction to the globalization debate Cambridge: Polity Press. 480 pages
The great globalization debate: an introduction by David Held and Anthony McGrew
Part One: Conceptualizing globalization.

  • Globalization by George Modelski
  • Rethinking globalization by David Held and Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt and Jonathan Perraton
  • World history in a global age by Michael Geyer and Charles Bright
  • Globalization: a necessary myth? by Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson
  • The network society by Manuel Castells
  • Time-space compression and the postmodern condition by David Harvey
  • The globalizing of modernity by Anthony Giddens
  • What is globalization? by Ulrich Beck
    Part Two: The reconfiguration of political power?
  • Sovereignty in international society by Robert O. Keohane
  • Compromising Westphalia by Stephen D. Krasner
  • Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state? by Michael Mann
  • The declining authority of states by Susan Strange
  • Global market versus regionalism by Bjöe;rn Hettne
  • International law by David Held
  • Globalization and legal certainty by Volkmar Gessner
  • Governance in a globalizing world by James N. Rosenau
    Part Three: The fate of national culture
  • Encountering globalization by Kevin Robins
  • The globalization of communication by John B. Thompson
  • The global media by Edward Herman and Robert McChesney
  • Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy by Arjun Appadurai
  • Towards a global culture? by Anthony D. Smith
    Part Four: A global economy?
  • A new geo-economy by Peter Dicken
  • The global economy by Manuel Castells
  • Globalization and the history of the international economy by Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson
  • Economic activity in a globalizing world by Jonathan Perraton, David Goldblatt, David Held and Anthony McGrew
  • Global markets and national politics by Geoffrey Garrett
  • The woven world by Daniel A. Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw
  • Has globalization gone too far? by Dani Rodrik
  • The passing of social democracy by John Gray
  • Welfare state limits to globalization by Elmar Rieger and Stephan Leibfried
    Part Five: Divided nations, unruly world
  • Globalization with a human face - UNDP Report 1999
  • The rise of the fourth world by Manuel Castells
  • Globalization and the postcolonial world by Ankie Hoogvelt
  • The West and the Third World by D.K. Fieldhouse
  • The gender dimension by Jill Steans
  • Environmental issues and the compression of the globe by Steven Yearley
  • Order, globalization and inequality in world politics by Ngaire Woods
    Part Six: World orders, normative futures
  • Democracy beyond borders? by Anthony McGrew
  • Regulating globalization? by David Held
  • Global governance: prospects and problems by Fred Halliday
  • Transnational justice by Onora O'Neill
  • The idea of world community by Chris Brown
  • Beyond the states system? by Hedley Bull.

    Arthur Helps 10.7.1813 - 7.3.1875

    Helps, A. 1844 "The Claims of Labour. An essay on the duties of the employers to the employed". Pickering, London, 1844

    Anne B. Hendershott

    Hendershott, A.B. 2002 The Politics of Deviance San Francisco, California: Encounter Books. 194 pages
    "asserts the value... of... norms and the commitment to accept them. ... maintains that definitions of deviance that rely upon reason, and not emotion or political advocacy, are indispensable to the process of generating and sustaining cultural values and reaffirming the moral ties that bind us together.

    William Otto Henderson, 1904-

    Henderson, W. O. 1976 The Life of Friedrich Engels: in two volumes. London: Frank Cass.

    Hennis, Wilhelm 1987 A Science of Man: Max Weber and the Political Economy of the German Historical School in Mommsen 1987 pp 25-58

    Carol P. Herbert

    Herbert, C.P. 11.1983 "Wife Battering" Canadian Family Physician 1983 November; 29: pp 2204-2208 available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2154298/

    Jeffrey Herbst and Richard Joseph

    Herbst, J. and Joseph, R. 1997 "Responding to State Failure in Africa" International Security Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 175-184

    "In pre-colonial Africa, a wide variety of political organisations - villages, city states, nation states, empires - rose and fell. However the formal colonisation of Africa and the demarcation of the continent into national states between 1885 and 1902 replaced that diversity of forms with the European model of the national state." (Reference is to "Pre and post-colonial forms of Polity in Africa" 1983 by I.M. Lewis)

    Jeffrey Herbst

    Herbst, J. 2002 States and Power in Africa: Comparative Lessons in Authority and Control New Jersey: Princeton University Press

    Alastair Heron

    Heron, A. 1963 (Editor) Towards a Quaker View of Sex. An essay by a group of Friends. Edited by A. Heron. London: Friends Home Service Committee, 75 pages.

    Richard J. Herrnstein
    Edger Pierce Chair in Psychology at Harvard University until his death in 1994.

    Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray

    Herrnstein, R.J. and Murray, C. 1994 The Bell Curve: Intelligence and class structure in American life New York and London: Free Press. xxvi and 845 pages.
    Cognitive class and education, 1900-1990
    Cognitive partitioning by occupation
    The economic pressure to partition
    Steeper ladders, narrower gates
    Unemployment, idleness, and injury
    Family matters
    Welfare dependency
    Civility and citizenship
    Ethnic differences in cognitive ability
    Ethnic inequalities in relation to IQ
    The demography of intelligence
    Social behaviour and the prevalence of low cognitive ability
    Raising cognitive ability
    The leveling of American education
    Affirmative action in higher education
    Affirmative action in the workplace
    The way we are headed
    A place for everyone.

    Review Prof. Thomas J. Bouchard "Contemporary Psychology" [The authors] have been cast as racists and elitists and "The Bell Curve" has been dismissed as pseudoscience....The book's message cannot be dismissed so easily. Herrnstein and Murray have written one of the most provocative social science books published in many years....This is a superbly written and exceedingly well documented book. - See two reviews

    Rosanna Hertz

    Hertz, R. 2006 Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How women are choosing parenthood without marriage and creating the new American family Oxford: Oxford University Press. xx and 273 pages

    Marianne Hester 1955-

    Marianne Hester - Liz Kelly - and Jill Radford 1947-

    Hester, M. Kelly, L. Radford, J. 1996 (Editors) Women, Violence and Male Power: Feminist Research, Activism and Practice, Buckingham: Open University Press. ix and 194 pages
    Contents include
    1. Introduction by Jill Radford, Liz Kelly and Marianne Hester
    2. 'Nothing really happened': the invalidation of women's experiences of sexual violence by Liz Kelly and Jill Radford
    3. When does the speaking profit us?: reflections on the challenges of developing feminist perspectives on abuse and violence by women by Liz Kelly
    4. Reading danger: sexual harassment, anticipation and self-protection by Elizabeth A. Stanko
    5. Violence against women and children: the contradictions of crime control under
    patriarchy by Jill Radford and Elizabeth A. Stanko
    6. Contradictions and compromises: the impact of the Children Act on women and children's safety by Marianne Hester and Lorraine Radford
    7. Unreasonable doubt: the outcomes of rape trials by Sue Lees
    8. Sexual experiences and sexual abuse women with learning disabilities by Michelle McCarthy
    9. Researching prostitution and violence: towards a feminist praxis by Maggie O'Neill.
    10. Rape crisis centres and 'male rape': a face of the backlash by Terry Gillespie
    11. Who is in control?: changing responses to women who have been raped and sexually abused by Marian Foley
    12. Close to home: the experience of researching child sexual abuse by Jo Moran-Ellis.

    Virginia Aldigé Hiday
    Department of Sociology North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina

    Hiday, VA 1999 "Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System" in A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health edited by Allan V. Horwitz and Teresa L. Scheid. New York: Cambridge University Press

    Virginia Aldigé Hiday and Padraic J. Burns

    Hiday, VA and Burns, PJ 2010 "Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System" in A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health (2nd edition), edited by TL Scheid and T Brown. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 478-498.

    See Subject Index Mental health and prison

    Hiden J. and Farquharson, J. 1983 Explaining Hitler's Germany. Historians and the Third Reich. London. Batsford.

    Hillerbrand, H.J. (Editor) 1968 The Protestant Reformation. Harper and Row

    Gertrude Himmelfarb

    Himmelfarb, G. 1959 Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution Chatto and Windus. London

    Barry Hindess his website

    Hindess, B. 1977a Philosophy and Methodology in the Social Sciences Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press.

    Hindess, B. 1977b (Edited by) Sociological Theories of the Economy London: Macmillan.

    Robert (Bob) D. Hinshelwood

    Bob Hinshelwood and Nick Manning

    Hinshelwood, R D. and Manning, D. 1979 (Editors) Therapeutic communities : reflections and progress London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, xv and 336 pages.
    Selected contents:
    Chapter 13:
    "The therapeutic community and social network theory" by Richard Crocket

    Donald Hirsch, Viet-Hai Phung and Esmeranda Manful

    Hirsch, D., Phung, V. and Manful, E. 2011 Poverty, ethnicity and caring York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/poverty-ethnicity-caring-full.pdf

    See Subject Index Care

    Travis Hirschi

    Hirschi, T. 1969 Causes of Delinquency Berkeley: University of California Press.

    Paul Quentin Hirst 1946-2003

    Hirst, P.Q. 1975 Durkheim, Bernard and Epistemology. London: Routledge Kegan and Paul

    Hirst, P.Q. 1976 Social Evolution and Sociological Categories. London: George Allen and Unwin

    History and Policy

    Website founded May 2002 by Alastair Reid, of Girton College Cambridge, Simon Szreter of St John's College Cambridge, Pat Thane of King's College London, and Virginia Berridge, Director of the Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

    See first copy

    History Workshop Journal

    Susan Tyler Hitchcock

    Hitchcock, S. T. 2004 Geography of Religion: Where God Lives, Where Pilgrims Walk. Susan Tyler Hitchcock with John L. Esposito. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.

    Hitchcock, S. T. 2005 Mad Mary Lamb: Lunacy and murder in literary London New York: W.W. Norton.
    Contents: Prelude. The Dreadful Scene Imagined - 1. The Only Daughter - 2. Their Verdict: Lunacy - 3. In the Madhouse - 4. Reading, Writing, and Mantua Making - 5. Charles Alone - 6. Double Singleness - 7. The Circle Forms - 8. Children's Books - 9. Tales from Shakespear - 10. Schoolgirl Tales - 11. Poetry for Children - 12. The Politics of Needlework - 13. Elia Appears - 14. Her Twilight of Consciousness - Epilogue.

    Hitchcock, S. T. 2007 Frankenstein: A Cultural History New York and London: W.W. Norton.
    Contents: Conception - Birth and lineage - Reception and revision - The monster lives on - Making more monsters - A monster for modern times - A brave new world of monsters - The horror and the humour - Monsters in the living room - Taking the monster seriously - The monster and his myth today.

    Adolph Hitler 1889-1945 weblinks

    Hitler, A. 1914 [Two paintings] "Farmstead" and "Farm Buildings On The River". Signed and dated 1914. Sold at an auction in Nuremberg [Nurnberger?] April 2009.

    Hitler, A. 1920 24 point NAZI party programme

    Mein Kampf Wikipedia - Richard Cohen on English publication

    Hitler, A. 1925/1927 Mein Kampf - Zwei Bände in einem Band München : F. Eher Nachf., 2 volumes 1925-1927. Volume one: Eine Abrechnung. Volume two: Die nationalsozialtistiche Bewegung. Available at http://www.adolfhitler.ws/lib/books/dkampf/dkampf.htm

    Hitler extracts: Extracts from English translations of Mein Kampf - plus notes

    Hitler, A. 1939 Mein Kampf Translated into English by James Murphy (died 1946). First published on March 21st, 1939 by Hurst and Blackett Ltd. Available at http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200601.txt

    Hitler, A. 1943/2001 Mein Kampf Translated into English by Ralph Manheim. Translation originally published Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1943. New editions - 2001.

    Hitler, A. 18.7.1937 Hitlers Rede zur Eröffnung der "Großen Deutschen Kunstausstellung" im Haus der Kunst, München 1937. [Hitler's speech at the opening of the "Great German Art Exhibition" the Haus der Kunst, Munich 1937] Available at http://www.kunstzitate.de/bildendekunst/manifeste/nationalsozialismus/hitle r_haus_der_kunst_37.htm

    Extracts in English and German at German History in Documents

    Rough translation of parts

    HM Inspectorate of Prisons

    HMIP 1997 Women in Prison: A Thematic Review by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons July 1997. Available at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ERORecords/HO/421/2/hmipris/wippref.htm

    HMIP 2001 Follow-up to Women in Prison A Thematic Review by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales Available at http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/publications/inspectorate- reports/hmipris/women-prison-followup-rps.pdf

    HMIP 2005 Women in prison by HM Inspectorate of Prisons
    1 Literature review (by Dr Julia Fossi)
    2 The imprisonment of women: reflections from the UK (Speech given by Anne Owers to the 'What works with women offenders?' conference, Prato University, Italy, June 2005. Available at http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/publications/inspectorate- reports/hmipris/women_in_prison2-rps.pdf

    HMIP 2010 Women in prison. A short thematic review July 2010. Available at http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/publications/inspectorate- reports/hmipris/Women_in_prison_short_thematic_2010_rps_.pdf

    Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 weblinks

    Hobbes, T. 1640 (manuscript) Elements of Law

    Hobbes, T. 1642 Elementa Philosophica de Cive Known as De Cive (On the citizen). Translated into English as Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society, which was published in 1651. Available (English) on Wikisource

    Hobbes, T. 1644 Optical Treatise (Tractatus Opticus), translated from the original Latin by George MacDonald Ross, available at http://www.philosophy.leeds.ac.uk/GMR/hmp/texts/modern/hobbes/ optics/gmrint ro.html Leeds University (archive)

    Hobbes, T. 1651 Leviathan, or The Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil.

    Hobbes, T. 1651/1991/1996 Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes; edited by Richard Tuck. Cambridge texts in the history of political thought. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, Revised Student Edition 1996. xciii and 519 pages.
    An "amplified and expanded" introduction. Brief biographies of important persons mentioned in Hobbes' text added.

    Hobbes, T. 1651/1991 Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes; edited by Richard Tuck. Cambridge texts in the history of political thought. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. lxxiv and 519 pages.

    Hobbes, T. 1655 Elementa Philosophiae Sectio Prima De Corpore known as De Corpore (On the body) Translated into English as Elements of philosophy, the first section, concerning body / Written in Latine by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, and now translated into English. To which are added six lessons to the professors of mathematicks of the institution of Sr. Henry Savile, in the University of Oxford.

    Large parts translated into modern English by George MacDonald Ross are available in the Internet Archive.

    Epistle Dedicatory
    To the Reader
    Chapter 1: Of Philosophy.
    Chapter 2: Of Names.
    Chapter 3: Of Proposition.
    Chapter 4: Of Syllogisme.
    Chapter 5: Of Erring, Falsity and Captions.
    Chapter 6: Of Method
    Chapter 7: Of Place and Time.
    Chapter 8: Of Body and Accident.
    Chapter 9: Of Cause and Effect.
    Chapter 10: Of Power and Act.
    Chapter 11: Of Identity and Difference.
    Chapter 12: Of Quantity.
    Chapter 13: Of Analogisme or the Same Proportion.
    Chapter 14 Of Straight and Crooked, Angle and Figure.
    Chapter 15: Of the Nature, Properties, and diverse Considerations of Motion and Endeavour.
    Chapter 16: Of Motion Accelerated and Vniform, and of Motion by Concourse.
    Chapter 17: Of Figures Deficient.
    Chapter 18: Of the Equation of Straight Lines with the Crooked Lines of Parabolas and other Figures made in imitation of Parabolas.
    Chapter 19: Of Angles of Incidence and Reflection, equal by supposition.
    Chapter 20: Of the Dimension of a Circle, and the Division of Angles or Arches.
    Chapter 21: Of Circular Motion.
    Chapter 22: Of other Variety of Motion.
    Chapter 23: Of the Center of Equiponderation of Bodies pressing doards in straight Parallel Lines.
    Chapter 24: Of Refraction and Reflection.
    Chapter 25: Of Sense and Animal Motion.
    Chapter 26: Of the World, and of the Starres.
    Chapter 27: Of Light, Heat, and of Colours.
    Chapter 28: Of Cold, Wind, Hard, Ice, Restitution of Bodies bent, Diaphanous, Lightning and Thunder; and of the Heads of Rivers.
    Chapter 29: Of Sound, Odour, Savour, and Touch
    Chapter 30: Of Gravity.

    Hobbes, T. 1658 De Homine (On man)

    Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse 1864-1929

    Hobhouse, L.T. 1901 Mind in Evolution London: Macmillan and Co. xiv and 415 pages. Second edition 1915

    Hobhouse, L.T. 1906 Morals in Evolution: A study in comparatice ethics London : Chapman and Hall, Ltd. Two volumes.

    Hobhouse, L.T. 1911 Social Evolution and Political Theory "Columbia University Lectures/ Julius Beer Foundation; 1910-1911". New York : Columbia University Press. ix and 218 pages.

    Hobhouse, L.T. 1913 Development and Purpose. An essay towards a philosophy of evolution xxix plus 383 pages
    Chapter 9 summary: The development of thought is roughly co-ordinate with that of social life in general. On all sides a certain net movement in the same direction may be verified. (2) The control of the physical environment passes through four stages, closely comparable with those of the movement of thought, (3) and the same parallelism can be traced in ethics and religion, (4) and, with exceptional irregularities, in art. (5) Political development corresponds to the ethical in net result though not in all intermediate stages, (6) and a corresponding net movement may be traced in the main departments of law and custom. (7) Progress is irregular because its conditions do not harmonise until a High stage is reached, and because it proceeds from many independent centres.

    Hobhouse, L. T., Wheeler,G. C. and Ginsberg, M. 1915 The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an essay in correlation

    Hobsbawm, E.J. 1969 Introduction to Engels 1845 (Panther edition 1969)

    Bruce L. Hoffman
    Ohio University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology since 2003
    Previously at Indiana University

    " Crimetheory.com is my larger site for the learning, researching, and teaching of theoretical criminology. It aims to point students back to the original texts, and includes an extensive bibliography of criminology texts and journals."

    Hoffman, Bruce 1998 www.crimetheory.com An Educational Resource for the Learning and Teaching of Theoretical Criminology Archive available at http://web.archive.org/web/19990125094456/http://www.crimetheory.com/

    Richard Hoggart 1918-

    Hoggart, R. 1957 The Uses of Literacy: Aspects of working-class life, with special reference to publications and entertainments London: Chatto and Windus. 319 pages.

    Sally Holland, and Renold, Emma and Ross, Nicola and Hillman, Alex
    Sally Holland: Cardiff University

    Holland, S. and others 2008 "The everyday lives of children in care: using a sociological perspective to inform social work practice" NCRM Working Paper. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. NCRM EPrints. Available at http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/466/

    See Subject Index Childrens homes

    Clive R. Hollin

    Hollin, C.R. 1989 Psychology and Crime: An Introduction to Criminological Psychology London: Routledge
    Main contents: Psychology and Crime - Psychological Approaches to Understanding Crime - Psychological Approaches to Understanding Serious Crime - Mental Disorder and Crime - Psychology and the Police - Psychology in the Courtroom - Psychology and Crime Prevention

    Thomas Henry Hollingsworth 10.5.1932-
    Sometime advisor to the United Nations on population studies and a professor of demography at Glasgow University.

    Hollingsworth T. H. 1969 Historical Demography The sources of history. Studies in the uses of historical evidence. London: The Sources of History Ltd in association with Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. 448 pages.

    Axel Honneth

    Honneth, A. 1991 The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press,

    Richard Hooker (1554-1600)

    Hooker, R. 1593-1648 (8 Volumes) Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. Quoted Locke, J. 1689. Extracts in Hillerbrand 1968

    Quoted by Locke on equality

    Roger Hopkins Burke
    Principal Lecturer in Criminology at Nottingham Trent University.
    Appears to be R. Hopkins Burke rther than R.H. Burke. His email address begins "roger.hopkins-burke"

    Hopkins Burke, R. 2001 An Introduction to Criminological Theory Cullompton, Devon. Willan Publishers. [Second edition 2005]

    Hopkins Burke, R. 2009 An Introduction to Criminological Theory Third edition. Cullompton, Devon. Willan Publishers.
    Contents: 1 Introduction: crime and modernity; Part One: The rational actor model of crime and criminal behaviour; 2
    Classical criminology; 3 Populist conservative criminology; 4 Contemporary rational actor theories; Part Two: The predestined actor model of crime and criminal behaviour; 5 Biological positivism; 6 Psychological positivism ( Psychodynamic - Behavioural - Cognitive); 7 Sociological positivism; 8 Women and positivism; Part Three: The victimised actor model of crime and criminal behaviour; 9 Labelling theories; 10 Conflict and radical theories; 11 The gendered criminal; 12 Critical criminology; Part Four: Integrated theories of crime and criminal behaviour; 13 Socio-biological theories; 14 Environmental theories; 15 Social control theories; 16 Left realism; Part Five: Crime and criminal behaviour in the age of moral uncertainty; 17 Crime and the postmodern condition; 18 Cultural criminology and the schizophrenia of crime; 19 Crime, globalisation and the risk society; 20 Conclusion: crime radical moral communitarian criminology

    Hopkins Burke, R. 2008 Young people, crime and justice Cullompton: Willan.
    Contents: 1 Introduction - The Problem of Youth Crime; Part 1: Young People, Criminality and Criminal Justice; 2 Children, Young People and Modernity; 3 From Justice to Welfare and its Malcontents; 4 Youth Justice and the New Conservatism; Part 2: Explaining Youth Criminal Behaviour; 5 Youth Offending as Rational Behaviour; 6 Biological Explanations of Youth Offending; 7 Psychological Explanations of Youth Offending; 8 Sociological explanations of youth crime; Part 3: The Contemporary Youth Justice System and its Critics; 9 New Labour and the New Youth Justice; 10 The Contemporary Youth Justice System; 11 Effective Youth Justice in Practice; 12 Reflections on the Management of Contemporary Youth Crime;

    John Hostettler

    Hostettler, J. 2009 A History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales Hook, Hampshire: Waterside Press; Portland, Oregon: North American distributor, International Specialised Book Services. x, 347 pages.
    Origins of Criminal Justice in Anglo-Saxon England
    Saxon Dooms - Our Early Laws
    The Norman Influence and The Angevin Legacy
    Criminal Law In Medieval and Early Modern England
    The Common Law in Danger
    The Commonwealth
    The Whig Supremacy and Adversary Trial
    The Jury in the Eighteenth Century
    Punishment and Prisons
    Nineteenth Century Crime and Policing
    Victorian Images
    A Century of Criminal Law Reform
    Criminal Incapacity
    A Revolution in Procedure
    Early Twentieth Century
    Improvement After World War Two
    Twenty-First Century Regression?
    The Advent of Restorative Justice
    Select Bibliography

    Max Horkheimer 1895-1973 weblinks

    Horkheimer, M. 1937 "Traditional and Critical Theory" available at http://www.sfu.ca/~andrewf/hork.doc

    1944 See Adorno and Horkheimer 1944

    Horkheimer, M. 1972, Critical Theory: selected essays, Seabury Press.

    Wolfgang Huber 1935-
    German psychiatrist who worked in the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Heidelberg from 1964 to 1970. Arrested summer 1971. In prison from 1971 to January 1976. (Wikipedia) - See also earthcore

    Huber, W. 1972 SPK, aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen : eine Agitationsschrift des Sozialistischen Patientenkollektivs an der Universität Heidelberg with a forward by Jean-Paul Sartre. Author: Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv. Series Trikont-Texte Munich: Trikont-Verlag. 136 pages. ISBN: 3920385470. A translation into English was drafted by a collective in January-May 1973 and privately distributed. (quotations from)

    In a letter of 19.4.1988, Huber says "The SPK-publications that had been prepared by me, in particular the book SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon, containing Sartre's Preface, had already been published in German in 1972, while the editions to be published abroad were on their way."

    Huber, W. 1976 Iatrokratie im Weltmassstab (Treatment democracy of a world scale?)

    Huber, W. 1983/1987 Der Begriff Einzelhaft (The term of solitary confinement?)

    Huber, W. 1993 Über das Anfangen : zur Vorgeschichte des Sozialistischen Patientenkollektiv (1970) und der Patientenfront (1973) : wie aus der Krankheit eine Waffe wurde : 20 Jahre Patientenfront by W. D Huber (The start: to the history of the Socialist patients collective (1970) and the patient front (1973): how the disease became a weapon: 20 years of patient front by W. D Huber

    Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss

    Hubert, H and Mauss, M. 1899 "Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice" (Essay on the nature and function of sacrifice) Année Sociologique, 2, 1899, pp. 29- 138. Available online from Les Classiques des sciences sociales at http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/mauss_marcel/oeuvres_1/oeuvres_1_3/ess ai_sacrifice.html

    Alastair Hudson 6.11.1968-

    Hudson, A. 2007- or Hudson's words Words and Concepts (date from last modificatiopn). Include Individualisation

    Olwen Hufton 1938-

    Hufton, O. 1971 Women in Revolution, 1789-1796 Past and Present no.53, November 1971. Reprinted as Chapter 6 in Johnson, D. 1976 (pp 148- 166)

    James J. Hughes

    Hughes, J. 1994 "The Doctor Patient Relationship: A Review". Chapter one of Organization and Information at the Bed-Side: The Experience of the Medical Division of Labor by University Hospitals' Inpatients. Thesis: Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. November 1994. Available at http://www.changesurfer.com/Hlth/DPReview.html

    Joan Hughes

    Hughes, Joan 1999 - What is Science? Summaries and Reviews available at http://studymore.org.uk/science.htm

    John A Hughes 1941 -
    University of Lancaster

    John A. Hughes, Peter J. Martin and W. W. Sharrock

    Hughes, J.A., Martin, P.J. and W. W. Sharrock 1995 Understanding Classical Sociology : Marx, Weber, Durkheim London and Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. viii and 230 pages.

    Hughes, J.A., W. W. Sharrock and Martin, P.J. 2003 Understanding Classical Sociology : Marx, Weber, Durkheim London and Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. viii and 246 pages. Second editon

    Sociology's Intellectual Character
    Conclusion Select Bibliography and Further Reading
    Karl Marx
    Biography and Social Background
    Early Years: The Critique of
    Hegel's Idealism
    Turning Hegel the Right Way Up
    The Critique of Political Economy
    The Partnership with Engels
    The Materialist Conception of History
    The Priority of Society
    The Material Basis of Social Organisation
    Economic Production and Social Organisation
    The Shaping of Consciousness
    The Sources of Social Change
    The Nature of Social Change
    Social Revolution
    The Economic Sources of Social Change
    Issues of Interpretation
    Changes in the Nature of Capitalism
    Conclusion: Marx's Legacy
    Select Bibliography and Further Reading
    Max Weber
    The Early Career
    Weber and Modern Capitalism
    The Organisation of Society
    Capitalism, Rationality and Social Change
    The Methodological Weber
    The Legacy
    Select Bibliography and Further Reading
    Emile Durkheim
    The Study of Social Action
    [Notes that Weber is usually associated with social action, but that Parsons included Durkheim in his Structure of Social Action]
    The Reality of Society
    The Unity of Society
    Autonomy and Constraint
    The Solidarity of Society
    Thought and Society
    The Diagnosis of Society
    The Aftermath
    Select Bibliography and Further Reading
    Towards a Postmodern Marx?
    The Durkheimian Legacy
    Which Weber?
    Concluding Remarks

    Hunt, A. 1978 The Sociological Movement in Law, London, Macmillan.

    Joseph McVicker Hunt 19.3.1906-9.1.1991
    Developmental psychologist. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    Hunt, J.M. 1944 (Editor) Personality and the Behaviour Disorders: A handbook based on experimental and clinical research New York: The Ronald Press Company.

    Hunt, J.M. 1961 Intelligence and Experience New York: Ronald Press Co. ix and 416 pages.
    The belief in fixed intelligence
    The belief in predetermined development
    Information-processing and experience
    Piaget's observations: the sensorimotor period
    Piaget's observations: from sensorimotor schemata to formal operations
    Some implications of Piaget's work and other evidence
    Some reinterpretations
    Recapitulation and conclusion.

    Hunt, J.M. 1969 The Challenge of Incompetence and Poverty: Papers on the role of early education Urbana; London : University of Illinois Press. xiii and 289 pages.
    Seven essays on cultural deprivation, intellectual development, equality of opportunity and related subjects.

    Hunt, L. 1992 The Family Romance of the French Revolution

    George William Hunter 7.4.1873-4.2.1948

    Hunter, G.W. 1914 A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems American Book Company. New York.

    David Hume 1711-1776

    Hume, D. 1739/ 1740 A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects. Three books, each divided into parts and sections: Book 1 Of the Understanding; Book 2 Of the Passions; Book 3 Of Morals.

    Extracts on: origin of ideas - virtue

    Dina Ibrahim

    Ibrahim, D. 2012 Compensatory Education: Insights into history Unpublished dissertation. Middlesex University.

    Inglis, B. 1972 Poverty and the Industrial Revolution. Panther

    Michael Ignatieff

    Ignatieff, M. 1981 "State, civil society and total institutions: a critique of recent social histories of punishment". Crime and Justice 1981 The University of Chicago Press

    Abstract: Three books published during the seventies, by Michel Foucault, Michael Ignatieff, and David Rothman, greatly revised the history of the penitentiary. Contrary to the received wisdom which located the penitentiary's origin in the altruism of Quakers and other humanitarian reformers, and portrayed it as a humane advance from the squalid jails and workhouses, corporal and capital punishment, and transportation that preceded it, the revisionist accounts characterized the penitentiary, and other nineteenth-century "asylums" as weapons of class conflict or instruments of "social control." Social theories on a grand scale, such as Marxism or structural-functionalism, however, claim too much. The revisionist historiography of the prison followed these theories into three major misconceptions: that the state controls a monopoly over punitive regulation of behavior, that the state's moral authority and practical power are the major sources of social order, and that all social relations can be described in terms of power and subordination. The next generation of historical writing on crime and punishment must subject these distorting misconceptions to empirical examination.

    Institute of Contemporary Arts

    ICA7 1988 Black Film, British Cinema ICA documents 7. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts,
    Contents include:
    Recoding Narratives of Race and Nation, by Kobena Mercer. pp 4-14
    New Ethnicities by Stuart Hall. pp 27-31
    Black Film in 80s' Britain, by Colin MacCabe. pp 31-32

    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

    IAEA 2006 "Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts and Recommendations to the Governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine" by the Chernobyl Forum: A Digest Report summarising the various technical reports done by the WHO, IAEA and UNDP (2006). Available at http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/chernobyl/chernobyl_digest_report_EN. pdf?ua=1

    International Telecommunication Union

    ITU 2009 Measuring the Information Society 2009 International Telecommunication Union pdf version available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/idi/

    ITU 2010 Measuring the Information Society 2010 International Telecommunication Union pdf version available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/idi/

    ITU 2011 Measuring the Information Society 2011 International Telecommunication Union pdf version available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/idi/

    ITU 2012 Measuring the Information Society 2012 International Telecommunication Union pdf version available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/idi/

    See Subject Index Social Networks

    Internet Journal of Criminology
    Nottingham Trent University,


    What is now known as INVOLVE was established in
    1996 to support active public involvement in National Health Service research (in England). This was later extended to research in public health and social care. It is part of, and funded by, the National Institute for Health Research.

    Standing Advisory Group on Consumer Involvement in the NHS Research and Development Programme

    Involve 1.1.1998 Involve1.pdf Health Research: What's in it for consumers? Report of the Standing Advisory Group on Consumer Involvement in the NHS Research and Development Programme.

    Consumers in NHS Research Support Unit

    Offline: Spring 2000 - Summer 2000 - Autumn 2000 - Winter 2000/2001 - Spring 2001 - Summer 2001 - Autumn 2001 - Winter 2001/2002

    website was http://www.hfht.org/ConsumersinNHSResearch (no archive). It moved to http://www.conres.co.uk archive 22.4.2002

    Offline: Spring 2002 - Summer 2002 - Autumn 2002 - Winter 2002/2003 - Spring 2003 [we will of course keep using Angela Martin's cartoons!]

    Offline: Consumers in NHS Research - A Guide for Contributors to the Newsletter


    INVOLVE 9.2001 Royle Getting Involved in Research - a Guide for Consumers Available at [Illustration: Angela Martin ]

    INVOLVE 4.2002 Hanley Involving Consumers in Research and Development in the NHS: Briefing Notes for Researchers (48 pages) April 2002. Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20030314192315/http://www.conres.co.uk/pdf/invo lving_consumers_in_research.pdf (offline)

    INVOLVE 4.2002/2004 Hanley Involving the public in NHS, public health, and social care research: Briefing Notes for Researchers (73 pages) 2004 Second edition; file size: 598 KB (key document - NEW!)
    This is an introductory document designed for researchers with no previous experience of involving members of the public as active partners in research. It is a revision of the first edition which was published in 2000 and includes the more recent work of INVOLVE in the Policy Research Programme (PRP). (offline)

    INVOLVE July 2003
    "Consumers in NHS Research have a new name
    INVOLVE (formerly Consumers in NHS Research)
    Wessex House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9FD
    http://www.invo.org.uk/index.htm archive 6.9.2003 - first archive of website 5.11.2004 - present website

    "Welcome to this first edition of our newsletter under the new name, 'INVOLVE.' Our original name - 'Consumers in NHS Research' - no longer adequately describes our broadened remit to cover public health and social care in addition to NHS research in our work."

    Offline: Summer 2003 - Autumn 2003 - Winter 2003/2004 - Spring 2004 - Summer 2004 -


    Winter 2014/2015

    2006 NIMHE Policy and Vision Statement: the purpose of involvement Offline: Involve1.pdf - Involve2.pdf - Involve3.pdf. See Making a Real Difference 2006/2007

    Kinko Ito 1957-
    Department of Sociology and Anthropology. University of Arkansas at Little Rock

    Ito, K. 2010 A Sociology of Japanese Ladies' Comics: Images of the life, loves, and sexual fantasies of adult Japanese women Kinko Ito ; with a foreword by John A. Lent. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. vii and 237 pages.

    See Subject Index Culture

    Nicky Ali Jackson

    Jackson, N.A. 2007 (Editor) Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence New York; London : Routledge. xxix and 789 pages.

    Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott

    Jackson, S. and Scott, S. 2002 (Editors) Gender: A Sociological Reader Routledge student readers. London: Routledge, xiv and 465 pages. Contents:
    Introduction: The Gendering of Sociology.
    Part One - Gender and Knowledge.
    1. Should 'sex' really be 'gender' - or 'gender' really be 'sex'? by Liz Stanley
    2. Doing sex by Candice West and Don H. Zimmerman
    3. Performative subversions by Judith Butler
    4. Rethinking sex and gender by Christine Delphy
    5. Hegemonic masculinity by Bob Connell
    6. Women's perspective as a radical critique by Dorothy E. Smith
    7. Learning from the outsider within: The sociological significance of black feminist thought
    8. The heterosexual imaginary by Chrys Ingraham
    Part Two - Class, Gender and the Labour Market
    9. Women and social stratification: A case of intellectual sexism by Joan Acker
    10. Gender, class and stratification: Towards a new approach by Sylvia Walby
    11 Capitalism, patriarchy and job segregation by sex by Heidi Hartman
    12 Women working world wide by Swasti Mitter
    13 Black women, sexism and racism by Gemma Tang Nain (1991)
    14 Patriarchy and the professions: The gendered politics of occupational closure by Ann Witz
    15 Full wages and component wages by Janet Siltanen
    16 Lesbians in manual jobs by Gillian Dunne
    17 A single or segregated market? Gendered and racialised divisions by Annie Phizarcklea
    Part Three - Paid and Unpaid Work.
    Part Four - Marriage and Intimate Relationships.
    Part Five - Becoming Gendered.
    Part Six - Gendered Embodiment.

    Thomas Alfred Jackson 1879-1955 Jackson, T.A. 1935 A Great Socialist-Frederick Engels. National Council of Labour Colleges pamphlet.

    Jackson, T.A. 1945 (2nd edition. 1st: 1940) Trials of British Freedom. Being studies in the history of the fight for democratic freedom in Britain. Lawrence and Wishart.

    Allison James and Alan Prout
    Allison James: Professor of Sociology at the University of Sheffield.

    James, A. and Prout, A. 1990 (Editors) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood London: Falmer. 248 pages.
    A new paradigm for the sociology of childhood? by A. Prout and A. James
    Constructions and reconstructions of British childhood: 1800 to the present by H. Hendrick.
    Psychology and the cultural construction of children's needs by M. Woodhead
    A voice for children in statistical and social accounting by J. Qvortrup
    Its a small world: Disneyland, the family and multiple re- representations of American childhood by P. Hunt and R. Frankenberg
    Negotiating childhood: changing constructions of age for Norwegian children by A. Solberg
    Street children by B. Glauser
    Who are you kidding? Children, power and the struggle against sexual abuse by J. Kitzinger
    Childhood and the policy makers by J. Boyden.

    Inspired by the 3rd international workshop on the ethnography of childhood, Cambridge, this book explores the ways in which childhood is socially constructed. It's intention is to show the ways in which the immaturity of children is conceived and articulated in particular societies into culturally specific sets of ideas and philosophies, attitudes and practices which combine to define the "nature of childhood"

    James, A., Jenks, C. and Prout, A. 1998 Theorising Childhood Cambridge: Polity.

    Allison James and Adrian L. James
    Adrian L. James is Professor of Applied Social Studies at the University of Sheffield.

    James, A. and James, A.L. 2004 Constructing Childhood: Theory, policy, and social practice Houndmills ; New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, x and 244 pages.
    Part One: Towards a cultural politics of childhood -- 1. Constructing children, childhood and the child -- 2. Key constructs : politics, policies and process -- 3. The production and reproduction of childhood -- 4. The universalisation of law?
    Part Two: Case studies in the cultural politics of childhood -- 5. Education -- 6. Health -- 7. Crime -- 8. The family -- Concluding thoughts : continuity and change.

    James, C.L.R. 1938/1980 The Black Jacobins. Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution.

    William James 1842-1910

    James, W. 1907 Pragmatism: a new name for some old ways of thinking: popular lectures on philosophy. London and New York: Longman.
    Lectures delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston in November and December, 1906, and in January, 1907, at Columbia University, in New York.
    Available at
    Lecture one: The Present Dilemma in Philosophy
    Chesterton quoted. Everyone has a philosophy. Temperament is a factor in all philosophizing. Rationalists and empiricists. The tender-minded and the tough-minded. Most men wish both facts and religion. Empiricism gives facts without religion. Rationalism gives religion without facts. The layman's dilemma. The unreality in rationalistic systems. Leibnitz on the damned, as an example. M. I. Swift on the optimism of idealists. Pragmatism as a mediating system. An objection. Reply: philosophies have characters like men, and are liable to as summary judgments. Spencer as an example.
    Lecture two: What Pragmatism Means
    The squirrel. Pragmatism as a method. History of the method. Its character and affinities. How it contrasts with rationalism and intellectualism. A 'corridor theory.' Pragmatism as a theory of truth, equivalent to 'humanism.' Earlier views of mathematical, logical, and natural truth. More recent views. Schiller's and Dewey's 'instrumental' view. The formation of new beliefs. Older truth always has to be kept account of. Older truth arose similarly. The 'humanistic' doctrine. Rationalistic criticisms of it. Pragmatism as mediator between empiricism and religion. Barrenness of transcendental idealism. How far the concept of the Absolute must be called true. The true is the good in the way of belief. The clash of truths. Pragmatism unstiffens discussion.
    Lecture three: Some Metaphysical Problems Pragmatically Considered
    The problem of substance. The Eucharist. Berkeley's pragmatic treatment of material substance. Locke's of personal identity. The problem of materialism. Rationalistic treatment of it. Pragmatic treatment. 'God' is no better than 'Matter' as a principle, unless he promise more. Pragmatic comparison of the two principles. The problem of design. 'Design' per se is barren. The question is WHAT design. The problem of 'free-will.' Its relations to 'accountability.' Free-will a cosmological theory. The pragmatic issue at stake in all these problems is what do the alternatives PROMISE.
    Lecture four: The One and the Many
    Total reflection. Philosophy seeks not only unity, but totality. Rationalistic feeling about unity. Pragmatically considered, the world is one in many ways. One time and space. One subject of discourse. Its parts interact. Its oneness and manyness are co- ordinate. Question of one origin. Generic oneness. One purpose. One story. One knower. Value of pragmatic method. Absolute monism. Vivekananda. Various types of union discussed. Conclusion: We must oppose monistic dogmatism and follow empirical findings.
    Lecture five: Pragmatism and Common Sense
    Noetic pluralism. How our knowledge grows. Earlier ways of thinking remain. Prehistoric ancestors DISCOVERED the common sense concepts. List of them. They came gradually into use. Space and time. 'Things.' Kinds. 'Cause' and 'law.' Common sense one stage in mental evolution, due to geniuses. The 'critical' stages: 1) scientific and 2) philosophic, compared with common sense. Impossible to say which is the more 'true.'
    Lecture six: Pragmatism's Conception of Truth
    The polemic situation. What does agreement with reality mean? It means verifiability. Verifiability means ability to guide us prosperously through experience. Completed verifications seldom needful. 'Eternal' truths. Consistency, with language, with previous truths. Rationalist objections. Truth is a good, like health, wealth, etc. It is expedient thinking. The past. Truth grows. Rationalist objections. Reply to them.
    Lecture seven: Pragmatism and Humanism
    The notion of THE Truth. Schiller on 'Humanism.' Three sorts of reality of which any new truth must take account. To 'take account' is ambiguous. Absolutely independent reality is hard to find. The human contribution is ubiquitous and builds out the given. Essence of pragmatism's contrast with rationalism. Rationalism affirms a transempirical world. Motives for this. Tough-mindedness rejects them. A genuine alternative. Pragmatism mediates.
    Lecture eight: Pragmatism and Religion
    Utility of the Absolute. Whitman's poem 'To You.' Two ways of taking it. My friend's letter. Necessities versus possibilities. 'Possibility' defined. Three views of the world's salvation. Pragmatism is melioristic. We may create reality. Why should anything BE? Supposed choice before creation. The healthy and the morbid reply. The 'tender' and the 'tough' types of religion. Pragmatism mediates.

    Fredric Jameson

    Sources about:
    Adam Roberts 2000

    Jameson, F. 1981 The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a socially symbolic act London : Methuen. 305 pages

    Fredric Jameson and Anders Stephanson

    Jameson, F. and Stephanson, A. 1989 "Regarding Postmodernism - A Conversation with Fredric Jameson" Social Text, No. 21, Universal Abandon? The Politics of Postmodernism (1989), pp. 3-30 Duke University Press

    Jameson, F. 1991 Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Introduction ix
    1. CULTURE: The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism 1
    2. IDEOLOGY: Theories of the Postmodern 55
    3. VIDEO: Surrealism Without the Unconscious 67
    4. ARCHITECTURE: Spatial Equivalents in the World System 97
    5. SENTENCES: Reading and the Division of Labor 131
    6. SPACE: Utopianism After the End of Utopia 154
    7. THEORY: Immanence and Nominalism in Postmodern Theoretical Discourse 181
    8. ECONOMICS: Postmodernism and the Market 260
    9. FILM: Nostalgia for the Present 279
    10. CONCLUSION: Secondary Elaborations 297

    David Jary and Julia Jary

    Jary, D. and Jary, J. 2000 Sociology (Collins Dictionary)

    John J. Jenkins

    Jenkins. J.J. 1983 Understanding Locke: An introduction to philosophy through John Locke's Essay Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press xviii, and 256 pages

    Philip Jenkins 1952-

    Jenkins, P. 1998 Moral Panic: Changing concepts of the child molester in modern America New Haven, Connecticut; London: Yale University Press. xii and 302 pages

    Attempts to document attitudes towards sexual offenders interested in children have fluctuated in North America since the late nineteenth century. In the 1970s many experts thought molestation was very rare and that molesters were merely confused individuals unlikely to repeat their offenses. In the 1990s sexual abuse of children is widely considered a grave and pervasive problem and child molesters as predators who compulsively repeat their crimes and have little hope of cure.

    Richard Jenkins 1952-

    Jenkins, R. 1992 Pierre Bourdieu Key sociologists series. London: Routledge. 190p (Revised edition in 2002).
    Contents: A Book for Reading; Anthropology and Structuralism; Experiments in Epistemology; Practice, Habitus and Field; Symbolic Violence and Social Reproduction; Culture, Status and Distinction; Uses of Language; Using Bourdieu; Reading Bourdieu.

    Jenkins, R. 1996 Social identity Routledge Key ideas series. London: Routledge. Second edition 2004 - Third edition 2008.
    Contents: 1. Knowing Who We Are 2. A Sign of the Times 3. Common Sense 4. Theorising Social Identity 5. Selfhood and Mind 6. Social Selves 7. Entering Society 8. Self-image and Public Image 9. Groups and Categories 10. The Social Organisation of Difference 11. The Symbolic Construction of Similarity 12. Predictability 13. Institutionalising Identity 14. Organising Identities 15. Allocation and Classification 16. Modernity, Rationality and Identity.
    Summary: Social identity provides frameworks of similarity and difference that enable people to relate in a consistent and meaningful fashion. It makes society possible. Social identity should be seen as both individual and collective. Explores theorists of identity including
    George Herbert Mead - Erving Goffman - Roland Bathes - and Pierre Bourdieu is examined.

    Jenkins, R. 8.2010 "What interactionism can teach us: towards a model of distributed vulnerability". Presentation by Richard Jenkins at the 3rd Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference (Nottingham) August 2010 available at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/sociology/pdfs/qrmh/keynote-addresses/richard- jenkins.pptx

    Chris Jenks 12.6.1947-
    Glodsmiths College, London

    Jenks, C. 1982 (Editor) The Sociology of Childhood: Essential readings London : Batsford Academic and Educational,
    Contents: An archaeology of childhood - the discovery of childhood; the image of the child; the evolution of the child; the child as emergent being - the child's relations with others; embodiment and child development; the emergence of mind within sociality; origins of the child in myth and dream - abandoning the child; reveries toward childhood; a paradigm of guilt - Oedipus Rex; toys; constraining the child to order - the socialization of the child and the internationalization of social value orientations; childhood; the rise of the child-saving movement; madness is childhood; the child at work and play - the lore and language of school children; the everyday world of the child; the work of little children; the play of little children; comparative approaches to childhood; the necessity and significance of comparative research in developmental psychology; early childhood experience and later education in complex cultures; the child in social time - eight ages of man; the problem of generations; historical development of the multiplicity of times and implications for the analysis of ageing

    Karen Diane Jennett

    Jennett, K.D. 2008 "Female Figurines of the Upper Paleolithic" Texas State University thesis. May 2008. Availabe at https://digital.library.txstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10877/3202/fulltext.pd f

    Hans Joas 1948-

    Joas, H. 1980 Praktische Intersubjektivität : die Entwicklung des Werkes von George Herbert Mead Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1980. 258 pages [1979 Thesis for Freie University Berlin]

    Joas, H. 1980/1985 G.H. Mead, A contemporary re-examination of his thought by Hans Joas. A translation into English, by Raymond Meyer, of Joas, H. 1980. Studies in contemporary German social thought. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 266 pages

    Joas, H. 1997 George Herbert Mead and the Renaissance of American pragmatism in Social Theory in Camic, C. 1997 pp 262-281

    Allan G. Johnson

    Johnson, A.G. 1995 The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology : A user's guide to sociological language. Oxford : Blackwell, 1995 xi and 378 pages

    Second edition: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. xii and 412 pages

    Douglas Johnson

    Johnson, D. 1976 (Editor) French Society and the Revolution. Essays published in "Past and Present" 1966-1976.

    Norman Johnston

    Johnston, N. 3.2009 "Evolving Function: Early Use of Imprisonment as Punishment" The Prison Journal Volume:89 Issue:1 March 2009 Pages:10S to 34S

    Ernest Jones 1879-1958

    Jones, E. 1953/1955/1957 (3 Volumes) The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud.

    Jones, E. 1961/1964 The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. One volume abridgement, 1961, by Lionel Trilling and Steven Marcus. Re- published by Penguin in 1964

    Greta Jones

    Greta Jones, 1980 Social Darwinsim and English Thought. The Interaction Between Biological and Social Theory. Harvester.

    Robert Alun Jones
    Professor emeritus of religious studies, history, and sociology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Jones, R.A. 1986 Emile Durkheim: An Introduction to Four Major Works. Beverly Hills, California. Sage Publications. 165 pages. Series: Masters of Social Theory (Volume 2)
    Between Two Wars
    The Moral Basis of the Social Order
    The Division of Labor in Society (1893)
    Studying Social Facts
    The Rules of Sociological Method (1895)
    The Social Conditions of Psychological Health
    Suicide (1897)
    Reason, Religion, and Society
    The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912)
    Why Read the Classics?

    Jones, R.A. 1997 The Other Durkheim: History and Theory in the Treatment of Classical Sociological Thought in Camic, C. 1997 pp 142-172

    Jones, T., MacLean, B. & Young, J. 1986 The Islington Crime Survey: crime, victimization and policing in inner-city London. Aldershot: Gower.

    Tim Jordan

    Jordan, T. 2005 "Social Movements and Social Change" CRESC Working Paper Series - Working Paper No. 7. Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC). Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes. September 2005. Available at http://www.archive.cresc.ac.uk/documents/papers/wp7.pdf

    Journal of Abnormal Psychology

    The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) launched June 1995

    Journals of the houses of parliament

    The Journal of Mind and Behavior

    Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology

    Jayasree Kalathil
    Editor of aaina from March 2001

    Jayasree moved to the United Kingdom about 2003

    Kalathil, J. 3.2006 "Realities and Representations" A review of the film 15 Park Avenue, directed by Aparna Sen. Hailed as a new era for the representation of madness in Indian cinema. Jayasree Kalathil has her doubts. Published in aaina, March 2006. Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20150702204706/http://www.survivor- research.com/index.php/publications/27-reality-and-representation

    Kalathil, J. 9.2006 "The Road to Recovery". Jayasree Kalathil September 2006 Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20150702122729/http://www.survivor- research.com/index.php/publications/5-the-road-to-recovery

    Kalathil, J. 5.2007 "Let's Tell Our Stories: Looking for Black Women's Personal Narratives" Jayasree Kalathil. May 2007. Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20150702123350/http://www.survivor- research.com/index.php/publications/4-lets-tell-our-stories-looking-for- black-womens-personal-narratives

    Jayasree Kalathil, Joanna Bennett, Frank Keating

    2007 Race Equality Training in Mental Health Services in England: Does One Size Fit All? Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
    The report of a national scoping study on race equality training in mental health, written by Joanna Bennett, Jayasree Kalathil and Frank Keating.
    This report presents a historical analysis of the development of race related training and the findings of a survey of race equality training in mental health services in England. This is the first national study of race related training in mental health services.
    Available at http://www.nacro.org.uk/data/files/nacro-2007100901-473.pdf

    One Size Doesn't Fit All: A shorter version of the report of the national scoping study on race equality training in mental health in England, written by Joanna Bennett, Jayasree Kalathil and Frank Keating. This article was first published in Mental Health Today, November 2007.

    Kalathil, J. 11.2007 "After Ervadi: Faith Healing and Human Rights". Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20080916215500/http://www.survivor- research.com/index.php/publications/3-after-ervadi-faith-healing-and-human- rights
    In this article, Jayasree Kalathil discusses healing, human rights and the law in the context of yet another media call to close down faith/religious healing spaces in India. A version of the article was published in aaina, 7.3, November 2007.

    January 2008: Yvonne Christie: "This UK Black Phenomenon"

    Website: Survivor Research: Black and Minority Ethnic User-led Perspectives in Mental Health. First archive 18.11.2008

    Jayasree Kalathil and Rowan Myron
    Dr Rowan Myron who is Associate Head of Research at the Mental Health Foundation

    Kalathil, J. and Myron, R. 11.2008 Engaging With Black And Minority Ethnic Communities about the Mental Capacity Act. Mental Health Foundation. November 2008. Research by Jayasree Kalathil supervised by Rowan Myron. Available at http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/engaging-black-minority-ethnic/

    Kalathil, J. 2009 The Sackclothman DC Books, Kottayam, India
    Children's book exploring the friendship between a young girl and a homeless man. "From the time Anu can remember, the Sackcloth Man has been around in the village. Who is he? Where did he come from? Doesn't he have a home or family? The slowly growing friendship between Anu and the Sackcloth Man is at the centre of this story". Illustrated by Rakhi Peswani.

    Kalathil, J. 2.3.2009 " What's in a Name? Race, User Involvement and 'Hard to Reach' Communities"

    Kalathil, J. 24.3.2009 Dancing to Our Own Tunes: Reassessing Black and Minority Ethnic Mental Health Service User Involvement National Survivor User Network
    Dancing to Our Own Tunes reports on the findings of a national consultation with service users/survivors from Black and minority ethnic communities and from White backgrounds on their experiences of "involvement,"both within statutory/voluntary sector organisations and within the mental health user/survivor movement. It makes a strong statement against tokenistic involvement initiatives that are simply about increasing "Black" faces in committees so that policy boxes can be ticked. The report highlights several barriers to meaningful involvement, including the overt and covert racism faced by people from minority ethnic backgrounds in these spaces. The report calls for a redefinition of user involvement that acknowledges the varied range of activities users and survivors from minority ethnic backgrounds are engaged in within their communities. The need now is to shift the locus of leadership to the communities whose involvement is being sought, support such initiatives and create a strong political voice that addresses not only mental health issues but also the racism that is prevalent within mental health services and within the society.
    The report was launched at an event on 24th March [2009], organised by NSUN who commissioned the report in collaboration with Catch-a-Fiya.

    Kalathil, J. 24.3.2009/2011 2011 Reprint of the 24.3.2009 report with a review of the work undertaken on the recommendations. Available at http://www.nsun.org.uk/assets/downloadableFiles/dtoots_report_reprint-oct- 20112.pdf   [Lost?]

    2013 reprint available http://www.nsun.org.uk/assets/downloadableFiles/dtoots-report---for- website2.pdf   archive

    Kalathil, J. 12.2009 Mental Health of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Communities: Continuing Priorities and Action Points December 2009. Available at http://www.survivor- research.com/images/documents/nh%20consultations%20full%20report.pdf
    Report of the consultations organised by the Afiya Trust as part of its response to New Horizons

    Jayasree Kalathil with Beth Collier and Renuka Bhakta, Odete Daniel, Doreen Joseph, and Premila Trivedi

    Kalathil, J. and others 2011 Recovery and Resilience: African, African-Caribbean and South Asian Women's Narratives about Recovering from Mental Distress by Jayasree Kalathil and others. Mental Health Foundation and Survivor Research. Available at http://www.mhpf.org.uk/resources/research/recovery-and- resilience-african-african-caribbean-and-south-asian-women%E2%80%99s- narrati

    Kalathil, J. 2013 "'Hard to reach'? Racialised groups and mental health service user involvement". Chapter eleven in Staddon, P. 2013 Mental Health Service Users in Research: Critical Sociological Perspectives

    Stephen Kallberg

    Kallberg, S. 1997 Max Weber's Sociology: Research Strategies and Modes of Analysis in Camic, C. 1997 pp 208-241

    Immanuel Kant See Beck, Cassirer, Reiss, Williams, weblinks

    Kant, I. 1781 Critique of Pure Reason Translation from German into English by J. M. D. Meiklejohn available at http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext03/cprrn10.txt

    Kant, I. 11.11.1784 "Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose" First published 11.11.1784 as Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. English translation by Lewis White Beck, 1963, available at http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/ethics/kant/universal-history.htm

    In print in Beck, L.W. 1963 pp 11-26 and Reiss, H. 1970 pp 41-53.

    Kant, I. 12.12.1784 An answer to the question: What is Enlightenment? First published in Berlinische Monatsschrift 4, 12.12.1784 as Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung available at http://studymore.org.uk/xKan1784.htm

    The above translation begins
    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity"
    Another translation:
    "Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage"

    In print in Beck, L.W. 1963 pp 3-10, and Reiss, H. 1970 pp 54-60.

    Kant, I. 1785 Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals

    Kant, I. 1788 Critique of Practical Reason Translation from German into English by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott available at http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext04/ikcpr10.txt

    Kant, I. 1790 Critique of Judgement

    Kant, I. 1795 "Perpetual Peace. A Philosophical Sketch". In Reiss, H. 1970 pp 85-135 and Reiss, H. 1970 pp 93-130.

    Kant, I. 1797 The Metaphysics of Morals

    Priscilla W. Kariuki

    Kariuki, P.W. 1989 "In Search of a Sense of Identity: Coping With Single Parenthood in Kenya." Early Childhood Development and Care Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Volume: 50. Pages 25-30

    John Keane 1949-

    Keane, J. 1988 Eitor Civil Society and the State: New European perspectives edited by John Keane. London: Verso. 426 pages

    Douglas Kellner 1943 -

    Kellner, D. 2000 "Habermas, the Public Sphere, and Democracy: A Critical Intervention" available at http://pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/papers/habermas.htm [Date given at http://www2.hu- berlin.de/amerika/syllabi/asf_2007_08ws_isensee_cou2.pdf

    Stephen A. Kent and Terra A. Manca

    Kent, S.A. and Manca, T.A. 2014 "A War over Mental Health Professionalism: Scientology versus Psychiatry. Mental Health, Religion and Culture 17.1 (2014): 1-23. PMC. Web. 1.5.2015. Available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3856510/

    See Subject Index Scientology

    Kelly, Linda 1987 Women of the French Revolution. Hamish Hamilton.

    Ian Kershaw

    Kershaw, I. 1985 The Nazi Dictatorship. Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation. London: Edward Arnold

    Kershaw I, 1987? or 1989? The Hitler Myth: Image and Reality in the Third Reich, Oxford University Press

    Kershaw I, 1991 Hitler: Profiles in Power, Pearson Education Ltd

    Kershaw I, 1998 Hitler: 1889 - 1936. Hubris, Allen Lane, London

    Kershaw I, 2000 Hitler: 1936 - 1945 Nemesis, Allen Lane, London

    John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946

    Keynes, J. M. 1926 "The End of Laissez-Faire". From Collected Writings: Essays in Persuasion Part 4, Chapter 2 pages 272-294

    Keynes, J. M. 1936 The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money. Macmillan.

    Moumina (Krich) Khan

    Khan, M. 2013 Complex story-telling: Erving Goffman's concept of moral career applied to a fictional criminal with multiple mental health problems. Unpublished dissertation. Middlesex University.

    Majid KhosraviNik

    KhosraviNik, M. 2009 "The representation of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in British newspapers during the Balkan conflict (1999) and the British general election (2005)" Discourse & Society July 2009 20: pp 477-498

    Harry Kidd

    Kidd, H. 1969 The Trouble at L.S.E. 1966-1967 London. Oxford University Press

    Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe

    Kilminster, R. and Varcoe, I. 1996 Culture, Modernity, and Revolution: Essays in honour of Zygmunt Bauman edited by Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe. London : Routledge. xi and 285 pages
    Essays by
    Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe: "Introduction: Intellectual migration and sociological insight"
    S. N. Eisenstadt:
    Gianfranco Poggi:
    Ian Varcoe:
    Agnes Heller:
    Tom Bottomore:
    Lewis A. Coser:
    Edmund Mokrzycki:
    Jerzy J. Wiatr
    Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe: "Addendum: Culture and power in the writings of Zygmunt Bauman

    David Anthony Kirby 1945 -

    Kirby, A. 2002 "Entrepreneurship Education: Can Business Schools Meet the Challenge?" International Council for Small Business 47th World Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico 16.6.2002 to 19.6.2002. Available http://sbaer.uca.edu/research/icsb/2002/079.pdf

    Kline, M. 1953 Mathematics in Western Culture. Page numbers from Pelican 1972 edition.

    Knies, Karl 1853 Die Politische Oekonomie vom Standpunkte der geschichtlichen Methode [Political Economy from the Historical Point of View]

    Laura Knight and Mike Stephens
    Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University,

    Knight, L. and Stephens, M., 2009 "Mentally Disordered Offenders in Prison: A tale of neglect?" Internet Journal of Criminology [A Peer Reviewed article] http://www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/Knight_Stephens_Mentally_Disord ered_Offenders.pdf

    See Subject Index Mental health and prison

    Leszek Kolakowski

    Kolakowski, L. 1968 Positivist Philosophy From Hume to the Vienna Circle New York, Doubleday and Co. (Harmondsworth, Penguin Books 1972). Translated from Polish (1966) Filozafia Pozytwistyczma (ad Hume, a do kola Wiedenskiego

    William Kornhauser

    Kornhauser, W. 1959/1960 The Politics of Mass Society New York, Free Press 1959 and London, Routledge and Kegan Paul 1960.

    S N Kothare and Sanjay A Pai

    Kothare, S.Nn. and Pai, S.A. 2004? An Introduction to the History of Medicine available at https://web.archive.org/web/20040130040229/http://www.histmedindia.org/

    Randy Steven Kraft 19.3.1945
    Californian economics graduate convicted of serial killings on 12.5.1989

    Kraft, R.S. Randy Kraft's webpage at http://www.ccadp.org/randykraft.htm

    Elmer Altman Kral (E.A.Kral) 1935-

    Kral, E.A. 2008 "Profile: Joseph McVicker Hunt: Psychologist stimulated America's mid-20th century focus on children's intellectual development and helped influence educational research and Project Head Start" available at http://nsea.org/news/JMHunt.htm

    Robert Kraut, Michael Patterson, Vicki Lundmark, Sara Kiesler, Tridas Mukopadhyay, and William Scherlis
    Carnegie Mellon University

    Kraut, R., Patterson, M., Lundmark, V., Kiesler, S., Mukophadhyay, T., Scherlis, W, 1998. "Internet paradox: A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?" American Psychologist, 53(9), pp 1017-1031. Available online at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kiesler/publications/1998pdfs/1998Kraut- InternetParadox.pdf

    See Subject Index Social Networks

    Nat Kretchun and Jane Kim

    Kretchun, N. and Kim, J. 2012 A Quiet Opening: North Koreans in a Changing Media Environment InterMedia, May 2012. Available at http://audiencescapes.org/sites/default/files/A_Quiet_Opening_FINAL_InterMe dia.pdf

    Rob Kroes

    Kroes, R. 2000 Them and Us: Questions of Citizenship in a Globalising World Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Contents: Supranationalism and its discontents -- Trespassing in America: American views of borders, boundaries, and frontiers -- Between globalism and regionalism: a comparison of trends in North America and Europe -- Immigrants and transnational localism: a focus on photography -- The human rights tradition in the United States -- Ideology: black box or the logic of our ideas? -- Neopopulism and Neoconservatism in the United States: social drift and sociological dilemmas -- National American studies in Europe, transnational American studies in America? -- Traveling theories, traveling theorists: French views of American modernity -- America and the European sense of history -- Citizenship and cyberspace.

    Krüger, D. 1987 Max Weber and the Younger Generation in the Verein für Sozialpolitik in Mommsen 1987 pp 71-87.

    Thomas Kuhn

    Kuhn, T.S. 1962 (2nd edition 1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago.

    Krishan Kumar 1942 -

    Kumar, K. Self and Net in the Information Age: A review of Manuel Castells' The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture The Hedgehog Review, pp 85-94, Autumn 1999. Available as a pdf at http://www.iasc-culture.org/THR/archives/Identity/1.1LKumar.pdf - (offline pdf)

    Labyrinth : international journal for philosophy, feminist theory and cultural hermeneutics http://h2hobel.phl.univie.ac.at/~iaf/Labyrinth/

    Labyrinth: Volume 1, No. 1 Autumn 1999 Special Issue: "Simone de Beauvoir: 50 years after the second sex" Institut füet;r Axiologische Forschungen, Kaltenleutgeben by Vienna. Partially recoverable at http://web.archive.org/web/20000416104144/http://phaidon.philo.at/~iaf/Laby rinth/Lab99-1.html
    Françoise Rétif: Modernité de Simone de Beauvoir ou la dialetique d'un engagement
    Nancy Bauer - Beauvoir's First Philosophy, The Second Sex, and the Third Wave
    Debra Bergoffen - Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre: Woman, Man and the Desire to be God
    Elaine Stavro-Pearce - Transgressing Sartre: embodied situated subjects in The Second Sex
    Susanne Moser - Die Frau, Opfer der Dialektik? Das Thema der Anerkennung bei Simone de Beauvoir
    Diane Lamoureux - Le paradoxe du corps chez Simone de Beauvoir
    Marie Couillard - La lesbienne selon Simone de Beuvoir et Nicole Brossard: identité ou figure convergente?
    Mara Luisa Femenias - Beauvoir revisited: Butler and the "gender" question

    Karen Vintges - Beauvoir's autobiography: "autofiction" or selftechnique?
    Sonia Kruks - Panopticism and Shame: Reading Foucault through Beauvoir
    Yvanka B. Raynova - Vers une éthique postmoderne de la justice: Simone de Beauvoir et Jean-François Lyotard
    Kristana Arp - Moral obligation in Simone de Beauvoir's The Ethics of Ambiguity Susan Bainbrigge - The Impact of Simone de Beauvoir's "universel singularisé" on the Politics of Representation and the Representation of Politics
    Sandrine Dauphin - From Socialism to radical Feminism: Militant foundations in Simone de Beauvoir's Writings
    Claudia Gather - Simone de Beauvoir, eine Klassikerin der feministischen Soziologie?
    Two Remarks
    Brigitte Weisshaupt - Simone de Beauvoir und Jean-Paul Sartre: Eine Anmerkung
    Meike Lauggas - born to be adult

    Jacques Lacan 13.4.1901 - 9.9.1981 weblinks

    Lacan, J. 1938 "Les complexes familiaux dans la formation de l'individu. Essai d'analyse d'une fonction en psychologie" (The Family Complexes in the Formation of the Individual: Attempt at an Analysis of a Function in Psychology). Encyclopédie française

    Lacan, J. 1968 The Language of Self New York: Dell

    Lacan, J. 1977 Ecrits: A Selection London: Tavistock Publications.

    Dominick LaCapra

    LaCapra, D. 1972 Emile Durkheim: Sociologist and Philosopher. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

    LaCapra, D. 1987 History and Criticism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

    Pat N. Lackey

    Lackey, P.N. 1987 Invitation to Talcott Parsons Theory. Houston: Cap and Gown Press

    Extracts from chapter one (pages 3-15) "A Survey of Parsons' Career and Work" available on Larry Ridener's website at http://www2.pfeiffer.edu/~lridener/DSS/Parsons/parsbio2.html

    Paul Lafargue (1842-1911)

    Lafargue, P. 9.1890 "Reminiscences of Marx" (Written September 1890) in Marx and Engels Through the Eyes of Their Contemporaries Progress Publishers, 1972. Online Version: Lafargue Internet Archive (marxists.org) 2002 avaliable at http://www.marxists.org/archive/lafargue/1890/xx/marx.htm

    Ronald David Laing 1927-1989 See weblinks - Cooper - Esterson - reviews

    Laing, R.D. 1960 The Divided Self: An existential study in sanity and madness. Tavistock (Penguin 1965)

    Laing, R.D. 1961 Self and Others. Tavistock (Revised edition 1961/1969)

    Laing, R.D. and Esterson, A. 1964 Sanity, Madness and the Family, Volume 1: Families of Schizophrenics. Tavistock (Penguin 1970) (Second edition 1964/1970 contains a Preface to second edition).

    Laing, R.D. and Cooper, D.G. 1964 Reason and Violence: A decade of Sartre's philosophy 1950-1960. Tavistock

    [1965 Philadelphia Association formed. Kingsley Hall established]

    Laing, R.D; Lee, A.R. and Phillipson, H. 1966 Interpersonal Perception

    Laing, R.D. 1967 The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise. Penguin

    Roundhouse Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation 15.7.1967-30.7.1967

    Laing, R.D. 7.1967 The Obvious in Cooper, D. 1968

    Laing, R.D. 5.1968 "Intervention in Social Situations" lecture at the Association of Family Caseworkers, published 1972
    Argues for whole family interventions rather than focussing on the "problem" individual members of families and/or society. "The common ground between social workers and psychiatrists is the study of and intervention in social situations". 19 pages

    See subject index intervention

    Laing, R.D. 1970 Knots

    Laing, R.D. 1972 The Politics of the Family and other essays. Vintage containing:
    The Family and the `Family' revised from individual and Family Structure in Lomas, P. 1967 The Predicament of the Family
    Intervention in Social Situations Lecture given at the Association of Family Caseworkers, May 1968
    The study of Family and Social Contexts in Relation to `Schizophrenia' Revised version of a paper given at first Rochester International Congres (March 1967)
    The Politics of the Family revised version of five radio talks broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, November to December 1968.

    Laing, R.D. 1976 Series and Nexus in the Family in Worsley 1976.

    Laing, R.D. 1977 The Facts of Life. Penguin

    Laing, R.D. 1985 Wisdom, Madness and Folly: the Making of a Psychiatrist, 1927-1957. Macmillan.

    Jean Laplanche and J.B. Pontalis

    Laplanche, J. and Pontalis, J.B. 1973 The Language of Psychoanalysis. London: Hogarth

    David H. J. Larmour, Paul Allen Miller and Charles Platter

    Larmour, D.H.J., Miller, P.A. and Platter, C. 1997 (Editors) Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity 280 pages.
    Introduction: Situating The History of Sexuality p.3
    1 Taking the Sex Out of Sexuality: Foucault's Failed History p.42
    2 Incipit Philosophia p.61
    3 The Subject in Antiquity after Foucault p. 85
    4 This Myth Which Is Not One: Construction of Discourse in Plato's Symposium p.104
    5 Pandora Unbound: A Feminist Critique of Foucault's History of Sexuality p.122
    6 Foucault's History of Sexuality: A Useful Theory for Women? p.138
    7 Catullan Consciousness, the "Care of the Self," and the Force of the Negative in History

    Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art Paul Hamlyn, London 1962. General editor René Huyghe. "Text prepared by Emily Evershed, Michael Heron, Corinne Lambert, Hugh Newbury and Wendela Schurmann from the French original: L'Art et l'Homme 1957". Revised 1966. 414 pages.

    Scott Lash
    University of Lancaster

    Laslett, P. 1963 Locke, J. 1689 Two treatises of government. A critical edition with an introduction and apparatus criticus by Peter Laslett.

    Charles La Shure

    La Shure, C. 18.10.2005 "What is Liminality?". Available at http://www.liminality.org/about/whatisliminality/

    Mamman Lawan
    University of Warwick, UK & Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
    Ibrahim N. Sada Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria
    Shaheen Sardar Ali University of Warwick, UK & University of Oslo, Norway

    Lawan, M., Sada, I.N. and Ali, S.S. 2008 An Introduction to Islamic Criminal Justice - A Teaching and Learning Manual UK Centre for Legal Education. First draft copy. Available from http://www.ukcle.ac.uk/resources/teaching-and-learning- strategies/islamiclaw/

    John Lea

    Lea, J. and Young, J. 1984 What is to be Done About Law and Order? Penguin Books, London

    Mark M. Leach
    Co-Coordinator. Department of Psychology, University of Louisville

    Leach, M 2006 Cultural Diversity and Suicide: Ethnic, religious, gender, and sexual Haworth series in clinical psychotherapy. New York: Haworth Press. xv and 258 pages

    Chapter 1. Introduction: How Does Culture Affect Suicide? A Brief History of Suicide. Definitions. Typical Risk Factors Associated with Suicide. Suicide Assessment. Why this Book? Additional Terms.
    Chapter 2. European Americans: Data. Gender. Age. Religion: Christianity, Judaism, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Issues: Unique Factors for Counselors, Religious Views of GLBTs. Suicide Prevention. Crisis Intervention and Culture. Traditional Counseling & Psychotherapy Approaches. Summary.
    Chapter 3. African Americans: Methodological Issues. Data & Gender. Age. Strains. GLBT Issues. Cultural Buffers. Suicide prevention and intervention.
    Chapter 4. Asian Americans: Introduction. Rates. Age & Gender. Religion & Spirituality (Buddhism, Hinduism & Suicide). Specific Groups (Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Vietnamese Americans, Filipino Americans, Korean Americans, Cambodian Americans, Hmong Americans), GLBT Issues, Buddhist & Hindu Views of Death & Dying, Prevention & Intervention, Summary.
    Chapter 5. Hispanic Americans: Demographics. Rates & Gender. Acculturation. Age. Cultural Buffers. Religion & Spirituality. Curanderismo. Fatalismo. Social Support Systems. GLBT Issues. Prevention & Intervention. Summary.
    Chapter 6. Native Americans: Definitions. History. Rates. Why the High Rates? Gender. Tribal Affiliation and Culture. Methods & Concomitant Factors. Spirituality & Religion. Views of Death, Suicide, & the Afterlife. Death Rituals & Mourning. GLB (Two-Spirit) Issues. Suicide Prevention. Summary.

    Eleanor Burke Leacock (1922-1987)

    Leacock, E.B. 1972 Introduction to the 1972 International Publishers edition of Frederick Engels' essay on The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884)

    Nigel Leary

    Leary, N. 16.5.2006 Review: Mad Mary Lamb. Lunacy and Murder in Literary London, 2005, by Susan Tyler Hitchcock. Metapsychology Online Reviews 16.5.2006 http://metapsychology.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=book&id=3104

    John Lechte

    Lechte, J. 1994 Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Postmodernity Routledge Key Guides. London: Routledge, 1994. xi and 251 pages

    David J. Lee 1938-

    David J. Lee and Bryan S. Turner

    Lee, D.J. and Turner, B.S. 1996 Editors. Conflicts about Class: Debating inequality in late industrialism : a selection of readings London: Longman.
    Part one: Class in a post-Communist world
    Has class analysis a future? by Robert Holton
    Are social classes dying? by Terry Nicholls Clark and Seymour Martin Lipset
    The persistence of classes in post-industrial societies by Mike Hout, Clem Brooks and Jeff Manza