Bibliography and notes
1890 Lunacy Act: 53 Victoria c. 5 1890 Lunacy Act "An Act to consolidate
certain of the Enactments respecting Lunatics". Royal Assent 29.3.1890.
London . HMSO 172 pages. This was the main Act governing asylums in
England and Wales from 1890 to 1959.
Ackernecht, E. H. 1959 (2nd edition revised 1968) A Short History of
Psychiatry Translated by Dr Sula Wolff. Hafner, New York. First published
in German in 1957
Asylums Index 2001- Index of Lunatic Asylums and Mental Hospitals
AT/SC 27.6.1944 Letter from Arthur Tansley to Sydney C. Cockerell
concerning the sanity of the Mew sisters. Original in The Poetry
Collection, University of Buffalo, New York. Extract from Digital
collection of Betty Falkenberg
Barham, P. and Hayward, R. 1991 From the Mental Patient to the Person
London: Routledge
Bruce, L.C. 1895 "Observations on the effect of thyroid feeding in some
forms of insanity. By Lewis C. Bruce, M.D. Paper read on Thursday
8.11.1894 at a meeting of the Scottish Division of the Medico-Psychological
Association in Edinburgh. Journal of Mental Science January 1895 41: pp
50-71 and discussion pp 169-172 . The quotation is from page 172.
CM/EO 18.4.1902 Letter from Charlotte Mew to Ethel Oliver, postmarked
18.4.1902 from 26 rue de Turin. Original in The Poetry Collection,
University of Buffalo, New York. Typed copy Davidow, M.C. 1960 pp 282-285
CM/HO 9.2.1916 Letter from Charlotte Mew to Harold Monro, dated 9.2.1916
from 9 Gordon Street. Original in The Poetry Collection, University of
Buffalo, New York. Typed copy Davidow, M.C. 1960 pp 315-316
Cmnd 6922: Report of the Care of Children Committee Presented to Parliament
September 1946. London. HMSO
Davidow, M.C. 1960 Charlotte Mew: Biography and Criticism. Dissertation:
Brown University 1960
Davidow, M.C. 1978 "Charlotte Mew and the Shadow of Thomas Hardy" Bulletin
of Research in the Humanities 81 (1978): pages 437-447
Durkheim 1893 The Division of Labour in Society. English translation by
George Simpson 1933.
Falkenberg, B. November 2005 "Charlotte Mew in America" PN Review 166:
November - December 2005 pages 36-39. [I used a manuscript, provided by
Betty, which includes references]
Fitzgerald, P. 1988 Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. New York: Addison Wesley
Galton, F. 1901 "The possible improvement of the human breed under the
existing conditions of law and sentiment" Nature Available at
Goffman E. 1961 "The moral career of the mental patient" in Asylums.
Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates New
York: Doubleday Anchor, 1961.
HO4/E2 Case book (female - indexed) of admissions between 1898 - 1902.
Whitecroft County Hospital, Newport [Which was the Isle of Wight (County)
Lunatic Asylum (Later Mental Hospital) Sandy Lane Newport from 1896 to
1950. Isle of Wight Record Office.
HO4/E2 Insert. A loose sheet inside this volume which may be contemporary.
It is headed "Case Book (By order of the Commissioners in Lunacy)"
Hunter, R.A. and Macalpine, I. 1974 Psychiatry for the Poor. 1851 Colney
Hatch Asylum-Friern Hospital 1973. A medical and social history. Dawsons of
Pall Mall
Kuhn, T.S. 1962 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of
Kraepelin, E. 1883 Kompendium der Psychiatrie (later editions: Psychiatrie:
Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und Ärzte - Psychiatry: A Textbook for
Students and Doctors). Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926) established the orthodox
classification of psychiatric diseases based on clusters of symptoms
(syndromes) with alleged underlying physical causes. His major groups were
dementia praecox and manic-depressive psychosis.
LCC 1913 Annual Report of the Asylums Committee of London County Council
1913 reporting that of 40 Colney Hatch (later Friern) patients diagnosed as
suffering from General Paralysis of the Insane, 38 gave a positive reaction
to the Wasserman test for syphilis. Quoted Hunter and Macalpine p. 211.
Frederick Walker Mott (1853-1926) put forward the thesis in 1902: "no
syphilis, no general paralysis" (Lancet, 23.8.1902, p. 525).
Lewis, B. 2010 PowerPoint: "Narrative Psychiatry: How Stories Shape
Clinical Encounters" by Bradley Lewis, New York University Gallatin School
of Individualized Study.
Lewis, B. 2011 Narrative Psychiatry: How stories can shape clinical
practice Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Martineau, C.A. 1901, Voices of Nature: And Lessons From Science
London (Exeter Hall). Sunday School Association.
Mew, C. 1894 "Passed" The Yellow Book. An Illustrated Quarterly Bodley Head
1894-1897. Editor Henry Harland. Volume 2, July 1894
Mew, C. 13.11.1909 "Requiescat" The Nation 13.11.1909. Republished Mew, C.
1929 p.40
Mew, C. 1913 "Men and Trees", published in The Englishwoman in two parts,
February and March 1913
Mew, C. 1916 The Farmer's Bride, Poetry Bookshop, London. Individual poems
referred to are (a) "In Nunhead Cemetery" pp 15-17, (b) "Ken" pp 24-26,
(c) "On the Asylum Road" p.31, (d ) "Madeleine in Church" pp 34-40
Mew, C. 1921a The Farmer's Bride. New edition with eleven new poems London:
The Poetry bookshop. 59 pages.
Mew, C. 1921b Saturday Market New York, The Macmillan company. 59 pages
[250 sets of sheets of the Poetry Bookshop's The Farmer's Bride. New
edition were imported and bound with the title Saturday Market]
Mew, C. 1929 The Rambling Sailor London: The Poetry Bookshop.
Mew, C. 1953 Collected Poems of Charlotte Mew - With a Biographical Memoir
by Alida Monro. London: Duckworth.
Mew, C. 1981 Charlotte Mew: Collected Poems and Prose. Edited with an
Introduction by Val Warner. Manchester: Carcanet Press in association with
Monro, A. 1929 "Introductory Note" to Mew, C. 1929 The Rambling Sailor pp
7-8 [Initialled "A.K."]
Monro, A. 1953 "Charlotte Mew - A Memoir, by Alida Monro" in Mew, C. 1953
Collected Poems pp vii-xx
Oxford 1909: "Reprinted from the Morning Post of October 16th, 1909, by
kind permission of The Editor." Leaflet published by the Oxford branch of
the National Association for Promoting the Welfare of the Feeble-minded.
Text available at
Procter, B.W. 1866 Charles Lamb: A Memoir by Barry Cornwall [Procter's
pen-name], London: Edward Moxon & Co.
Roberts, Andrew and Falkenberg, Betty, 2005 - Charlotte Mew Chronology with
mental, historical and geographical connections linking with her own words.
Middlesex University resource available at
The text of most of Charlotte Mew's writing quoted will be found on this
Searle, G.R. 1976 Eugenics and Politics in Britain, 1900-1914 Series:
Science in history; 3. Leyden : Noordhoff International Publishing. v and
147 pages. Available at
Talfourd, T. N. 1848 Final Memorials of Charles Lamb; consisting chiefly
of his Letters not before published, with sketches of some of his
companions London: E. Moxon.
Untermeyer, L. 23.7.1921 Review of Charlotte Mew's Saturday Market in The
New York Evening Post. The article was expanded to become an introductory
essay to Charlotte Mew's poems in the 1925 edition of Modern British Poetry
Untermeyer, L. 1922 Modern American and British Poetry, edited by Louis
Untermeyer New York, Harcourt, Brace and company.
Untermeyer, L. 1925 Modern British Poetry: A critical anthology, edited by
Louis Untermeyer. Revised and enlarged. New York, Harcourt, Brace and
Company. [Contained an "expanded group of Mew's poems, with the extended
Untermeyer, L. 1936 Modern British Poetry, A critical anthology, edited by
Louis Untermeyer. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company. Fourth, revised,
Warner, V. 1975 "Mary Magdalene and the Bride. The Work of Charlotte Mew"
Poetry Nation volume 4. Available at
Warner, V. 1981 "Introduction" and "Bibliographical Note" in Mew, C. 1981
Charlotte Mew: Collected Poems and Prose. pages ix-xxiv
Warner, V. 1997/2003 "Introduction" and bibliographical material in Mew, C.
1987/2003 Charlotte Mew: Collected Poems and Selected Prose, Second
impression 2003, pages viii-xxv
WEBG/WM/52/1: Westminster Union Registers of patients maintained by the
Union in imbecile asylums 1885-1895 and 1896 - 1902. Metropolitan Archives
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