Taming Word
Microsoft Word does more than is convenient and it does it without asking.
You can control it, if you know how.
To disable that paperclip (the "office assistant"). Right click on
paperclip. Choose Options from the menu. Remove the tick from "use office
assistant" and click OK. You will now have no paperclip and can chose help
when you want from the menu.
To stop it spell checking as you type (and leaving coloured
From the Tools menu chose Options and remove ticks from "check... as you
To stop it putting
real hyperlinks into your documents whenever you type in
a web address. In the Tools menu, click on
autocorrect. In "Autoformat As You Type", remove the tick by "Internet and
network paths with hyperlinks". You can also remove the hyperlinks
individually by right clicking on the webaddress with the mouse, selecting
hyperlink and then selecting "remove hyperlink". This will not remove the
webaddress, just stop it acting as a hyperlink with a mind of its own that
overules yours!
To copy and paste into Word without bringing in formatting and/or
hyperlinks: Copy and paste into
Notepad first.
To remove all hyperlinks from a Word document use "Ctrl+A" to select
everything, then use the key combination "Ctrl+Shift+F9".
You want to indent your quotes. Click on the left margin of the
quote (but
not the first line) and press tab. If you do not want the quote indented as
much, you should alter the tab stops. To do this, select paragraph from the
Format menu. Now select tab. Alter the "default tab stops" figure.
You want your writing to have ragged edges on the right as with
normal typing. This makes it easier to read. It is called "left
Select the text you want left justified and click the Align Left button
on the right of bar near the top.
Recent versions have introduced "Personalized Menus". This means
that the menu only shows recently used items. To recover control: 1) On the
menu bar, click Tools > Customize > Options 2. SELECT the checkbox for
"Always show full menus" OR DE-SELECT "Menus always show recently used
commands first" [Or something similar]