Cats at Play
Read a kitten's diary--Click on-------->  Ashley's story
She is showing off her catliness
With one bound leaping into lap
Running up and down the corridor
Before settling down to take a nap
She is showing off her tabbiness
Never still; so very kittenish
Mischievously gnawing red carpet
Eating all that's left in the red dish
This is my cat,Ashley. She is one year old. Taken
in May, 2002. Above Left-- on the window sill, looking indoors. Above Right-- taken indoors. Left- waiting to be fed

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Below----- Cosy exploring outdoors.
Cosy keeps her tail in the air
Cosy is a cat who has flair
But on all chairs she leaves hair
And her claws will scratch and tear
Cosy likes to climb the trees
And pose for a photograph
I'm sure she wishes to please
And makes me laugh and laugh
Has Cosy got time on her pas?
She'll sleep away the hours when cold
But play outside when the snow thaws
And in the mud has rolled and rolled

Why doesn't Cosy wipe her muddy paws?
Whatever spots are on floor or carpet
In the house she will push open all doors
And with a good, tasty dish be met.

In the year 2000 Cosy died
Over her body I sighed
But her tenth life has begun
On this page she lives on