History of Social Science, Madness and Crime - SOC3650 - Printable introduction

The information about this course is at

It is essential that you use the website and follow instructions given on it. This introduction is not a substitute for the website.

Module Coordinator: Andrew Roberts
Telephone 0208 986 5251
Email address: studymore@studymore.org.uk.
All submissions are made by email to this address, following the instructions on the web

Module requirements You are expected to be fully engaged in the module. This means attending lectures, group meetings and individual tutorials - Choosing your basic essay title, with advice from the tutor, within the first three weeks of the course - Starting work immediately on your first draft (including its bibliography and referencing) - Submitting a draft essay, for feedback, by the deadline - Including a draft self-assessment (using the Marking Guide) with your draft - Acting on the feedback - submitting your essay, with its self-assessment, for its first summative assessment by the deadline in the first semester - Taking part in the review of how your work should develop in the first three weeks of the second semester - Developing your essay and self-assessment in the direction decided on for feedback in the second semester - Bringing your essay and self-assessment to their final conclusion by the deadline in the second semester. Notifying the tutor of any unavoidable absences and making arrangements with the tutor for any necessary deviation from this list of requirements.

Constructing your essay title

Choose one theme from the list on the web. These include: Authority and Power, Authority in Childhood, Childhood, Community, Crime and Punishment, Deviance and Response, Prison as Punishment, History, Imagination, Madness, Madness and Crime, Knowledge and truth, Knowledge and Power Organism, Political Perspective, Positive Science, Prison, Science, Philosophy, Theology, Self and Body, Sex, Self, body, sex and society, Surveillance, Statistics, Symbols, Theatre, Total Institution.

Choose one, two or three theorists to explore, in relation to the theme, from the list attached to the theme. Theme and theorists must be discussed with Andrew Roberts and agreed by him. You will also agree the primary sources that you will use to investigate your question.

When you have constructed your basic question, and decided on your sources, you should work on that until it is developed in agreement with Andrew (at the review or otherwise). You will be expected to focus your work on the agreed question and sources.